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Entrepreneurship/Create Your Own

Subject Business Education
Rhonda Roberts
1/26/15 2/13/15
Manage and operate a business (or simulate the management and
operation) through
daily tasks and activities of a small business.
9.1 Use technology to implement computer skills and applications to
maximize business operations.
9.2 Create business goals, a vision, and a mission statement that will
guide the
operations of the business decisions
9.3 Manage the image of the business by critiquing the logo, slogan,
online, and social presence of the business.


Creativity and innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and
develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues
Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research,
manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using
appropriate digital tools and resources.
b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a
c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed
Technology operations and concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts,
systems, and operations.
a. Understand and use technology systems
b. Select and use applications effectively and productively
c. Troubleshoot systems and applications
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies

Rhonda Roberts



y Learning

1. What is entrepreneurship?
2. Why is it important to manage and operate a business
3. What is and the purpose of a vision and mission statement?
4. What is and the purpose of a logo and slogan for a business?
5. What is the purpose and some ways you can market your business?
6. How does technology help enhance business operations?
7. What is a business plan and the major components of each?

The students will:

Understand how to manage and operate a business.
Understand how to write a business plan/proposal.
Understand why a vision and mission statement is necessary
while operating a business.
Understand why a logo, slogan, online, and social presence of a
business is important.
Understand personal characteristics of a successful
The students will:
Understand and use PowToon or Moviemaker (Web 2.0 Tools) as
a way to create a commercial.
Understand how to create a slogan and logo using a PowerPoint
slide and later convert it to a jpeg.
Understand how to upload sound and pictures to PowToon or
Understand and create Instagram accounts as a way to market
their business.

Rhonda Roberts

Lesson 1 Business Proposal

Bellringer Students will come in class and when the bell rings, they have
10 minutes to answer the following question on Edmodo (Technology
What is entrepreneurship in your own words?
Discussion Teacher will discuss the essential question and parts of a
business proposal and the purpose of each section.
Essential Question: What is a business proposal and the parts included?
Title Page of Proposal
1. Company name
2. Employee names and titles
3. Date of submission
4. 1 complete page typed and printed
Description of the proposed business and location
Details on the product (good or service)
Why you see the need or want
How will this product satisfy customer needs and
Why you believe it will be successful
Materials and Software: -- Computer, Search Engines, Social Media Sites,
Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and a Business Essentials Book
Rhonda Roberts

In this simulation, you will be working within a group to create your own
business. Your business will be based off of a new drink or smoothie that will
be pitched to Coca-Cola and premiered at the Coca-Cola factory Expo held in
the Spring of 2015. Someone will serve as the coordinator/manager of your
business. The coordinator/manager will be responsible for making sure all
assignments are completed in a timely manner and will proofread all
assignments before they are submitted to the teacher for grading.
The first project will be your business proposal. The purpose of the business
proposal is to define what your business is and what you will sell.

Project 1: Business Proposal (100 Points)

A business proposal details every part of a proposed business to potential

investors and lenders. You will complete this portion as it is outlined below.
2. Written proposal to teacher that must include the following: (100
Title Page of Proposal
1. Company name
2. Employee names and titles
3. Date of submission
4. 1 complete page typed and printed
Description of the proposed business and location
Details on the product (good or service)
Why you see the need or want
How will this product satisfy customer needs and
Why you believe it will be successful
*Students must use google docs to create the proposal (Technology
Closing Session/Exit Ticket: -- Students will log into Edmodo (Technology
Integration) and post a response to the discussion question (What is a
business proposal and the parts included in your own words?)
Exit Ticket (Student Example):
Rhonda Roberts

Lesson 2 Business Plan

Bellringer Students will come in class and when the bell rings, they have
10 minutes to answer the following question on Edmodo (Technology
What is a business proposal and explain in detail the parts included?
Discussion Teacher will discuss the essential question and parts of a
business plan and the purpose of each section.
Essential Question: What is a business plan and the parts included?
Here are the following parts of a business plan:

Executive Summary
o Management Team
o Company Description
o Product and Service Plan
Vision and Mission Statement
Company Overview
Marketing Plan
Social Media Plan

Materials and Software: -- Computer, Search Engines, Social Media Sites,

Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and a Business Essentials Book

Rhonda Roberts

Project 2: Business Proposal (200 Points)

1. Title Page of Business Plan

Include Companys Name
Phone Number
Email Address

2. Table of Contents of Business Plan

Details of each component of the business proposal.

3. Executive Summary
Management Team
Company Description
Product and Service Plan

4. Vision and Mission (20 Points)

What is your visionestablishes the scope and purpose of a
company and reflects its values and beliefsstatement
What is your missionexpresses the specific aspirations of a
company, the major goals it will try to reachstatement?

5. Company Overview (100 points)

Very detailed description of your company (Type, Size, Location,
Etc.) & why will your business succeed?
1. Must have floor plan
2. Organizational Chart
3. The daily operation
Rhonda Roberts

4. Identify your unique selling point (USP) & competitive

5. Competition chart
6. Detail of product
6. Marketing Plan (100 points) Will receive more resources to
complete this section
How are you going to make your customers aware of your new
business and products?
Include the following features: Pricing, Company image, Media
Plan, Marketing Budget, and market niche.
Must provide at least 2 sample promotions (Billboard,
commercial, internet ad, flyer, brochure, etc)
7. Social Media Plan (100 Points) Will receive more resources to
complete this section
Identify the use of e-marketing and social media within your
Develop a functioning social media plan that will be used
*Students must use google docs to create the proposal (Technology

Closing Session/Exit Ticket: -- Students will log into Edmodo (Technology

Integration) and post a response to the discussion question (What is a
business plan and the parts included in your own words?)

Lesson 3 Logo and Slogan

Bellringer Students will come in class and when the bell rings, they have
10 minutes to answer the following question on Edmodo (Technology
Tell me what a business plan is and the parts included in your own words?
Discussion Teacher will discuss the importance of a logo and slogan and
how to create one.

Rhonda Roberts

Essential Question: What is the purpose of a company having a logo and

slogan for their business?
Materials and Software: -- Computer, Search Engines, Microsoft
PowerPoint, and a Business Essentials Book

Project 3: Getting Started-Logo/Slogan ___________ (100


Before your business will be ready to open, your group needs to decide on a
logo and a slogan. This first project will simply be designing a logo for your
business. This can be done using your choice of applications (Preferably
PowerPoint) or by importing clipart from outside sources to be used in your
production. You can also use smart art graphics as well. This logo will be used
on all outgoing correspondence: memos, letters, invoices, etc. Be sure to try
to make the logo "professional-looking." It should not look like it was thrown
together at the last minute. This logo will represent your image in the
industry. Save it as a .jpg file and save the logo as: LOGO
To create the logo, click in PowerPoint and choose the blank layout. Insert the
picture and text boxes to create your company name and slogan wherever
you please. Here is a student example of a logo:
Rubric for the Logo:

Name of Company
Once you create your logo, click on the picture, hit and hold
the shift key down, then proceed to click on the name of the
company and the slogan. Once you finish clicking on all three,
right click on the picture and click copy and place the
documents on other documents that are required.

Rhonda Roberts

Closing Session/Exit Ticket: -- Students will log into Edmodo (Technology

Integration) and post a response to the discussion question (What is the
purpose and advantage of having a logo and slogan?)

Lesson 4 Business Flyer

Bellringer Students will come in class and when the bell rings, they have
10 minutes to answer the following question on Edmodo (Technology
What is the purpose and advantage of having a business flyer?
Discussion Teacher will discuss the importance of a business flyer and how
to create one.
Essential Question: What is the purpose of a business flyer and important
information that should be included?
Materials and Software: -- Computer, Search Engines, Canva, and a
Business Essentials Book

Project 4: Grand Opening Flyer (100 points)

Create a flyer for the grand opening of your business. Be sure to include
information so that the customer could find your company, such as a map or
address (You can MapQuest a location from point A to B and use the map
that it shows you). The flyer should be carefully designed, professional in
appearance, and should provide a brief description of your merchandise or
services. Save flyer as: GOFLYER
To create the flyer, go to
Grand Opening Flyer Rubric:
Use Canva (Technology Integration)
Address or map
Name of Company

Rhonda Roberts


Date & Time
Description of products being sold
Creative appearance
Closing Session/Exit Ticket: -- Students will log into Edmodo (Technology
Integration) and post a response to the discussion question (What is the
purpose and advantage of having a business flyer)
Canva Flyer (Student Example)

Lesson 5 Business Commercial

Bellringer Students will come in class and when the bell rings, they have
10 minutes to answer the following question on Edmodo (Technology
What is the purpose and advantage of having a business commercial?
Discussion Teacher will discuss the importance of a business commercial
and how to create one.
Essential Question: What is the purpose of a business commercial and
important information that should be included?
Materials and Software: -- Computer, Search Engines, PowToon, and a
Business Essentials Book

Project 5: Business Commercial (200 points)

Create a commercial for the grand opening of your business. Be sure to
include information so that the customer could find your company, such as a
map or address (You can MapQuest a location from point A to B and use the
Rhonda Roberts


map that it shows you). The commercial should be carefully designed,

professional in appearance, and should provide a brief description of your
merchandise or services.
To create the commercial, go to
Commercial Rubric:
Use PowToon (Technology Integration)
Main idea of the commercial is made clear.
Dialogue and/or written explanations are placed where
Storyline includes a clear reference to product and purchasing
Sequence of events are clearly illustrated or written out.
Commercial is presented in about 30 seconds to 1 minute and
a half.
All elements needed for the commercial are included.
Creative appearance
Closing Session/Exit Ticket: -- Students will log into Edmodo (Technology
Integration) and post a response to the discussion question (What is the
purpose and advantage of having a business flyer)
2 PowToon Student Examples:

Rhonda Roberts

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