Tyranny Speech

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Haley Dowell

Ms. Gardner
English 10H Period 4
30 October 2014
The Tyranny of Terrorism

To my fellow Americans, to my fellow friends and foes alike (direct address), I must
inform you that the very ground you are standing upon is in jeopardy. Your way of life, your way
of thinking, your way of believing are being held at gunpoint by tyrants of a new age and a new
agenda (metaphor).
Weapons of torture, power and utter annihilation are at their fingertips. They are
governed by no one but desensitized radicals that crave for a future of prosperous poverty
(alliteration), and a future of paranoia. Peace and freedom of the whole world are threatened by
Towers have crumbled (allusion), people from every walk of life have been slaughtered,
the sanctity and security of your lives has already been tested by terrorism for the past two
decades. I will not stand for that to happen again, and if you ask me there was not enough action
taken to prevent this tyranny from spreading. You may ask, at what cost will they finally cease
their operations of terror and tyranny? Will another war need to happen? Will another atom bomb
need to be dropped(rhetorical question)? My answer to your doubts is, no (short sentence). We
will discard our differences, we will realize that the barriers separating us mean nothing, we will
become a fortified, dignified, unified country with all means necessary to deteriorate and
dismember the foundation of terror for good (imperative sentence). You are entitled to your
opinion; however, we must come to realize that terrorists are a righteous and relentless enemy

who will stop at nothing to destroy what we have worked for, what we cherish, and what we
have built up.
The media misleads the public by telling us not to fear terrorists, saying that they are just
illiterate cavemen that get inspiration from internet videos. If that is all they are then I get why
people will ask What is to fear? But when bodies line the streets in the Middle East; when
small children are crying because of a gunshot wound to the shoulder and their parents are trying
desperately to help them but dont have the slightest clue how to; when girls are being kidnapped
from the comfort of their homes and forced to do unspeakable things; when good citizens of a
free country curse and punch the air and ask God why their loved one had to perish in such a
pointless, and hideous war; when mothers have to visit the grave of their own child and realize
they shouldnt have allowed them to fight for their country; when a whole nation celebrates the
demise of a man who murdered close to 3,000 innocent people in one fail swoop--then people
will understand why terrorists are to be feared.
Groups from all over the world flourish and build on the fear and terror of others.
Countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia have suffered the same life altering blows
terrorists have dealt. July 2012, a terrorist attack occurred in Burgas, Bulgaria killing 5 Israelis
and 1 Bulgarian citizen. The culprits were the Hezbollah terrorist group which is associated with
the Jihad. 52 casualties were counted in Turkey in the May 2013 bombing in the city of Reyhanli
( www.state.gov ). Volgograd, Russia, an attack on a city bus in October and attacks occurring in
December 2013 left 41 people dead. Terrorist groups like the Taliban, al-Qaeda, al-Nusrah Front,
the Islamic state of Iraq, and ISIS are responsible for these horrific acts against humanity.
Let them keep their compounds, let them cower in their caves, let them plan destruction,
but do not let them abolish the establishment of freedom (parallel structure). They must weather

the power of the U.S. before they have a sliver of a chance to eradicate something that was
created and nurtured long before our time. No one tells us what to do, no one tells us who we
should be, and no one tells us who we are. Your free will tramps their use of violence and fear
September 11, 2001 was the day America lost the security of air travel, the day tyrants
bombed the Boston marathon America lost security in everyday life( www.history.com ). You
should not look over your shoulder every moment of your life, because that is not living. Living
is experiencing the diversity of a thriving culture, living is feeling the breeze dance around your
fingers, living is helping others who need it but dont expect it, living is realizing that theres
nothing better than being alive. From baby to child, from child to teenager, from teenager to
adult we dont realize life is good till it is gone (antithesis). In order to start living we must
eliminate terrorism, we must afflict them with so many problems they will not be able to find a
solution, we must prevail over their blaspheming ways and show them that we are beyond a
worthy and formidable enemy. We will dawn a new age of prosperity, we will dawn a new
agenda of freedom (chiasmus).

Works Cited
"Foreign Terrorist Organizations." U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State,
n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.
"9/11 Attacks." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2014.

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