Mathematics For Engineering - IET & MET MATH 401 Assignment Nr. 2 On "ws3-ws4"

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Department of Mathematics

Dr. El-Sharkawy
Spring 2015

for Engineering - IET & MET
MATH 401
Assignment Nr. 2 on ws3-ws4

App. No.:

Group: T

Must be submitted in tutorials/(at the end) of the week starting 7th March 2015.

Exercise 1 An order for a computer system can specify memory of 4, 8 or 12 gigabytes,

and disk storage of 200, 300 or 500 gigabytes. Represent the sample space for this experiment using a tree diagram. How many outcomes does the sample space contain?
Exercise 2 Assume that you own 8 Math books and 6 CS books, and you want to ll 7
positions on a shelf such that the rst 4 positions for math and the last 3 for CS books.
In how many ways can this be done?
Exercise 3 How many distinct permutations can be formed from all letters of the
word SOCIOLOGICAL? Moreover, in how many ways you can arrange the word
(a) 3 vowels and 3 consonants are used to make 6-letters words.
(b) 3 dierent vowels and 4 dierent consonants are used to make 7-letters words.
Exercise 4 There are 7 women and 5 men in a department. In how many ways can a
committee of 4 people be selected? In how many ways can this committee be selected
if there must be 2 men and 2 women on the committee? In how many ways can this
committee be selected if there must be at least 2 women on the committee?
Exercise 5 A farmer buys 3 cows, 2 pigs and 4 hens from a man who has 6 cows, 5 pigs
and 8 hens. How many choices does the farmer have?
Exercise 6 In how many ways can 3 people be seated in a circle? In how many ways
can 4 people be seated in a circle? In how many ways can n people be seated in a circle?
Exercise 7 How many ways can a dinner patron choose 3 appetizers and 2 vegetables
if there are 6 appetizers and 5 vegetables on the menu?

Exercise 8 How many 4-letter code-words can be formed using a standard 26 letters
alphabet, if:
(a) Repetitions are allowed.
(b) Repetitions are not allowed.
Exercise 9 How many 4-digit numbers can be formed with the 10 digits {0, 1, 2, 3, . .
. , 9}, if:
(a) Repetitions are allowed.
(b) Repetitions are not allowed.
(c) The last digit must be zero and repetitions are not allowed.
Exercise 10 How many ways to select 17 songs for a mix CD out of a possible 38 songs?
Exercise 11 If there are 17 randomly placed dots on a circle. How many lines can you
form using any 2 dots?
Exercise 12 If there are 15 randomly placed dots on a circle. How many triangles can
you form?
Exercise 13 How many 7-card hands are possible if all the Kings must be in the hand?

Exercise 14 A committee of 5 people is to be formed from a group of 4 men and 7

women. How many possible committees can be formed if at least 3 women are on the
Exercise 15 A student council consisting of 5 students is to be formed by a selection
from 8 boys and 9 girls. How many committees will have:
(a) At least 3 girls.
(b) At most 2 boys.
(c) At least 1 boy.
Exercise 16 A research team of 6 people is to be formed from 10 chemists, 5 politician,
8 economists and 15 biologists. How many teams will have:
(a) At least 5 chemists.

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(b) Exactly three economists.

(c) 4 chemists but no economists.
(d) 4 economists and 2 biologists.
Exercise 17 Out of 5 mathematicians and 7 physicists, a committee consisting of 2
mathematicians and 3 physicists is to be formed. In how many ways can this be done if:
(a) Any mathematician and any physicist can be included.
(b) One particular physicist must be on the committee.
(c) Two particular mathematicians cannot be on the committee.
Exercise 18 If there are 9 toys in a toy-box, and a child wants to take out one or more
toys. In how many ways can this be done?
Exercise 19 In how many ways can 3 cards be selected from a desk of 52 cards, if at
least one of them must be an Ace?
Exercise 20 Four dierent mathematics books, six dierent physics books, and two different chemistry books are to be arranged on a shelf. How many dierent arrangements
are possible if:
(a) The books in each particular subject must all stand together.
(b) Only the mathematics books must stand together.
Exercise 21 There are 7 men and 10 women on a committee selection pool. A committee consisting of president, vice-president, treasure, and a coordinator is to be formed.
In how many ways can exactly two men be on the committee?

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Exercise 22 A cube with edge length 4cm is painted in red. Assume that it was divided
into 64 equal cubes with edge length 1cm. One small cube is randomly selected. Find
the probability that the selected small cube has:
(a) Three red faces.
(b) Two red faces.
(c) One red face.
(d) No colored faces.
Exercise 23 Let S = {A, B, C} be a sample space of a random experiment such that
P (A )
P (B )
= and
= . Find P (C ).
P (A)
P (B)
Exercise 24 Let A and B be 2 events : P (A) = and P (B ) = . Can A and B be
mutually exclusive? Why?
Exercise 25 In a group of 30 people, 15 of them have brown eyes, 12 have black hair,
and 5 have both brown eyes and black hair. If a person is randomly selected, nd the
probability that this person has:
(a) Brown eyes or black hair.
(b) No brown eyes and no black hair.
(c) Brown eyes but no black hair.
Exercise 26 Suppose that a red die and a green die are thrown. Let the event E be
through a 5 with a red die, and the event F be through a 6 with a green die. Show
that E and F are independent events.
Exercise 27 52% of students at a certain class are females. CS is the major for 5% of
the class students. 2% of the students are female and majored in CS. If a student is
randomly selected, nd the probability that the student is female given that he/she is
majored as CS.

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