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MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

MBBS is usually referred to by the courtesy title of "Doctor" and use the
prefix "Dr" in front of Name. In many countries, the degree is awarded after
an undergraduate course lasting five or six years.
The degree is currently awarded to Doctors in Medical Institutions of
Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Nepal, New Zealand, Singapore, South
Africa, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom and Many more.

MD - Doctor of Medicine
Doctor of Medicine is one of two doctoral degree for physicians granted by
most medical schools in some countries including the United States and
Canada. MDs may be found within a wide range of practice settings,
including private practices, hospitals public health organizations and many
more. The practice of medicine includes the diagnosis, treatment and

MD - Managing Director
Managing Director is someone who is responsible for the daily operations
of a company or just a part of one. Managing Director is supposed to be the
highest ranking officer in any business organization. An MD is a link
between the employees and the board of directors.
MCH - Master of Chirurgiae
MCH Degree is an Advanced Post Graduate Academic Degree awarded for
a course or program in the field of Surgery. Doctors who have completed
their masters degree or equivalent are eligible to apply to this course. The
duration of the M.Ch. degree is 3 years including the examination period
during which candidates also participate in surgical operations.
Master of Chirurgiae can be done in many fields including :-

Cardio vascular & Thoracic Surgery

Neuro surgery
Endocrine Surgery and more.

DM - Doctorate of Medicine
Doctorate of Medicine is a 3 years Post Graduate Super Specialty Degree,
awarded for a course in the field of Medicine. The number of students to be
admitted in Doctorate of Medicine is 1 student per year per recognized Post
Graduate teacher in a department having a minimum of three faculty
members (one Professor, one Associate Professor and one Assistant

DM - District Magistrate
The Collector also known as the District Magistrate, responsible for the
maintenance of law and order in his district.

BDS - Bachelor of Dental Surgery

BDS includes surgeries related to mouth and handling the injuries related
to Teeth, jaws and Gums. Today, BDS Course is not restricted to treating
tooth decays. Its increasing manifolds as people are becoming more aware
of their overall appearance.
Bachelor of dental surgery degree is awarded at the successful
completion of four years of study and one year of internship to the students.

DNB - Diplomate of National Board of Medical Examiners

Diplomate of National Board (DNB) is the title awarded by the National

Board of Examinations (NBE) to candidates who successfully complete
their postgraduate or postdoctoral medical education under it. It conducts
examinations in approved disciplines leading to the award of Diplomate of
National Board (DNB).
The National Board of Examinations was established in 1975 with the
prime objective of improving the quality of the Medical Education on an all
India basis.

MDS - Master of Dental Surgery

Master of Dental Surgery is a Postgraduate Specialization Academic

Degree, awarded for a course of Dentistry. The minimum qualification for
this course is Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S) or an equivalent
qualification recognized by the Dental Council. It's main focus is on skills
like critical analysis, research skills, and advanced clinical skills.
The MDS Specilization can be done in :

General Practice
Oral Medicine
Pediatric Dentistry
Prosthodontics and many more

DNA - Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid

Deoxyribonucleic acid is the hereditary material in all known living

organisms containing the genetic instructions used in their development
and functioning. The DNA segments carrying this genetic information are
called genes. It is is found inside a special area of the cell called the


The code of DNA is made up of four chemical bases name :Adenine (A)
Guanine (G)
Cytosine (C)
Thymine (T)
DNA bases pair up with each other, ie. A with T and C with G, to form units



The strands of the DNA make a copy of each and becomes two stands.
This is the reason why humans gives birth to humans, eagle to eagle,
horse to horse and so on for every type of living creature.

PMS - Pre Menstrual Syndrome

Pre Menstrual Syndrome is a collection of physical and emotional

symptoms, found in some females, which causes some disturbances
before the commencement of the monthly period. It occurs between
ovulation and the start of menstrual bleeding or during ovulation ie. in the
days leading up to menstrual bleeding, or both. It is a group of symptoms
linked to the menstrual cycle. The Symptoms can be Physical or

Physical symptoms of PMS include :Breast swelling and tenderness

Decreased sexual desire
Nipple discharge when nipples or breasts are pressed
Headaches or migraines, aching muscles & joints and low back pain
Sleep pattern changes
Fatigue, lack of energy
Behavioral and Emotional symptoms of PMS include :-

Sadness and hopelessness

Withdrawal from family and friends
Tension and depression
Irritability, stress and Anger

ICU - Intensive Care Unit

Intensive Care Units cater to patients with life-threatening injuries and

illnesses, most of which need constant, close monitoring by specialized
trained doctors and nurses in Hospital. Apart from doctors and nurses, an
ICU staff of Hospital may consists of respiratory therapists, physical



Injuries and Illnesses that may require special and expensive care of an

Problems with the heart attack, low blood pressure and blood vessels
Difficulty with breathing due to Asthma or severe pneumonia
Serious Accident cases where patient needs immediate attention
Patients undergoing major surgery, who need special monitoring after
the operation

Patients who are in a coma or have loss of consciousness may also

require ICU

AIDS - Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome

Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome is a disease caused by the human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is the virus which attacks the T-cells in
the immune system, which weakens the immune system of human body.
Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses can now make your body sick, as your body is
not immune now. In the starting weeks, it can show symptoms of
Headache, sore joints and muscles, fever, skin rash or stomach ache.

Each word of Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has a different

Acquired means







ImmunoDeficiency means a weakness in the bodys immune system.

Syndrome means a group of health problems that make up a disease

Common Reasons for getting infected with AIDS

Having unprotected sex with an infected person
From mother to child during pregnancy or even breastfeeding
Through blood transfusion
Through oral sex or in rare cases through deep kissing
Use of hypodermic needles

HIV - Human Immuno-deficiency Virus

Human Immuno-deficiency Virus is the most deadly infected virus that

causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is a condition
of complete failure of human immune system. AIDS was first clinically
observed in 1981 in the United States. It is believed to have originated in
non-human primates in West-central Africa and were transferred to
How to test for HIV
There is no proper procedure to test the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus in human body, because HIV has never been isolated from
human blood. So, different procedures are used in different parts of the
world for its diagnosis.

OPD - Out Patient Department

Out Patient Department is considered to be the first point of contact

between the patient and the hospital staff. A patient when enter the hospital
for the first time, goes to the "Out Patient Department", now the staff of
OPD decides to which department a patient should go.
Normally an Out Patient Department is found on the ground flour of any
hospital and may be divided in to multiple bays like : different OPDs for
Neurology, Gynecology, Orthopedics and General Medicine. A patient has
to complete all the formalities here only before going to the respective

BAMS - Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery is an undergraduate degree in

the field of modern medicine and traditional ayurveda. The minimum criteria
for getting admitted to this course : a person must have completed its 12th
class education with science.
The curriculum of BAMS includes in depth study of ayurveda topics along
with the study of modern anatomy, principles of modern medicine,
pharmacology, principles of surgery, ENT, physiology and many more.
What after BAMS
After completing the degree, a person can opt a domain of Research,
Health Supervisor, General Practice or Hospital Administration. A graduate
can study further and can be admitted to MD or MS programs in ayurveda,
MSc in Health Sciences or Nutrition, or MBA in Hospital Healthcare
BHMS - Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery

Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery is an undergraduate

degree in Homeopathy (an alternative approach to medicine, originated by
Samuel Hahnemann in 1796). Homeopathy works on the principle that "a
substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will
cure similar symptoms in sick people".
The degree of BHMS teaches subjects related to Homeopathic Medicine
which are common in most of the Universities in India. These subjects

include :
Homeopathic Pharmacy
Surgery including E. N.T, Opthalmology, Dentistry
Homeopathic Materia Medica
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
Practice of Medicine
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
After passing the Final Examination, a candidate has to go through an
internship of one year, to become eligible for getting a degree.
Scope of BHMS in India
In India, Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery has a good scope
as more number of people are opting for Homeopathic Medicines because
they don't have any side effects.

pH - Potential of Hydrogen

The concentration of hydrogen ions is commonly expressed in terms of the

pH scale. It represents the ratio of Hydronium ions (H3O) to Hydroxide ions
(OH). High pH corresponds to low hydrogen ion concentration and vice

pH varies in the range of 1 to 14. The solution closer to 1 is highly acidic,

while the solution closer to 14 is the strong base. A Neutral liquid (Pure
water at 25 C) has pH of 7.
On the basis of the pH value of the solution, it is determined to be either
acidic or basic. A pH less than 7 represents an acidic solution and a value
higher than 7 is basic or alkaline.

MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is an imaging technique used to visualize
internal structures of the body in details, more clearer than X-Ray. It is also
referred to as nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) or magnetic
resonance tomography (MRT). The technique uses magnetism, radio
waves, and a computer to produce images of human body.
When to use MRI Scans
A Magnetic Resonance Imaging can be used to detect diseases very
accurately from a human body. It can be used to detect:

The structure of the joints and bones of the body

Tumors of the brain
Trauma to the head or brain
Problems with the discs of the spine
The structure of the heart and aorta

DDT - DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane

DDT is a colourless and odourless substance, used as a powerful

insecticide that is poisonous to both humans and animals. It is known to

accumulate in the tissues and remains active in the environment for many
years. Due to its hazardous effects to nature and living beings, it has now
been banned in US and UK.
It's chemical formula is C14H9Cl5. So, for every molecule of DDT, there are
14 atoms of carbon, 9 atoms of hydrogen, and 5 atoms of chlorine. In its
pure form, DDT is a white, crystalline powder with little odour.
Effects of DDT on Animals
As we have already discussed that it is a powerful insecticide that is
poisonous to both humans and animals. So, what makes it so dangerous
for Animals and other living beings? DDT has long life due to its low
solubility in water and it's relatively high solubility in fats. This means that
once an animal digest a little DDT, it tends to stay in their body for long.

MC - Menstrual Cycle

It is the specific cycle that starts in females at the age of 12-13 years and
continue till the age of 45. Normally, the period or duration of the cycle is

about 28 days. There are 4 different phases of the cycle:

Menstrual phase - In this phase some blood and other products of
the disintegration of the inner lining of the uterus are discharged from the
uterus. It lasts from 3-4 days.
Follicular phase - It is the first part of the ovarian cycle in which the
follicle prepares to release the egg and begins to produce estrogen. It lasts
for about 8-9 days.
Ovulatory phase - In the 28-day cycle, the Ovulatory phase begins
around 14th day. In this phase, the egg is discharged and guided into the
fallopian tube, waiting to be fertilized by the male's sperm cells.
Luteal phase - It is the final phase of the ovarian cycle and it
corresponds to the secretory phase of the uterine cycle.
If the egg is not fertilized, it dies, resulting in the discharge of some blood

and other products of the disintegration of the inner lining of the uterus.
This is called menstruation.

ECG - ElectroCardioGram

Electrocardiogram is the recorded graph that reflects the underlying heart

condition by measuring the electrical activity of the heart. It is a graphical
representation of the potential difference across the cardiac muscles during
pumping and non-pumping phase. The test is performed for diagnostic or
research purposes on human hearts.
The test records the electrical impulses made while the heart is beating,
which is usually recorded on a piece of paper. It shows any kind of problem
with the heart's rhythm, a reason for some heart disease.
How an ECG is performed ?
The test could be taken while the patient is resting or in some cases, on
exercise bike or treadmill. The test is performed by positioning the
electrodes at several places on the body in standardized locations (arms,
legs and chest), and recorded by a device external to the body. The test is
completely painless and takes no time in completion.

CPR - Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation

Cardio means "of the heart" and pulmonary means "of the lungs".
Resuscitation is a medical word that means "to revive". CardioPulmonary
Resuscitation is a technique used in medical emergency in case of heart
attack or cardiac arrest. It is the activity of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
and chest compressions given to a person whose breathing or heartbeat

has stopped. It can be a life-saving first aid.

Cardiac Arrest
Cardiac Arrest is the state of body that interrupts normal circulation of blood
due to failure of the heart. A cardiac arrest can be caused by: Heart
disease, Suffocation, Drowning, Electric shock, Drug overdose, etc. CPR is
an activity that helps the body in reviving from Cardiac Arrest. People who
handles emergencies - doctors, firefighters, lifeguards, nurses and police
officers are all trained to do "CardioPulmonary Resuscitation".

BCG - Bacillus Calmette-Gurin

Bacillus CalmetteGurin, aka Vaccin Bili de Calmette et Gurin, is a live

vaccine that provides immunity or protection against tuberculosis (TB). The
vaccine was developed by two French scientists Calmette and Gurin in the
1920s from which the vaccine got its name.
BCG vaccine helps to protect babies and young children against most
common forms of TB. It is mostly given to people who are living in the most
TB affected parts of the world or having one or more parents born in the TB
affected areas.

TT - Tetanus Toxoid

The Tetanus Toxoid is a vaccine against the toxin produced by the bacteria
called Clostridium tetani. The vaccine was developed in 1920s which can
be taken in form of injection and considered 100% effective in preventing a
life threatening disease called "Tetanus", sometimes also called "lockjaw".
Tetanus is a life threatening disease that is caused by the bacteria that

enters the body through a wound, cut, bite, burn or ulcer. It affects the
person's nervous system and becomes fatal if left untreated.

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