Shyam Lal College (M) : Project-Rural Development

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The 2011 Census estimates that 83.3 crore people, about 69 percent of the
countrys total population of 121 crore, continue to live in rural India. A major
challenge thus arises is, how to feed Indias growing population with rising
incomes with the given land and water resources.
Rural development has always been an important issue in all discussions
pertaining to economic development, especially of developing countries,
throughout the world. In the developing countries and some formerly
communist societies, rural mass comprise a substantial majority of the
population. Over 3.5 billion people live in the Asia and Pacific region and
some 63% of them in rural areas. Although millions of rural people have
escaped poverty as a result of rural development in many Asian countries, a
large majority of rural people continue to suffer from persistent poverty. The
socio-economic disparities between rural and urban areas are widening and
creating tremendous pressure on the social and economic fabric of many
developing Asian economies. These factors, among many others, tend to
highlight the importance of rural development. The policy makers in most of
the developing economies recognize this importance and have been
implementing a host of programs and measures to achieve rural
development objectives. While some of these countries have achieved
impressive results, others have failed to make a significant dent in the
problem of persistent rural underdevelopment.
Rural - Is an area, where the people are engaged in primary industry in the
sense that they produce things directly for the first time in cooperation with
nature as stated by Srivastava (1961).
Rural areas are sparsely settled places away from the influence of large cities
and towns. Such areas are distinct from more intensively settled urban and
suburban areas, and also from unsettled lands such as outback or
wilderness. People live in village, on farms and in other isolated houses. Rural
areas can have an agricultural character, though many rural areas are
characterized by an economy based on logging, mining, oil and gas
exploration, or tourism. Lifestyles in rural areas are different than those in
urban areas, mainly because limited services are available. Governmental
services like law enforcement, schools, fire departments, and libraries may
be distant, limited in scope, or unavailable. Utilities like water, sewer, street

lighting, and garbage collection may not be present. Public transport is

sometimes absent or very limited;people use their own vehicles, walk or ride
an animal. A society or community can be classified as rural based on the
criteria of lower population density, less social differentiation, less social and
spatial mobility, slow rate of social change, etc. Agriculture would be the
major occupation of rural area.

Development: It refers to growth, evolution, stage of inducement or

progress. This progress or growth is gradual and had sequential phases.
Always there is increasing differentiation. It also refers to the over all
movement towards greater efficiency and complex situations. Rural
development designates the utilization of approaches and techniques under
one single programme, which rally upon local communities as units of action.
It provides a large umbrella under which all the people engaged in the work
of community organizations, community progress and community relation.
Rural Development (RD) is a process, which aims at improving the well being
and self realization of people living outside the urbanized areas through
collective process.
According to Agarwal (1989), rural development is a strategy designed to
improve the economic and social life of rural poor.

Development as:



Rural Development is a process of change, by which the efforts of the people

themselves are united, those of government authorities to improve their
economic, social and cultural conditions of communities in to the life of the
nation and to enable them to contribute fully to national programme.
Rural Development is a process of bringing change among rural community
from the traditional way of living to progressive way of living. It is also
expressed as a movement for progress.
Scope and Importance of Rural Development

Rural development is a dynamic process, which is mainly concerned with the

rural areas. These include agricultural growth, putting up of economic and
social infrastructure, fair wages as also housing and house sites for the
landless, village planning, public health, education and functional literacy,
communication etc.

Rural development is a national necessity and has considerable importance

in India because of the following reasons.
1. About three-fourth of India's population live in rural areas, thus rural
development is needed to develop nation as whole.
2. Nearly half of the country's national income is derived from agriculture,
which is major occupation of rural India.
3. Around seventy per cent of Indian population gets employment through
4. Bulks of raw materials for industries come from agriculture and rural
5. Increase in industrial population can be justified only in rural populations
motivation and increasing the purchasing power to buy industrial goods.
6. Growing disparity between the urban elite and the rural poor can lead to
political instability.The main objective of the rural development programme is
to raise the economic and social level of the rural people.
The specific objectives are:
1. To develop farm, home, public service and village community.
2. To bring improvement in producing of crops and animals living condition.
3. To improve health and education condition etc. improvement of the rural
4. To improve villagers with their own efforts.
The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) spearheads the countrys efforts
to reduce poverty in the rural areas. Until recently, its work was divided

among three departments: (i) Department of Rural Development (ii)

Department of Land Resources (iii) Department of Drinking Water &
Sanitation. In July 2011, the Department of Drinking & Sanitation was
converted into a separate ministry, the Ministry of Drinking Water &
The MoRD website states, This Ministrys main objective is to alleviate rural
poverty and ensure improved quality of life for the rural population especially
those below the poverty line. Towards this end, it sponsors scores of
development programmes, big and small, influencing various spheres of
rural life and activities, from income generation to environmental
replenishment.14 A small number of programmes of the two ministries
MoRD and MDWS, however, account for a substantial share of the
expenditure on rural development. Primarily, these include the following:
1. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
(MGNREGS): This aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural
areas by guaranteeing hundred days of wageemployment in a financial year
to a rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual
work. (Budgetary allocation in 2012-13: INR 33,000 billion)
2. National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM): The basic objective of the
National Rural Livelihood Mission is to create efficient and effective
institutional platforms of the rural poor that enable them to increase their
household incomes through sustainable livelihood enhancements and
improved access to financial services. It plans to cover 70 million households
living below the poverty line (BPL) in rural India. (Budgetary allocation in
2012-13: INR 3,563 billion)
3. Integrated Watershed Development Programme (IWDP): The main
objectives of the IWDP are to restore ecological balance in a watershed by
harnessing, conserving and developing degraded natural resources such as
soil, water and vegetative cover, and thereby, help provide sustainable
livelihoods to the local people. (Budgetary allocation in 2012-13: INR 2,744
4. Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY): This scheme provides financial grants to rural
BPL families and the next of-kin of defense personnel killed in action for
construction of houses and upgradation of existing unserviceable kutcha
houses. (Budgetary allocation in 2012-13: INR 9,966 billion)

5. National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP): The goal of this

scheme is to provide adequate safe water for domestic uses on a sustainable
basis. (Budgetary allocation in 2012-13: INR 10,500 billion)
6. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA): The Total Sanitation Campaign, now
renamed as the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan, assists Gram Panchayats to achieve
comprehensive sanitation coverage. (Budgetary allocation in 2012-13: INR
3,500 billion)
As from the above discussion we have came to a conclusion that if we have
to develop rural areas than we have to increase their purchasing power
means we have to provide employment to them who lives in rural areas and
have no skills. Government of India had run a number of rural employment
program but result were not up to the mark. The face of rural employment is
not clear yet.

Since independence rural employment has been the prime agenda of debate
in the country as 74% of the unemployed population hails from
rural India. For the past three decades India has been implementing rural
employment generation programmes. Different innovative schemes and
programmes have been initiated time and again in
different five year plans. Some have helped achieve goals, be it short or
long-term, whereas others have faced technical and implementation snags.
In the past, a number of schemes have provided temporary
employment on public works programmes at the governments discretion,
but the present-day scenario brings with it legislation and rights-based
approach for implementing pro-people development
policies in the country. the biggest example of this is the Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).

Evolution of Rural Employment Generation

Programmes in
The idea of generating employment in public works existed in different state
level policies back in time, one of the first being the Maharashtra model of
rural employment which existed since the 1970s.
The National Rural Employment Programme (NREP) and the Rural Landless
Employment Programme (RLEP) were the flagship employment generation
initiatives which surfaced in the 1970s as a direct replica of the Maharashtra
EGS . In 1989, the existing government merged the two schemes into one,
refurbished the schemes and made Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI ) the
medium of implementation and service delivery. By merging the NRE P and
RLE P - The Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY ) was launched in 1989. For the first
time funds for implementation of the programme were directly disbursed to
the village institutions accounts responsible for planning to create
employment opportunities, and overseeing implementation. After few years
of its initiation - political indifference and irregular fund flow created
problems of implementation on the ground grassroot level resulting in a
limited impact on rural employment generation.
But in the year 1993, when Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS) was
introduced, the centralised fund-disbursement trend was followed, ignoring
the essence of bottom-up approach in planning and implementation of rural
employment program; as a result EAS showed its limitation on expansion of
rural livelihood opportunities. In 2002, JRY and EAS were merged into
Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yogana (SGRY ). After two years, in 2004, the
National Food for Work Programme (NFWP) was launched with an exclusive
focus on the 150 identified backward districts. From an analytical review of
the different strategies and programmes adopted from time to time towards
rural employment generation - it is apparent that most of the schemes were

incapable to bring about a desired impact on rural employment growth due a

number of factors- (a) lack of need based planning (b) lack of active
participation of various stakeholders in the planning and implantation
process(c) irregular fund flow (d) lack of political will and (e) irregular
monitoring. While formulating most of the schemes there is lack of enough
information about the existing community resources which could have been
properly utilised during the implementation
phase by ensuring an active participation of the target population. Across all
the schemes, involvement of the local self-Govt. i.e. PRI in
program-implementation were not satisfactory. While assessing the success
of any employment generation program - the amount of durable assets
created as result of an the program has always been given more importance
than the number of days employment generated on long term basis in a
sustainable manner among the rural population. Social Audit of programmes
is nearly absent for plugging the loopholes if there maybe. There is felt need
to adopt a culture bound approach while making the rural poor aware about
the introduction of new schemes in terms of availability of proper
information, particularly in rural areas. This will guarantee an active
participation of stakeholders as well as of the beneficiaries Policy-makers
should be more informative and sensitive about the pulse of rural
unemployment scenario.
Way Forward
The schemes launched by the government from time to time have provided
relief to the rural population. These programmes never guaranteed
employment to every household in the village, but they were just allocationbased programmes. A typical feature of these schemes is that none of the
jobs are permanent in nature; they are all short term casual jobs, usually for
a period of hundred days or more. Job opportunities created by these
schemes and programs acted just as a supplement to the rural house income
and in most of the circumstances they failed to ensure the basic amenities of
life for a rural family in sustainable manner. Taking into consideration the
limitation of earlier rural employment programs, in recent years the
government has taken a historic move by enacting the MGNREG A, which is
perhaps the largest employment generating program in the world ensuring a
one-step-ahead move towards guaranteeing the right to work in a country
with a population over a billion.


Bulk of Indias unemployed live in the rural areas and providing employment
to them has been the recurring theme of all major five year plans. Rural
employment in India has been synonymous with employment in the
agriculture sector. With GDP in agriculture falling in the last two decades
more and more people in the rural areas need employment opportunities.
The government had initiated a number of rural development policies,
including rural employment generation schemes since the 80s. However, the
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
(MGNREGS ) launched in 2005 has yielded the best results and is now the
largest employment generation scheme in the world. The government is
committed to address the issue of employment generation in rural areas,
which has been the main thrust behind the promulgation of the MGNREGS .
Despite decades of planned development and poverty eradication programs
at the national and state levels, poverty continues to persist in India. The
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) has been a subject of
lively debate. The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
Act (MGNREGA) aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural
areas by guaranteeing hundred days of wage-employment in a financial year
to a rural household who volunteer to do unskilled manual work. The
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act was approved by the Indian
Parliament in September 2005. This Act started functioning from
2ndFeb.2006. Initially it was introduced in 200 districts of the country and
later extended to another 130 districts in 2007-08. By 1st April 2008, it was
further extended to 593 districts covering 4, 49, 40, 870 rural households.

NREGA is renamed as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment

Guarantee Act on 2-10-2009. The main aim of this Act is to enhance the
purchasing power of rural people.

The salient features of MGNREGA are:

a) Adult members of a rural household may apply for employment if they are
willing to do unskilled manual work. At least 100 days work
will be provided per household per annum.
b) Such a household will have to apply for registration to the local Gram
Panchayat, in writing or orally.
c) The Gram Panchayat after due verification will issue a Job Card to the
household. The Job Card will bear the photograph of all adult members of the
household willing to work under NREGA.
d) All adults who have completed 18 years of age are eligible to work.
e) Employment will be provided within 15 days of application for work.
f) Men and women will be paid equal wages and preference will be given to
women in each work.
g) If employment is not provided within 15 days,daily unemployment
allowance in cash has to be paid. Liability of payment of unemployment
allowance is of the States.
h) At least one-third of persons to whom work is allotted have to be women.
i) Disbursement of wages has to be done on weekly basis and not beyond a
fortnight and wages are credited directly to their bank/post office account.
j) Panchayat Raj







k) E ach district has to prepare a shelf of projects. The selected works to

provide employment are to be selected from the list of permissible
works. The different categories of permissible works are as follows:
l Water Conservation and water harvesting
l Drought Proofing (including plantation and afforestation)
l Irrigation canals including micro and minor irrigation works
l Flood Control and Protection Works
l Minor irrigation, horticulture and land development on the land of SC /ST
/BPL/ IAY and land reform beneficiaries
l Renovation of traditional water bodies including desilting of tanks
l Land Development

l Rural Connectivity
The shelf of projects has to be prepared on the basis of priority assigned by
Gram Sabha. At least 50% of works have to be allotted to Gram Panchayats
for execution. A 60:40 wage and material ratio has
to be maintained. Contractors and use of labour displacing machinery are
l) Work should ordinarily be provided within 5 km radius of the village or else
extra wages of 10% are payable
m) Work site facilities such as crche, drinking water, shade have to be
n) Social Audit has to be done by the Gram Sabha at least once in every six
o) Grievance redressal mechanisms have to be put in place for ensuring a
responsive implementation process.
p) All accounts and records relating to the Scheme are to be made available
for public scrutiny and to any person desirous of obtaining a copy of such
records, on demand and after paying a
specified fee.
q) Those who violates the MGNREG A Act will be penalized with a penalty of
rupees up to 1000/

The Central Government bears the costs on the
following items:
a) The entire cost of wages of unskilled manual workers.
b) 75% of the cost of material, wages of skilled and semi-skilled workers.
c) Administrative expenses as may be determined by the Central
Government, which will include, inter alia, the salary and the allowances of
the Programme Officer and his supporting staff, work site facilities.
d) Expenses of the Central Employment Guarantee Council.

The State Government bears the costs on the

following items:
a) 25% of the cost of material, wages of skilled and semi-skilled workers.
b) Unemployment allowance payable in case the State Government cannot
provide wage employment on time.
c) Administrative expenses of the State Employment Guarantee Council.

Share of women in work force:

The Act stipulates that priority shall be given to women. In terms of
implementation it mandates that a minimum of one-third of the beneficiaries
are women who have registered and have requested
for work. Women participation for FY 2008--09 was 48%. The highest women
participation for FY 2008- 09 was reported in Tamil Nadu (80%) and Kerala
(84%) respectively.

Share of SC/ST Households in Employment:

In terms of providing employment to members of SC & ST households in
2008-09 the figure stood at nearly 54.72%. In 15 states it was higher than
the national average.

Supplementing Income:
Post-NREG A there has been a revision of minimum wages across the
country. Average household earning have increased from Rs. 2795 in
FY 2006-07 to Rs. 4060 in FY 2008-09. A major share of NREGA expenditure
is as unskilled wage

Allocation of Funds to MGNREGA:

During the financial year 2006-07 Rs. 11000 crores, during 2008-09 Rs.
37397.06 crores, during 2009-10 Rs. 39100 crores, and
during 2010-11 Rs. 40100 crores (while Rs.79387 were allotted during this
financial year to rural development, more than 50% of this were allotted to
MGNREGA) were allotted.
To clearly understand the working of MNREGA our team go out for field work
to get the real situation and condition of MNREGA. Now lets see what comes
after the expedition of outside.


Total Population of Village- 10448
Total Number of General- 5139(49.18%)
Total Number of Women in Village- 5052(48.36%)
Total Number of OBC- 3139(30.05%)
Total Number of SC- 2169(20.76%)
Total Number of ST- 1
Total Job Card Issued- 720
General- 102(14.16%)
OBC- 249(34.65%)
SC- 369(51.36%)
Women- 213(29.63%)

We have collected some data of MNREGA related to that particular research

area. As we know if we have to show the working of MNREGA then we have
to study the fund received and the total expenditure on man and material.
So statics related to that is enclosed here.

Our team have also talked to many of workers , Gramin Rojgar Sevak and
Pradhan of the panchayat.


Question 1- What is your name?
Answer Dayasagar
Question 2- How many members are there in your family?
Answer- SEVEN
Question 3- Do you have a job card?
Answer- Yes
Question 4- How many working days are provided to you?
Answer- 100 days
Question 5- How much you is given for one day?
Answer- 125Rs.
Question 6- On which do you spend your money?
Answer- Food
Question 7- Does this program help you?
Answer- Yes
Question 8- In how many days does your money comes in your accont?
Answer- 15 days
Question 9- Do you have a bank account?
Answer- In Purvanchal Gramin Bank
Question 1- What is your name?
Answer Gopal
Question 2- How many members are there in your family?
Answer- SEVEN

Question 3- Do you have a job card?

Answer- Yes
Question 4- How many working days are provided to you?
Answer- 75-80 days
Question 5- How much you is given for one day?
Answer- 125Rs.
Question 6- On which do you spend your money?
Answer- Food
Question 7- Does this program help you?
Answer- Yes
Question 8- In how many days does your money comes in your accont?
Answer- 15 days
Question 9- Do you have a bank account?
Answer- In Purvanchal Gramin Bank
Question 1- What is your name?
Answer Harishchandra
Question 2- How many members are there in your family?
Answer- SEVEN
Question 3- Do you have a job card?
Answer- Yes
Question 4- How many working days are provided to you?
Answer- 80-90 days
Question 5- How much you is given for one day?
Answer- 125Rs.

Question 6- On which do you spend your money?

Answer- Food and education
Question 7- Does this program help you?
Answer- Yes
Question 8- In how many days does your money comes in your accont?
Answer- 20 days
Question 9- Do you have a bank account?
Answer- In Purvanchal Gramin Bank
Question 1- What is your name?
Answer Nand Kishore
Question 2- How many members are there in your family?
Answer- Eight
Question 3- Do you have a job card?
Answer- Yes
Question 4- How many working days are provided to you?
Answer- 70 days
Question 5- How much you is given for one day?
Answer- 125Rs.
Question 6- On which do you spend your money?
Answer- Food and medicine
Question 7- Does this program help you?
Answer- Yes

Question 8- In how many days does your money comes in your accont?
Answer- 25-30 days
Question 9- Do you have a bank account?
Answer- In Purvanchal Gramin Bank


Question 1- What is your name?
Answer- Ramashish
Question 2- From when you are at this post?
Answer- Since 2007
Question 3- What are the main works done under your supervision?
Answer- Making of drainage system in village(nali)
Making of bricks road(kharanja)
Pond digging
Question 4- Does any inspection is done by the upper level?
Answer- Yes, once in 4-6 months
Question 5- How much is given to you as salary?
Answer- 3300Rs.
Question 6- In how many period does your salary comes in your account?
Answer- Not fixed, since last 13 months not a single coin has come in the
Question 7- In village MNREGA comes in which year?
Answer- 2006
Question 8- It is clearly visible that corruption is vested in working of
MNREGA also, so what are your suggestions to stop this corruption?

Answer- To avoid corruption, the transfer of Gramin Rojgar Sevak is to be

done from one village
to another village so that Sarpanch of a village cannot make connection with
GRS and he cannot do any corruption without any help of GRS.
Question 9- Do you think that all the needful people know about this program
or fully aware of this program?
Answer- No, people are not fully aware of it we have to take the workers from
their home to provide work, they never came and ask for work.
Question 10- How many of total people came regularly?
Answer- Out of 750, hardly 150 came regularly.


Question 1- Since when you are Gram Pradhan?
Answer- From 2010 to till now
Question 2- How many policies are currently running in the village for rural
Answer- There are many policies but the main, which comes under
panchayat are:
(a) Lohaiya Awas Yojana
(b)Indira Awas Yojna
Question 3- How many projects have started in your period?
Answer- Upto 50
Question 4- Into those projects, how much are finished?
Answer- 40-45 are finished and 10-5 are in line
Question 5- How much job cards have been issued till now?
Answer- At least 720, out of which 30% are women and 200-250 came
Question 6- Does any guidelines comes from upper level?
Answer- Yes, there is a lady social coordinator Meera Pal

Question 7- Does anyone come for inspection?

Answer- Yes
Question 8- According to you does people are fully aware of MNREGA or not?
Answer- Peoples are aware and they want job also, but after SP government
came in power money doesnt comes, thats why we cant do anything.
Question 9- Do you want more power under MNREGA at panchayat level?
Answer- No, the power can be entertained by us only if we have money for
work, we want money not power.
Question 10- Is MNREGA really prove as a factor for rural development?
Answer- Yes
Question 11-Does there is any discrimination on the basis of caste on
working site?
Answer- No, nothing like that.
Question 12- Averagely how many working days are providing by you?
Answer-100 days.
Question 13- Any suggestion to stop corruption?
Answer- Corruption cannot be stopped by a individual, everyone is corrupt
from lower level to upper level.
Some Problems Came Out During Research
(a)It is observed that the workers and Gramin Rojgar Sevak have to wait months
together for their wages and they have to pay up to Rs.50/- as bribe for their job
(b)It is also noticed that most of the works are confined to papers only and quality is
not being
(c) It is seen that their was no women workers were there when we gone to the
working site and total enrolled women are only 30% of all workers.

(d)After questioning with workers we came to know that their was no facility
available for them at working site like drinking water, crche, shed etc.
(e)Peoples are less aware of the policy running for them .
(f) Time interval in between inspection is very much.
(g)Budgeting for the program is not properly done, there is always a lack of money.
(h)The data given by all are not matching with each other GRS is saying something
else and Pradhan is saying something else.
(i) Above of all corruption is the major problem at that level.

Suggestion Of Above Said Problems

(a)There is a need of awareness program through which all peoples can get
aware of policy and its functioning, awareness program should also include
the implementing body of lower level also like Pradhan.
(b)There has to be inspection of working at regularly at least twice a month
so that quality of the work can be controlled.
(c)Women should get aware of the programs and its significance for them
and their family.
(d)There is a need of proper budgeting so that there is never lack of money
to run a program efficiently.
(e)Transfer of Gramin Rojgar Sevak in regular period of time in nearby
villages should be done.
(f)Worker should get aware of how much work he/she have to do in a single


Independent studies and research indicates that NREGA has aided in enhancement
of agricultural productivity (through water harvesting, check dams, ground water
recharging, improve moisture
content, check in soil erosion and micro-irrigation), stemming of distress migration,
increased access
to markets and services through rural connectivity works, supplementing household
incomes, increase
in women workforce participation ratios, and the regeneration of natural resources.
MGNREG A is yielding better results compared to earlier poverty eradication
programs. So far (11July 2010) it created 90.51man days of work (man day means
the average work turn out by a worker per day). 80%-90% of rural households were
economically benefited through this Act. Out of this, 29.4% SC , and 24.1% ST .
While, the target of this Act is to provide employment for 1/3 (33%) of women in the
country, it exceeded this target and it is close to 50%.

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