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Management Skill Development

Day 1 (21/7/14)
Definition Of Management - Management is a dynamic process of
planning, organizing, controlling, directing etc.etc. The various
activities and utilizing the resources (6Ms) effectively so as to achieve
pre-determined objectives and goals within a stipulated period of time
(which is always time bound).The best example of a management
process is a human body, different organs such as heart, lungs, kidney,
liver have different types of functions but with a common objective of
providing us with a proper life.
Buffer System- Neutralizing in the system where its optimum level is
defined, below which or above which there will be imbalance
Threshold Definition (1) It is increased due to stress . Thoughts are
increased and energy level also increases. A kind of pressure is created
which should be also with the employees of the manager otherwise he
would not be able to withstand the pressure alone.
Threshold- Definition (2) Boundary beyond which a radically
different state of affairs exist. i.e optimal level of state.

Important Points To Remember

Non living things also communicate & there is transfer of energies ,
even an atom communicates by sharing electrons etc.
Management is a dynamic process and it keeps on changing. It cannot
be stationary if it becomes static then it cannot deliver its objectives
on its own.

Management as a process Sequence of events taking place

simultaneously to achieve certain objectives & it should be flexible

Management is functionally independent Functions like

planning, organizing, controlling etc. are independent functions. But
management is directly dependent as far as objectives are considered. All
the independent functions of management works for the achievement of
common objectives.
Zeeshan Ahmed

M.B.A 1st SEM (Section-B)

Roll No.-30

Day 2 (22/7/14)
As management process is prevalent in nature and it includes working
continuously towards a common objective it requires a link to be built up
among different persons because it is very rare that perceptions or ideas of
any two individuals could be ever same. As retinal mapping of two persons
are never same, the blood construction of two people are never same,
similarly the perception of two individuals can never be same.
Communication among the individuals working for a common objective is
very necessary so that the organization can adapt itself towards the
changing internal and external environment of the business. Without
communication the adaptability decreases, similarly the dinosaurs who got
extinct as they could not adapt to the changes in the external environment.

Planning (From where we are to where we want to go) in a particular

period of time or it is also be called as success in shortest possible time.
It is also an intellectually demanding process which determines the future
course of action. It determines what, when, how & to whom is to be done. It
takes into account the event from the past.
Manager should understand the internal and external environment and
share that information or knowledge and implement that knowledge
whenever required in an appropriate manner.

Management as Multidisciplinary All subjects are included in it

like accounts, statistics, English etc. It has multiple objective.
Effectiveness is basically input output ratio.

Zeeshan Ahmed

M.B.A 1st SEM (Section-B)

Roll No.-30

Management as Dynamic Process- It is sequential capable of

changing or being changes in a state of flux, not static like high
effectiveness, energy or force.

Importance & Nature of Business Communication

Gestures A movement of the part of body especially a hand or the

head to express an idea or meaning.
Buffer A solution which resist charge in PH value when acid or alkali
is added to it i.e to moderate the impact of something. Example If we
eat four plates of chat than we will feel acidic or when we drink 4
bottles of soft drink we will fell alkaline. So the body will balance the PH
value of the body it will provide us a cushion which is called buffer.
Objectives A specific result that a firm or system aims to achieve
within a time frame with available resources. i.e Time bound.
Goal An observable and measurable end results having one or more
objectives to be achieved within more or less fixed time frame . I.e
Flexibility is available.
Concrete- Representing an actual substance or thing as supposed to
its abstract quality.

Zeeshan Ahmed

M.B.A 1st SEM (Section-B)

Roll No.-30

Day 3 (23/7/14)
Every management process start from a proper plan. A plan is the shortest
distance from one point to another. Just as a straight line, The beauty of a
straight line is that it is the smallest distance between one point to another.
Planning involves setting up of objectives for which the management need
to be done. Without a proper plan no process can never be started. Just like
a dot is a part of any sentence, letter or word. Just as many dots come
together to form a letter than a word etc.

Pre determination comes from experience.

What to do?
Why to do?
Where to do?
When to do?


Management is an ever changing process.

Success- It is a process of taking a positive decision in possible
shortest span of time.

Zeeshan Ahmed

M.B.A 1st SEM (Section-B)

Roll No.-30

Day 4 (28/7/14)
Organizing has come from a word which is organ, Organs are the working
parts of our body, which has different purpose of their own, heart has a
function to purify blood, eyes have a function to see, etc. Although all the
parts have different functions but their objective collectively is to provide a
healthy life to us. The best example of a proper organization is a pyramid as
the pyramid is the most stable structure in the world, It can take up the
earthquakes really well, Similarly an organization structure is such that it
can be stable enough throughout the business operation. Another beauty of
the structure of a pyramid is that it is so narrows at the top only a single
person can occupy the top position and as we come down the structure
broadens and can provide a strong base to the whole organization.

Organization- It is like a group of identical parts of human body

collectively functioning together to attain a common objective .All
organization is like a pyramid shape.

Top Management
Middle Management
Lower Management

Pyramid is that structure where center of gravity is more stable.

Zeeshan Ahmed

M.B.A 1st SEM (Section-B)

Roll No.-30

We have achieved objectives to very competitive environment in very

short time.
Management is a subject and organization is the part of management
Management is something which is prevalent in nature and every unit
has unique role of playing.
Static has no objective

Day 5 (30/7/14)
Organization - When two or more persons work together to achieve
common objectives.
Academics It is an Integration of multidisciplinary subjects.
Direction Applying all positives energies to achieve certain
Controlling Evaluation & comparison between what we have
achieved and what we should be achieved & all the corrective
measures that should be taken.

Communication It is a process where, by speech, signs or action

transmits information from one person to another.
It involves transmitting information from one party to another.
A successful communication is when the sender and receivers must
have some signs, words or signals in common with each other so the
sent message can be understood.
It is a two way interaction between two parties to transmit information
and mutual understanding between themselves

Zeeshan Ahmed

M.B.A 1st SEM (Section-B)

Roll No.-30

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