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I consider a great pleasure to acknowledge the following persons who contributed to this
project. Firstly I must thank my teacher Mr. Nedrick for his guidance and support in this
project. Secondly I must say thanks to employees and employers of the Frome sugar
factor for taking time out from their duties to do the interview
Finally I must say thanks to my parents for their encouragement and support (financial)

1. What is your gender?


2. What is your nationality?



3 What is your job title?

Please specify
4. What are the qualifications needed for your job?
Please specify
5. What are your responsibilities to the company?
Please specify
6. What is your salary?
7. Where dose the factory dispose their waist materials?
Please specify
8. Is acid rain a major threat to the environment?
Where in the factory is the sugar juiced?
Please specify
9. Who has the impact of technology reflected on unemployment?


10.Is job security a problem?



11. Does your job affect your health?



12. What health benefit does the factory offer?

Please specify
13 .In what age range are do you belong?

( b) 26-30 [] (c) 36-40[] (d) 46-58[]

14. . How long have you been working at the factory?

Under 1 year ( )

1-5 year ( )

6-10 Years ( )

15.Is there an unofficial dump for your cane?

Yes ( )

No ( )

over 10 year ( )

A report on an industrial visit: to the Frome sugar factory .This report is aimed at
giving information about the norms, codes and regulations of the factory and how
technology has affected the careers involved at the organization.
Interviews, questionnaires, and observations were used to collected data. In presenting
the data that was collected Ive used bar graph, picture and table to represent the data

Careers Involved at the Factory

There are several different career choice at the Frome Factory that one can
choose. Below is a diagram showing these careers and there minimum qualifications
required for the position.

Career Options

Minimum Requirements

Instrument Technician

Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation).

System Administrator
Computer Repair Technician

Bachelors Degree in computer Engineering.

NCTVET Level 3 Certificate

Electrical Foreman

Diploma in Electrical Engineering

Turbine Operators

NCTVET Level 3 Certificate

Switchboard Operators

NCTVET Level 3 Certificate


NCTVET Level 2 Certificate


NCTVET Level 1 Certificate

Norms are unwritten rules that all employees have to adhere to for smooth
execution of duties and responsibilities. These include:

Punch card upon arrival and departure (this has an effect on salaries).

Be professional in carrying out duties without affecting co-workers.

Pay attention to personal hygiene.

One does not eat around the machines or equipment.

These are a set of general rules or systems that all employees should abide by to protect
themselves and the property.

The use of cell phones is prohibited when working on various types of machines.

In the case of an emergency, for eg: fire, one should first raise an alarm then
every individual go to a designated area of safety on the compound then line
up specific lines.

There are different colour codes for specific areas to inform and help to ensure

There are safety rules for electricians at the Frome factory which includes but is not
limited to the ones stipulated by the Jamaica standard specification for electrical
Installation which all workers in field have to adhere to. The following are the additional
regulations to these:
1. Attend fortnightly safety committee meeting
2. No drinking on the compound
3. Smoking is prohibited on the compound
4. Safety helmet must be ware at all time and rubber booth
5. Do not work in dangerous places without first obtaining competent advice and
6. Do not wear loose baggy or torn clothing when operating revolving machinery
7. Do not level tool or materials lying around in public place
8. Report all defective tools and equipment to your supervisor or relevant
9. Metal equipment should never be use near live electrical apparatus
10. Lock off all source of power when working on all apparatus
11. Metal ladder should not be used in any area where their could be any contact
with exposed live metal
12. Always test your work before leaving the property
13. When report to work always bring your tools
14. If your going to work on a breaker always tag out to show that someone is
working on it


The advancing in technology has resulted in a lot of persons losing their jobs. Similarly
there are a lot of job opportunities in the field of electrical and electronics technology.
These machines and equipment developed are to be operated by qualified personnels
which gives the opportunity for other individuals to have a job. As the machines are
upgraded the operators of theses machines have receive higher training.

Technology has not impacted this area greatly as security is still done by patrols by
security officers and guard dogs. Entrance to the factory is controlled by a security guard
however office doors are equipped with buzzers.
Technology has not affected job security as whenever there is a new technology training
is given to the worker than to hire someone else, but comparing to the far past we have
seen an increase in jobs.

In the pass the milling of sugar cane was done with the aid of donkeys and manpower. In
order to increase production technology has introduced the following machines:

The generator: Generates electrical energy to be used throughout the factory

Transformer: Changes Ac voltage values to suit the load or a particular purpose

Motor: Converts electrical energy to mechanical energy to carry or move a load

Boiler: Converts chemical energy to heat

All industries generate large amounts of waste and therefore there is a need to find ways
of handling these wastes. There are no evidence seen where the factory has used
technology to aid in handling these waste however, it is cane trash is used to fuel the
boiler and make baggasse so as to reduce emissions of waste into the atmosphere,
however due to the burning of the cane the smoke affects the environment and harm
people and plant. These machines developed in the field of electrical technology does not
generate much waste hence the handling of waste is for that generated from the sugar
cane directly.


Legal Policies on Safety, Health and Welfare.
Each employee is provided with safety gears and which are properly orientated to
reduced the likehood of injuries. If any employee of a factory is injured on the job
while adhering to the safety codes and regulations he/she is entitled to an
appropriate leave with pay.

Every employee of the a factory is provided with a health card to get
medical assistance for themselves and their families.

Each employee of a factory should contribute to the national housing trust
(NHT).Because the benefits are great examples you can borrow a loan to by a
house, car or start a business.

Moral approaches safety health welfare

Each department were given safety monitors to ensure that the employees follow safety
rules. The factory provides a canteen as a result workers are not force to leave the
All workers are expected to attend sports day event on a yearly basis.
In the event someone is injured there is a medical center to cater for them.

Fig 1: Bar chart shows the age range of employees.

It can be seen that half( 50%) of the employees working at the Frome sugar factory are
between the ages of 46-58.while 40% were between the ages of 36-40yrs,20% were
between the ages of 26-30yrs,and 10% were between the ages 21-25yrs.

Under 1n yrs.
Over 10 yrs


Table shows how long the employees have been working at Frome

The majority of the employees(50%)stated that they were working at the factory for 610yrs. Another 25% claimed that they have been working at the for over 10yrs.while
20% of the employees were working at the factory between 1-5yrs and 5% were working
there under 1yrs.

Major Findings
This was founded that the majority (50%) of the employees working at the
Frome sugar factory were between the ages of 46 -58yrs. It was also found that half
(50%) of the employees were working at the Frome sugar factory for 6-10yrs
Workers have to sign in before they start work and sign out when they finish work.
They make and keep daily records of effective and non -effective equipment and
Workers are required to be on time for work if not disciplinary action may result and part
of their pay may be taken out.
Workers must wear necessary safety gear when on the job.
They provide housing, health and insurance benefits for workers, they also provide
pension for their retired workers.
They mill the cane firstly to extract juice before turning it into sugar, and the expressed
juice from it is turned as mixed juice, the mixed juice consists of approximately 84%
water, 13% sucrose and 3% non- sucrose.

When I visited the factory some employees were too busy to talk to me, some left in the
middle of answering questions as they had to attend to their duties, time and limited
information were also limitations. I had to borrow someones laptop to complete this
report and due to the fact that Ive not been introduced to the use of computers it was
very difficult.

Major Findings
This was founded that the majority (50%) of the employees working at the
Frome sugar factory were between the ages of 46 -58yrs. It was also found that half
(50%) of the employees were working at the Frome sugar factory for 6-10yrs
Workers have to sign in before they start work and sign out when they finish work.
They make and keep daily records of effective and non -effective equipment and
Workers are required to be on time for work if not disciplinary action may result and part
of their pay may be taken out.
Workers must wear necessary safety gear when on the job.
They provide housing, health and insurance benefits for workers, they also provide
pension for their retired workers.

They mill the cane firstly to extract juice before turning it into sugar, and the expressed
juice from it is turned as mixed juice, the mixed juice consists of approximately 84%
water, 13% sucrose and 3% non- sucrose.


Be more environmental friendly.

Use more technology to ensure security of factory

Upgrade the appearance of the factory.

SBAs should be given to complete during the summer


Industrial Visit Report (2010)





TITLE: A report based on my visit to the Frome Sugar Factory

Table of Content
Careers ..................................................................................................4-6
Regulations & Codes.............................................................................7-8
Impact of technology on careers............................................................8-9
Legal polices...........................................................................................10

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