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"Dont chuck it, share it...


Whats that?
Boca En Boca is an independent newssheet that aims to disseminate what happens in the organized communities in Chiapas. The aim is to generate
solidarity among communities, through summaries or extracts of their publications
transmitting their words.

displaces 57 Tojolabales
On 23/02 "at 8.00 am, 50 people, members of
CIOAC-H (...) entered the Primero de Agost
community, Las Margaritas, carrying high-powered
weapons, surrounding the houses of the villagers,
resulting in the displacement of villagers and 7
Tojolabales indigenous people, including 12 minors,
one newborn, 20 women and 25 men, EZLN
supporters. They took them towards the highway
nearest to their village where they currently are in
serious conditions for the women and children, as
they have no shelter, food, or guarantees of security
against possible aggression by the group of people
from the ejido Miguel Hidalgo.
The Frayba Centre for Human Rights noted that
CIOAC-H are protected by the municipal
government of Las Margaritas.

Attempts against a priest

and the Pueblo Creyente
19/02 The Pueblo Creyente from Simojovel
(PCS) denounced PRI leaders for insisting on
pursuing PCS and trying to imprison their priest
Father Marcelo Prez Prez. For a lawsuit which was
filed against the priest on 25/11/14, the priest was to
appear before the PGR, "he gave our words which
we have said on several pilgrimages and documents
about bars, drug dealing, prostitution, and arms
trafficking; these have been generated by the corruption of the authorities." At noon on the same day, a
block away from the Central Park, a member of PCS
was shot in the stomach and in the shoulder. The municipal police, witnessing the events, "calmly left the
area." On 17/11 they were informed that the leaders
were hiring a catechist to spy during parish meetings,
"to either imprison or kill him [the priest]". There
were also provocations during the festivities of the
Virgin of Guadalupe, and on 27/01 an attempt with
the use of a weapon, to harass a member of PCS.
On 17/01, they were told "we do not know whether
it is God or the Devil who is on his side," "we have

sought ways to ambush him, but when he passes by we

do not see him," "two youngsters were sent to shoot the
father, they shot but the cartridge failed to detonate."
They claim that "all this information comes from a
reliable source, because we have relatives who are PRI
members who alert us, but for security reasons we have
omitted their names."
They reported a pilgrimage happening on 23, 24, 25 and
26/03 going from Simojovel to Tuxtla Gutierrez.
"Uniting our struggles for democracy, freedom, justice,
truth and love will bring peace to our country".

Militarisation and political rally

as a strategy of intimidation
On 26/01 adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the
Lacandon Jungle of the EZLN from the Community of
Candelaria del Alto, Venustiano Carranza, reported "on
16/01 the Mexican Army, 21 soldiers in total, travelling
on a Mexican Army lorry, stopped in front of the Rafael
Ramirez Primary School for 20 minutes, a few metres
from our supporters meeting place. We do not know the
reason for their presence in our community." They
explained that "this is a strategy that the bad government
uses to intimidate the families and organised
communities that exist in this region."
They also reported that "on 13/01, strategically, a
candidate of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico for
mayor of Venustiano Carranza, took our community
centre for a public event, convened the different
communities for his political activity, making people
think he would make changes and giving goodies like
buckets and plastic jugs, all in exchange for votes. As an
organised group of the Sixth, we are clear that there will
be no changes coming from them or any other political
party. They will always bring more poverty and divisions
within communities."
They recalled their fighting spirit "we want to tell you
that our struggle and resistance have remained and we
continue on our path, we have not taken a step back, we
have not even thought of that. On the contrary we have
advanced, creating other areas of work, improving our
leadership committee, participating in activities
convened by the National Indigenous Congress (CNI).
Now many more men and women comrades from

In Brief
01/02- The FNLS reported some of their members in Altamirano and
Ocosingo being harassed and followed by military-police members.
They warned of the possibility of repression.
04/02- The MOCRI-CNPA-MN denounced the arrest of two members
and the displacement of another one, due to a conflict between the ejido
Jose Zapotal and Annex Saltillo, in Las Margaritas.
05/02- Several human rights organizations announced the launch of the
Permanent Campaign in Defence of Life and of Our Lands, for fair
electricity rates and against the San Cristobal-Palenque motorway.
12/02- The Collective Tsoblej-FNLS condemned the increasing
violence, the State terrorism and the harassment of members of a
Hauliers Union, Los Quetzales, amongst others.

other communities have joined in the struggle,

because they see that our struggle is just. For several
months we were silent and did not make public
statements: we were in a process of dialogue, but
here we are."

El Pueblo Creyente Pantelh

se moviliza contra las minas
The Pueblo Creyente (Believing People) of
Pantelh mobilise against the mines.
On 11/02, thousands of the faithful from the Pueblo
Creyente in the parish of Santa Catarina, Pantelh
marched "to tell the truth, that they are already
among us these days, big corporations and
politicians." "Government aid is causing divisions
in each of our communities."
They said openly "we do not want the Mexican
Geological Survey to come here and do their work,
through the GYMSA company (Geochemistry and
Drilling, SA), because we know they are seeking the
riches of our holy Mother Earth." They asked: "Why
do we not want them to come into our communities?
Because they exploit our life and the life of our
mother earth. "
They reported once more that "we do not want the
sale of alcoholic beverages. We do not want the sale
and consumption of marijuana. Because of this, they
have increased the numbers of thieves and murderers
in our town. "
Finally, they summed up: "Sisters and brothers all,
we are now gathered here. We take
strength from the
Eucharist in our
pilgrimage to look
at our problems
and suffering, so
that we have
strength in our
hearts to do our
work which we
receive from our

16/02- Three Salvadoran migrants denounced INM (National Migration Office)

agents for the crimes of rape, robbery and injury, and reported that their complaints
got lost in the archives of the Prosecutor and the Interior Ministry (SEGOB).
17/02- Having been blamed for these incidents, the MOCRI-CNPA-MN denies
committing attacks of vandalism at the facilities of the newspaper Cuarto Poder
and of the Ministry of Agricultural, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu)
17/02- The director of the shelter for migrants in Arriaga received death threats.
19/02- Ex-prisoners in solidarity with the Voice of el Amate and the Voice of
los Llanos, some of whom have been displaced from their territories, demanded
the town's mayor provide compensation for the damages caused as a consequence
of their unjust imprisonment.
22/02- The Civil Society Las Abejas of Acteal, pronounced itself in favour of
resistance and civil disobedience against the murdering State, the Energy reform
and the "Hydrocarbons Law".

Faced with threats and harassment

Bachajn is still standing
The comp@s of San Sebastian Bachajn are still occupying their lands,
occupied since 21/12. On 29/01 ejidatarios reported that "we are building a
regional headquarters in San Sebastin to be a place of work, workshops and
sharing. This venue from today begins its work, we have built it at one
kilometre between the Agua Azul junction and the border with the official
municipality of Tumbal." They reported that "representatives of the government are organizing groups for shooting at night with high calibre weapons."
On 05/02 they reported that "they are preparing arrest warrants to disappear
the organisation and evict us from the new regional headquarters." They
announced that "more and more people are joining in to defend the lands of
the people". They also reported that the paid media "simply take the bad
government at its word; they say we are robbers, and criminals and that we
have guns, that we are a minority of the ejido and that there are people from

other unicipalities. With that word from the bad government, they are just looking
for an excuse to detract from our struggle, but our word and struggle are stronger
because they come from dignity and love of life, and the earth."
On 07 and 08/02, a brigade of 33 people from various countries and four free media
from different parts of Mexico arrived to accompany the compas of Bachajn, and
to address the conflict through interviews on different themes. They conducted a
survey by questionnaire to be able to report the current situation of the ejidatarios;
they painted several murals at the new Regional Headquarters and collaborated on
cooking tasks and security.
In another statement on 14/02, they reported persecution and slander "against
indigenous communities but especially our organization for false crimes of highway
assault and organised crime." "For that reason they are sending more and more
police to our region.
Since that date it has emerged that the police accompanied PRI supporters in order
to intimidate. They entered liberated ejido land to intimidate and threaten the
comp@s of Bachajn.

Citizens Popular Constituent Assembly

March 8: International Women's Day

The people have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter or modify the form of
The Committee promoting the Movement in Defense of Land and
their government - Article 39 of the Mexican Constitution. Territory and for the participation of women, invited civil society to esThe Permanent Tribunal of Peoples, heard, documented and
tablish its Movement in Defence of Land and Teverified during three years of work, about 500 cases of
rritory and for the participation and recognition
violations of individual and collective human rights,
of women in decisions to address the capitalist
grievances and massive impacts, call into question the role of
system of violence, dispossession and death that
the state. Given an institutional crisis and a crisis in the
affects us as women, as first peoples and camlegitimacy of the state, the TPP notes the urgent need for
pesino men and women, on 6 and 7 March in Ciprogress in the rebuilding of Mexico.
deci and on 8/03 "we shall march from the
On 05/02 around 1400 citizen from 25 states of the country
administrative unit to Resistance Square, where
presented to civil society and the people the initiative of the
we will hold a rally demanding the rights of
Citizens Popular Constituent Assembly (CCP). Participawomen and indigenous peoples."
tion is plural, without flags or exclusion of anybody.
On 19/02, the Committee of facilitators of the CCP announced
Women compas from Las Abejas of Acteal
that the programme of activities to be held in much of the
invited people to join their march on 08/03
nation from February to April, will be directly related to the
against the military camp at Majomut, at 8.00
work of building the Committee of National Refoundation.
am, to protest peacefully, "we'd be happy to hear
They are also inviting people to a national meeting to discuss
your words and if you share with us your
the political situation of the country, opening a consultation
experiences of struggle from your villages,
and exchange of ideas on what to do before the election.
towns or corners of the planet earth."

A Revolution of liberation and dignity in Kurdistan

The great resistance of the Kurdish city of Kobane, against the fascist invasion
by the Islamic State (EI), became an international symbol. The greatness and
heroism of the People's Defence Units and Womens Defence Units (YPG and PJ)
are admired by and relevant to much of the world.
The Rojava autonomous districts (West of Kurdistan,) represent an indigenous
solution to the conflicts of the Middle East, integrating grassroots democracy and
ethnic, social and gender rights, rejecting the terror of EI, liberal democracy and
the capitalist economy.
The roots of democratic autonomy in Rojava start with the history of the guerrilla
struggle of the Workers Party of Kurdistan (PKK), created in 1978 in norther
Kurdistan (part of the Turkish state,) combining ideologies of national and
social liberation.

Contact us!
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Your ideas interest us, send us suggestions or comments.
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communications and information, as well as for distribution.
If you are able to translate in other languages you are welcome
to join us!
We invite you to be part of "Boca en Boca", send us an email
explaining why and how you can help.
You can support us with a voluntary donation to cover some of the costs of hard
copies for distribution.

Rojava districts function with popular assemblies and democratic councils.

The women participate equally in decision-making and are represented in all
elective offices. Health and education are guaranteed by the system of
democratic confederalism.
Emphasis is placed on the liberation of women which is indispensable for true
liberation of society. Assemblies, cooperative structures and womens militias
are the heart of the revolution, considered incomplete if it does not destroy the
patriarchal structure of society, which is one of the foundations of capitalism.
"Power to the people can only be put into practice when the power exercised
by social elites is dissolved into the people"
urges Murray Bookchin, US anarchist.

Follow Up
03/02- Following the amparo gained by the indigenous Tzotziles of
Mitziton against the SCLC-Palenque motorway, authorities denied plans
for the construction of the project before a federal judge.
12/02- The adherent to the Sixth, Alejandro Diaz Santis, made an
invitation to be in solidarity with him for his unjust imprisonment and
the burdens the judicial system placed in his case.
16/02- The Save the Sumidero Canyon movement denounced limestone
companies for environmental damage and the risks of affecting nearby
towns, and held the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources
(SEMARNAT) responsible for its complicity.

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