The Hobbit Unit Guide

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The Hobbit by J.R.R.

Unit Study
“Decisions, Actions, and Consequences”
Essential Questions
 How do the decisions and actions of characters reveal their
 How can a person’s decisions and actions change his/her life?

Essential Skills
 What are the fundamental components of a strong essay?
 How can I improve my oral language proficiency?
 How can I improve my vocabulary?
 How do authors implement figurative language to enhance the narrative?
 How are authors influenced by the writings of earlier works?

Before Reading
The Hobbit was written by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien in the 1930’s. Originally
intended as a children’s story, it has become one of the most influential works of the
twentieth century. It has spawned a number of sequels, including the Lord of the
Rings trilogy, as well as countless renditions in the forms of film, radio, theatre, and

The Quest Avarice
Heroism War
Fraternity Death and Loss
Trust Fate and Chance
Struggle Heritage and Lineage
Good vs. Evil

Literary Terms
Metaphor Bildungsroman
Simile Rise in Action
Alliteration Climax
Foreshadowing Resolution Protagonist
Dramatic Irony Point of View Antagonist
Oxymoron Allegory Genre
Class Resources
Grade 9 Schedule – complete with daily in class assignments, homework, and
corresponding due dates.
Grade 9 Wiki – contains the necessary vocabulary list, supplemental video and
audio, the Tolkien short story “Leaf by Niggle”, and the Tolkien poems.
Grade 9 Blog- Contains guidelines and examples for a number of the unit writing
Our Scribd Account- you can find all the handouts from class here.
Our Step Into Our Classroom Twitter Account – we constantly give updates,
notofiocaitons, and reminders regarding assignments and activities
Grade 9 Assignment List- This Google Doc will let you know which assignments have
been graded. Too many times students ask, “Can you tell me what I’m missing”?
Now, you can simply verify for yourself. If the assignment list has three vocab
assignments, two quizzes, and one blog assignment, you should have these grades-

Your Responsibilities
1) Come to class everyday with you novel and binder
2) *Constantly annotate while reading (see further information regarding
3) Complete all at home readings
4) Familiarize yourself with all rubrics, guidelines, and examples prior to engaging
5) Complete all related The Hobbit unit assignments:
- Written
- Oral
- Reading

Break down of assignments

Reading Comprehension 15pts each
Expect when returning to class after having an at home reading assignment
- Literary Term Quiz 40 pts
The format will be the same as previous literary term assessments- You will be given a
series of passages from the novel and asked to identify the literary terms
- Vocabulary Quiz 40 pts
The format will be the same as previous literary term assessments- You will be given a
number of sentences related to the novel and must identify which vocabulary word
best relates.

Written Assessments
- Blog Writing
- Bilbo Classified- an exercise in characterization – 28 pts
- News Flash - an exercise in irony and plot comprehension – 28 pts
- A Hobbit Weekend – an exercise in pastiche writing – 28 pts
- Bilbo Character Map – an exercise in characterization
- Vocabulary- Sentence Writing- an exercise in contextual writing, sentence fluency,
word choice, and circumlocution – 28 pts
- Sequence Map – an exercise in narrative comprehension, summary, and imagery
– 50 pts
- Formal Essay (we will be working on this at great length) – 112 pts
Essay Topics
Analysis of the Quest
Good versus Evil
Tolkien’s use of Language
Bilbo as a Dynamic Character

Oral Language
- J.R.R. Tolkien Poetry Recital – an exercise in public speaking, diction, and
projection – 40 pts
- In class Reading – an exercise in reading fluency– 15 pts
This will be an on-going assignment. You will be expected to read in class. You will
receive points for your active participation.
- Oral Commentaries – an exercise in analysis and oral language proficiency– 30 pts
This will be similar to the essay process. You will have to form opinions regarding the
novel, support and defend you viewpoints by supporting evidence from the text.
- Oral Plot Summaries- an exercise in reading comprehension and oral language
proficiency–30 pts

Grade- Simply add up all the points you have amassed and divide by the total
number of possible points. This will give you a percentile.

Additional Resources
- The Tolkien Professor’s Hobbit Lectures
As series of podcasts that explain and analyze a number of themes and concepts
from the novel.
- The Tolkien Society
- The Hobbit Film
The film currently being made by famed director Guillermo del Toro

good luck,
mr. bilbo baggins

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