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God's Good.

Pleasing and Perfect Will

It's never been my intention to be inept, sometimes it just happens. I'm easily distracted, so what I
intended to do can frequently get lost in transition from task to task, or interruption to interruption.
Such is the case with Katsui. Katsui is Japanese; his wife, Sheo-Ching, is Taiwanese. They have
two teenage sons, Luke and Mark. We've know Katsui-san and his family for more than a year
here in Taichung.

We were saddened that due to the economy, Katsui would need to return to Japan, and leave
Sheo-Ching and the boys here. We promised to look after them in his absence, and it's been six
months since he made the move. Katsui returned to Japan a Christian, having left behind his
Shinto roots. In fact, his ancestors have been Shinto priests for
several generations!

Since I needed to make a PC (field coordinator) trip to Japan, we

made plans to get together in Tokyo. I knew that being away from

CCC cell groups
Easter Outreach

Furlough preparation
Lance & Kim's language

Emily's career plans

Tabitha's college plans
Brenda's new MCA job
Juanita's kidneys
(David's mother)

his family had been very difficult for Katsui, so I looked forward to
seeing him. That is, until I lost the business card Sheo-Ching had
given me! I searched high and low for Katsui's business card.
Embarrassed, I even attempted to call Sheo-Ching, but couldn't
reach her. I got on the plane to Tokyo knowing that I had let this
dear brother down! With more than 30 million people living in
Tokyo " there was no possibility of finding himi "I'm sorry, Lord!" I
prayed, as the plane took off from the Taoyuan Airport, in Taipei.

I was busy from the moment the wheels of the plane touched down outside Tokyo. I enjoy sharing
with our missionaries in Japan! But, still, I had made a promise to a brother - one I could not keep!
On my third day in Tokyo, a Saturday, as I was changing clothes, getting ready to go out with the

Shield's (one of Team Expansion's families in Tokyo); I pulled out a pair of slacks from the bottom of

e-mail prayer update!

my suitcase. As I was putting change in my pocket -- there it was - Katsui's business card!
Thanking God, I ran to the computer and sent him a quick e-mail. Within 3 minutes, Katsui called!
He had just opened his e-mail! Though it was an hour and a half, by train, he would come the next
day to the new house church in Tokorozawa (a suburb of Tokyo).


On Sunday, we met Katsui at the train station, and took him to the house church meeting, where he
was the only Japanese person there. During our time together he shared how difficult it had been
for him to find a church, and how glad he was to meet the Shield's and Kornegay's in Tokyo. We

E-mail us to receive our weekly

"Time for Taiwan"


Field Address:

David & Brenda Atkin

67 Wen Hsin 8.1st Rd.
Nan Tun District

Talchung City, 40876

Taiwan, R.O.C.

recorded a video message for our church back in Taichung. "Too bad this house church is so far
away from you!" I said. "Where are you working, Katsui?" we asked. "I work for AIG, InTWachida."
Just two days earlier, I had been with the Turner's, also affiliated with Team Expansion, who have a
church work in - you guessed it -- Machida!
The next Lord's Day, as I showed the video of Katsui to the Come Christian Church, in Taiwan;
Katsui was worshipping with the Machida Christian Church! He has found a new church home and

the Machida church has someone who will one day be a church leader! And, about Sheo-Ching
and the boys: our newest cell group -- meeting on Wednesday evenings -- meets in their home!
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been
called according to his purpose" (Rom 8:28) "Thank you. Lord, for the wonderful ways you provide
for your children - in-spite of our own ineptness!"

Forwarding Agent:
Jeff & Karen Graham

c/o Team Expansion

PO Box 143

Savoy, IL 61874-0143

Lily, who has been a Christian less than two years, was faced
with a difficult situation recently. Her mother-in-law, who was
Buddhist, passed away. It is the custom to sing and chant
Buddhist mantras for the dead for 40 days during and after the
funeral. The entire family expects Lily to comply. In a bold
step of faith, Lily tells the family she will not sing the Buddhist
songs, but instead, pray in her own way to the God of Heaven,
who sent Jesus Christ to save us! Way to go, Lily!

The Many Sides oLl^itha

This is Tab's senior year, and she's kept her
self really busy. First semester was volley
ball, and second semester has been all bas

ketball. Recently, at the Far East Tourna

ment, in Japan, Tab was chosen as one of
ten "All Tournament" players. Also, MCA re
cently recognized her as being the all-time
leading 3-point shooter, and this year's MVP.

Under Tab's competitive layer, that exudes a

back-off attitude: there is a seldom seen

softer side. She eagerly helps with the little

one's during worship on Lord's Day mornings,
and doesn't mind dressing up for banquets.
What she tries hard to hide, lest her image as
a tough and dependable leader on the court
be tarnished, is the fact that she plays firstchair clarinet in the band (and likes it), and
she is a real book worm who would die if she

brought home a "B" on her report card!

All-Church to Lo-tung

EVang811 sm Sefiiinar

Easter Outreach

On March 7 & 8, the Come Christian

Do you have a strategy for reaching

out to your neighbor with the Gospel?
Would you know what to do, or what
to say? These are some of the chal
lenges David will be tackling in our
upcoming month-long seminar on
Sunday mornings. This is part of our
equipping curriculum for every be
liever, and a necessary step in the
discipleship process. We're praying
that this will be both practical and fun
as we seek to do the will of God by
sharing Christ's love with others!

Every cell group is organizing their

own evangelistic outreach the week
before Resurrection Sunday, similar

Church will take a chartered bus to

the East Coast, and the Home of

God s Love orphanage. While there

we will do various service projects,
help with the babies, worship with
them, prepare a meal for the home
and play games with the children.
We are praying that these types of
service trips will become a yearly tra
dition as we seek to be a blessing
with the talents and tools God has

given us!

Upcoming Furlough Schedule

Here's a glimpse at some of the dates that have been con
firmed for our upcoming home assignment. If you're not
listed, that means we haven't heard from you!
Wilmington, OH June 7-12
Malvern, OH
June 14-19
Indian Run, OH June 21-26
Canton, OH
June 22-28

NACC, KY June 30 - July 3

Roanoke, VA
July 5-10
Fisher, IL
July 20-24
Beardstown, IL July 26-31
Charleston, IL
Aug 9
Lawrenceville, ILAug 16-21
Rantoul, IL
Aug 23
Sept 13
Arlington, IN
ecu, OH
Sept 14-18
Georgetown, OH
Sept 20

Chrisman, IL
Kokomo, IN
Livonia, Ml
TLS, L'ville
NMC, Peoha

Sept 27
Oct 17-18
Oct 23-25


NoV 18-21

Team Expansion: David & Brenda Atkin

February, 2009 - General Fund

Opening Balance
Received (Individuals)


Received (Churches)




Dec 6



dates we have so far! We'll

Ending Balance

be updating the calendar

as more churches Invite us,

and eventually, posting it


on Good Friday, we'll be having a

Passover Meal of lamb, bitter vege
tables, unleavened bread and grape
juice. Following the meal, we'll be
learning about the true nature of fol
lowing Jesus - servanthood - as we
wash feet. On Easter, we hope to
have several baptisms of those who
wish to give their lives to Christ.

Nov 9-13


to what we did for Christmas. Then,

our web-site.


you for your partnership!



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