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The Theology of Lent
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
urgy of the First Sunday of may all go to “Sunday
Lent, this year on February School.” Children will go to Church Events
21. their normal classes and February
there will be four places
The “call” reminds us that where adults will meet. In VESTRY RETREAT
we are asked to study and 5-6
the adult sessions (as well
meditate as a means of as in the youth sessions) the
further connecting with 7 SUPER BOWL PARTY
focus of study will be the
One of my favorite por- God and thereby making lessons scheduled for the
tions of the Prayer Book is Easter that much more next week. 14 MARDI GRAS
the “Call to a Holy Lent.” It meaningful. Each year,
is found in the Ash there are special Lenten In examining these lessons,
programs that we use to we will hope for increased 16 SHROVE TUESDAY
Wednesday Liturgy and
clearly and succinctly re- help us in this task. Often insight and spiritual revela-
minds me what the season they are on Wednesday tion at the service cele- 17 ASH WEDNESDAY
of Lent is about and how evening. This year we have brated the next week. LENTEN SERIES BEGINS
we are called to live it. It is one scheduled for Sunday Normal coffee hour re-
found on Page 264. mornings. For four Sunday freshment will be found in
mornings in Lent (Feb 28 – the various classrooms and
Because it speaks to me, I March 21), we will have we expect to be com- 21 HEALING EUCHARIST
often wish to share it with family Eucharist where pleted by our normal ser-
you. Unfortunately not eve- everyone will come directly vice/coffee hour time of
ryone attends the Ash to the 10 a.m. service, chil- 11:40 a.m. Please attend
Wednesday Eucharist and dren and adults together, the sessions. The discourse
hence does not have the as we normally do on the of the conversation will
occasion to hear the call. first Sundays of the month. bring us closer together.
Therefore I often incorpo- We will shorten the service Consider yourself “Called
rate the “Call” into the lit- so that when it is over we to a Holy Lent.”

Dio Gratias
By Richard Sauerzopf, Priest Assistant
When we are ordained, whether it is to the deaconate, to the priesthood or to the episcopacy, we believe that at a fun-
damental level, we are ordained in and for the entire Church. And yet, we cannot help but to be ordained in some par-
ticular place, and among certain people, at a given time.
(Continued on page 12)
Lenten Series
An Invitation to Observe a Holy Lent
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
At the Ash Wednesday service on February 17, Father by the elevator. Lunch will be provided by A Catered Af-
Weller will invite us “to the observance of a holy Lent.” He faire for $4.50 per person.
will then state several specific ways in which we can be
more intentional in observing the special nature of this And third, St. Paul’s will offer a lectionary-based Bible
season, including self-examination, prayer, self-denial, Study for adults on four of the Sundays in Lent. In response
and reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. This to busy schedules and full evenings, this Bible study will
year, St. Paul’s is offering several ways to observe these take place right after church. The Youth Education Commit-
tee has agreed to offer the Youth education classes after
church as well. Thus, all the youth will be in church for the
First, St. Paul’s is offering a “Quiet Morning,” led by Carol entire service and then go to their classes. While the youth
Ingells, on Saturday, February 20. (The nature of this are meeting, adults will be offered the opportunity for
morning is described by Carol in another article in this is- their own Bible study. The adults will meet in the Merrifield
sue of St. Paul’s News.) Room for a brief introduction to the lessons they will be
studying, and then break into small groups (with coffee
Second, there will be the traditional book reviews, held on and snacks available) to be led by several parishioners.
the first five Mondays of Lent, February 22 through March The classes will last no longer than noon.
22. The reviewers will be Charles Millar, Gordon Weller,
Chris Couch, Nancy Lange, and Dorothy Marsh. The re- Entitled “What Would You Preach On?” the intention is to
viewers and their books will be listed in the bulletin each study the lessons for the following week’s service and
Sunday. share how we can incorporate these ideas into our day-to-
day lives. The groups will then come together near the end
The schedule for these Lenten Lunch-n-Book Reviews is: of the time to share their insights. The schedule will include
Worship from 10-11 a.m. and then classes for 45 minutes,
 11:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
beginning right after church. The staff has made a commit-
 12 noon Lunch
ment to seeing that worship lasts no longer than an hour,
 12:30-1 p.m. Book Review
which should enable all activities to be finished no later
If you plan to eat lunch with us, please sign up on the sheet than noon. Please join us!

B&PW New Nursery

Attendants Vestry Retreat
By Nancy Rudd, President
By The Very Rev. Dr. By The Very Rev. Dr.
Our February meeting of the Gordon F. Weller
B&PW Guild is Tuesday, Febru- Gordon F. Weller
ary 9, at 6 p.m. in the Hill This year’s Vestry Retreat will
St. Paul’s has two new nursery be held February 5-6 at the
Room. I will give a program on
attendants on Sunday mornings. Weber Center in Adrian, Michi-
my three week trip to Fiji, New
Laura McCarron and Amanda gan. The purpose is to acquaint
Zealand and Australia. Hodges both from Kappa Al- the new Vestry with one another
Please call Debby Pierce for a pha Theta sorority. and to look at where we might
reservation. Dinner is $8 and go in 2010-11. If you have
They replace our own Stepha-
yearly dues are $7.50. We are dreams for St. Paul’s, please
nie Earley who tended our chil-
looking for new members, so consider sharing them with a
dren in the fall. Stop by and
please consider coming to a member of the Vestry so that
meet and greet Laurie in the
meeting and giving us a. Join us they might be discussed at the
for an evening of delicious food nursery.
and great companionship.

Page 2
Shrove Tuesday
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
February 17, 2010
Once again Shrove Tuesday will be marked by a supper
of pancakes and sausage. Traditionally this day is widely 7 a.m. – Chapel
associated with the eating of rich foods made with eggs, Noon – Chapel
sugar and butter, such as pancakes because making such 7 p.m. – Church
foods used up ingredients such as sugar, fat and eggs, Ashes will be available
whose consumption was traditionally restricted during the at all services
fasting associated with Lent. The meal will begin at 6 p.m.,
February 16, and will include the traditional burning of
last year’s palms by the children. Sign the guest list outside
the Merrifield room or call the Church office to make res-
ervations. Please bring you palm fronds or crosses from
2009 to the first two Sundays in February.

Super Bowl Party

Mardi Gras
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
Kick off for the 2010 Super Bowl is 6:28 p.m., Sunday,
February 7. In past years, many have said that we Mardi Gras in all Christian cultures is a celebration of the
should have a Super Bowl party. Well, here it is. Be- end of Epiphany. It provides the contrast that makes
ginning at 5:30 p.m. on February 7, let the festivities Shrove Tuesday meaningful. This year, St. Paul’s will have
begin! We will meet in the Merrifield Room. St. Paul’s both a Mardi Gras celebration as well as a Shrove Tues-
will provide plates, napkins, popcorn and hot dogs. day pancake supper.
Please bring your favorite beverage (non-alcoholic The Mardi Gras celebration will be on Sunday, February
please) and something (appetizers, a dessert, etc.) to 14 at 6 p.m. It will begin with a dinner of southern/New
pass. Games (card or board) will be played. Tables Orleans food and some special music. After eating sump-
for both youth and adults will be available. If the tuously and being musically entertained, the Eucharist will
game runs long, please feel free to leave at a time be celebrated in the Church with a festive flare. Sign up
that meets your schedule. Have one of those bean bag on the guest list outside the Merrifield Room or by calling
chairs or a lounge chair hanging around? Bring it
the Church office.
along. Questions, contact Fr. Weller or one of the

Healing Eucharist on the First Sunday of Lent

By The Rev. Deacon William Fineout
As we begin this new holy season, worshipers at St. Paul’s will have the opportunity to participate in a healing Eucharist,
February 21, 2010. We will offer two healing prayer stations after communion on either side of the sanctuary, one in the
chapel and one in the back hallway.
You may want healing prayer for reasons such as trauma, illness, grief, resentment, anger, or weakness of faith or spirit
for yourself and for others. Remember the blind beggar, Bartimaeus son of Timaeus, by the roadside. “When he heard
that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout out and say, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Many sternly or-
dered him to be quiet, but he cried out even more loudly, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Jesus stood still and said,
‘Call him here.’ And they called the blind man, saying to him, ‘Take heart; get up, he is calling you.’ So throwing off his
cloak, he sprang up and came to Jesus. Then Jesus said to him, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ The blind man said
to him, ‘My teacher, let me see again.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Go; your faith has made you well.’ ”
We never know how Jesus may offer us healing. But we do need to pray and ask. Join us for healing prayer.

Page 3
The 4 F’s Group Continues their Programs for 2009-2010
By Nancy Sheldon

The group usually meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each Feb 22—The Lenten Book Reviews begin and are held
month. (Exceptions noted *due to Town Hall conflict) every Monday from12 to1:00 p.m. There will be a Eucha-
rist service in the chapel at 11:30 a.m.
 12 noon Eucharist, 12:30 p.m. Lunch ($4)
 1 p.m. Bible Study (Steve Lange) 1:15-2 p.m. Program April 19—Turkish friends of Carol Ingells will share their
Anyone is invited who has time in the middle of the day! customs and religion with us (more details to follow closer
to the date).
This year, we are continuing the study of the psalms for
our Bible Study. Please sign up outside of the Merrifield May 3—We’ll visit the Butterfly House & the beautiful Chil-
Room or call the church office to make a reservation or dren’s Garden at MSU and take a box lunch from A Ca-
request a ride. tered Affair with us.
Feb 8—We continue our study of various religions when May 17—This will be our end of the year picnic, annual
we learn about the Society of Friends, the Quaker Red book share, and next year’s planning time at Nancy Shel-
Cedar Friends in East Lansing. One of the topics they’ll don’s.
share with us is how they deal with conflict and change.

Lenten Quiet
St. Aelred’s Guild Morning We’re Praying for
By Nancy Sheldon SATURDAY, February 20, 2010 You, Maureen
St. Aelred’s Guild offers spiritual One way to begin Lent is to spend and Stephanie
friendship to members of our con- some time in silence and solitude.
This can be especially meaningful By Christine Caswell,
gregation in time of need through
notes, visitation, prayer list man- if done with others. On Saturday SPN Editor
agement, Eucharistic visits, celebra- morning, February 20, Carol
Ingells will facilitate such a time. I know there is already a prayer
tion of births and marriages as well
We’ll meet in the VanAtta Room at list in this newsletter, and I cer-
as phone calls to shut-ins. St. Paul’s
9:30 a.m. for some physical and tainly do not mean to diminish the
would like to know when one of our
spiritual nourishment and then prayers requested for the others
parishioners is in the hospital, is un-
spend significant time alone. Just on that list (including my own
able to come to church, has been
before noon, we’ll re-gather for mother), but I feel compelled to let
moved to a special care facility or
brief sharing and prayer. The Maureen Nauss, Cherub Choir
just might appreciate a card or visit
theme for the morning will be, O director and life member of St.
to let them know we are thinking
TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS Paul’s, and Stephanie VanKoever-
about them and praying for them.
GOOD. ing, Vestry Member, Guild and
Please pick up a form for this spe-
Committee member and communi-
cial ministry at the Welcome Table Pre-registration is not necessary. cations whiz extraordinaire, know
after church or call Kathleen in the Just come. that we have appreciated all of
office at 482-9454. All parishion-
their contributions so far, look for-
ers are welcome to join us in this
ward to those yet to come, and
Ministry the Third Wednesday of
are praying for them and their
each month from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
extended families during this diffi-
in the VanAtta Room.
cult time. God bless you both.

Page 4
Financial Information as of December 31, 2009
By Julie Young

Pledge income in December was $33,909, bringing the year to date total pledge income to $302,970, which was 97%
of the budget. We ended up slightly behind the yearly projection for pledge revenue collection.
Operations for December had a net income of $10,525, bringing the total loss for the year down to $149,144. Much of
this loss can be attributed to building maintenance and improvement projects, such as roof repair, sidewalk repair and
updating the speaker system—items that were not anticipated when the 2009 budget was submitted and approved.
Funds designated for this purpose have been used to pay for these repairs and improvements.
There were no transfers into the operating account from the investment account in December to cover operating expenses.
I will be presenting more financial information pertaining to 2009 in greater detail at the annual meeting at the end of
January. We will also be presenting the proposed 2010 budget for adoption. I would urge all of you to come and ask
any questions that you may have.

Vestry Highlights
At the January 19, 2010 meeting of the Vestry, it:  Received a report on the popcorn machine in memory
of Vivian Toomey
 Shared the meal with one another  Discussed the two Shawver Funds and the conditions
 Did devotions with one another using the theme of each one
"What's the first thing I think about when someone  Noted the Super Bowl Party (February 7th 5:50 un-
says "Saint Paul's” til?)
 Approved the agenda  Noted the Mardi Gras dinner and Eucharist on Febru-
 Unanimously approved the email action of electing ary 14
Jeff Kressler to Stephanie VanKoevering's unex-  Reminded each other of the need for Racism Aware-
pired Vestry term as Jr. Warden and Vestry member ness Training (scheduled here for March 13)
(expires 01/2011)  Reminded each other about the RSVP program
 Approved the December minutes (Diocesan Visioning) scheduled for March 27 at All
 Approved a change in the custodial responsibilities Saint's. East Lansing
 Approved the change in the title of the Hubbard Lit-  Reminded one another about the Anti Sexual-
erature Fund to The Hubbard Literature and Technol- Misconduct training (both youth and adult) scheduled
ogy Fund at St. Paul's on May 1
 Accepted the December presentation of the 2009  Began discussion about Steve Lange's 40th celebra-
budget tion
 Received the name and biographies of the Vestry  Discussed The Canterbury awards and attached some
candidates as will be presented to the Annual Meet- possible names
ing  Accepted Larry Clark's offer to be in charge of St.
 Received a synopsis of what will be done at the Ves- Dunstan's Guild (men's group that does clean up and
try Retreat (February 5-6, 2010, at the Weber Cen- repair)
ter in Adrian. MI)  Received a variety of Committee Reports
 Discussed Richard Sauerzopf's Ordination on Satur-  Received Clergy Reports
day Jan. 23  Adjourned at 9:13 p.m.

Page 5
Requests for Prayer
We pray for those who are sick and in need: Cindy Robinson, Richard and Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Ma-
son Hill, Lois Caswell, Erik Lindquist, Chance Collins, Barb Hacker, Marjorie Belles, Aleda, Dave, Kathryn Senko,
Barb Powers, Patricia Reno, Skip and Marsha Macholz, Michael and Gwen Skinner, Tom Foltz, Vivian Hawkins,
Linda, Kaema Amachree, Bill, Mary Lindquist, Yvette Constan and family, Brian French, Lynne, Kent Riley, Jan
Bigham, Max Sutton, John Hawkins, Joan, Karol Ryan, Mike Wood, Julie, Phyllis Quinn, Amanda, Laura Miller,
Stephanie, Maureen Nauss, Grace, Norm Landon, Jared Miller, and Aviana Bridgeman.
We pray and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Daniel Reno, Steven Johnson, Tyson
Carter, Matthew Rawlins, Jonathon Reno, and Jeff Doorlag.
We pray for our newly ordained priest, The Ref. Richard C. Sauerzopf and his ministry.
We pray for the people of Haiti and the relief and rescue workers attempting to assist them.
We pray for all those whose jobs and livelihoods are in jeopardy.
We pray for those recently baptized: Liam Davin Broughton, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Thompson, and Dustin Dyron
We pray for those expecting: Jenelle and Paul Rawlins.
We pray for and celebrate the birth of Trinity Shiloh Couts daughter of Tonya and Joshua Couts; Nadia Scott
Pauly daughter of Mindy and Matt Pauly, and little sister of Amelia; Avelia Marie Silva daughter of Amanda
(Lindsay) and Ernie Silva; Sophia Grace Waugh daughter of Elana and John Waugh, and sibling of John and Kate;
Morgan Elizabeth Ashcraft daughter of Brian and Amy (Fowler) Ashcraft and Antonio Luke Urista, son of Stepha-
nie Earley and Antonion Urista.

Page 6
Choir News
Special Dates to Note
All Choirs: Wednesday, February 3, and Thursday, February 4 ‐ There will be NO Family Night Dinner or 
Choir practice this week. (Dr. Lange will be away.) 
Ash Wednesday, February 17 ‐ Cherub Choir and Boys’ and Grace Choirs will rehearse as usual. There will be 
no High School Choir rehearsal because of the 7 p.m. service. 
ALL CHOIRS: Saturday, March 27 ‐ Cabaret (5 p.m. Dinner and 6 p.m. Entertainment) ‐ A variety show in 
which members of the parish display their musical talents. Members of Cherubs, Boys’ and Grace, and High 
School Choirs will be performing. Please save this date. 

Singing Schedule
Date Choirs Date Choirs

February 7 High School; Boys’ and Grace March 7 Boys’ and Grace; High School
February 14 Chancel and High School March 14 High School; Chancel
February 21 Chancel and High School March 21 High School; Chancel
February 28 Chancel and High School March 28 High School; Chancel
(Palm Sunday)

Cabaret Is Coming
By Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
Cabaret, an evening of dining and entertainment, is coming! Please save
Saturday, March 27, for this all-parish celebration of talent. Details will be
coming in the March issue of St. Paul’s News. Cabaret is a fund-raising
event for the England choristers. Thank you!

Page 7
Spring Blood Drive
By Elisabeth Richardson
Attention all Blood Donors: the Spring Blood Drive for St. Paul’s is Saturday, April 24. Please save the date. If you give
blood on a regular basis, the last day to give blood before our drive is February 25.
For those who would like to help out, we will need people to sign up donors, work the day of the Drive, bring sand-
wiches, set up and tear down. We need everyone’s help! I will be running the drive this year, but Ellie Doersam and
Pat Riley will still be involved. You may contact me at either 372-1369 or If you have never par-
ticipated before, the Red Cross always needs blood. If you have never worked a drive, it’s fun and shifts are only two
hours in duration.

Healing Service in March God is Calling You…

By The Rev. Deacon William Fineout
By The Rev. Deacon William Fineout
…to be a Lector (reader), a Eucharistic Minister or Visi-
Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 6, when a
tor, or a Prayers of the People leader. Don’t be shy.
healing service sponsored by the Greater Lansing
Speak to Deacon Bill or Father Gordon about that
chapter of the International Order of St. Luke the Phy-
inkling of discernment that you are being called to
sician will be held at St. Paul’s. The missioner for that serve. The Book of Common Prayer states, “In all ser-
service will be the Rev. Canon Meredith Hunt, an Epis-
vices, the entire Christian assembly participates in such
copal Priest from St. John’s in Sturgis, Michigan. More
a way that the members of each order within the
information will be available in the March newsletter,
church, laypersons, bishops, priests, and deacons, fulfill
the Sunday bulletins, or from Deacon Bill, who is a
the functions…”. Laypersons are the first order of bap-
Chaplain in the Order of St. Luke’s.
tized ministry that we need to serve in our churches.

Baptisms Baptismal Rite I Eucharist

By The Very Rev. Dr. Instruction By The Very Rev. Dr.
Gordon F. Weller By The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller
Two baptismal events are coming Gordon F. Weller Because of the penitential nature
up this spring. The first is Easter Eve, of Lent, we will be using Rite I as
Saturday, April 3, 2010. The sec- This spring’s Baptismal Instruction our Eucharistic setting at the 8 a.m.
ond is the day of Pentecost, Sun- classes will be held on three con- services during Lent. Those who
day, May 23. If you would like to secutive Saturday mornings, from miss or have never had the oppor-
be baptized or have a child in your March 6-20 beginning at 9 a.m. If tunity to use this setting, consider
home who needs to be baptized, you or a member of your family is attending one of the early services
please contact one of the clergy to considering Baptism, contact one during Lent.
schedule a date. Please be aware of the clergy to reserve a place in
that instruction is needed prior to the class.
the baptism.

Page 8
Mission and Outreach Activities
Where is Christ calling you to help others?
February 7 May 13

 Youth Noisy Collection for Heifer and Manna Sunday  Ascension Thursday Deacon’s Dinner Fundraiser
February 21 & 28 Ongoing:
 ERD Shared Book Sale  Manna Sunday (first Sunday of the month, loose and
dedicated offerings for street ministry, bus tokens and
February 28 – March 14 work boots)
 LAEP/SILS Apartment Start-up Collection  Outreach Committee meeting (second Tuesday of the
April 24  Heifer gift cards
 Prayer quilts
 Red Cross Blood Drive
 Cars, INC
April 4 – April 18  Habitat
 Sudanese K-12 Education Scholarship
 Brown Bag Sundays for Food Bank (pass out bags on

SILS Collection for Young Adults

By The Rev. Deacon William Fineout
As a member of the Lansing Area Episcopal Projects, it is once again our turn to make an apartment startup collection.
Some foster children who age out of foster care at 18 and have no family or friends to help them get on their feet are
able to enter the program of Supervised Independent Living Services (SILS) of Child & Family Services.
Lansing Area Episcopal Projects has discovered that the State of Michigan funds for this program have been vastly cut,
and Child & Family Services needs our help. We ask you to pitch in to provide new apartment start-up goods for these
young adults who would have literally nothing without us. Watch the Sunday bulletin to announce the gender of the
person for whom we will collect. Your Outreach team is asking St. Paul’s parishioners to make a collection between
February 28 and March 14.
We will pass out the needed item cards on Sunday, February 28, in the Merrifield Room. Please check out the table
where we will have the lists of items grouped into seven areas: bedding, bathroom, kitchen utensils, cooking, dishes,
cleaning supplies, and personal needs. You will be able to choose as many items as you wish from each area. We will
have each item listed on a note card to keep from having item duplication.
We are asking you to shop and purchase the needed items during a two week period and to have all the items
brought into church and collected by Sunday, March 14. We do not need furniture items at this time. Questions can be
directed to Deacon Bill.

An Ark is Almost in Reach! 2010 MDG Project

By The Rev. Deacon William Fineout By The Rev. Deacon William Fineout
Our 2009 Millennium Development Goal has been to At the annual meeting, your Outreach team will recom-
provide Heifer International with money toward pur- mend that parishioners and groups look at local agen-
chasing an Ark, $5,000 worth of animals and plants to cies for our 2010 project. We have donated to two
(Continued on page 12) (Continued on page 12)

Page 9
Youth Group Activities

Update on St. Paul’s Youth Group Winter Outing

By Barbara Heany, Youth Group Coordinator
Following lunch and a brief meeting to wrap up events for the remaining year, the group took a $60 donation
(proceeds from their Christmas Childcare/Gift Wrap Service) to the City Rescue Mission where it was warmly received
by a grateful staff member. Then it was off to the Summit for an afternoon of ice skating (thankfully indoors). For
many, this was the first time on skates, and thanks to helpful and patient instruction from Judi Brown-Clarke, the group
was off and gliding by the end of the day. The youth group would like to express their thanks for the support of St.
Paul’s during the Childcare/Gift Wrap project and a special thanks to Elisabeth Richardson for providing us with
skating passes for the day.

Page 10
Box City is returning to St. Paul’s April 23-24
By Barbara Heany, Youth Group Coordinator
St. Paul’s youth (grades 6-12) will have an opportunity to experience what it’s like to be homeless for a night. Focusing
on our own community’s homeless situation, the youth will experience and explore the complexities and magnitude of
issues which confront homeless people daily. The youth will be taking up a collection of personal need items and blan-
kets. Watch for upcoming details on this important outreach event.

Page 11
(Continued from, Dio Gratias, page 1)

As the weeks and months of my life in Lansing have gone by, I have become increasingly grateful to be here, in this
place, with you, my family in Christ at St. Paul’s, at this time. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to say
thanks to all of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ. With your many gifts, especially at Christmas and upon the occa-
sion of my ordination, with your kind and encouraging words, and of course, with your patience, you have shared with
me truly liberal measures of those spirits of generosity and hospitality which are always Christ’s gifts to us, the accep-
tance and sharing of which enables us to live most fully in love with God and with each other in God.
And so, in all of your kindness, you have shared with me nothing less than the love that God shares with all of us, in
Christ. Therefore, as I thank you, I thank God for you, and I pray that I might also share those gifts which God has
given to me for sharing, now as a priest among you, and always, as a brother and friend in Christ. For I am yours
gratefully, and with love in Him.

(Continued from, “An Ark is Almost in Reach” page 9) (Continued from, “2010 MDG Project” page 9)

start gardens, farms and businesses with the poor international organizations in the past two years: Wa-
around the world. We are within $400 of making that ter for Life through Church World Service and an ark
goal. Our last fundraiser will be the “Noisy” collection through Heifer International. It is time to look locally at
by the young people at the 10 a.m. service on Febru- those in need. Please let Deacon Bill or an outreach
ary 7. team member know what local agency you would like
to support. We are considering the Greater Lansing
Our children began this fundraiser at Vacation Bible Food Bank, Open Door Ministries, Advent House and
School, supported our Heifer Auction and now have a St. Paul’s “busing ministry.” Our 2010 MDG project
chance to finish it in grand style. Please bring your does not take away from our ongoing help to other
noisy coins, even folding money and checks, for this last international, national, and diocesan agencies. It is in
collection to push us over the top. Heifer International addition to our regular support.
will also let us designate our ark collection to go to
Haiti, if we wish. Contributing an ark to Heifer Interna-
tional would be an outstanding achievement for our
parish and our young people.

Page 12

Non Profit Org.

Permit 1621

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Lansing Michigan
218 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-482-9454
Fax: 517-485-8621
Choir Room: 517-482-0369

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal

Church, Lansing Michigan.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff

The Very Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector
Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music
The Rev. Richard Sauerzopf, Priest Assistant
The Rev. Deacon William H. Fineout
Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music
Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager

St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff

Christine Caswell, Editor
Lyn Zynda, Layout Editor

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