Nama: Faradina Nur Annisa Kelas/Nim: AJ-A/101411123069 Resume: Public Health

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: AJ-A/101411123069

The Social Cognitive Theory

1. Reciprocal determinism describes the dynamic interactions between the
person, behavior, and environment, where each influences the others.
Potential change strategies are to consider multiple ways to promote
behavior change, including making adjustments to the environment or
influencing personal attitudes.
2. Behavioral capability is the knowledge and skill to perform a given
behavior; it states that, to perform a behavior, a person must know what to
do and how to do it. Potential change strategies involve promoting mastery
learning through skills training.
3. Expectations are the results an individual anticipates from taking action. A
potential change strategy is to model positive outcomes of healthful
4. Self-efficacy is considered by Bandura the most important personal factor
in behavior change, and it is a nearly ubiquitous construct in health
behavior theories. Observational learning (modeling) refers to the process
whereby people learn through the experiences of credible others, rather
than through their own experience. A potential change strategy is to offer
credible role models who engage in the targeted behavior.
5. Reinforcements are responses to behavior that affect whether or not one
will repeat it.

The process of Organization Learning

Pay attention

Retention (will be saved in memory)

Production (translate into act)
Motivation (practice what they learned)
Development social learning theory and the concept.
Individual study from environment.

The public health

The public health is a broad social enterprise, more akin to a
movement, that seeks to extend the benefits of current
knowledge in ways that will have the maximum impact on the
health status of population.

The Dimensions Of Public Health are :

1. Preventive medicine
Prevention is better than cure is one of the prime messages of public
2. Social medicine
The objective of social medicine is to identify the social determinants of
health and disease in the community and to devise mechanisms for
alleviating suffering and ill health through social.
3. Community health
Community health deals with the services that aim at protecting the health
of the community.
4. Community medicine
This usually refers to services that are provided at the community level
and is now often encompassed in the new term primary care.
The Scope Of Public Health are :

Social and Behavioral Sciences
Health Management and Policy
Environtment health
Community Health
Consumer Health
Control of Diseases and Disorders
Occupational Health and Safety
Substance Use and Abuse
Nutritional Health

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