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Tahjah Blake
AS Film Studies Coursework - Screen test with notes
For my AS Film Studies project portfolio, following a textual analysis of two
teenage dramas; The Perks of being a wallflower (2012) and LOL (2012) I
have been able to develop my production planning. For both of these movies I
have explored how teenage protagonists are represented through the
microelements; mise-en-scene, editing, cinematography and sound.
Both of my chosen films The Perks of Being a Wallflower and LOL have a
number of scenes, which portrays stereotypical teenagers. Which is normally
shown to be mischievous, naughty, rebellious and argumentative towards
adults especially parents. I tried to represent my teenage protagonist from my
creative artefact to be this stereotypical naughty teenager similarly to the ones
in the films I wrote about in my textual analysis. There are many links between
my creative artefact and textual analysis such as the films protagonist are
teenagers and the location are similar and in some cases the same. Similarly
to the movies I explored in my textual analysis, my teenage protagonist
character is shown to be facing issues, such as her relationship with her
Character profile:
Name: Chelsea
Age: 17
Occupation: at college
The character of Chelsea is very confident and witty, she uses her facial
expressions to emphasize the cheekiness of her personality so the actor
that plays her needs to be able to use her facial expressions in a very
mischievous manner. The character of Chelsea needs to be able to express
what she is thinking through her smirk or cheeky grin; facial expressions and
body language are very important for her character as she uses them to
express herself. For the character of Chelsea, I think it was important that she
was dressed nice but casual; she needs to either be black or of mixed race.
She needs to be confident and be able to do a range of facial expressions that
portray how she feels and can express her emotions. The protagonist
Chelsea is the opposite of shy, not afraid to stand her ground or call people up
when she feels they are being unfair. She likes to get her way and if she
doesnt, she doesnt let it go quietly. I need the actor to be able to be this, not
through dialogue but through things such as mise-en-scene e.g. body
To summarise, for the character of Chelsea the main things I am looking for
from the actor are:
- How confident they are
- If they can express a mischievous look through facial expressions
- How well they can act as if they are frustrated
- How well they can project their voice whilst having a rude tone with
their voice

Tahjah Blake
I decided to produce a practise monologue for the screen test that would give
me a good idea of how my auditioning actors would be in the role and how
well they perform my teenage protagonist character.
The following extract was chosen from my script to be used as the practise
monologue, these are the key lines and so we are looking for someone who
can articulate these lines while having good facial expressions and a good
tone of voice.
Practise monologue:
Youre not even giving me a real reason for why I
cant go out tonight mum
CHELSEA walks angrily out of the room, turning back
before she opens the door to give her mother a rude look
Notes on the actors:
Actor: Kishma Jimmie
Age: 16
Height: 55
Features: brown eyes, black hair
Kishma said these lines using a good tone, she wasnt shouting but she
wasnt too quiet either she spoke them very well. Kishmas facial expressions
were not to the quality I would have liked, she lacked rude gestures-face is
too innocent. Shy with facial expressions, had low energy and not cheeky
Actor: Snita Verwayne
Age: 16
Height: 54
Features: black straight hair, brown eyes, short
Snita had good energy and was able to do a range of facial expressions how I
had hoped the character of Chelsea would be able to demonstrate. Her
performance doing the practise monologue was good. She wasnt able to
deliver her lines in a range of ways and her tone wasnt fantastic but her
gestures and facial expressions were great.
Actor: Jade Lyder
Age: 16
Height: 56

Tahjah Blake
Features: tall, brown eyes, black curly afro hair
Jade when she first started saying the lines she was embarrassed and
nervous and she was trembling, as she got more use to the character she
began to perform more confidently, but still in a bit of a shell. I felt as though
she had more to offer but was too shy and timid to let herself become the
character of Chelsea. She struggled making the tone of her voice to be
cheeky and rude but did deliver the shouting lines fine.
Actor: Rhenea Blake
Age: 22
Height: 58
Features: golden blonde hair,
Rhenea had great facial expressions; she was able to do the facial
expressions how I imagined and hope the character of Chelsea would.
Furthermore, she had things from the script that matched her appearance.
She said the lines very good but more importantly for her character kept the
facial expressions and body language strong throughout her performance.
Her gestures, tone and expressions worked well and I thought her
performance of Chelsea was spot on. This is why I chose to feature Rhenea
Blake as the character Chelsea.
Actor: Yvonne Stanley
Age: 45
Height: 55
Features: red dread locks, glasses
Yvonne had good facial expressions, gestures and body language. She fits
the role of the mother and had good dialogue and a very stern tone. I feel is
the best candidate suitable for the role of the mother in my key frames.


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