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Subject: English

By the end of the
lesson students should
be able to:
Oracy Time:
A 24 dramatize and
perform a story with a
A 22 evaluate
performance and give

Routine Lesson:
C 8- B 30 use a range
of prepositions in a
short story.

Class :V

Unit: 3 The Shrimp


Day 3

Oracy Time Specified:

Students will be asked to turn to chapter 14 of The Shrimp and told
that the will dramatize this chapter.
Class will be divided in six groups leader will be selected who will be
the narrator as well.
Criteria on pre-prepared newsprint will be displayed on the board and
students will be asked to evaluate each groups performance. ( doc pg
Time will be allocated to the students to prepare their role play.
Wrap up: Effectiveness of dialogue delivery and suitability of gestures will
be emphasized.
Routine Lesson:

2 min
2 min

It will be elicited from the students that the story which they have

5 min

Wrap up:
Students will use few prepositions appropriately in sentences.
Evaluation of students learning
What did the children learn in the lesson?

News print
criteria of
role play

The students should be
able to:
Oracy Time:
dramatize and perform a
story with a narrator
and evaluate performance
and give feedback.

10 min
3 min

Students in pairs will complete the worksheet A short story on

completed is a fictional narrative and the words they used to
complete the story are called prepositions.
The main components of story writing will be discussed with the
class. (doc pg 305)
Students will write a short story using 8-10 prepositions on drafting


3 min

10 min

workbook using proper prepositions.

What did they actually do?


Routine Lesson:
use a range of
prepositions while writing
a short story in

10 min

30 min
5 min

Evaluation of teaching:
If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you d
(Comment on any one aspect of your teaching or

Subject: English

Class :V

Unit: 3 The Shrimp


Day 4

By the end of the

Oracy Time Specified:
lesson students should
Rest of the groups will present their role play on chapter 14
be able to:
They will comment on all group performances keeping in mind the
Oracy Time:
A 24 dramatize and
Wrap up: Best group will be selected by matching the performance with the
perform a story with a criteria.
Routine Lesson:
A 22 evaluate
Students will tell the main features of a narrative.
performance and give
They will be elicited techniques of building suspense and interest in a
Routine Lesson:
Students will be asked to write a rough draft of a suspense story in
B 30- B 10- B 17
drafting pads.
write a short story
They will use planning, drafting, editing and proof reading strategies.
using planning,
They will write the final draft in their pamphlets. Assessed for 10
drafting, editing and
marks. (criteria attached)
proof reading
Wrap up:
strategies and adding
students will tell the features of a short story.
techniques for
describing characters,
settings and actions. .
Evaluation of students learning
What did the children learn in the lesson?

What did they actually do?


12 min
5 min
3 min

5 min
10 min

20 min
10 min
10 min
5 min


News print
criteria of
role play

The students should be
able to:
Oracy Time:
dramatize and perform a
story with a narrator
and evaluate performance
and give feedback.

Routine Lesson:
write a short story using
planning, drafting, editing
and proof reading
strategies and adding
techniques for describing
characters, settings and

Evaluation of teaching:
If you were to teach this lesson again, what would you d
(Comment on any one aspect of your teaching or

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