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Shelley 1

Justin Shelley
Ms. Glasbrenner
Public Speaking AA07
26 January 2014
Its Better to Know the Truth
Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about Edward Snowden and NSA spying.
Thesis: Telling the world about NSA spying is an ethical action that has helped the world.
Who here uses a cell phone? Imagine how you would feel if someone was recording every
activity you ever did on your cell phone. I know I would feel violated, untrusted, and taken
advantage of. That is exactly how I felt when Edward Snowden told us that the American
government was doing exactly that. My research over Edward Snowden and the information he
leaked has allowed me to fully comprehend this issue. To understand the impact this has on us,
we will examine the information Edward Snowden leaked, the programs that were used to spy on
us, and how we can stop it.
(Transition: First, I will tell you about Edward Snowden and the information he leaked.)
I. Edward Snowden worked for a tech consulting firm called Booz Allen where he was
subcontracted to work for the NSA office in Hawaii. According to A&Es website Edward Snowden began collecting information he found disturbing after
three months of working for the NSA.
A. He collected information that he found disturbing.
1. He fled to Hong Gong, China on May 20, 2013.
2. He then leaked information to United Kingdoms Guardian Newspaper that was
published on June, 5 2013.

Shelley 2
B. Edward Snowden was charged with treason under the Espionage Act.
1. He now resides in Russia under asylum.
2. The US government has asked Russia to hand him over for persecution.
(Transition: Secondly, we will examine the different programs the NSA uses to spy.)
II. To spy on people inside the US the NSA uses the Domestic Spying program.
A. According to Forbes, PRISM, which is used to collect data on US citizens, is the NSAs
number one source of data collection.
B. They started spying in 2007 by collecting data from Microsoft and now have gained
almost every major technology company.
(Transition: Finally, I will outline some ways we can stop NSA spying.)
III. You can all do something to help.
A. Sign the petition titled President Obama: Grant Edward Snowden Immunity Now at
B. Sign the petition at to get the government to quit spying programs.
(Transition: As you can see.)
The NSA is actively spying on us. They are collecting any information they can about you
through any means possible. Edward Snowden gave everything to let us know what they are
doing, now it is our job to make it stop. Petition the government to award Edward Snowden as
the hero he is and to stop abusing their power to spy on us.

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