2010 Elementary (3-5 Grade) Healdsburg Rube Goldberg Official Rules

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2010 Elementary (3-5 grade) Healdsburg Rube Goldberg Official Rules

Who can enter: The 2009 Elementary Rube Goldberg Machine Contest is open to any grade
3-5 student from the Healdsburg area. Teams are limited to a maximum of four (4) people. The
age of the oldest team member will determine the grade level in which you will compete.

How to enter: Register on the day of the competition. This event will be held as part of the
Technology Fair at Healdsburg Junior High on Saturday March 20, 2009.


This contest is to combine simple machines and build a contraption to perform a trivial task. In
the spirit of Rube Goldberg, extra points are giving for recycled materials or using a device in an
unconventional manner. Listed below are the requirements
Elementary Rube Goldberg Contest
Task: Apply a stamp to an envelope
Minimum number of steps: Five (5)
Minimum number of simple machines: Two (2)
Time limit: 10 minutes total to Run machine, Reset and Run again.
Size: No larger than 4 ft x 4 ft x 6ft high

1) A step is defined as a linear process; a ball rolling down a ramp and triggering a mousetrap
is one complete step. Parallel processes, where two things happen simultaneously, will be
considered one step. The first step of the cycle is considered the first human intervention
starting the machine and the final step of the cycle completes the specified task.
2) The six simple machines are:
• Incline: a ramp or slanted surface (ie: slide, stairs)
• Wedge: shaped like an incline, but a moving incline (ie: nail, ax)
• Screw: a cylindrical body with a helical groove cut into its surface (ie: bolt threads)
• Lever: a bar that pivots upon a point called the fulcrum (ie: stapler, shovel)
• Axle and Wheel: a wheel rotating about a fixed axle to bear a load. A gear is a
wheel with teeth on it.
• Pulley: consists of a wheel and axle with a grove on the outside of the wheel in
which a rope runs to change direction of a load. Used to raise and lower
3) The machine must operate within the defined size dimensions. Any loose or flying objects
must remain within the set boundaries.
4) Exclusions:
a) Each machine must be safe to the approval of the contest officials. Any
questionable items must be given prior consent by the contest chairman.
b) No combustible fluids, explosives, open flames, or hazardous materials are
c) Maximum voltage allowed is 12 volts. No high voltage (110 volt) devices are
d) A machine must not imply profane, indecent, or lewd expressions.
e) A machine may not incorporate any live animal.
f) A machine may not display any corporate sponsor logos.
g) No glitter may be used as part of a machine.
h) No fluids other than water may contact the floor.
i) No hammering or other pounding on the floor is permitted.

"Rube Goldberg" is a trademark of Rube Goldberg Inc.

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(Healdsburg Junior High, March 21, 2010)

I) Registration and setup starts at 10:00 am. Competition starts at 11:00am.

II) Each team must submit three (3) copies of a description of its machine at registration.
The description must be legible and include:
a) School name
b) Names of all the team members
c) A concise step-by-step description of the machine steps from first to last with all
steps numbered.
d) Each simple machine identified with type (i.e. screw, lever) and its step in the
III) All machines will be displayed and operated in the space provided at the contest. Only
team members may participate in the machine setup. Each team is responsible for the
security of its own machine. Intentional destructive action against other machines is cause
for disqualification.
IV) During the contest, the machine must complete two full cycles.
a) The first full cycle must be run to completion upon the judge’s instruction. Only
team members may interact with the machine.
b) The machine is to be reset.
c) A second cycle must be run to completion with the same parameters as the first
run upon the judge’s instruction.
d) During the contest each team may claim one restart of a run without penalty. No
additional restarts will be allowed.
e) The total time to run the first cycle, reset the machine, and run the second cycle
is not to exceed 10 minutes. Any restart must be within this time limit.
f) All tools, spare parts and other equipment must be kept in a container where they
are out of reach of spectators.
V) Judging (see Judging sheet for additional information)
a) Scoring will be on a 100-point basis.
b) Points are awarded for:
• Providing 3 copies of a complete description of the machine.
• More machine steps
• More simple machines
• Rube Goldberg spirit; use of recycled materials or use of a device in an
unconventional manner.
• Creativity (including a common theme).
c) Points are deducted for:
• Any human intervention.
• Skipped steps.
• Exceeding 10 minute time limit.
• Not removing the machine and all related debris at the end of the
d) Judges may question team members on operation of machine.
e) All decisions of the judges and contest officials are final.

"Rube Goldberg" is a trademark of Rube Goldberg Inc.

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Official Judging Form
2009 Elementary Rube Goldberg Contest

Group Name: ___________________ School: _________________________

Team Members ________________________________________________________


Initial impressions
5 max Quality of written machine description.

13 max 1 point per step

12 max 2 points per each type of simple machine used.

10 max Use of recycled materials or unconventional usage in the spirit of Rube Goldberg.

10 max Creativity of machine design (including a theme).

50 max Sub-total: Initial Impression

First run
30 max First run to completion (Apply a stamp to an envelope)

-8 max Points lost to human interventions: 2 for first; 4 for second; 8 for third (or more)

-1/step Points lost for steps skipped on interventions: 1 for each step skipped

30 Max Sub-total: First Run

Second run
20 max Second run to completion

-8 max Points lost to human interventions: 2 for first; 4 for second; 8 for third (or more)

-1/step Points lost for steps skipped on interventions: 1 for each step skipped

20 Max Sub-total: Second Run

Total minutes _________________

-10 max Deductions for exceeding time (1 point per minute)

100 Max Grand Total



"Rube Goldberg" is a trademark of Rube Goldberg Inc.

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