Apple Inc

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Apple Inc.

is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California,

that designs, develops, and sellsconsumer electronics, computer software, online services,
and personal computers. Its best-known hardware products are theMac line of computers,
the iPod media player, the iPhone smartphone, and the iPad tablet computer. Its online
services include iCloud, the iTunes Store, and the App Store. Apple's consumer software
includes the OS X and iOS operating systems, the iTunes media browser, the Safari web
browser, and the iLife and iWork creativity and productivity suites.
Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976, to
develop and sell personal computers. It was incorporated as Apple Computer, Inc. on
January 3, 1977, and was renamed as Apple Inc. on January 9, 2007, to reflect its shifted
focus towards consumer electronics.
Apple is the world's second-largest information technology company by revenue
after Samsung Electronics, and the world's third-largest mobile phone maker. On November
25, 2014, in addition to being the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market
capitalization, Apple became the first U.S. company to be valued at over $700 billion. [4] In
March 2015, Apple was announced to be added to the Dow Jones Industrial Average. As of
2014, Apple employs 72,800 permanent full-time employees, maintains 437 retail stores in
fifteen countries,[5] and operates the online Apple Store and iTunes Store, the latter of which
is the world's largest music retailer.
Apple's worldwide annual revenue in 2014 totaled US$182 billion (FY end October 2014[6]).
Apple enjoys a high level of brand loyalty and, according to the 2014 edition of
the Interbrand Best Global Brands report, is the world's most valuable brand with a valuation
of $118.9 billion.[7] By the end of 2014, the corporation continued to manage
significant criticism regarding the labor practices of its contractors, as well as for its
environmental and business practices, including the origins of source materials.

Apple Inc. este o corporaie multinaional american cu sediul in Cupertino, California,

care proiecteaza, dezvolta, si comercializeaza produse electronice de consum, software de
calculator, servicii on-line, i calculatoare personale. Produsele sale hardware mai
cunoscute sunt linia Mac de calculatoare, mass-media player-ul iPod, smartphone-ul
iPhone, iar tableta iPad calculator. Serviciile sale online includ icloud, iTunes Store, iar
App Store. Software-ul Apple a consumatorilor include sistemele OS X i iOS de
operare, browser-ul mass-media iTunes, browser-ul web Safari, i suitele iLife i iWork
creativitate i productivitate.
Apple a fost fondat de Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, i Ronald Wayne la 1 aprilie 1976, s
dezvolte i s vnd computere personale. Acesta a fost reinut, Apple Computer, Inc. la

03 ianuarie 1977, i a fost redenumit ca Apple Inc. pe 09 ianuarie 2007, pentru a reflecta
accentul sa mutat spre electronice de consum.
Apple este din lume doilea cel mai mare companie de tehnologie a informaiei de venituri
dup Samsung Electronics, al treilea i cel mai mare productor mondial de telefoane
mobile. La 25 noiembrie 2014, n afar de a fi cea mai mare corporaie cotat la burs din
lume dup capitalizarea de pia, Apple a devenit prima companie din SUA care urmeaz
s fie evaluate la peste 700 de miliarde de dolari. [4] n martie 2015, Apple a fost anunat
s fie adugate la Industrial Average Dow Jones. Ca de 2014, Apple a are 72800 de
angajai permaneni cu norm ntreag, susine 437 de magazine n cincisprezece ri, [5],
i opereaz online Apple Store i iTunes Store, din care acesta din urm este cel mai mare
retailer de muzica din lume.
La nivel mondial venituri anuale de Apple n 2014 au totalizat 182 miliarde dolari (final
FY octombrie 2014 [6]). Apple a se bucura de un nivel ridicat de loialitate de brand i, n
conformitate cu 2014 ediie a raportului Interbrand Best Global Brands, este cel mai
valoros brand din lume, cu o evaluare de 118.9 miliarde dolari. [7] Pn la sfritul anului
2014, compania a continuat s gestioneze critici semnificative n ceea ce privete
practicile de munc ale contractorilor si, precum i pentru practicile sale de mediu i de
afaceri, inclusiv originile materii prime.

My name is Dan and i'm 40 years old . Im Aries and for now i'm
in searching of a new job.My hobbyes are the fishing in my free
time with my friends , the sport and the music.I consider myself an
active person.Im optimistic by nature , sociable , serious when it is
need and I can immediately become a person with the sense of
humor and I have a very well developed calm.

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