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Nuclear family vs joint family

Marriage and responsibilities

Love, sex and myself
Gender sensitivity
Human rights violation
self esteem: Growth and Decline

Marriage and responsibilities

if you are planning to get married, it may be to your advantage to

consider not only the benefits of marriage but also the legal obligations.
In every state across America, marriage is a legal contract that brings
additional rights and responsibilities for both spouses. Some laws
concerning marriage are the same in all states, while others vary from
one jurisdiction to another. Certain rights and responsibilities of a
married person may continue even after the marriage is ended by
divorce or death.
Certain Rights and Responsibilities Are Unique to Marriage

For the most part, marriage law is left to the states - although certain
issues such as immigration of a spouse are governed by federal
statutes. State laws often refer to marital obligations in very general
terms, such as the duty of each spouse to care for, support and protect
the other.
Although these terms may seem vague, they have been clarified by
courts in written precedents over the years. In Ohio, for instance,
couples enjoy the "right of consortium," which includes a right to sexual
relations, love, and solace. Marital rights can be legally enforced. While
adultery is not a criminal offense in most states, for example, an
unfaithful spouse might end up on the short end of a property settlement
in divorce court as a consequence of his or her infidelity.
Marriage Can Affect Your Property Rights

No state treats the property you acquire during marriage as your sole
property, even if your name is the only one on the title. In community
property states such as California, both spouses enjoy equal rights to
property acquired during the marriage.
In non-community property states such as Ohio, it is a bit easier for an
individual spouse to own property. Certain exceptions also apply. In
every state, property inherited by one spouse is typically treated as
individual property. Marital property may be divided at divorce or
inherited by a surviving spouse
Spouses Are Responsible for Their Children

Spouses are jointly responsible for the care and support of their children
- an obligation that continues until the children reach age 18. Some
states continue the parents' support obligation for unmarried children
who are under 21 years of age and are not employed. If a child is
disabled, the parents may have a lifelong obligation. Each spouse's legal
responsibility to support the children of the marriage continues even after
A Prenuptial Agreement Can Affect Some Rights and Responsibilities

A prenuptial agreement is a binding contract negotiated before your

wedding that defines the terms of the relationship between you and your
soon-to-be spouse - particularly the financial elements. Most states allow
married persons to agree that all property acquired by one spouse
during the marriage belongs only to that individual.
Some states add special requirements. For example, each of you might
be required to seek the advice of a separate lawyer before a prenuptial
agreement is signed. Some obligations cannot be changed no matter
what is written in a prenuptial agreement, such as the legal requirement
that you both must support the children of your marriage.
A Family Law Lawyer Can Help

The law surrounding marital rights and responsibilities is complicated.

Plus, the facts of each case are unique. This article provides a brief,

general introduction to the topic. For more detailed, specific information,

please contact a family law lawyer.

Gender sensitivity
Gender sensitivity is the act of being aware of the ways people think about gender, so that
individuals rely less on assumptions about traditional and outdated views on the roles of men and
women. In language and the humanities, this is often expressed through peoples language choice.
People can choose more inclusive language that doesnt define gender, and many new words that
are gender neutral have entered languages like English to substitute for more gender specific terms.
For centuries, many words referring to all people were specifically masculine. Terms like man, and
mankind, which are used to describe all human beings, exclude females. While some people argue
that such terms do include women, its been argued that these words have a belittling effect on
women. True gender sensitivity, it is said, moves past these terms to include all and exclude none.
It is further contended by experts that the use of such terms is by no means innocent, and they have
a negative cultural effect felt beyond the words. By making women either absent or non-apparent in
terms like mankind, they become worth less and society will see them as possessing less value.
This societal view in extreme forms is of detriment and corresponds to discriminationand even,
arguably, things like greater violence against women.

In language and the humanities, this argument is accepted and a number of substitute words like
humankind, express the gender sensitivity of the present. In the late 1980s, when Star Trek: The
Next Generation began to air, a noted and more gender sensitive substitution differed from the
original series. The opening narration changed so that where no man has gone before, become
where no one has gone before, with a great deal of emphasis on the word one.
Some feminists suggest changing basic words with a masculine element to those with a specifically
feminine element. Terms like herstory have been proposed for history. This substitution merely
transfers the power from masculine to feminine, however, disregarding the male gender. A common
compromise is to use gender-neutral terms so that males and females are both included.
Such terms can be obvious, like firefighter and police officer, in place of fireman or
policeman.Pronouns are often considered carefully, too, and writers may take several tactics to
remain gender neutral. They may oscillate back and forth between male and female pronouns, use
plural pronouns that lack gender bias, or they use terms like one. Being gender sensitive
with pronounchoice often takes work.

At the core of gender sensitivity in language is the goal of stripping away assumptions about limits of
gender, and this benefits men and women. A stay at home parent isnt automatically a mom, but can
be a dad too. Such sensitivity from a language basis offers more choice and gives people the
opportunity to view each other as individuals with different capacities, shedding assumptions about
the traditional roles men and women may fill.

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