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type="text/css">.blurbs {display:none;}</style> <style
type="text/css">#asltable{display:none;}</style> <div id="name">Name</div>
<p> Place your text here. </p>

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<div id="content"><p><p align="center"><font size="+3"><font face="times

new roman"><font color="#6699CC">I love food and cats.
That's it.
Now you know me so well that we could be best friends. =D
But I can see that you pressed on my profile photo either to see it bigger, or to read
the entire description.
Oh, well, I like anime too, and Japanese people, and I love drawing when it's raining
outside. Blah Blah
I'm pretty boring so...yeah.
Useless information.
I should teach you how to pay your taxes. THAT's usefull. But, to be honest, I don't
know how to do that.
In conclusion, you don't have any reason to talk to me.
K. Bye.</font>
<p align="center"><font size="22" face="Script" color="#990000">I like to
pretend that I don't exist.

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