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Virtual Field Trip of

The Holocaust
DIRECTIONS: To find answers to the important questions below, complete each task on the right. Each task
will lead you somewhere on the web as you journey through the Holocaust. Write your answers on your
student handout.

1. Holocaust Background:

Read this Introduction to the Holocaust to answer A-C.

What is it?
What does the word Holocaust mean?
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
Watch this Animated Map of the Holocaust to answer C-D
Important Dates:
i. 1933, January 30th:
ii. 1935, September 15th:
Navigate this Interactive Timeline of the Holocaust
iii. 1938, November 9-10th:
to find these dates.
iv. 1941, September:
v. 1941, December 7th:
vi. 1942, July 4th:
vii. 1945:

2. Causes of the Holocaust:

a. What is Anti-Semitism, and why is it so dangerous?

Read this article for question A.

b. How did the Nazis stereotype the Jews? Why?

Read and see examples of stereotypes. Be

sure to click on each poster/image and
read what they mean.

c. What is a Scapegoat?

Search for Scapegoat

d. How did Hitler treat the Jews as a Scapegoat?

Listen to Gerda Haas, a survivor, speak

about the Jews as a scapegoat.
Watch Hitler speak about ending the
Jewish people in Europe.

e. What were the Nuremberg Race Laws, and how did this persecute Jews?
Read a summary of the Race Laws.
View and zoom-in on a race law chart. (Juden means
Jew. Verboten means forbidden).


f. How did Hitler use propaganda to gain political popularity?

Read how Hitler created his image.
Activity: Hitlers many faces.
g. What does it mean to indoctrinate someone?

Search for Indoctrinate

h. How did Nazi Germany indoctrinate its youth?

Read about how they indoctrinated youth.

See images of indoctrination (be sure to
hover over the + symbols for more info)


What is Propaganda?

Search for Propaganda


What types of Propaganda did the Nazis use and what was their purpose?
Watch a video about a staged propaganda
Read about and see The Peoples Radio
and listen to Commentary #5.
View posters of the Aryan Family

3. Effects of the Holocaust

a. What types of people were victims in the Holocaust? Why?
Read about Victims here.
b. How is Genocide defined? Why was the term created?
Read about Genocide here.
Watch a video on why the term Genocide was created (bottom of page).
c. What were ghettos and their purpose?
d. What happened at the Warsaw Ghetto?
Watch this video to answer questions C & D.

e. What was the Final Solution and how did the Nazis carry it out?
Read here to find out.
f. Who were the SS (Schutzstaffel)? What did they do?
View & read this page here to find out.
g. Describe concentration camps, their purpose, and how they worked.
View the Auschwitz Album. Click here for a video.
Take a tour of Auschwitz: be sure to click on images 1, 12,
16, and 17 and look around in 360 degrees.


4. Liberation
a. Who were The Allied Forces?

Find them here

b. What did they find at the concentration camps and how did they react?
Read about Liberators here.
Browse photos of freed prisoners

5. Why is the Holocaust still important?

a. Does Anti-Semitism still exist? If so, give some examples:
Read this timeline for question B.
b. Does Genocide still occur? Where? Whats happening?
Read about ISISs actions here.
View and read about countries affected by Genocide.
c. What do survivors of genocide tell us about their experiences?
Choose 2 different survivors to watch.
d. What lessons can we learn from these survivors?

Created By: Jordan Hopkins, Farnell Middle School

(you respond)

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