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* 1 Entrance
* 36 rides (12 of each colour, printed front and back)
* 2 sets of dice (in 3 colours)
* 100 cubes in two colours.

Set up
Put the entrance tile on a flat surface thats large enough to play on. Make
three piles of rides (one for each colour). Give both players 2 sets of dice (one
of each colour). Give both players all the visitors tokens of one colour.

Goal of the game

You and your opponent are the managers of Vidampark. At the moment, you
are managing the park together, but the Board has decided to promote one of
you to be the only manager. You both have to prove your worth: bring as many
visitors to the park as possible. The board will look at your achievements ride
per ride, and will only count your visitors if you managed to secure a majority
for that ride (in comparison with your opponent, not total seats per ride
available). Whoever has the most visitors wins the game.

How to play
The game consists of as many rounds as there are rides (full game of 36).
The game ends when the last ride has been built and all players completed
their actions, thereby ending the round. Each rounds starts off with a battle,
to see who has the best building strategy for the round. The winner than takes
his or her actions first, and the loser ends his or her actions at the end of the


Each die represents a different aspect of a ride: its popularity (red),

location in the park (green) or the capacity (blue). Popularity beats
capacity, capacity beats volume and volume beats popularity not with
every roll, but theres a bigger than 50% chance per roll.

1. Battle for the build

At the start of each round, you and your opponent secretly select a die to roll:
this is the aspect that you will give up this round, and the aspect that your
opponent will have the benefit from if you win the battle. Because the dice are
non-transitive, correctly predicting your opponents choice will give you a
bigger chance of winning the battle.
The colour of the winning die will determine the available actions for that
- Winner: Only rides of the corresponding colour are available for the
winner to build.
- Loser: Additional actions depending of the colour of the winning die
are available for the loser to take.
In the unlikely event that a battle is unresolved (tie), player start over and
secretly select a die.


1. Winning a battle: build ride,

add visitors and resolve effects of popularity.
The winner of the battle takes his or her action first.

1. He or she has to build the top ride in the colour of his battle die the tiles
cant be turned around. If a ride of the corresponding colour is no longer
available, the winner has to build the ride that:
- Doesnt correspond with your opponents choice of die (this might mean
two rides are available for you to build);
- Is the only type of colour still available;
- Has your choice of die as the secondary dot on the lower right hand corner of
the tile (this might mean that the top tile needs to be turned around).
Build a ride by laying it on the table. You can only place the ride north, south,
west or east to another tile.
2. Add visitors cube to the tile: one for each starting visitor spot (darker and in
the top row).
3. After building the ride, the popularity of the ride takes effect. The popularity
of each ride is represented by stars in the top banner. For each star, you can
add another visitor cube to adjacent tiles. More popular rides will have a
potential to attract visitors even to rides further away, however, this effect will
be smaller the further its removed from the newly build ride. Add one visitor
cube per attraction you visit while moving to your destination ride.


- You cant add additional visitor cubes to the new ride;
- You cant add visitor cubes to rides that are already ful; and
- Visitors cant walk in diagonals to skip rides they are not interested in;
- If there are free rides available, you will lose the unused visitor cubes
- Your ride is adjacent to the entrance tile. You can move these visitor cubes
at any point during any of your future turns.

In this phase, you can give up two of your visitors cubes to replace one of your
opponents visitor cube with one of your own (which can shift the balance of
that particular ride). You can only do this once per round.

2. Losing the battle: adding visitors and special actions

While the loser of the battle cannot build additional rides, he or she has two actions
to take:
1. Add three visitor cubes to any ride (or different rides). You can give up two of
your visitors cubes to replace one of your opponents visitor cube with one of your
own (which can shift the balance of that particular ride). If there is no room on any
of the rides, you can use the entrance tile to store the visitor cubes. You can move
these vuisitor cubes at any point during any of your future turns.
2. Action corresponding with the colour of the winners die:
* Red: Move one visitor cube (yours or opponents) from a lower popular ride to an
adjacent higher popular ride.
* Green: Replace one opponents visitor cube with your visitor cube.
* Blue: Add an additional visitor cube.
These actions can't apply to a newly built ride.

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