Introduction To The Overfunction

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Introduction to the Overfunction

Kurt Strzyzewski
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
A spiritual introduction to the human Overfunction is presented in chapter 5: The human OverFunction and humankinds Biomind information intelligence. It is here where the Working
Model delves into the significance of the overfunction and its effect on all idiomaterial biominds
as the product of a symbiotic relationship between star and planet, allowing for life to flourish.
The interesting story of Karen Tse and her use of "spiritual persuasion" illustrates to the reader
how Karen is the overfunction. In fact, how each and every one of us are.
The biomind overfunction is explored in Chapter 10: Interconnectivity and the 12,960,000
infinities - Sui-genesis at the T-boundary and Life in the Unum, and can be seen as a repository
of the biokinds memories, experiences, knowledge and technologies. Ancient writings portray
this overfunction as the Akasha, which is said to be the library of all events and responses
concerning consciousness and life in all realities. Life, in the sense that the Working Model
addresses it, is a subset continuum of the Unum itself. This can be visualized as an endless
number of life "units" forming a superfunctional mode of a meta-architecture which resembles
the Unum itself in functionality - much like a bubble within a bubble. Through a process referred
to as the summative overfunction, the biokind as biomind becomes a sum total of its membership
as one metastructure of minds sharing the same software and the same operator. This idea of a
metastructure with a meta-architecture represents a collective view of how the meta-architecture
of the overfunction fits into the metastructure of the Unum.
Further exploration of the biomind overfunction revealed to us that ALL idiomaterial complex
oscillating biological entities (COBEs) are eligible to access information contained within the
biokind repository of information. This meant that any COBE "advanced" enough to take
advantage of this inherited property would find that they would develop their own overfunction
as a prerequisite for further evolution. In other words, the biomind (of a particular biokind)
through a process of self-realization, begins to put the pieces of the puzzle of life together.
Realizing that each individual entity throughout the vastness of space is not only one-of-a-kind,

but are in fact one - or perhaps more appropriately the sum over one of all the biominds of a
given biokind. This leads us into the very metafunction of the T-boundary: The T-boundarys
wish is for COBESs to know and realize that the purpose of what at this stage of human
development we refer to as science is to detect, decode, and decipher the cumulus available as
the Working Model which, by the way, is also indicated to be available to all COBE life forms
capable of interfacing with thought-forms containing such information." Therefore, the
overfunction itself becomes the Unum for the idiomaterial biomind, allowing for the biomind to
experience itself in the Unum and at the same time, become the Unum.
In Chapter 12: The continuing unfoldment of the Information Thought, The Universe is explored
through what modern mainstream science refers to as the Big Bang. The exploration is brief and
the Working Model concludes that cosmologists must re-think their theory soon if they are to
make any progress. In Life Physics the Universe is realized as 4-spacetime and is the innermost
superdomain of the Unum. Of particular importance in this discussion is the appearance of
energy (as quanta) which expresses itself through vector-intentionality in 4-spacetime. We find
that everything that manifests in 4-spacetime is a relatively independent subtotality (RIS) of a
totality of light-reflective and dark mass or massless manifest with a 4-space/time address, or as
a living relatively independent subtotality (L-RIS) of the totality of living relatively independent
subtotalities specific to all life form manifest masses. Human COBEs can be seen as
multisuperdomain-straddling L-RISs capable of extension from 4-spacetime to any other
superdomain. This feature allows the T-boundary to experiences itself through L-RISs allowing
for Tautologic Refractivity, achieving absolute oneness through share-distributability - the
process and function of the distributiveness of the emotive - energetic sharing among the
members of the human Overfunction, or for that matter, of any biological life form that the 4spacetime universe.
In conclusion, I would like to say that this book lays out the foundational concepts of the Life
Physics Group's Working Model excellently. It assumes no prior knowledge of physics as such
and provides the reader with many key tables and figures, allowing for a comprehensive
understanding of the topic of idiomateriality. The Coming Longevitality of the Earth Human
COBE Biomind, will really put things into perspective for me, as you said, "bridging" the gap
between space/time and the subquantum, across a number of important phenomena and issues.
Thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to read your book. It was both surprisingly
entertaining and enlightening as well.
Bordon, A. R. The Coming Longevitality of the Earth Human COBE Biomind. LuluPress,
Raleigh, North Carolina, 2011.

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