Overarching Goals of Elementary World Language (Spanish) Program

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The Overarching Goals of the World Language Program (Spanish)

at the Elementary Level

Goal of Elementary Spanish: To enjoy learning a second language
Dear Language Enthusiasts!,
Welcome to the exciting world of second language study in Shorewood,
Wisconsin. Both elementary schools, Atwater and Lake Bluff, start Spanish instruction
in fourth grade. With few exceptions, all students are required to receive Spanish
instruction in fourth, fifth, and sixth grade. When students leave elementary school,
they attend Shorewood Intermediate School (SIS) and at such time have a choice of
taking either Spanish or French. Regardless as to which language a student chooses,
the goal is that the language instruction a student receives at the elementary level
serves as a springboard for further study. At SIS, students have an opportunity for
international travel. Students enrolled in Spanish have the opportunity to travel to Costa
Rica. Students enrolled in French have the opportunity to travel to Quebec, Canada.
Regarding elementary Spanish instruction, students in fourth through sixth grade
only receive Spanish instruction twice a week, with thirty minutes only for each Spanish
class. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind realistic expectations. Even after
students exit the elementary Spanish program, they will not be fluent or anywhere near
proficient/conversant in Spanish. Three full years of elementary Spanish instruction
does not even equate to a full semester of middle school Spanish or French
class. Sometimes, parents are surprised that their child is not fluent in Spanish after
three years of elementary Spanish instruction. As an analogy, remember, every child
receives math instruction every day since kindergarten, yet one would not expect a child
leaving elementary school to know calculus or trigonometry. Now imagine receiving
instruction for a new language only twice a week for half an hour, starting in fourth
The focus, therefore, is on providing our students with an overwhelmingly positive
language experience, with a goal of enjoyment. The aim is that elementary Spanish
instruction will serve as a positive springboard and basis for further language study
throughout a students life.
Yet, elementary Spanish still has its rigors with fundamental language coverage, all
based in Wisconsins State Standards for World Languages. As an attachment to this
blog, please find the grid document that explains what students should know and be
able to do after fourth, fifth, and sixth grade, all aligned to state standards for World

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