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L-1 Visa for Intra-Company Transfers

L 1 Visa arrangement is one wonderful arrangement that allows the overseas businesses to relocate
their key personnel to offices and locations in United States of America. This arrangement is a very
convenient route for those multinational firms who are having commercial relations with a US based
business entity as a parent; affiliate; subsidiary; or a branch. The arrangement enables the recipients of
the entry permits to enter the country and carry out necessary work in the country without having to obtain
a special work permit, i.e. the recipient involved themselves in paid and gainful employment without
overriding any norms of non-immigrants.
The company, intending to send their employees to US, may already be having their business locations in
the country, or they may be intending to set up their first office in the country. One primary parameter that
all companies must meet perfectly is that the business of supplying goods or services must be carried out
consistently, i.e. the offices of the foreign concerns should be fully operational branches and not merely
agencies established for sake of presence in the US markets.
The advent of globalization has led to mushrooming of several MNCs at various locations; and most of
these newly born cash rich companies aim to strike it rich and make their presence felt in an economy like
the USA. The US being a flamboyant and a large economy has several opportunities for foreign
multinational companies. This also provides tremendous opportunities to American companies to forge
strategic alliances with overseas concerns and derive maximum benefits. The US government also
recognizes these facts; and it does not miss a chance to make necessary adjustments to facilitate home
grown firms. L 1 Visa in all ways is a clear reflection of intent of the US authorities that intend at
facilitating overseas concerns interested in forming business relations with US based firms.
Such a move as per many economists is helping the US based companies in many ways, like US
companies can gain exposure at global level. Such facilitation also brings around several other
attachments and benefits for the local economy in form increased employment opportunities for the local
workforce; and boosts business and trade in domestic economy. The business entities entering the
country on basis of certain predefined relation definitions are allowed to function freely. But as they need
to run their establishments efficiently and effectively, they are allowed to make adjustments in their
working strategy. One of the major components in the smooth working involves moving certain people
with certain specializations or skills to manage, administer, or train other people for carrying out functions
of the business entities in the country. This is where L 1 Visa arrangement comes in handy as the
foreign companies are able to temporarily transfer those employees to the US based locations without
much hassles and issues.
The overseas companies enjoy the privilege of nominating their key personnel for L 1 Intra Company
Transfers Visa; and relocate them to their US based locations in following capacities:
L1 A - Managerial and executive levels the people deemed to be critical for vital functions of
organizations at managerial or executive levels;
L1 B - Specialized personnel the people deemed to be in possession of specialized knowledge
about ether product or service concept of the company. These people may monitor the
specialized functions and may also train US based workers to carry out functions effectively and
The total tenure of this non immigrant entry permit is usually 7 years for L1A and 5 years for L1B. The
petitions for this arrangement can be either made by the employer for an individual or in bulk as a blanket
The overseas companies enjoy the privilege of nominating their key personnel for L 1 Intra Company
Transfers Visa. The firms intending to send their employees may already be having their business
locations in the country, or they may be intending to set up their first office in the country.

Author Bio
Abhinav is one of the highly reckoned US Visa Immigration specialists. Established with an objective of
providing flawless and smooth immigration visa services to migration aspirants, Abhinav has gone miles
in improvising on its own achievements.

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