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Prepared By
Pushpa Mala S
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Sambhram Institute of
K.Ezhilarasan, Pushpa Mala S
Senior Lecturer,
Dept of Electronics and


Analog Design

Digital Design


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Digital design & Analog Design

Analog and Mixed

signal Design







1. Write VERILOG code for the following circuits and their test bench for Verification, observe
the waveform and synthesis the code with technological library with given constraints*. Do the
initial timing verification with gate level simulation.
(i). an Inverter
(ii). A Buffer
(iii). Transmission Gate
(IV). Basic/Universal gates
(v). Flip flop RS flip flop, D flip flop, JK flip f lop, Master Slave flip flop, T flip flop
(vi). Serial & Parallel adder
(vii). 4-bit counter [synchronous and Asynchronous counter]
(viii).Successive approximation registers [SAR]
*An approximation constraint should be given
1. Design an Inverter with the given specifications*, completing the design flow mentioned
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
(i) DC Analysis
(ii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC [Design Rule Checker], ERC [Electrical Rule
c. Check for LVS [Layout Vs Schematic]
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design
e. Verify & Optimize for Time, Power and Area to the given constraint***
2. Design the following circuits with given specifications*, completing the design flow
mentioned below:
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
(i) DC Analysis
(ii) AC Analysis
(iii) Transient Analysis
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b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC [Design Rule Checker], ERC [Electrical Rule
c. Check for LVS [Layout Vs Schematic]
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design
(i) A single stage differential amplifier
(ii) Common source and Common Drain amplifier
3. Design an Op-amp with given specification* using the differential amplifier Common source
and Common Drain amplifier in library** and completing the design flow mentioned below:
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
(i) DC Analysis
(ii) AC Analysis
(iii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC [Design Rule Checker], ERC [Electrical Rule
c. Check for LVS [Layout Vs Schematic]
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design
4. Design a 4-bit R-2R based DAC for the given specification and completing the design flow
mentioned using given op-amp in the library**.
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
(i) DC Analysis
(ii) AC Analysis
(iii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC [Design Rule Checker], ERC [Electrical Rule
c. Check for LVS [Layout Vs Schematic]
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design
5.For the SAR based ADC mentioned in the figure below draw the mixed signal schematic and
verify the functionality by completing ASIC design FLOW.[ specifications too GDS-II]
High when Vtest< Vin




* Appropriate specification should be given

**Applicable Library should be added & information should be given to the designer
***An approximate constraint should be given

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VLSI DESIGN FLOW (Front end & Back end Design)

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Digital Design
1. In the desktop, right click and go to terminal window
2. In the terminal window type the given below
source cshrc (Note: cshrc is a file, that will communicate client machine to the VLSI server)
3. The following screen will appear like shown in figure

4. nclaunch window will open now..

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5. Go to Fileset design directory

6. In set design directory browse (design directory) now u have to set your design
directory( where you are created your design directory)(path is root/cadence/and_gate)

7. Now u have to set library mapping file, in that click on create cds.lib file and save it in your
design directory (Note :cds.lib file will be create for each and every folder created by user)

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8.Now the Verilog files will appear in design browser window

9. Now compile the design file and test bench file (click the vlog icon)

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10. Now elaborate the both files, in right side expand the work lib directory and click the both
file (click next to vlog icon)

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Here it shows Source File

names (or) HDL File names

Here it shows the Module

name of the HDL File

11.Now go to tools click simulate

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12. Now in the simulate window, click the drop down menu in snapshot and set the
testbench.module, then click ok

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13. Now minimize/close the console window In the design browser window, click the test
bench in left side, then in right side click the send to waveform icon

Click this

14. Now click the run button in simulation window for simulation. (Now click the mouse inside
the wave form and drag it for checking the output)

Click the Run

Button to get

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Click this Arrow to go

for previous/next edge
of the pulse

RTL Compiler procedure:

In terminal window, type the following commands
Source cshrc
rc gui
Now RTL compiler window will open, and then minimize that window
In the rc shell window, you have to type the following command
Note: copy the library file and keep it in separate folder (Eg.root/cadence/rclabs/library) and
create folder named rtl in the same path (root/cadence/rclabs/rtl)

Page 13 of 71

Example rc script:
set_attr lib_search_path /root/Cadence/rclabs/library this is for to set up the library path
set_attr hdl_search_path /root/Cadence/rclabs/rtl this is for to set up the hdl search path
set_attr library {slow_highvt.lib slow_normal.lib}-- these are available libraries in the library
folder (Path is../root/Cadence/rclabs/library)
read_hdl hdl_file name.v (Eg.not1.v)--. This command will read the hdl file
elaborate topmodule_name (module name of inverter) this will create the drivers for i/p and
synthesize to_mapped
Note: for elaborate you have to give the top level module name .E.g..for parallel adder
read_hdl {fulladdder.v parallel_adder.v}
elaborate parallel_adder

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Switch Level Model Tutorial

Syntax for MOS Switch:
nmos n1(out , data , control ) ; => nmos na (drain, source, gate)
pmos p1(out , data , control ) ; => pmos p1 (drain, source, gate)
Two types of MOS switches, nmos is used to model NMOS transistor, pmos is used to
model PMOS transistors. The symbols for NMOS and PMOS switches are shown below.

CMOS Switch

c1(out , data , ncontrol , pcontrol ) ;

CMOS switches are declared with the keyword cmos. A CMOS device can be
modeled with a NMOS and PMOS devices. The symbol for a CMOS switch is shown

Bidirection Switch
tran t1( inout1, inout2 ) ;
tranif0 t2 (inout1, inout2 , control ) ;
tranif1 t3 (inout1, inout2 , control ) ;
The tran switch acts as a buffer between the two signals inout1 and in-out2. Either
inout1, or inout2 can be driver signal. The tranif0 switch connects the two signals inout1 and
inout2 only if the control signal is logic 0. If the control signal is a logic 1, the nondriver
signal gets a high impedance value z. The driver signal retains value from its driver. The
tranif1 switch conducts if the control signal is a logic 1.

The symbols for these switches are shown below.

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Resistive Switch
n2(out , data , control ) ;
p2(out , data , control ) ;
rcmos c2(out , data , control ) ; rtran
t4(inout1 , inout2 ) ;
t5(inout1 , inout2 , control ) ;
t6(inout1 , inout2 , control ) ;
Resistive switches have a higher source to drain impedance than regular switches and
reduce the strength of signals when the signal passes through them. Resistive
switches have the same syntax as regular switches.
Basic Design Example

There are four examples to describe the gate level design. Each example will contain
(1) transistor circuit (2) verilog code (3) test stimulus code (4) simulation result
(5) simulation waveform
CMOS NOR Gate Design

We design our own nor gate, using CMOS switches. The gate and the switch level
circuit diagram for the nor gate is show below.

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Verilog Code

Using the switch primitives discussed first, the verilog description of the circuit is shown below.

Pwr is connected
to vdd

Gnd is connected
to vss

module my_nor(out, A, B);

output out;
input A, B;
wire c;
supply1 pwr;
//pwr is connected to Vdd
supply0 gnd; //gnd is connected to Vss(ground)
(c, pwr, B);
pmos (out, c, A);
nmos (out, gnd, A);
nmos (out, gnd, B);

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Test Stimulus Code

Now, we can test our_nor gate, using the stimulus is shown below.

Call my_nor

Test all possible


module stimulus;
reg A, B;
wire OUT;

my_nor n1(OUT, A, B);

A = 1'b0; B = 1'b0;
#10 A = 1'b0; B = 1'b1;
#10 A = 1'b1; B = 1'b0;
#10 A = 1'b1; B = 1'b1;
#10 A = 1'b0; B = 1'b0;

Show result
$monitor($time, " OUT = %b, A = %b, B = %b", OUT, A, B);

Simulation Result
The output of the simulation is shown below.

Simulation result

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Simulation Waveform

According truth table, when input contains 1, then output is 0.

1-Bit Full Adder Design

Using the CMOS design the 1-bit full adder, the logic diagram is shown below.

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Verilog Code

We are now ready to write the verilog description for a full adder. First, we need to
design our own inverter my_not and my_xor by using switches. We can write the
verilog module description for the CMOS inverter from the switch-level circuit

Built my_not

module my_not(out, in);

//Define output input
output out;
//Define power and ground
supply1 pwr;
supply0 gnd;
//Instantiate the CMOS switches pmos


We need to design our xor module by using switches, too. We can write the verilog
module description for CMOS xor form the switch-level
circuit diagram.

module my_xor(out,a,b);

Call my_not
module previous

input a,b; wire

my_not nt(c,a);

//Instantiate the CMOS switches cmos

pmos (out,a,b); nmos
(out,c,b); endmodule
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Now, the 1-bit full adder can be defined using the CMOS switch and my_not inverter. The
verilog description for a 1-bit full adder is shown below.

Call my_xor module


Call my_not module


//Define a CMOS Adder

module adder(sum,cout,a,b,cin);
//Define input output and internal wire output
my_xor n1(f,a,b);
my_not n2(d,f);
my_not n3(e,cin);
my_not n4(g,b);
my_not n5(sum,h);
my_not n6(cout,i);

//Define instantiate CMOS switches cmos



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Test Stimulus Code

We will test 1-bit full adder, using the stimulus is shown below.

Call adder

Show result

Test all possible


//Define stimulus module

module stimulus;
//Define input output reg

$monitor($time," sum=%b cout=%b a=%b b=%b
#5 a=1'b0; b=1'b0; cin=1'b0;
#5 a=1'b0; b=1'b0; cin=1'b1;
#5 a=1'b0; b=1'b1; cin=1'b0;
#5 a=1'b0; b=1'b1; cin=1'b1;
#5 a=1'b1; b=1'b0; cin=1'b0;
#5 a=1'b1; b=1'b0; cin=1'b1;
#5 a=1'b1; b=1'b1; cin=1'b0;
#5 a=1'b1; b=1'b1; cin=1'b1; end


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Simulation Result

Simulation result is shown below.

All possible

Simulation Waveform

According to mathematical equation, we can get waveform is shown below.

sum = ( a +

b +

c in )

c ou t = ( a b ) + cin ( a x

b )

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2 to 1 Multiplexer Design

The 2 to 1 multiplexer can be defined with CMOS switches. We will use the my_nor
gate declared before. The circuit diagram for the multiplexer is show below.

Verilog Code
The 2 to 1 multiplexer passes the input I0 to output if S=0 and passes I1 to OUT if
S =1. The switch level description for the 2 to 1 multiplexer is shown below.
Complement of s

Equivalent to a
not gate

module my_mux (out, s, i0, i1);

output out;
input s, i0, i1;
wire sbar ;
my_nor nt(sbar, s, s);

cmos (out, i0, sbar, s);

cmos (out, i1, s, sbar);

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Test Stimulus Code

We will check 2 to 1 multiplexer as shown below.


First combination

Second combination


reg S, I0, I1;

wire OUT;
m1(OUT, S, I0, I1);
I0 = 1'b1; I1 = 1'b0; S =
#5 S = 1'b1;

#5 I0 = 1'b0; I1 = 1'b1;
S = 1'b0;
#5 S = 1'b1;

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//check results initial


OUT= %b, S= %b I0= %b, I1=


Simulation Result

When S=0, then OUT=I0, otherwise, when S=1, then OUT= I1.

Simulation waveform
The simulation is used to waveform check 2 to 1 multiplexer correctly.
Ouput I0
Output I1
Output I0

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Simple CMOS D-Flip-Flop Design

The diagram for a D Flip-Flop is show below. The switche C1 and C2 are CMOS
switches. Switch C1 is open if clk =1, and switch C2 is open if clk=0. Complement of
the clk is fed to the ncontrol input of C2.

Verilog Code
We are now ready to write the verilog description for the CMOS Flip-Flop. We
will use my_not module previous example.

Call my_not module

module dff ( q, qbar, d, clk);

output q, qbar;
input d, clk;
wire e;
wire nclk;
my_not nt(nclk, clk);
cmos (e, d, clk, nclk);
cmos (e, q, nclk, clk);
my_not nt1(qbar, e);
my_not nt2(q, qbar); endmo

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Test Stimulus Code

The design is checked by the stimulus as shown below. The module stimulus
stimulates the D-Flip-Flop by applying a few input combinations and monitors the

Flip-flop will load


Flip-flop will
load data

module stimulus;
reg D, CLK;
wire Q, QBAR;
//instantiate the CMOS flipflop dff
c1(Q, QBAR, D, CLK);
//test load and store using stimulus initial

//sequence 1
CLK = 1'b0;
D = 1'b1;
#5 CLK = 1'b1;
#5 CLK = 1'b0;

//sequence 2
#5 D = 1'b0;
#5 CLK = 1'b1;
#5 D=1'b1;CLK = 1'b0;
//check output
CLK = %b, D = %b, Q = %b,
QBAR = %b ", CLK, D, Q, QBAR);

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Simulation Result
When clk =0, output keep previous value. Otherwise, clk=1 input value is loaded.

Simulation Waveform
When clk =1, output is changed.

Experiment No. 1 Inverter

Write Verilog Code for inverter and Test Bench for verification, observe the waveform and
synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints.
CMOS inverter, a logic gate which converts a high input to low and low to high. When the input
is high, the n- MOSFET on the bottom switches on, pulling the output to ground. The p-MOSFET on top
switches off. When the input is low, the gate-source voltage on the n-MOSFET is below its threshold, so
it switches off, and the p-MOSFET switches on to pull the output high.
Verilog code (data flow model):
module not_1(a,y);
input a;
output y;
assign y = ~ a;
Verilog code (switch level model):
module inv (a,y);
input a;
output y;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 vss;
pmos p1 (y,vdd,a);
nmos n1 (y,vss,a);
Test bench code:
module not_1_test;
reg a;
wire y;
not_1 n1(a,y);
#10 a=1'b1;
#15 a=1'b0;
#10 a=1'b1;
#5 a=1'b1;

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Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

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Experiment: 2 Buffer
Write Verilog Code for buffer and Test Bench for verification, observe the waveform and
synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints.
A buffer is a CMOS circuit used to temporarily hold data while it is being used to move
from one place to another. Typically, the data is stored in a buffer as it is retrieved from an
input device or just before it is sent to an output device. It is used mainly when there is a delay
needed in sending a data
Verilog code (data flow model):
module buffer ( out, in);
output out;
input in;
wire a;
inverter i1 (a,in);
inverter i2 (out,a);
Verilog code (switch level model):
module buffer (out,in);
input in;
output out;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 vss;
wire a;
inv i1 (in, a);
inv i2 (a, out);

Test bench code:

module buf_test;
wire out ;
reg in ;
buffer b1( out, in);
#10 in = 1'b0 ;
#10 in = 1'b1 ;
#10 in = 1'bx ;
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#10 in = 1'bz ;
Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

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Experiment: 3 Transmission gate

Write Verilog Code for Transmission gate and Test Bench for verification, observe the
waveform and synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints.
A transmission gate, or analog switch, is defined as an electronic element that will
selectively block or pass a signal level from the input to the output. This solid-state switch is
comprised of a pMOS transistor and nMOS transistor. The control gates are biased in a
complementary manner so that both transistors are either on or off. When the voltage on node A
is a Logic 1, the complementary Logic 0 is applied to node active-low A, allowing both
transistors to conduct and pass the signal at IN to OUT. When the voltage on node active-low A
is a Logic 0, the complementary Logic 1 is applied to node A, turning both transistors off and
forcing a high-impedance condition on both the IN and OUT nodes. This high-impedance
condition represents the third "state" (high, low, or high-Z).
Verilog code(data flow model):
module tg (y,a,ctrl);
input a,ctrl;
output y;
reg y;
always @ (a or ctrl)
if (ctrl)
Verilog code(data flow model):
module tg (in,out,ctrl);
input in, ctrl;
output out;
wire ctrl_bar;
pmos p1 (in,ctrl_bar,out);
nmos n1 (in, ctrl, out);
inv i1 (ctrl,ctrl_bar);
Testbench code:
module tg_test;
reg a,ctrl;
wire y;
tg t1 (y,a,ctrl);
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a=0; ctrl=0;
#10 a= ~a;
#25 ctrl = ~ctrl;
end endmodule
Simulation output waveform:

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RTL view:

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Experiment: 4 Basic Gates/Universal Gates

Write Verilog code for NAND, NOR, AND, OR, XOR & XNOR gate and test bench for
verification, observe the waveform and synthesis the code with technological library with give
AND gate The AND gate is a basic digital logic gate A HIGH output (1) results only if both
the inputs to the AND gate are HIGH (1). If neither or only one input to the AND gate is HIGH, a LOW
output results. In another sense, the function of AND effectively finds the minimum between two binary
OR Gate The OR gate is a digital logic Gate a HIGH output (1) results if one or both
the inputs to the gate are HIGH (1). If neither input is HIGH, a LOW output (0) results. In
another sense, the function of OR effectively finds the maximum between two binary digits.
NAND gate The Negated AND, NOT AND or NAND gate is the opposite of the digital AND
gate, and behaves in a manner that corresponds to the opposite of AND gate. A LOW output results only
if both inputs to the gate are HIGH. If one or more inputs are LOW, a HIGH output results.
NOR gate The NOR gate is a digital logic gate A HIGH output (1) results if both the

inputs to the gate are LOW (0). If one or both input is HIGH (1), a LOW output (0) results. NOR
is the result of the negation of the OR operator.
XOR gate The XOR gate (sometimes EOR gate or EXOR gate) is a digital logic gate
that implements an exclusive or; that is , if any one of the input is HIGH then the output goes to
HIGH(1) and if both inputs are LOW or HIGH then output goes LOW(0).
XNOR gate The XNOR gate (sometimes spelled "exnor" or "enor") is a digital logic
gate whose function is the inverse of the exclusive OR (XOR) gate. A HIGH output (1) results if
both of the inputs to the gate are the same. If one but not both inputs are HIGH (1), a LOW
output (0) results.

Verilog code for nand_gate (Data flow model):

module and_2(a,b,y);
input a,b;
output y;
assign y = ~(a & b);
Verilog code for nand_gate (switch level model):
module nand_gate (a,b,y);
input a,b;
output y;
wire s1;
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supply1 vdd;
supply0 vss;
pmos p1 (y,vdd,a);
pmos p1 (y,vdd,b);
nmos n1 (s1,y,a);
nmos n2 (vss,s1,b);

testbench code:
module and_2_test;
reg a,b;
wire y;
and_2 a1(a,b,y);
#10 a=~ a;
#25 b= ~b;
Simulation output waveform:

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RTL view:

Verilog code for nor_gate(data flow model):

module orgate (a,b,y);
input a,b;
output y;
assign y = ~(a | b);
Verilog code for nor_gate (switch level model):
module nor_gate (a,b,y);
input a,b;
output y;
wire s1;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 vss;
nmos n1 (y,vdd,a);
nmos n2 (y,vdd,b);
pmos p1 (s1,y,a);
pmos p2 (vss,s1,b);

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testbench code:
module orgate_test;
reg a,b;
wire y;
orgate o1(a,b,y);
#10 a=~ a;
#25 b= ~b;
Simulation output waveform:

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RTL view:

Verilog code for xor_gate(dataflow model)

module xor_2(a,b,y);
input a,b;
output y;
assign y = a ^ b;
Verilog Code (Switch level model):
Module xor_2 (a,b,y);
Input a,b;
Output y;
Wire abar, bbar,x;
Pmos p1 (x,a,bbar);
Nmos n1 (x,bbar,abar);
Pmos p2 (x,b,abar);
Nmos n2 (x, b, a);
Inv i1 (y,x);

testbench code:
module xor_2_test;
reg a,b;
wire y;
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xor_2 a1(a,b,y);
#10 a=~ a;
#25 b= ~b;

Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

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Verilog code for xnor_gate:

module xnor_2(a,b,y);
input a,b;
output y;
assign y = ~(a ^ b);

Verilog Code (Switch level model):

Module xnor_2 (a,b,y);
Input a,b;
Output y;
Wire abar, bbar,x;
Pmos p1 (x,abar,b);
Nmos n1 (x,b,a);
Pmos p2 (x,bbar,a);
Nmos n2 (x, bbar, abar);
Inv i1 (y,x);

testbench code:
module xor_2_test;
reg a,b;
wire y;
xor_2 a1(a,b,y);
#10 a=~ a;
#25 b= ~b;

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Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

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Experiment: 5 Full adder

Verilog code:
module fulladd(a,b,cin,s,c);
input a,b,cin;
output s,c;
assign s = (a^b)^cin ;
assign c = (a & b) || (b & c) || (a & c);
Verilog code (switch_level model):
module fa (carry,sum,x,y,cin);
output sum,carry;
input x,y,cin;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 vss;
wire a,b,c,d,carryb;
// carry circuit
pmos p1 (a,vdd,x);
pmos p2 (b,a,y);
pmos p3 (carryb,b,x);
pmos p4 (a,vdd,y);
pmos p5 (carryb,a,cin);
nmos n1 (carryb,c,x);
nmos n2 (c,vss,y);
nmos n3 (carryb,d,cin);
nmos n4 (d,vss,x);
nmos n5 (d,vss,y);
inv i1 (carry,carryb);
//sum circuit
pmos p6 (e,vdd,x);
pmos p7 (e,vdd,y);
pmos p8 (e,vdd,cin);
pmos p9 (sumb,e,carryb);
pmos p10 (f,e,x);
pmos p11 (g,f,y);
pmos p12 (sumb,g,cin);
nmos n6 (sumb,h,x);
nmos n7 (h,i,y);
nmos n8 (i,vss,cin);
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nmos n9 (sumb,j,carryb);
nmos n10 (j,vss,x);
nmos n11 (j,vss,y);
nmos n12 (j,vss,cin);
inv i2 (sum,sumb);

testbench code:
module full_test;
reg a,b,cin;
wire s,c;
fulladd f1(a,b,cin,s,c);
#5 a=~a;
#10 b = ~b;
#15 cin= ~cin;
Simulation output waveform:

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RTL view:

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Experiment: 6 Parallel Adder

Write Verilog Code for parallel adder and Test Bench for verification, observe the
waveform and synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints.
Parallel adders are digital circuits that compute the addition of variable binary strings of
equivalent or different size in parallel
Verilog code:
module adder4 ( carryin,x,y,sum,carryout);
input carryin;
input [3:0] x,y;
output [3:0] sum;
output carryout;
fulladd stage0 (carryin, x[0],y[0],sum[0],c1);
fulladd stage1 (c1,x[1],y[1],sum[1],c2);
fulladd stage2 (c2,x[2],y[2],sum[2],c3);
fulladd stage3 (c3,x[3],y[3],sum[3],carryout);
testbench code:
module adder4_t ;
reg [3:0] x,y;
reg carryin;
wire [3:0] sum;
wire carryout;
adder4 a1 ( carryin,x,y,sum,carryout);
x = 4'b0000; y= 4'b0000;carryin = 1'b0;
#20 x =4'b1111; y = 4'b1010;
#40 x =4'b1011; y =4'b0110;
#40 x =4'b1111; y=4'b1111;

Page 48 of 71

Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

Page 49 of 71

Experiment: 7 Flip Flops

Write Verilog Code for RS flip flop and Test Bench for verification, observe the
waveform and synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints.
The clocked RS flip flop consists of NAND gates and the output changes its state with
respect to the input on application of clock pulse. When the clock pulse is high the S and R
inputs reach the second level NAND gates in their complementary form. The Flip Flop is reset
when the R input high and S input is low. The Flip Flop is set when the S input is high and R
input is low. When both the inputs are high the output is in an indeterminate
Verilog code for SR Flip flop:
module sr_ff(q,qbar,s,r,clk);
output q,qbar;
input clk,s,r;
reg tq;
always @(posedge clk or tq)
if (s == 1'b0 && r == 1'b0)
tq <= tq;
else if (s == 1'b0 && r == 1'b1)
tq <= 1'b0;
else if (s == 1'b1 && r == 1'b0)
tq <= 1'b1;
else if (s == 1'b1 && r == 1'b1)
tq <= 1'bx;
assign q = tq;
assign qbar = ~tq;
module sr_ff_test;
reg clk,s,r;
wire q,qbar;
sr_ff sr1(q,qbar,s,r,clk);
clk = 1'b0;s=0;r=1'b1;
#5 s=0; r=1'b1;
#5 s=1'b1; r=0;
Page 50 of 71

#5 s=0; r=0;
#10 s=1'b1; r=1'b1;
#5 s=0; r=0;

#5 clk = ~clk;


Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

Page 51 of 71

Write Verilog Code for D flip flop and Test Bench for verification, observe the
waveform and synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints.
To eliminate the undesirable condition of indeterminate state in the SR Flip Flop when
both inputs are high at the same time, in the D Flip Flop the inputs are never made
equal at the same time. This is obtained by making the two inputs complement of each other
Verilog code for D Flip flop:
module d_ff(q,clk,rst,din);
output q;
input clk,din,rst;
reg q;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst)
q <= 1'b0;
q <= din;
Testbench Code:
module d_ff_test;
reg clk, din, rst;
wire q;
d_ff df1 (q, clk, rst, din);
clk = 1'b0;rst=1'b1;din=0;
#10 rst=0;
#15 din=1'b1;
#22 din=0;
#11 din=1'b1;
#5 rst=1'b1;
#10 clk = ~clk;
Page 52 of 71

Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

Page 53 of 71

Write Verilog Code for JK flip flop and Test Bench for verification, observe the
waveform and synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints.
The indeterminate state in the SR Flip-Flop is defined in the JK Flip Flop. JK inputs
behave like S and R inputs to set and reset the Flip Flop. The output Q is ANDed with K input
and the clock pulse, similarly the output Q is ANDed with J input and the Clock pulse. When
the clock pulse is zero both the AND gates are disabled and the Q and Q output retain their
previous values. When the clock pulse is high, the J and K inputs reach the NOR gates. When
both the inputs are high the output toggles continuously. This is called Race around condition
and this must be avoided.
Verilog code for JK Flip flop:
module jkff(jk,clk,q,q_bar);
input [0:1] jk;
input clk;
output q, q_bar;
reg q, q_bar;
always @ (posedge clk )
case (jk)
2'd0 : q=q;
2'd1 : q=0;
2'd2 : q=1;
2'd3 : q=~q;
assign q_bar=~q;
testbench code:
module jk_ff_test;
reg clk,rst,j,k;
wire q,qbar;
jk_ff inst(q,qbar,clk,rst,j,k);
clk = 1'b0;rst=1'b1; j=0;k=1b1;
#10 rst=1'b0;
#10 j=1'b1; k=1'b0;
#10 j=1'b0; k=1'b0;
#10 j=1'b0; k=1'b1;
Page 54 of 71

#10 j=1'b1; k=1'b1;

always #5 clk = ~clk;

Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

Page 55 of 71

Write Verilog Code for T flip flop and Test Bench for verification, observe the waveform
and synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints.
This is a modification of JK Flip Flop, obtained by connecting both inputs J and K inputs
together. T Flip Flop is also called Toggle Flip Flop.
Verilog code for T- Flip flop:
module t_ff(q,qbar,clk,tin,rst);
output q,qbar;
input clk,tin,rst;
reg q;
always @(posedge clk)
q <= 1'b0;
else if (tin)
q <= ~q;
assign qbar = ~q;
module t_ff_test;
reg clk,tin,rst;
wire q,qbar;
t_ff t1(q,qbar,clk,tin,rst);
clk = 1'b0;rst=1'b1;
#10 rst=1'b0;
#20 tin =1'b1;
#40 tin =1'b0;
#50 tin=1'b1;
always #5 clk = ~clk;


Page 56 of 71

Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

Page 57 of 71

Write Verilog Code for MS flip flop and Test Bench for verification, observe the
waveform and synthesize the code wth technological library with given constraints.
A master-slave flip is constructed from two separate flip- flops. One circuit serves as a
master and the other as a slave. The logic diagram of an SR flip flop is shown in Figure. The
master flip-flop is enabled on the positive edge of the clock pulse CP and the slave flip-flop is
disabled by the inverter. The information at the external R and S inputs is transmitted to the
master flip flop when the pulse returns to 0, the master flip flop is disabled and the slave flip-flop
is enabled. The slave flip flop then goes to the same as the master flip flop.
Verilog code for JK Master Slave flips flop (Using Behavioral Model):
module ms_jkff(q,q_bar,clk,j,k);
output q,q_bar;
input clk,j,k;
reg tq,q,q_bar;
always @(clk)
if (!clk)
if (j==1'b0 && k==1'b1)
tq <= 1'b0;
else if (j==1'b1 && k==1'b0)
tq <= 1'b1;
else if (j==1'b1 && k==1'b1)
tq <= ~tq;
if (clk)
q <= tq;
q_bar <= ~tq;
Verilog code for JK Master Slave flips flop (Using structural Model):
module jkff_ms (jk,clk,q,q_bar);
input [0:1] jk;
input clk;
output q,q_bar;
wire q1, q1_bar,clk_bar;
assign clk=~clk_bar;
jkff j1 (jk[0], jk[1], clk, q1, q1_bar);
jkff j2 (q1, q1_bar, clk_bar, q, q_bar);
Page 58 of 71

Test bench code:

module tb_ms_jkff;
reg clk,j,k;
wire q,q_bar;
ms_jkff inst(q,q_bar,clk,j,k);
clk = 1'b0;
always #10
clk = ~clk;
j = 1'b0; k = 1'b0;
#60 j = 1'b0; k = 1'b1;
#40 j = 1'b1; k = 1'b0;
#20 j = 1'b1; k = 1'b1;
#40 j = 1'b1; k = 1'b0;
#5 j = 1'b0; #20 j = 1'b1;
#10 ;
Simulation output waveform:

Page 59 of 71

RTL view:

Page 60 of 71

Experiment: 8 Serial Adder

Write Verilog Code for serial adder and Test Bench for verification, observe the waveform and
synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints.
The serial binary adder or bit-serial adder is a digital circuit that performs binary addition bit by
bit. The serial full adder has three single-bit inputs for the numbers to be added and the carry in. There are
two single-bit outputs for the sum and carry out. The carry-in signal is the previously calculated carry-out
signal. The addition is performed by adding each bit, lowest to highest, one per clock cycle
Verilog code for shift register:
module shiftrne ( R,L,E,w,clock,q);
parameter n=8;
input [n-1:0] R;
input L,E,w,clock;
output [n-1:0] q;
reg [n-1:0] q;
integer k;
always @(posedge clock)
if (L)
q <= R;
else if (E)
for (k=n-1;k>0;k=k-1)
q[k-1] <= q[k];
q[n-1] <= w;
Verilog code for serial adder:
module serial_adder ( A,B, reset, clock, sum);
input [7:0] A,B;
input reset,clock;
output [7:0] sum;
reg [3:0] count;
reg s,y,Y;
wire [7:0] qa,qb,sum;
wire run;
parameter G=0,H=1;
shiftrne shift_A (A,reset,1'b1,1'b0,clock,qa);
shiftrne shift_B (B,reset,1'b1,1'b0,clock,qb);
shiftrne shift_sum (8'b0,reset,run,s,clock,sum);
//adder fsm
Page 61 of 71

//output and next state combinational circuit

always @(qa or qb or y)
case (y)
G: begin
s = qa[0]^qb[0];
if (qa[0] & qb[0])
Y = H;
Y = G;
H: begin
s = qa[0] ~^qb[0];
if (~qa[0] & ~qb[0])
Y =G;
Y = H;
default : Y = G;
//sequential block
always @(posedge clock)
if (reset)
y <= G;
y <= Y;
//control the shifting process
Testbench code:
module serial_adder_t ;
reg [7:0] A,B;
reg reset,clock;
wire [7:0] sum ;
clock = 1'b0;
#5 clock =~clock;
serial_adder s1 (A,B,reset,clock,sum);
reset = 1'b0;A = 8'b10101010; B = 8'b11111111;
#20 reset = 1'b1;
#20 reset = 1'b0;
#150 reset = 1'b1; A = 8'b11110000 ; B = 8'b11110011;
#20 reset = 1'b0;
Page 62 of 71

$monitor ($time, " SUM = %d ", sum);

Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

Page 63 of 71

Experiment: 9 Counters (synchronous & Asynchronous)

Write Verilog Code for counter and Test Bench for verification, observe the waveform and
synthesize the code with technological library with given Constraints.
A counter consists of a cascade of flip-flops connected so that the output of one flip-flop drives
the input of the next. The signals to be counted are fed into the first flip-flop of the chain. The output Q,
of any given flip-flop represents a binary digit or bit (value 0 or 1). The complete set of outputs (Q3, Q2,
Q1, Q0) gives the total number of pulses in binary arithmetic, hence the name Binary Counter.
Verilog code for synchronous counter:
module sync_count ( count,reset,clk);
input reset, clk;
output [3:0] count;
reg [3:0] count;
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset)
count = 4'b0000;
count = count + 4'b0001;
testbench code:
Testbench Program:
module sync_count_test ;
wire [3:0] count;
reg reset,clk;
sync_count m1 ( count,reset,clk);
clk = 1'b0;
#15 reset=1'b0;
always #5 clk = ~clk;

Page 64 of 71

Simulation output waveform:

RTL view:

Verilog code for Asynchronous counter:

module async_count( clk, count );
input clk;
output[3:0] count;
reg[3:0] count;
count = 4'b0;
always @( negedge clk )
count[0] <= ~count[0];
Page 65 of 71

always @( negedge count[0] )

count[1] <= ~count[1];
always @( negedge count[1] )
count[2] <= ~count[2];
always @( negedge count[2] )
count[3] <= ~count[3];
testbench code:
module async_count_test;
reg clk;
wire[3:0] count;
async_count async_count1 ( clk, count );
initial clk = 0;
always #2 clk = ~clk;
Simulation output waveform:

Page 66 of 71

RTL view:

Page 67 of 71

Experiment No.10 - Successive Approximation Register

Write Verilog Code for Successive approximation register and Test Bench for verification,
observe the waveform and synthesize the code with technological library with given
A successive approximation ADC is a type of analog to- digital converter that converts a
continuous analog waveform into a discrete digital representation via a binary search through all
possible quantization levels before finally converging upon a digital output for each conversion.

module sar ( R,L,E,w,clock,q);
parameter n=8;
input [n-1:0] R;
input L,E,w,clock;
output [n-1:0] q;
reg [n-1:0] q;
integer k;
always @(posedge clock)
if (L)
q <= R;
Page 68 of 71

else if (E)
for (k=n-1;k>0;k=k-1)
q[k-1] <= q[k];
q[n-1] <= w;
module sar_t;
reg [7:0] r;
reg l;
reg e;
reg w;
reg clk;
wire [7:0] q;
sar sf(.R(r),.L(l),.E(e),.w(w),.clock(clk),.q(q));
clk = 1'b0;
l = 1'b1;
w = 1'b0;
e = 1'b0;
#5 r = 8'b11110000;
#10 l = 1'b0;
e = 1'b1;
#10 w = 1'b0;
#10 w = 1'b1;
always #5 clk = ~clk;

Page 69 of 71



Page 70 of 71

Page 71 of 71

Starting with Cadence tool
Right click on Desktop, open the terminal window and type the given below
(Note: Use the installed database)
1. Change the directory by entering by this command
cd Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613
source cshrc
2. Now, command interpreter window (CIW) will appear at the bottom of the screen.
3. Close the Whats new window & Keep opened CIW window.
4. Now, go to File Newlibrary
5. In the new library form give your Name & also verify that path to the library is set to
~/Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613 and click ok.
6. In the next technology file for new library form, select option Attach to an existing tech
file and click ok.
7. Next attach library to technology file form will appear, select gpdk180 from the cyclic
field and click ok.
8. After creating a new library you can verify it from the library manager.
9. Now Library manager window will appear, in that select your folder with Name in the
library column.
10. Go to FileNewCellview
11. Set up the new file form as follows
Library: your folder named with Name (Note: Dont edit the library path)
Cell : Give the Name of your experiment, i.e, example (Note: only this you should edit)
View : Schematic
Type : schematic
12. After setting everything then click ok. Now schematic window screen will appear.
Note: The following steps you should keep it in mind while doing your experiment
Schematic creation
Symbol creating
Test the given circuit with the help of input sources and power supplys.
13. After schematic window screen appears, create the instance (or) components by pressing the
letter i in keyboard. (Note: In menu bar Createinstance)
14. Click on browse button in instance form, library manger window will get open, from this window
you can select the required components for to draw schematic diagram.

Note: The following instance will use to create schematic with suitable library
(i) Gpdk180 for MOS transistors
(ii) AnalogLib for vdd, vss, input source
15. Now you will update the library name, cell name, and the property values given in the table
below. (Note: umicro)
Library Name

Cell Name/View

Properties of Instance


(or) spectre

For M0: Model name=pmos1,W=2u,L=180n


(or) spectre

For N0:Model name=nmos1, W=2u,L=180n

16. After you select the instance, move your curser to the schematic window and click left to
place a component. (Note: After placed the instance, the same instance will be in tip of the
mouse until you press esc in keyboard)
17. If you place a component with the wrong parameter values, use the menu bar
EditpropertiesObjects command to change the parameters. Use EditMove command if
you place components in the wrong location. You can rotate components at the time you place
them, or use the EditRotate command after they are placed.
(Note: to edit the instance, select the instance the press q in keyboard)
18. After entering components, click cancel in the add instance form or press esc with your
cursor in the schematic window.
19. Next, create pins for input, output, vdd, vss
20. In menu bar go to Create Pin (or) press p in keyboard., Add pin form will appear, then
type the following in the add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin names.
Pin Names






(Note: make sure that the direction field is set to input/output/inputOutput when placing the
input/output/inout pin respectively)
21. Select Cancel from add pin form after placing the pins.
(Note: In the schematic window, In menu bar, go to WindowFit or press f in keyboard)

22. After keep all the instances in the schematic window, next we have to interconnect the
connection with the help of wire.
23. In menu bar, go to createwire(narrow) (or) press w in keyboard (or) wire(narrow) icon in
the schematic window.
24. In the schematic window, click on a pin of one of your components as the first point for your
wiring. A diamond shape will appear over the starting point of this wire.
25. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the design window and click left on the destination
point for your wire. A wire is routed between the source and destination points.
26. Complete the wiring as shown in figure and when done wiring press esc key in the
schematic window to cancel wiring.
(Note: click on the starting point and drag the mouse, again click on the destination point)
27. After did the connections, now go to FileCheck and save (or) click check and Saveicon in
the schematic window.
28. Observe the CIW window output area for any errors. (Note: errors will highlight with yellow
colour box in the schematic window)
29. After Schematic is completed, next we have to create symbol from the schematic.

30. In the Schematic window, go to menu bar, CreateCellViewFrom Cell View.
31. The cell view From Cellview form appears. With the edit options functions active, you can
control the appearance of the symbol to generate.
32. Next, modify the symbol as follows:
Left pin: Specify the pin name, what you given in the left side of your schematic (e.g, vin,)
Right pin: specify the pin name, what you given in the right side of your schematic (e.g, Vout)
Top pin: specify the pin name, what you given in the top of your schematic (e.g, Vdd)
Bottom pin: specify the pin name, what you given in the bottom of your schematic (e.g,Vss)
Then click ok in the symbol generation option form.
33. A new window displays an automatically created symbol of schematic.
34. Check and save, close the symbol window.


35. Now, you will create schematic test circuit, In the library manager, go to
FileNewcellview (Note: select your name in the library column before create
36.Next, setup the new file form as follows:
Library: your library name
Cell: example_test
View: schematic
Type: schematic, then click ok when done. A blank schematic window for the
example_test design appears.
37. Using the components list and properties/comments in this table. Build the
example_test schematic.
Library Name

Cell name

View name





Select the instance of your



Input sources (e.g,



Select the source for your

required design


Supply sources-vdd,vss
(e.g, vdc,gnd)


Select the required source

(Note: Remember to set the values for supply sources, otherwise your circuit will have no
38. Add the above components using Create Instance or by pressing I in keyboard
39. Click the wire (narrow) or press w in keyboard to connect all the wiring in the
40. Create output pin and place in the suitable place and click on the check and save icon
to save the design.


In this section, we will run the simulation for example and plot the transient, DC
characteristics, AC analysis, noise analysis, parametric analysis etc..,

1. In the example_test schematic window, go to LaunchADE L (Note: The Virtuoso

Analog Design Environment (ADE) simulation window appears).
2. Next, In the ADE window, click the chooseAnalysis, the form will appear
3. Now setup for the various analyses (e.g, transient analysis, DC, AC etc..,)
4. After setup all the analyses click ok. Next go to outputTo be plotted Select on
schematic in the ADE window.
5. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, click on output net (wire)
Vout, input net (wire) vin of the example. Press ESC with the cursor in the schematic
after selecting it.
6. Now, go to simulationNetlist and Run in the ADE window to start the simulation or
the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.
7. When simulation finishes, the transient, DC, AC plots automatically will be popped up
along with log file.
(Note: if you try to close the ADE window, it will ask to save, click yes to save the
information else click No)


1. From the example schematic window, go to LaunchLayout XL. A startup option
form appears.
2. Select create new option. This gives a New cell view form
3. Check the cellname (example). Viewname (layout)
4. Click ok from the new cell view form.LSW and a blank layout window appear along
with schematic window.
5. Now, In the Layout window, go to connectivityGenerateAll from source in the
layout editor window. Generate Layout form appears. Click ok which imports the
schematic components in to the layout window automatically (e.g, pmos, nmos,
input sources, power supply, output sources)
6. Re arrange the components within the PR- Boundary
7. To re arrange the components, we have to move the component to the boundary,
for that first select the component which will highlight with pink colour, then press
s in the keyboard to move.(Note: If the boundary is not sufficient, you can extend
the horizontal and vertical line by using the key s to stretch the line, it can be stretch
either in horizontal or vertical direction at a time)

8. After keeping the pMOS and nMOS in the boundary, re arrange the input pins,
output pins, vdd and vss.
9. To re arrange those pins, go to placepin placement, the pin placement form
window will appear now.
10. Now in this window, click on the vdd, vdd to create a VDD rails, VSS rails in vertical or
horizontal direction. Now click place as schematic in the same window, then click ok.
11. Now all are in the boundary
12. Now press shift+f to view the pMOS and nMOS layout view
13. Now connect the P1_NWELL and M1_PSUB with the respective mos
transistors.(Note: To get Psub & Nsub substrates, go to createVia)
14. Next connect all the terminals with the help of wire(Metal), To create metal go to
createwire, now keep the mouse in any of the poly or metal, this will indicate the
connection to connect. Click source and leave in destination place, the metals will
routed successfully
15. To connect poly to metal, just click on the poly and drag the mouse, now do right
click select viaup, now you will get the contact, then again just do the click to place
the contact and drag to connect with metal (input pin).
16. After finishes all the metal connection, save your design
17. Now go to AssuraDRC, then click ok(Note: Design Rule Checker)
18. IF there is no error in the design you will get no DRC error in window.
19. Next, go to AssuraLVS, then click ok. (Note: Layout versus Schematic).
(Note: In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need to
correct all those mismatches and Re-run the LVS till you will be able to match the
schematic with layout)
20. If there is no error, you will get layout & Schematic is matched in the LVS window.
21. Next, go to AssuraRun RCX
22. Change the following in the Assura parasitic extraction form. Select output type
under setup tab of the form.
23. In the Extraction tab of the form, choose Extraction type RC, cap coupling mode
coupled and specify the reference node for extraction.

24. In the Filtering tab of the form, Enter power nets as vdd!, vss! And enter ground
nets as gnd!. And click ok in the assura parasitic extraction form when done.
25. When RCX completes, a dialog box appears, inform you that Assura RCX run
completed successfully.
26. Now, you can open the av_extracted view from the library manager and view the
27. CREATING THE CONFIGURATION VIEW- In this we will create a config view and with
this config view we will run the simulation with and without parasitic.
28. Now, go to library mangerFileNewcellview
29. In the create new file form, set the following, then click ok in create new file form.
30. The hierarchy editor form opens and a new configuration form opens in front of it. In
this click use template at the bottom of the new configuration form and select
spectre in the cyclic field and click ok. The global bindings list are located from the
31. Change the top cell view to schematic and remove the default entry from the library
list field. Next, click ok in the new configuration form.
32. The hierarchy editor displays the hierarchy for this design using table format
33. Click the Tree view tab. The design hierarchy changes to tree format. The form
should look like this. And save the current configuration.
34. Close the hierarchy editor window. Fileclose window.
35. From the library manager open example_test config view. Open configuration or
top cellview form appears.
36. In the form, turn on the both cyclic buttons to YES and click ok.The example_test
schematic and example_test config window appears. Notice the window
banner of schematic also states config: Name example_test config
37. Now go to launchADE L from the schematic window.
38. Now you need to follow the same procedure for running the simulation. Executing
session-Load state, ADE window loads the previous state.
39. Click Netlist & Run icon to start the simulation, the simulation takes a few seconds
and then waveform window appears.

40. In the CIW, note the netlisting statistics in the circuit inventory section. This list
includes all nets, design devices, sources and loads. There are no parasitic
components. Also note down the circuit inventory section.

Binding Keys:








To view the pmos &nMOS in layout


Delete the particular instance or object



Properties of the object

Technology: 180nm
Digital Design (Cadence Tools Used) : Incisive simulator (nc launch), RTL Compiler (Sythesis)
Analog Design:

Tran Analysis:

IC614-Virtuoso (spectre), Virtuoso XL, Assura( DRC & LVS)

Design an Inverter with given specifications, completing the design flow mentioned below:
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
i) DC Analysis
ii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC, ERC
c. Check for LVS
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design
e. Verify & Optimize for Time, Power and Area to the given

From Figure 1, a CMOS circuit is composed of two MOSFETs. The top FET (MP) is a PMOS type
device while the Bottom FET (MN) is an NMOS type. The body effect is not present in either device
since the body of each device is directly connected to the devices source. Both gates are connected
to the input line. The output line connects to the drains of both FETs.
Take a look at the VTC in Figure 2. The curve represents the output voltage taken from node 3. You
can easily see that the CMOS circuit functions as an inverter by noting that when VIN is five volts,
VOUT is zero, and vice versa. Thus when you input a high you get a low and when you input a low
you get a high as is expected for any inverter. You might be wondering what happens in the middle,
transition area of the curve. You might also be curious as to what modes of operation the MOSFETs
are in. We will look at these issues next.

re 2: Basic Voltage Transfer Characteristic

Figure 1: CMOS inverter

DC Analysis:
Figure 3 shows a more detailed VTC. Before we begin our analysis it is important to mention three
The MOSFETS must be perfectly matched for optimum operation, that is, they must have the same
threshold voltage magnitude and conduction parameter. The drain current (ID) through the NMOS
device equals the drain current through the PMOS device at all times. MOSFET gates have a high
input impedance and we assume the circuits output sees no significant loading. VDD equals the
voltage across the PMOS plus the voltage across the NMOS by KVL.

Figure 3: VTC with Input Signal

Region I
First we focus our attention on region I. In this case when we apply an input voltage between 0 and
VTN. The PMOS device on since a low voltage is being applied to it. The NMOS is already negative
enough and has no use for more free electrons so it refuses to conduct and turns into a large
resistor. Since the NMOS device is on vacation, there is no current flow through either device. VDD
is available at the Vo terminal since no current is going through the PMOS device and thus no
voltage is being dropped across it.

The PMOS device is forward biased (VSG > -VTP) and therefore on. This MOSFET is in the
linear region (VSD<=VSG+VTP=VDD-Vo+VTP).
The NMOS device is cut off since the input voltage is below VTN (Vi=VGS<VTN).
The power dissipation is zero.

Region II
Here we raise the input voltage above VTN. We find that the PMOS device remains in the linear
region since it still has adequate forward bias. The NMOS turns on and jumps immediately into
saturation since it still has a relatively large VDS across it.

The PMOS device is in the linear region (VSD<=VSG+VTP).

The NMOS device is in the saturation region (Vi=VDS>=VGS-VTN=Vo-VTN).
Current now flows through both devices. Power dissipation is no longer zero.

The maximum allowable input voltage at the low logic state (VIL) occurs in this region. VIL is
the value of Vi at the point where the slope of the VTC is -1. Put another way, VIL occurs at

Region III
In the middle of this region there exists a point where Vi=Vo. We label this point VM and identify it
as the gate threshold voltage. The voltage dropped across the NMOS device equals the voltage
dropped across the PMOS device when the input voltage is VM. For a very short time, both devices
see enough forward bias voltage to drive them to saturation.

The PMOS device is in the saturation region (VSD>=VSG+VTP=VDD-Vo+VTP).

The NMOS device is in the saturation region (VDS>=VGS-VTN=Vo-VTN).
Power dissipation reaches a peak in this region, namely at where VM=Vi=Vo.

Region IV
Region IV occurs between an input voltages slightly higher than VM but lower than VDD-VTP. Now
the NMOS device is conducting in the linear region, dropping a low voltage across VDS. Since VDS is
relatively low, the PMOS device must pick up the tab and drop the rest of the voltage (VDD-VDS)
across its VSD junction. This, in turn, drives the PMOS into saturation. This region is effectively the
reverse of region II.

The PMOS device is in the saturation region (VSD>=VSG+VTP=VDD-Vo+VTP).

The NMOS device is forward biased (Vi=VGS > VTN) and therefore on. This MOSFET is in the
linear region (Vi=VDS<=VGS-VTN=Vo-VTN).

The minimum allowable input voltage at the logic high state (VIH) occurs in this region. VIH
occurs at the point where the slope of the VTC is 1 (dVo/dVi)=-1.

Region V
The NMOS wants to conduct but its drain current is severely limited due to the PMOS device only
letting through a tiny leakage current. The PMOS is out to lunch since it is seeing a positive drive but
it is already positive enough and has no use for more. This drain current let through by the PMOS is
too small to matter in most practical cases so we let ID=0. With this information we can conclude
that VDS=Vo=0 V for the NMOS since no current is going through the device. We have, in effect,
sent in VDD and found the inverters output to be zero volts. For CMOS inverters, VOH=VDD. VOL
is defined to be the output voltage of the inverter at an input voltage of VOH. We have just proven

The PMOS device is cut off when the input is at VDD (VSG=0 V).
The NMOS device is forward biased (Vi=VGS > VTN) and therefore on. This MOSFET is in the
linear region (Vi=VDS<=VGS-VTN).
The total power dissipation is zero just as in region I.


1. Change the directory by entering by this command

cd Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613
Source cshrc
2. Now, command interpreter window (CIW) will appear at the bottom of the screen.
3. Close the Whats new window & Keep opened CIW window.
4. Now, go to File Newlibrary
5. In the new library form give your VLSI_LAB & also verify that path to the library is set to
~/Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613 and click ok.
6. In the next technology file for new library form, select option Attach to an existing
tech file and click ok.
7. Next attach library to technology file form will appear, select gpdk180 from the cyclic
field and click ok.
8. After creating a new library you can verify it from the library manager.
9. Now Library manager window will appear, in that select your folder with Name in the
library column.
10. Go to FileNewCellview
11. Set up the new file form as follows
Library: your folder named with VLSI_LAB (Note: Dont edit the library path)
Cell : Inverter
View : Schematic
Type : schematic
12. After setting everything then click ok. Now schematic window screen will appear.
Note: The following steps you should keep it in mind while doing your experiment
Schematic creation
Symbol creating
Test the given circuit with the help of input sources and power supplys.
13. After schematic window screen appears, create the instance (or) components by pressing the
letter I in keyboard. (Note: In menu bar Createinstance)
14. Click on browse button in instance form, library manger window will get open, from this window
you can select the required components for to draw schematic diagram.

Note: The following instance will use to create schematic with suitable library
(i) Gpdk180 for MOS transistors
(ii) AnalogLib for vdd, vss, input source
15. Now you will update the library name, cell name, and the property values given in the table
below. (Note: umicro)

Library Name

Cell Name/View

Properties of Instance


(or) spectre

For M0: Model name=pmos1,W=2u,L=180n


(or) spectre

For N0:Model name=nmos1, W=2u,L=180n

16. After you select the instance, move your curser to the schematic window and click left to
place a component. (Note: After placed the instance, the same instance will be in tip of the
mouse until you press esc in keyboard)
17. If you place a component with the wrong parameter values, use the menu bar
EditpropertiesObjects command to change the parameters. Use EditMove command if
you place components in the wrong location. You can rotate components at the time you place
them, or use the EditRotate command after they are placed.
(Note: to edit the instance, select the instance the press q in keyboard)
18. After entering components, click cancel in the add instance form or press esc with your
cursor in the schematic window.
19. Next, create pins for input, output, vdd, vss
20. In menu bar go to Create Pin (or) press p in keyboard., Add pin form will appear, then
type the following in the add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin names.
Pin Names






(Note: make sure that the direction field is set to input/output/inputOutput when placing the
input/output/inout pin respectively)
21. Select Cancel from add pin form after placing the pins.
(Note: In the schematic window, In menu bar, go to WindowFit or press f in keyboard)
22. After keep all the instances in the schematic window, next we have to interconnect the
connection with the help of wire.
23. In menu bar, go to createwire(narrow) (or) press w in keyboard (or) wire(narrow) icon in
the schematic window.
24. In the schematic window, click on a pin of one of your components as the first point for your
wiring. A diamond shape will appear over the starting point of this wire.

25. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the design window and click left on the destination
point for your wire. A wire is routed between the source and destination points.
26. Complete the wiring as shown in figure and when done wiring press esc key in the
schematic window to cancel wiring.
(Note: click on the starting point and drag the mouse, again click on the destination point)
27. After did the connections, now go to FileCheck and save (or) click check and Save icon in
the schematic window.
28. Observe the CIW window output area for any errors. (Note: errors will highlight with yellow
colour box in the schematic window)
29. After Schematic is completed, next we have to create symbol from the schematic.

30. In the Schematic window, go to menu bar, CreateCellViewFrom Cell View.
31. The cell view From Cellview form appears. With the edit options functions active, you can
control the appearance of the symbol to generate.
32. Next, modify the symbol as follows:
Left pin: vin
Right pin: vout
Top pin: vdd
Bottom pin: vss
Then click ok in the symbol generation option form.

33. A new window displays an automatically created symbol of schematic.

34. Check and save, close the symbol window.


35. Now, you will create schematic test circuit, In the library manager, go to
FileNewcellview (Note: select your VLSI_LAB in the library column before create
36. Next, setup the new file form as follows:
Library: your library VLSI_LAB
Cell: inverter_test
View: schematic
Type: schematic, then click ok when done. A blank schematic window for the
inverter_test design appears.
37. Using the components list and properties/comments in this table. Build the
inverter_test schematic.
Library Name

Cell name

View name





Select the instance of your





V1=0, v2=1.8, pulse

width=10n, period=20n


Vdc, gnd



(Note: Remember to set the values for supply sources, otherwise your circuit will have
no power)
38. Add the above components using Create Instance or by pressing I in keyboard
39. Click the wire (narrow) or press w in keyboard to connect all the wiring in the
40. Create output pin and place in the suitable place and click on the check and save icon
to save the design.


In this section, we will run the simulation for example and plot the transient, DC
characteristics, AC analysis, noise analysis, parametric analysis etc..,
1. In the inverter_test schematic window, go to LaunchADE L (Note: The Virtuoso
Analog Design Environment (ADE) simulation window appears).
2. Next, In the ADE window, click the chooseAnalysis, the form will appear
3. Now setup for the various analyses (e.g, transient analysis, DC, AC etc..,)
Transient analysis:
a. In the analysis section select tran
b. set the stop time as 200n
c. click at the moderate or enabled button at the bottom, and then click apply.

DC Analysis:

In the analysis section, select dc.

In the DC analysis section, turn on save DC operating point.
Turn on the component parameter.
Double click the select component, which takes you to the schematic window.
Select the input signal vpulse source in the test schematic window.

f. Select DC Voltage in the Select Component parameter form and click OK.
g. In the analysis form type start and stop voltages as 0 to 1.8 respectively.
h. Check the enable button and then click Apply.
4. After setup all the analyses click ok. Next go to outputTo be plotted Select on
schematic in the ADE window.
5. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, click on output net (wire)
Vout, input net (wire) vin of the example. Press ESC with the cursor in the schematic
after selecting it.
6. Now, go to simulationNetlist and run in the ADE window to start the simulation or
the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.
7. When simulation finishes, the transient, DC, AC plots automatically will be popped up
along with log file.
(Note: if you try to close the ADE window, it will ask to save, click yes to save the
information else click No)


1. From the example schematic window, go to LaunchLayout XL. A startup option
form appears.
2. Select create new option. This gives a New cell view form
3. Check the inverter. Viewname (layout)

4. Click ok from the new cell view form.LSW and a blank layout window appear along
with schematic window.
5. Now, In the Layout window, go to connectivityGenerateAll from source in the
layout editor window. Generate Layout form appears. Click ok which imports the
schematic components in to the layout window automatically (e.g, pmos, nmos,
input sources, power supply, output sources)
6. Re arrange the components within the PR- Boundary
7. To re arrange the components, we have to move the component to the boundary,
for that first select the component which will highlight with pink colour, then press
s in the keyboard to move.(Note: If the boundary is not sufficient, you can extend
the horizontal and vertical line by using the key s to stretch the line, it can be
stretch either in horizontal or vertical direction at a time)
8. After keeping the pmos and nmos in the boundary, re arrange the input pins, output
pins, vdd and vss.
9. To re arrange those pins, go to placepin placement, the pin placement form
window will appear now.
10. Now in this window, click on the vdd, vdd to create a VDD rails, VSS rails in vertical or
horizontal direction. Now click place as schematic in the same window, then click ok.
11. Now all are in the boundary
12. Now press shift+f to view the pMOS and nMOS layout view
13. Now connect the P1_NWELL and M1_PSUB with the respective mos
transistors.(Note: To get Psub & Nsub substrates, go to createVia)
14. Next connect all the terminals with the help of wire(Metal), To create metal go to
createwire, now keep the mouse in any of the poly or metal, this will indicate the
connection to connect. Click source and leave in destination place, the metals will
routed successfully
15. To connect poly to metal, just click on the poly and drag the mouse, now do right
click select viaup, now you will get the contact, then again just do the click to place
the contact and drag to connect with metal (input pin).
16. After finishes all the metal connection, save your design
17. Now go to AssuraDRC, then click ok(Note: Design Rule Checker)
18. IF there is no error in the design you will get no DRC error in window.

19. Next, go to AssuraLVS, then click ok. (Note: Layout versus Schematic).
(Note: In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need
to correct all those mismatches and Re-run the LVS till you will be able to match the
schematic with layout)
20. If there is no error, you will get layout & Schematic is matched in the LVS window.

21. Next, go to AssuraRun RCX

22. Change the following in the Assura parasitic extraction form. Select output type
under setup tab of the form.
23. In the Extraction tab of the form, choose Extraction type RC, cap coupling mode
coupled and specify the reference node for extraction.
24. In the Filtering tab of the form, Enter power nets as vdd!, vss! And enter ground
nets as gnd!. And click ok in the assura parasitic extraction form when done.
25. When RCX completes, a dialog box appears, inform you that Assura RCX run
completed successfully.
26. Now, you can open the av_extracted view from the library manager and view the
27. CREATING THE CONFIGURATION VIEW- In this we will create a config view and with
this config view we will run the simulation with and without parasitic.
28. Now, go to library mangerFileNewCellview

29. In the create new file form, set the following, then click ok in create new file form.
30. The hierarchy editor form opens and a new configuration form opens in front of it. In
this click use template at the bottom of the new configuration form and select
spectre in the cyclic field and click ok. The global bindings list are located from the
31. Change the top cell view to schematic and remove the default entry from the library
list field. Next, click ok in the new configuration form.
32. The hierarchy editor displays the hierarchy for this design using table format
33. Click the Tree view tab. The design hierarchy changes to tree format. The form
should look like this. And save the current configuration.
34. Close the hierarchy editor window. Fileclose window.
35. From the library manager open inverter_test config view. Open configuration or
top Cellview form appears.
36. In the form, turn on the both cyclic buttons to YES and click ok. The inverter_test
schematic and inverter_test config window appears. Notice the window
banner of schematic also states config: VLSI_LAB inverter_test config
37. Now go to launchADE L from the schematic window.
38. Now you need to follow the same procedure for running the simulation. Executing
session-Load state, ADE window loads the previous state.
39. Click Netlist & Run icon to start the simulation, the simulation takes a few seconds
and then waveform window appears.
40. In the CIW, note the netlisting statistics in the circuit inventory section. This list
includes all nets, design devices, sources and loads. There are no parasitic
components. Also note down the circuit inventory section.

Design a single stage CMOS differential amplifier with given specifications, completing the design flow
mentioned below:
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
i) DC Analysis
ii) AC Analysis
iii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC, ERC
c. Check for LVS
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design.



1. Change the directory by entering by this command

cd Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613
source cshrc
2. Now, command interpreter window (CIW) will appear at the bottom of the screen.
3. Close the Whats new window & Keep opened CIW window.
4. Now, go to File Newlibrary
5. In the new library form give your VLSI_LAB & also verify that path to the library is set to
~/Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613 and click ok.
6. In the next technology file for new library form, select option Attach to an existing
tech file and click ok.
7. Next attach library to technology file form will appear, select gpdk180 from the cyclic
field and click ok.
8. After creating a new library you can verify it from the library manager.
9. Now Library manager window will appear, in that select your folder with Name in the
library column.
10. Go to FileNewCellview
11. Set up the new file form as follows
Library: your folder named with VLSI_LAB (Note: Dont edit the library path)
Cell : differential_amplifier
View : Schematic
Type : schematic

12. After setting everything then click ok. Now schematic window screen will appear.
Note: The following steps you should keep it in mind while doing your experiment
Schematic creation
Symbol creating
Test the given circuit with the help of input sources and power supplys.
13. After schematic window screen appears, create the instance (or) components by pressing the
letter I in keyboard. (Note: In menu bar Createinstance)
14. Click on browse button in instance form, library manger window will get open, from this window
you can select the required components for to draw schematic diagram.

Note: The following instance will use to create schematic with suitable library
(i) Gpdk180 for MOS transistors
(ii) AnalogLib for vdd, vss, input source
15. Now you will update the library name, cell name, and the property values given in the table
below. (Note: umicro)
Library Name

Cell Name/View

Properties of Instance


(or) spectre

Model Name=nmos1(NM0, NM1);

W=3u ; L=1u;


(or) spectre

Model Name=nmos1(NM2, NM3);

W=4.5u ; L=1u;


(or) spectre

Model Name=pmos1(PM0, PM1);

W=15u ; L=1u;

16. After you select the instance, move your curser to the schematic window and click left to
place a component. (Note: After placed the instance, the same instance will be in tip of the
mouse until you press esc in keyboard)
17. If you place a component with the wrong parameter values, use the menu bar
EditpropertiesObjects command to change the parameters. Use EditMove command if
you place components in the wrong location. You can rotate components at the time you place
them, or use the EditRotate command after they are placed.
(Note: to edit the instance, select the instance the press q in keyboard)
18. After entering components, click cancel in the add instance form or press esc with your
cursor in the schematic window.
19. Next, create pins for input, output, vdd, vss

20. In menu bar go to Create Pin (or) press p in keyboard., Add pin form will appear, then
type the following in the add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin names.
Pin Names


Idc, Vin1, Vin2




Vdd, vss


(Note: make sure that the direction field is set to input/output/inputOutput when placing the
input/output/inout pin respectively)
21. Select Cancel from add pin form after placing the pins.
(Note: In the schematic window, In menu bar, go to WindowFit or press f in keyboard)
22. After keep all the instances in the schematic window, next we have to interconnect the
connection with the help of wire.
23. In menu bar, go to createwire (narrow) (or) press w in keyboard (or) wire (narrow) icon in
the schematic window.
24. In the schematic window, click on a pin of one of your components as the first point for your
wiring. A diamond shape will appear over the starting point of this wire.
25. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the design window and click left on the destination
point for your wire. A wire is routed between the source and destination points.
26. Complete the wiring as shown in figure and when done wiring press esc key in the
schematic window to cancel wiring.
(Note: click on the starting point and drag the mouse, again click on the destination point)
27. After did the connections, now go to FileCheck and save (or) click check and Save icon in
the schematic window.
28. Observe the CIW window output area for any errors. (Note: errors will highlight with yellow
colour box in the schematic window)
29. After Schematic is completed, next we have to create symbol from the schematic.

30. In the Schematic window, go to menu bar, CreateCellviewFrom Cell View.
31. The cell view From Cellview form appears. With the edit options functions active, you can
control the appearance of the symbol to generate.
32. Next, modify the symbol as follows:
Left pin: vin1 vin2 Idc
Right pin: vout

Top pin: vdd

Bottom pin: vss
Then click ok in the symbol generation option form.
33. A new window displays an automatically created symbol of schematic.
34. Check and save, close the symbol window.


35. Now, you will create schematic test circuit, In the library manager, go to
FileNewCellview (Note: select your VLSI_LAB in the library column before create
36. Next, setup the new file form as follows:
Library: your library VLSI_LAB
Cell: differential_amplifier_test
View: schematic
Type: schematic, then click ok when done. A blank schematic window for the
differential_amplifier_test design appears.
37. Using the components list and properties/comments in this table. Build the
differential_test_test schematic.

Cell name




Differential_amplifier Symbol

Select the instance of your symbol




Define specifications as AC magnitude=1,

Amplitude=5m, Frequency=1K, offset


Vdc(vdd& vss), gnd


Vdc=2.5 for vdd, vdc=-2.5 for vss




Dc current=30u.

(Note: Remember to set the values for supply sources, otherwise your circuit will have
no power)
38. Add the above components using Create Instance or by pressing I in keyboard
39. Click the wire (narrow) or press w in keyboard to connect all the wiring in the
40. Create output pin and place in the suitable place and click on the check and save icon
to save the design.


In this section, we will run the simulation for example and plot the transient, DC
characteristics, AC analysis, noise analysis, parametric analysis etc..,
1. In the differential_amplifier_test schematic window, go to LaunchADE L (Note: The
Virtuoso Analog Design Environment (ADE) simulation window appears).
2. Next, In the ADE window, click the chooseAnalysis, the form will appear
3. Now setup for the various analyses (e.g, transient analysis, DC, AC etc..,)

Transient analysis:
a.In the analysis section select tran
b. set the stop time as 5m
c. click at the moderate or enabled button at the bottom, and then click apply.

DC Analysis:

In the analysis section, select dc.

In the DC analysis section, turn on save DC operating point.
Turn on the component parameter.
Double click the select component, which takes you to the schematic window.
Select the input signal Vsin in the test schematic window.
In the analysis form type start and stop voltages as -5 to 5 respectively.
Check the enable button and then click Apply.

AC Analysis:
a. In the Analysis section, select ac.
b. In the AC analysis section, turn on Frequency.
c. In the sweep range section select start and stop frequencies as 150 to 100M.
d. Select points per decade as 20.
e. Check the enable button and then click Apply.
Click ok in the choosing analysis form.
4. After setup all the analyses click ok. Next go to outputTo be plotted Select on
schematic in the ADE window.
5. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, click on output net (wire)
Vout, input net (wire) vin1 &vin2 of the differential_amplifier_test. Press ESC with the
cursor in the schematic after selecting it.
6. Now, go to simulationNetlist and Run in the ADE window to start the simulation or
the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.
7. When simulation finishes, the transient, DC, AC plots automatically will be popped up
along with log file.
(Note: if you try to close the ADE window, it will ask to save, click yes to save the
information else click No)

CREATING LAYOUT VIEW OF Differential_amplifier

1. From the example schematic window, go to LaunchLayout XL. A startup option
form appears.
2. Select create new option. This gives a New cell view form
3. Check the differential_amplifier. Viewname (layout)
4. Click ok from the new cell view form.LSW and a blank layout window appear along
with schematic window.
5. Now, In the Layout window, go to connectivityGenerateAll from source in the
layout editor window. Generate Layout form appears. Click ok which imports the
schematic components in to the layout window automatically (e.g, pmos, nmos,
input sources, power supply, output sources)
6. Re arrange the components within the PR- Boundary
7. To re arrange the components, we have to move the component to the boundary,
for that first select the component which will highlight with pink colour, then press
s in the keyboard to move.(Note: If the boundary is not sufficient, you can extend
the horizontal and vertical line by using the key s to stretch the line, it can be
stretch either in horizontal or vertical direction at a time)
8. After keeping the pMOS and nMOS in the boundary, re arrange the input pins,
output pins, vdd and vss.
9. To re arrange those pins, go to placepin placement, the pin placement form
window will appear now.
10. Now in this window, click on the vdd, vdd to create a VDD rails, VSS rails in vertical or
horizontal direction. Now click place as schematic in the same window, then click ok.
11. Now all are in the boundary
12. Now press shift+f to view the pMOS and nMOS layout view
13. Now connect the P1_NWELL and M1_PSUB with the respective mos
transistors.(Note: To get Psub & Nsub substrates, go to createVia)
14. Next connect all the terminals with the help of wire(Metal), To create metal go to
createwire, now keep the mouse in any of the poly or metal, this will indicate the
connection to connect. Click source and leave in destination place, the metals will
routed successfully

15. To connect poly to metal, just click on the poly and drag the mouse, now do right
click select viaup, now you will get the contact, then again just do the click to place
the contact and drag to connect with metal (input pin).
16. After finishes all the metal connection, save your design
17. Now go to AssuraDRC, then click ok(Note: Design Rule Checker)
18. IF there is no error in the design you will get no DRC error in window.
19. Next, go to AssuraLVS, then click ok. (Note: Layout versus Schematic).
(Note: In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need
to correct all those mismatches and Re-run the LVS till you will be able to match the
schematic with layout)
20. If there is no error, you will get layout & Schematic is matched in the LVS window.

21. Next, go to AssuraRun RCX

22. Change the following in the Assura parasitic extraction form. Select output type
under setup tab of the form.
23. In the Extraction tab of the form, choose Extraction type RC, cap coupling mode
coupled and specify the reference node for extraction.
24. In the Filtering tab of the form, Enter power nets as vdd!, vss! And enter ground
nets as gnd!. And click ok in the assura parasitic extraction form when done.

25. When RCX completes, a dialog box appears, inform you that Assura RCX run
completed successfully.
26. Now, you can open the av_extracted view from the library manager and view the
27. CREATING THE CONFIGURATION VIEW- In this we will create a config view and with
this config view we will run the simulation with and without parasitic.
28. Now, go to library mangerFileNewcellview
29. In the create new file form, set the following, then click ok in create new file form.
30. The hierarchy editor form opens and a new configuration form opens in front of it. In
this click use template at the bottom of the new configuration form and select
spectre in the cyclic field and click ok. The global bindings list are located from the
31. Change the top cell view to schematic and remove the default entry from the library
list field. Next, click ok in the new configuration form.
32. The hierarchy editor displays the hierarchy for this design using table format
33. Click the Tree view tab. The design hierarchy changes to tree format. The form
should look like this. And save the current configuration.
34. Close the hierarchy editor window. Fileclose window.
35. From the library manager open differential_amplifier_test config view. Open
configuration or top cellview form appears.
36. In the form, turn on the both cyclic buttons to YES and click ok.The
differential_amplifier_test schematic and differential_amplifier_test config
window appears. Notice the window banner of schematic also states config:
VLSI_LAB differential_amplifier_test config
37. Now go to launchADE L from the schematic window.
38. Now you need to follow the same procedure for running the simulation. Executing
session-Load state, ADE window loads the previous state.
39. Click Netlist & Run icon to start the simulation, the simulation takes a few seconds
and then waveform window appears.

40. In the CIW, note the netlisting statistics in the circuit inventory section. This list
includes all nets, design devices, sources and loads. There are no parasitic
components. Also note down the circuit inventory section.

Design the common source amplifier with given specifications, completing the design flow mentioned below:
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
i) DC Analysis
ii) AC Analysis
iii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC, ERC
c. Check for LVS
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design.



1. Change the directory by entering by this command

cd Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613
Source cshrc
2. Now, command interpreter window (CIW) will appear at the bottom of the screen.
3. Close the Whats new window & Keep opened CIW window.
4. Now, go to File Newlibrary
5. In the new library form give your VLSI_LAB & also verify that path to the library is set to
~/Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613 and click ok.
6. In the next technology file for new library form, select option Attach to an existing
tech file and click ok.
7. Next attach library to technology file form will appear, select gpdk180 from the cyclic
field and click ok.
8. After creating a new library you can verify it from the library manager.
9. Now Library manager window will appear, in that select your folder with Name in the
library column.
10. Go to FileNewCellview
11. Set up the new file form as follows
Library: your folder named with VLSI_LAB (Note: Dont edit the library path)
Cell : common_source
View : Schematic
Type : schematic

12. After setting everything then click ok. Now schematic window screen will appear.
Note: The following steps you should keep it in mind while doing your experiment
Schematic creation
Symbol creating
Test the given circuit with the help of input sources and power supplys.
13. After schematic window screen appears, create the instance (or) components by pressing the
letter I in keyboard. (Note: In menu bar Createinstance)
14. Click on browse button in instance form, library manger window will get open, from this window
you can select the required components for to draw schematic diagram.

Note: The following instance will use to create schematic with suitable library
(i) Gpdk180 for MOS transistors
(ii) AnalogLib for vdd, vss, input source
15. Now you will update the library name, cell name, and the property values given in the table
below. (Note: umicro)
Library Name

Cell Name/View

Properties of Instance


(or) spectre

Model Name=pmos1; W=50u ; L=1u;


(or) spectre

Model Name=nmos1; W=10u ; L=1u;

16. After you select the instance, move your curser to the schematic window and click left to
place a component. (Note: After placed the instance, the same instance will be in tip of the
mouse until you press esc in keyboard)
17. If you place a component with the wrong parameter values, use the menu bar
EditpropertiesObjects command to change the parameters. Use EditMove command if
you place components in the wrong location. You can rotate components at the time you place
them, or use the EditRotate command after they are placed.
(Note: to edit the instance, select the instance the press q in keyboard)
18. After entering components, click cancel in the add instance form or press esc with your
cursor in the schematic window.
19. Next, create pins for input, output, vdd, vss
20. In menu bar go to Create Pin (or) press p in keyboard., Add pin form will appear, then
type the following in the add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin names.

Pin Names


Vin, vbias




Vdd, vss


(Note: make sure that the direction field is set to input/output/inputOutput when placing the
input/output/inout pin respectively)
21. Select Cancel from add pin form after placing the pins.
(Note: In the schematic window, In menu bar, go to WindowFit or press f in keyboard)
22. After keep all the instances in the schematic window, next we have to interconnect the
connection with the help of wire.
23. In menu bar, go to createwire (narrow) (or) press w in keyboard (or) wire (narrow) icon in
the schematic window.
24. In the schematic window, click on a pin of one of your components as the first point for your
wiring. A diamond shape will appear over the starting point of this wire.
25. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the design window and click left on the destination
point for your wire. A wire is routed between the source and destination points.
26. Complete the wiring as shown in figure and when done wiring press esc key in the
schematic window to cancel wiring.
(Note: click on the starting point and drag the mouse, again click on the destination point)
27. After did the connections, now go to FileCheck and save (or) click check and Save icon in
the schematic window.
28. Observe the CIW window output area for any errors. (Note: errors will highlight with yellow
colour box in the schematic window)
29. After Schematic is completed, next we have to create symbol from the schematic.

30. In the Schematic window, go to menu bar, CreateCellviewFrom Cell View.
31. The cell view From Cellview form appears. With the edit options functions active, you can
control the appearance of the symbol to generate.
32. Next, modify the symbol as follows:
Left pin: vin
Right pin: vout
Top pin: vdd
Bottom pin: vss vbias
Then click ok in the symbol generation option form.
33. A new window displays an automatically created symbol of schematic.
34. Check and save, close the symbol window.


35. Now, you will create schematic test circuit, In the library manager, go to
FileNewCellview (Note: select your VLSI_LAB in the library column before create
36. Next, setup the new file form as follows:
Library: your library VLSI_LAB
Cell: common_source_test

View: schematic
Type: schematic, then click ok when done. A blank schematic window for the
common_source_test design appears.
37. Using the components list and properties/comments in this table. Build the
common_source_test schematic.

Cell name






Select the instance of your symbol




Define specifications as AC magnitude=1, DC

voltage=0, Amplitude=5m, Frequency=1K,
offset Voltage=0.


Vdc(vdd& vss),


Vdc=2.5 for vdd, vdc=-2.5 for vss


Vdc (vbias)



(Note: Remember to set the values for supply sources, otherwise your circuit will have
no power)
38. Add the above components using Create Instance or by pressing I in keyboard
39. Click the wire (narrow) or press w in keyboard to connect all the wiring in the
40. Create output pin and place in the suitable place and click on the check and save icon
to save the design.


In this section, we will run the simulation for example and plot the transient, DC
characteristics, AC analysis, noise analysis, parametric analysis etc..,
1. In the common_source_test schematic window, go to LaunchADE L (Note: The
Virtuoso Analog Design Environment (ADE) simulation window appears).
2. Next, In the ADE window, click the chooseAnalysis, the form will appear
3. Now setup for the various analyses (e.g, transient analysis, DC, AC etc..,)

Transient analysis:
a.In the analysis section select tran
b. set the stop time as 5m
c. click at the moderate or enabled button at the bottom, and then click apply.

DC Analysis:
a. In the analysis section, select dc.
b. In the DC analysis section, turn on save DC operating point.
c. Turn on the component parameter.


Double click the select component, which takes you to the schematic window.
Select the input signal Vsin in the test schematic window.
In the analysis form type start and stop voltages as -5 to 5 respectively.
Check the enable button and then click Apply.

AC Analysis:
a. In the Analysis section, select ac.
b. In the AC analysis section, turn on Frequency.
c. In the sweep range section select start and stop frequencies as 150 to 100M.
d. Select points per decade as 20.
e. Check the enable button and then click Apply.
Click ok in the choosing analysis form.
4. After setup all the analyses click ok. Next go to outputTo be plotted Select on
schematic in the ADE window.
5. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, click on output net (wire)
Vout, input vin of the common_source_test. Press ESC with the cursor in the schematic
after selecting it.
6. Now, go to simulationNetlist and run in the ADE window to start the simulation or
the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.
7. When simulation finishes, the transient, DC, AC plots automatically will be popped up
along with log file.
(Note: if you try to close the ADE window, it will ask to save, click yes to save the
information else click No)


1. From the example schematic window, go to LaunchLayout XL. A startup option
form appears.
2. Select create new option. This gives a New cell view form
3. Check the common_source. Viewname (layout)
4. Click ok from the new cell view form.LSW and a blank layout window appear along
with schematic window.
5. Now, In the Layout window, go to connectivityGenerateAll from source in the
layout editor window. Generate Layout form appears. Click ok which imports the
schematic components in to the layout window automatically (e.g, pmos, nmos,
input sources, power supply, output sources)
6. Re arrange the components within the PR- Boundary
7. To re arrange the components, we have to move the component to the boundary,
for that first select the component which will highlight with pink colour, then press
s in the keyboard to move.(Note: If the boundary is not sufficient, you can extend

the horizontal and vertical line by using the key s to stretch the line, it can be
stretch either in horizontal or vertical direction at a time)
8. After keeping the pMOS and nMOS in the boundary, re arrange the input pins,
output pins, vdd and vss.
9. To re arrange those pins, go to placepin placement, the pin placement form
window will appear now.
10. Now in this window, click on the vdd, vdd to create a VDD rails, VSS rails in vertical or
horizontal direction. Now click place as schematic in the same window, then click ok.
11. Now all are in the boundary
12. Now press shift+f to view the pMOS and nMOS layout view
13. Now connect the P1_NWELL and M1_PSUB with the respective mos
transistors.(Note: To get Psub & Nsub substrates, go to createVia)
14. Next connect all the terminals with the help of wire(Metal), To create metal go to
createwire, now keep the mouse in any of the poly or metal, this will indicate the
connection to connect. Click source and leave in destination place, the metals will
routed successfully
15. To connect poly to metal, just click on the poly and drag the mouse, now do right
click select viaup, now you will get the contact, then again just do the click to place
the contact and drag to connect with metal (input pin).
16. After finishes all the metal connection, save your design
17. Now go to AssuraDRC, then click ok(Note: Design Rule Checker)
18. IF there is no error in the design you will get no DRC error in window.
19. Next, go to AssuraLVS, then click ok. (Note: Layout versus Schematic).
(Note: In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need
to correct all those mismatches and Re-run the LVS till you will be able to match the
schematic with layout)
20. If there is no error, you will get layout & Schematic is matched in the LVS window.

21. Next, go to AssuraRun RCX

22. Change the following in the Assura parasitic extraction form. Select output type
under setup tab of the form.
23. In the Extraction tab of the form, choose Extraction type RC, cap coupling mode
coupled and specify the reference node for extraction.
24. In the Filtering tab of the form, Enter power nets as vdd!, vss! And enter ground
nets as gnd!. And click ok in the assura parasitic extraction form when done.
25. When RCX completes, a dialog box appears, inform you that Assura RCX run
completed successfully.
26. Now, you can open the av_extracted view from the library manager and view the
27. CREATING THE CONFIGURATION VIEW- In this we will create a config view and with
this config view we will run the simulation with and without parasitic.
28. Now, go to library mangerFileNewCellview
29. In the create new file form, set the following, then click ok in create new file form.
30. The hierarchy editor form opens and a new configuration form opens in front of it. In
this click use template at the bottom of the new configuration form and select
spectre in the cyclic field and click ok. The global bindings list are located from the

31. Change the top cell view to schematic and remove the default entry from the library
list field. Next, click ok in the new configuration form.
32. The hierarchy editor displays the hierarchy for this design using table format
33. Click the Tree view tab. The design hierarchy changes to tree format. The form
should look like this. And save the current configuration.
34. Close the hierarchy editor window. Fileclose window.
35. From the library manager open common_source_test config view. Open
configuration or top Cellview form appears.
36. In the form, turn on the both cyclic buttons to YES and click ok. The
common_source_test schematic and common_source_test config window
appears. Notice the window banner of schematic also states config:
VLSI_LAB common_source_test config
37. Now go to launchADE L from the schematic window.
38. Now you need to follow the same procedure for running the simulation. Executing
session-Load state, ADE window loads the previous state.
39. Click Netlist & Run icon to start the simulation, the simulation takes a few seconds
and then waveform window appears.
40. In the CIW, note the netlisting statistics in the circuit inventory section. This list
includes all nets, design devices, sources and loads. There are no parasitic
components. Also note down the circuit inventory section.

Design the common drain amplifier with given specifications, completing the design flow mentioned below:
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
i) DC Analysis
ii) AC Analysis
iii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC, ERC
c. Check for LVS
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design.



1. Change the directory by entering by this command

cd Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613
Source cshrc
2. Now, command interpreter window (CIW) will appear at the bottom of the screen.
3. Close the Whats new window & Keep opened CIW window.
4. Now, go to File Newlibrary
5. In the new library form give your VLSI_LAB & also verify that path to the library is set to
~/Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613 and click ok.
6. In the next technology file for new library form, select option Attach to an existing
tech file and click ok.
7. Next attach library to technology file form will appear, select gpdk180 from the cyclic
field and click ok.
8. After creating a new library you can verify it from the library manager.
9. Now Library manager window will appear, in that select your folder with Name in the
library column.
10. Go to FileNewCellview
11. Set up the new file form as follows
Library: your folder named with VLSI_LAB (Note: Dont edit the library path)
Cell : common_drain
View : Schematic
Type : schematic
12. After setting everything then click ok. Now schematic window screen will appear.
Note: The following steps you should keep it in mind while doing your experiment
Schematic creation
Symbol creating
Test the given circuit with the help of input sources and power supplys.
13. After schematic window screen appears, create the instance (or) components by pressing the
letter I in keyboard. (Note: In menu bar Createinstance)

14. Click on browse button in instance form, library manger window will get open, from this window
you can select the required components for to draw schematic diagram.

Note: The following instance will use to create schematic with suitable library
(i) Gpdk180 for MOS transistors
(ii) AnalogLib for vdd, vss, input source
15. Now you will update the library name, cell name, and the property values given in the table
below. (Note: umicro)
Library Name

Cell Name/View

Properties of Instance


(or) spectre

Model Name=nmos1; W=50u ; L=1u;


(or) spectre

Model Name=nmos1; W=10u ; L=1u;

16. After you select the instance, move your curser to the schematic window and click left to
place a component. (Note: After placed the instance, the same instance will be in tip of the
mouse until you press esc in keyboard)
17. If you place a component with the wrong parameter values, use the menu bar
EditpropertiesObjects command to change the parameters. Use EditMove command if
you place components in the wrong location. You can rotate components at the time you place
them, or use the EditRotate command after they are placed.
(Note: to edit the instance, select the instance the press q in keyboard)
18. After entering components, click cancel in the add instance form or press esc with your
cursor in the schematic window.
19. Next, create pins for input, output, vdd, vss
20. In menu bar go to Create Pin (or) press p in keyboard., Add pin form will appear, then
type the following in the add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin names.
Pin Names


Vin, vbias




Vdd, vss


(Note: make sure that the direction field is set to input/output/inputOutput when placing the
input/output/inout pin respectively)
21. Select Cancel from add pin form after placing the pins.
(Note: In the schematic window, In menu bar, go to WindowFit or press f in keyboard)
22. After keep all the instances in the schematic window, next we have to interconnect the
connection with the help of wire.
23. In menu bar, go to createwire (narrow) (or) press w in keyboard (or) wire (narrow) icon in
the schematic window.
24. In the schematic window, click on a pin of one of your components as the first point for your
wiring. A diamond shape will appear over the starting point of this wire.
25. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the design window and click left on the destination
point for your wire. A wire is routed between the source and destination points.
26. Complete the wiring as shown in figure and when done wiring press esc key in the
schematic window to cancel wiring.
(Note: click on the starting point and drag the mouse, again click on the destination point)
27. After did the connections, now go to FileCheck and save (or) click check and Save icon in
the schematic window.
28. Observe the CIW window output area for any errors. (Note: errors will highlight with yellow
colour box in the schematic window)
29. After Schematic is completed, next we have to create symbol from the schematic.

30. In the Schematic window, go to menu bar, CreateCellviewFrom Cell View.
31. The cell view From Cellview form appears. With the edit options functions active, you can
control the appearance of the symbol to generate.
32. Next, modify the symbol as follows:
Left pin: vin
Right pin: vout
Top pin: vdd
Bottom pin: vss vbias
Then click ok in the symbol generation option form.
33. A new window displays an automatically created symbol of schematic.
34. Check and save, close the symbol window.


35. Now, you will create schematic test circuit, In the library manager, go to
FileNewCellview (Note: select your VLSI_LAB in the library column before create
36. Next, setup the new file form as follows:
Library: your library VLSI_LAB
Cell: common_drain_test

View: schematic
Type: schematic, then click ok when done. A blank schematic window for the
common_drain_test design appears.
37. Using the components list and properties/comments in this table. Build the
common_drain_test schematic.

Cell name






Select the instance of your symbol




Define specifications as AC magnitude=1, DC

voltage=0, Amplitude=5m, Frequency=1K,
offset Voltage=0.


Vdc(vdd& vss),


Vdc=2.5 for vdd, vdc=-2.5 for vss


Vdc (vbias)



(Note: Remember to set the values for supply sources, otherwise your circuit will have
no power)
38. Add the above components using Create Instance or by pressing I in keyboard
39. Click the wire (narrow) or press w in keyboard to connect all the wiring in the
40. Create output pin and place in the suitable place and click on the check and save icon
to save the design.


In this section, we will run the simulation for example and plot the transient, DC
characteristics, AC analysis, noise analysis, parametric analysis etc..,
1. In the common_drain_test schematic window, go to LaunchADE L (Note: The
Virtuoso Analog Design Environment (ADE) simulation window appears).
2. Next, In the ADE window, click the chooseAnalysis, the form will appear
3. Now setup for the various analyses (e.g, transient analysis, DC, AC )
Transient analysis:
a.In the analysis section select tran
b. set the stop time as 5m
c. click at the moderate or enabled button at the bottom, and then click apply.

DC Analysis:

In the analysis section, select dc.

In the DC analysis section, turn on save DC operating point.
Turn on the component parameter.
Double click the select component, which takes you to the schematic window.
Select the input signal Vsin in the test schematic window.

f. In the analysis form type start and stop voltages as -5 to 5 respectively.

g. Check the enable button and then click Apply.
AC Analysis:
a. In the Analysis section, select ac.
b. In the AC analysis section, turn on Frequency.
c. In the sweep range section select start and stop frequencies as 150 to 100M.
d. Select points per decade as 20.
e. Check the enable button and then click Apply.
Click ok in the choosing analysis form.
4. After setup all the analyses click ok. Next go to outputTo be plotted Select on
schematic in the ADE window.
5. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, click on output net (wire)
Vout, input vin of the common_source_test. Press ESC with the cursor in the schematic
after selecting it.
6. Now, go to simulationNetlist and run in the ADE window to start the simulation or
the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.
7. When simulation finishes, the transient, DC, AC plots automatically will be popped up
along with log file.
(Note: if you try to close the ADE window, it will ask to save, click yes to save the
information else click No)


1. From the example schematic window, go to LaunchLayout XL. A startup option
form appears.
2. Select create new option. This gives a New cell view form
3. Check the common_drain. Viewname (layout)
4. Click ok from the new cell view form.LSW and a blank layout window appear along
with schematic window.
5. Now, In the Layout window, go to connectivityGenerateAll from source in the
layout editor window. Generate Layout form appears. Click ok which imports the
schematic components in to the layout window automatically (e.g, pmos, nmos,
input sources, power supply, output sources)
6. Re arrange the components within the PR- Boundary
7. To re arrange the components, we have to move the component to the boundary,
for that first select the component which will highlight with pink colour, then press
s in the keyboard to move.(Note: If the boundary is not sufficient, you can extend

the horizontal and vertical line by using the key s to stretch the line, it can be
stretch either in horizontal or vertical direction at a time)
8. After keeping the pMOS and nMOS in the boundary, re arrange the input pins,
output pins, vdd and vss.
9. To re arrange those pins, go to placepin placement, the pin placement form
window will appear now.
10. Now in this window, click on the vdd, vdd to create a VDD rails, VSS rails in vertical or
horizontal direction. Now click place as schematic in the same window, then click ok.
11. Now all are in the boundary
12. Now press shift+f to view the pMOS and nMOS layout view
13. Now connect the P1_NWELL and M1_PSUB with the respective mos
transistors.(Note: To get Psub & Nsub substrates, go to createVia)
14. Next connect all the terminals with the help of wire(Metal), To create metal go to
createwire, now keep the mouse in any of the poly or metal, this will indicate the
connection to connect. Click source and leave in destination place, the metals will
routed successfully
15. To connect poly to metal, just click on the poly and drag the mouse, now do right
click select viaup, now you will get the contact, then again just do the click to place
the contact and drag to connect with metal (input pin).
16. After finishes all the metal connection, save your design
17. Now go to AssuraDRC, then click ok(Note: Design Rule Checker)
18. IF there is no error in the design you will get no DRC error in window.
19. Next, go to AssuraLVS, then click ok. (Note: Layout versus Schematic).
(Note: In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need
to correct all those mismatches and Re-run the LVS till you will be able to match the
schematic with layout)
20. If there is no error, you will get layout & Schematic is matched in the LVS window.

21. Next, go to AssuraRun RCX

22. Change the following in the Assura parasitic extraction form. Select output type
under setup tab of the form.
23. In the Extraction tab of the form, choose Extraction type RC, cap coupling mode
coupled and specify the reference node for extraction.
24. In the Filtering tab of the form, Enter power nets as vdd!, vss! And enter ground
nets as gnd!. And click ok in the assura parasitic extraction form when done.
25. When RCX completes, a dialog box appears, inform you that Assura RCX run
completed successfully.
26. Now, you can open the av_extracted view from the library manager and view the
27. CREATING THE CONFIGURATION VIEW- In this we will create a config view and with
this config view we will run the simulation with and without parasitic.
28. Now, go to library mangerFileNewCellview
29. In the create new file form, set the following, then click ok in create new file form.
30. The hierarchy editor form opens and a new configuration form opens in front of it. In
this click use template at the bottom of the new configuration form and select
spectre in the cyclic field and click ok. The global bindings list are located from the

31. Change the top cell view to schematic and remove the default entry from the library
list field. Next, click ok in the new configuration form.
32. The hierarchy editor displays the hierarchy for this design using table format
33. Click the Tree view tab. The design hierarchy changes to tree format. The form
should look like this. And save the current configuration.
34. Close the hierarchy editor window. Fileclose window.


35. From the library manager open common_drain_test config view. Open
configuration or top Cellview form appears.
36. In the form, turn on the both cyclic buttons to YES and click ok. The
common_drain_test schematic and common_drain_test config window
appears. Notice the window banner of schematic also states config:
VLSI_LAB common_drain_test config
37. Now go to launchADE L from the schematic window.
38. Now you need to follow the same procedure for running the simulation. Executing
session-Load state, ADE window loads the previous state.
39. Click Netlist & Run icon to start the simulation, the simulation takes a few seconds
and then waveform window appears.
40. In the CIW, note the netlisting statistics in the circuit inventory section. This list
includes all nets, design devices, sources and loads. There are no parasitic
components. Also note down the circuit inventory section.

Design an op-amp with given specification* using given differential amplifier & Common source amplifier in
library** and completing the design flow mentioned below:
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
i) DC Analysis
ii). AC Analysis
iii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC, ERC
c. Check for LVS
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design.



1. Change the directory by entering by this command

cd Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613
Source cshrc
2. Now, command interpreter window (CIW) will appear at the bottom of the screen.
3. Close the Whats new window & Keep opened CIW window.
4. Now, go to File Newlibrary
5. In the new library form give your VLSI_LAB & also verify that path to the library is set to
~/Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613 and click ok.
6. In the next technology file for new library form, select option Attach to an existing
tech file and click ok.
7. Next attach library to technology file form will appear, select gpdk180 from the cyclic
field and click ok.
8. After creating a new library you can verify it from the library manager.
9. Now Library manager window will appear, in that select your folder with Name in the
library column.
10. Go to FileNewCellview
11. Set up the new file form as follows
Library: your folder named with VLSI_LAB (Note: Dont edit the library path)

Cell : op-amp
View : Schematic
Type : schematic
12. After setting everything then click ok. Now schematic window screen will appear.
Note: The following steps you should keep it in mind while doing your experiment
Schematic creation
Symbol creating
Test the given circuit with the help of input sources and power supplys.
13. After schematic window screen appears, create the instance (or) components by pressing the
letter I in keyboard. (Note: In menu bar Createinstance)
14. Click on browse button in instance form, library manger window will get open, from this window
you can select the required components for to draw schematic diagram.

Note: The following instance will use to create schematic with suitable library
(i) Gpdk180 for MOS transistors
(ii) AnalogLib for vdd, vss, input source
15. Now you will update the library name, cell name, and the property values given in the table
below. (Note: umicro)
Library Name

Cell Name/View

Properties of Instance


Differential_amplifier symbol




16. After you select the instance, move your curser to the schematic window and click left to
place a component. (Note: After placed the instance, the same instance will be in tip of the
mouse until you press esc in keyboard)
17. If you place a component with the wrong parameter values, use the menu bar
EditpropertiesObjects command to change the parameters. Use EditMove command if
you place components in the wrong location. You can rotate components at the time you place
them, or use the EditRotate command after they are placed.
(Note: to edit the instance, select the instance the press q in keyboard)
18. After entering components, click cancel in the add instance form or press esc with your
cursor in the schematic window.
19. Next, create pins for input, output, vdd, vss

20. In menu bar go to Create Pin (or) press p in keyboard., Add pin form will appear, then
type the following in the add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin names.
Pin Names


Vinv, Vnoninv, Idc




Vdd, vss


(Note: make sure that the direction field is set to input/output/inputOutput when placing the
input/output/inout pin respectively)
21. Select Cancel from add pin form after placing the pins.
(Note: In the schematic window, In menu bar, go to WindowFit or press f in keyboard)
22. After keep all the instances in the schematic window, next we have to interconnect the
connection with the help of wire.
23. In menu bar, go to createwire (narrow) (or) press w in keyboard (or) wire (narrow) icon in
the schematic window.
24. In the schematic window, click on a pin of one of your components as the first point for your
wiring. A diamond shape will appear over the starting point of this wire.
25. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the design window and click left on the destination
point for your wire. A wire is routed between the source and destination points.
26. Complete the wiring as shown in figure and when done wiring press esc key in the
schematic window to cancel wiring.
(Note: click on the starting point and drag the mouse, again click on the destination point)
27. After did the connections, now go to FileCheck and save (or) click check and Save icon in
the schematic window.
28. Observe the CIW window output area for any errors. (Note: errors will highlight with yellow
colour box in the schematic window)
29. After Schematic is completed, next we have to create symbol from the schematic.

30. In the Schematic window, go to menu bar, CreateCellviewFrom Cell View.
31. The cell view From Cellview form appears. With the edit options functions active, you can
control the appearance of the symbol to generate.

32. Next, modify the symbol as follows:

Left pin: Vinv Vnoninv
Right pin: vout
Top pin: vdd Idc
Bottom pin: vss
Then click ok in the symbol generation option form.
33. A new window displays an automatically created symbol of schematic.
34. Check and save, close the symbol window.


35. Now, you will create schematic test circuit, In the library manager, go to
FileNewCellview (Note: select your VLSI_LAB in the library column before create
36. Next, setup the new file form as follows:

Library: your library VLSI_LAB

Cell: op-amp_test
View: schematic
Type: schematic, then click ok when done. A blank schematic window for the
op-amp_test design appears.
37. Using the components list and properties/comments in this table. Build the opamp_test schematic.

Cell name






Select the instance of your symbol




Define specifications as AC magnitude=1, DC

voltage=0, Amplitude=5u, Frequency=1K, offset


vss), gnd


Vdc=2.5 for vdd, vdc=-2.5 for vss




Dc current=30u.

(Note: Remember to set the values for supply sources, otherwise your circuit will have
no power)
38. Add the above components using Create Instance or by pressing I in keyboard
39. Click the wire (narrow) or press w in keyboard to connect all the wiring in the
40. Create output pin and place in the suitable place and click on the check and save icon
to save the design.


In this section, we will run the simulation for example and plot the transient, DC
characteristics, AC analysis, noise analysis, parametric analysis etc..,
1. In the Op-amp_test schematic window, go to LaunchADE L (Note: The Virtuoso
Analog Design Environment (ADE) simulation window appears).
2. Next, In the ADE window, click the chooseAnalysis, the form will appear
3. Now setup for the various analyses (e.g, transient analysis, DC, AC )
Transient analysis:
a.In the analysis section select tran
b. set the stop time as 5m
c. click at the moderate or enabled button at the bottom, and then click apply.

DC Analysis:

In the analysis section, select dc.

In the DC analysis section, turn on save DC operating point.
Turn on the component parameter.
Double click the select component, which takes you to the schematic window.
Select the input signal Vsin in the test schematic window.

f. In the analysis form type start and stop voltages as -5 to 5 respectively.

g. Check the enable button and then click Apply.
AC Analysis:
a. In the Analysis section, select ac.
b. In the AC analysis section, turn on Frequency.
c. In the sweep range section select start and stop frequencies as 150 to 100M.
d. Select points per decade as 20.
e. Check the enable button and then click Apply.
Click ok in the choosing analysis form.
4. After setup all the analyses click ok. Next go to outputTo be plotted Select on
schematic in the ADE window.
5. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, click on output net (wire)
Vout, input Vinv & Vnoninv of the op-amp_test. Press ESC with the cursor in the
schematic after selecting it.
6. Now, go to simulationNetlist and run in the ADE window to start the simulation or
the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.
7. When simulation finishes, the transient, DC, AC plots automatically will be popped up
along with log file.
(Note: if you try to close the ADE window, it will ask to save, click yes to save the
information else click No)


1. From the example schematic window, go to LaunchLayout XL. A startup option
form appears.
2. Select create new option. This gives a New cell view form
3. Check the Op-amp. Viewname (layout)
4. Click ok from the new cell view form.LSW and a blank layout window appear along
with schematic window.
5. Now, In the Layout window, go to connectivityGenerateAll from source in the
layout editor window. Generate Layout form appears. Click ok which imports the
schematic components in to the layout window automatically (e.g, pmos, nmos,
input sources, power supply, output sources)
6. Re arrange the components within the PR- Boundary
7. To re arrange the components, we have to move the component to the boundary,
for that first select the component which will highlight with pink colour, then press
s in the keyboard to move.(Note: If the boundary is not sufficient, you can extend

the horizontal and vertical line by using the key s to stretch the line, it can be
stretch either in horizontal or vertical direction at a time)
8. After keeping the pMOS and nMOS in the boundary, re arrange the input pins,
output pins, vdd and vss.
9. To re arrange those pins, go to placepin placement, the pin placement form
window will appear now.
10. Now in this window, click on the vdd, vdd to create a VDD rails, VSS rails in vertical or
horizontal direction. Now click place as schematic in the same window, then click ok.
11. Now all are in the boundary
12. Now press shift+f to view the pMOS and nMOS layout view
13. Now connect the P1_NWELL and M1_PSUB with the respective mos
transistors.(Note: To get Psub & Nsub substrates, go to createVia)
14. Next connect all the terminals with the help of wire(Metal), To create metal go to
createwire, now keep the mouse in any of the poly or metal, this will indicate the
connection to connect. Click source and leave in destination place, the metals will
routed successfully
15. To connect poly to metal, just click on the poly and drag the mouse, now do right
click select viaup, now you will get the contact, then again just do the click to place
the contact and drag to connect with metal (input pin).
16. After finishes all the metal connection, save your design
17. Now go to AssuraDRC, then click ok(Note: Design Rule Checker)
18. IF there is no error in the design you will get no DRC error in window.
19. Next, go to AssuraLVS, then click ok. (Note: Layout versus Schematic).
(Note: In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need
to correct all those mismatches and Re-run the LVS till you will be able to match the
schematic with layout)
20. If there is no error, you will get layout & Schematic is matched in the LVS window.
21. Next, go to AssuraRun RCX
22. Change the following in the Assura parasitic extraction form. Select output type
under setup tab of the form.

23. In the Extraction tab of the form, choose Extraction type RC, cap coupling mode
coupled and specify the reference node for extraction.
24. In the Filtering tab of the form, Enter power nets as vdd!, vss! And enter ground
nets as gnd!. And click ok in the assura parasitic extraction form when done.
25. When RCX completes, a dialog box appears, inform you that Assura RCX run
completed successfully.
26. Now, you can open the av_extracted view from the library manager and view the
27. CREATING THE CONFIGURATION VIEW- In this we will create a config view and with
this config view we will run the simulation with and without parasitic.
28. Now, go to library mangerFileNewCellview
29. In the create new file form, set the following, then click ok in create new file form.
30. The hierarchy editor form opens and a new configuration form opens in front of it. In
this click use template at the bottom of the new configuration form and select
spectre in the cyclic field and click ok. The global bindings list are located from the
31. Change the top cell view to schematic and remove the default entry from the library
list field. Next, click ok in the new configuration form.
32. The hierarchy editor displays the hierarchy for this design using table format
33. Click the Tree view tab. The design hierarchy changes to tree format. The form
should look like this. And save the current configuration.
34. Close the hierarchy editor window. Fileclose window.
35. From the library manager open Op-amp_test config view. Open configuration or
top Cellview form appears.
36. In the form, turn on the both cyclic buttons to YES and click ok. The Op-amp_test
schematic and Op-amp_test config window appears. Notice the window
banner of schematic also states config: VLSI_LAB Op-amp_test config
37. Now go to launchADE L from the schematic window.
38. Now you need to follow the same procedure for running the simulation. Executing
session-Load state, ADE window loads the previous state.

39. Click Netlist & Run icon to start the simulation, the simulation takes a few seconds
and then waveform window appears.
40. In the CIW, note the netlisting statistics in the circuit inventory section. This list
includes all nets, design devices, sources and loads. There are no parasitic
components. Also note down the circuit inventory section.

Design a 4 bit R-2R based DAC for the given specification and completing the design flow mentioned using
given op-amp in the library**.
a. Draw the schematic and verify the following
i) DC Analysis
ii). AC Analysis
iii) Transient Analysis
b. Draw the Layout and verify the DRC, ERC
c. Check for LVS
d. Extract RC and back annotate the same and verify the Design.


An R-2R Ladder is a simple and inexpensive way to perform digital-to-analog conversion,

using repetitive arrangements of precision resistor networks in a ladder-like configuration. A
string resistor ladder implements the non-repetitive reference network.
Network or circuit composed of a sequence of L networks connected in tandem. Circuit used
in digital to analog converters.
R-2R resistor ladder network (digital to analog conversion, or DAC). A basic R-2R resistor
ladder network is shown in Figure 1. Bit4 MSB (most significant bit) to Bit0 LSB (least
significant bit) are driven from digital logic gates. Ideally, the bits are switched between 0
volts (digital 0) and Vref (digital 1).
The R-2R network causes the digital bits to be weighted in their contribution to the output
voltage Vout. In this circuit 5 bits are shown, giving 32 possible outputs. Depending on

which bits are set to 1 and which to 0 the output voltage (out) will be a stepped value between
0 volts and (Vref minus the value of the minimum step, Bit0).
The actual value of Vref (and 0 volts) will depend on the type (technology) of the digital
logic gates used to drive Bit4-0.
For a digital value VAL, of a R-2R DAC of N bits of 0 V/Vref, the output voltage Vout is:
Vout = Vref VAL / 2N
In the example shown, N = 5 and hence 2N = 32. With Vref = 3.3 V (typical CMOS logic 1
voltage), Vout will vary between 00000, VAL = 0 and 11111, VAL = 31.
Minimum (single step) VAL = 1, we have
Vout = 3.3 1 / 32 = 0.1 volts
Maximum output (11111 VAL = 31, we have
Vout = 3.3 31 / 25 = 3.2 volts
The R-2R ladder is inexpensive and relatively easy to manufacture since only two resistor
values are required (or 1, if R is made by placing a pair of 2R in parallel, or if 2R is made by
placing a pair of R in series). It is fast and has fixed output impedance R.
The R-2R ladder operates as a string of current dividers whose output accuracy is solely
dependent on how well each resistor is matched to the others. Small inaccuracies in the
higher significant bit resistors can entirely overwhelm the contribution of the less significant

1. Change the directory by entering by this command

cd Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613
Source cshrc
2. Now, command interpreter window (CIW) will appear at the bottom of the screen.
3. Close the Whats new window & Keep opened CIW window.
4. Now, go to File Newlibrary
5. In the new library form give your VLSI_LAB & also verify that path to the library is set to
~/Cadence/cadence_ms_labs_613 and click ok.
6. In the next technology file for new library form, select option Attach to an existing
tech file and click ok.
7. Next attach library to technology file form will appear, select gpdk180 from the cyclic
field and click ok.
8. After creating a new library you can verify it from the library manager.

9. Now Library manager window will appear, in that select your folder with Name in the
library column.
10. Go to FileNewCellview
11. Set up the new file form as follows
Library: your folder named with VLSI_LAB (Note: Dont edit the library path)
Cell : R-2R-DAC
View : Schematic
Type : schematic
12. After setting everything then click ok. Now schematic window screen will appear.
Note: The following steps you should keep it in mind while doing your experiment
Schematic creation
Symbol creating
Test the given circuit with the help of input sources and power supplys.
13. After schematic window screen appears, create the instance (or) components by pressing the
letter I in keyboard. (Note: In menu bar Createinstance)
14. Click on browse button in instance form, library manger window will get open, from this window
you can select the required components for to draw schematic diagram.

Note: The following instance will use to create schematic with suitable library
(i) Gpdk180 for MOS transistors
(ii) AnalogLib for vdd, vss, input source
15. Now you will update the library name, cell name, and the property values given in the table
below. (Note: umicro)
Library Name

Cell Name/View

Properties of Instance





Polyres(spectre/symbol) R=2k



R = 1k

16. After you select the instance, move your curser to the schematic window and click left to
place a component. (Note: After placed the instance, the same instance will be in tip of the
mouse until you press esc in keyboard)
17. If you place a component with the wrong parameter values, use the menu bar
EditpropertiesObjects command to change the parameters. Use EditMove command if
you place components in the wrong location. You can rotate components at the time you place
them, or use the EditRotate command after they are placed.

(Note: to edit the instance, select the instance the press q in keyboard)
18. After entering components, click cancel in the add instance form or press esc with your
cursor in the schematic window.
19. Next, create pins for input, output, vdd, vss
20. In menu bar go to Create Pin (or) press p in keyboard., Add pin form will appear, then
type the following in the add pin form in the exact order leaving space between the pin names.
Pin Names


D0, D1, D2, D3




Vdd, vss, Idc


(Note: make sure that the direction field is set to input/output/inputOutput when placing the
input/output/inout pin respectively)
21. Select Cancel from add pin form after placing the pins.
(Note: In the schematic window, In menu bar, go to WindowFit or press f in keyboard)
22. After keep all the instances in the schematic window, next we have to interconnect the
connection with the help of wire.
23. In menu bar, go to createwire (narrow) (or) press w in keyboard (or) wire (narrow) icon in
the schematic window.
24. In the schematic window, click on a pin of one of your components as the first point for your
wiring. A diamond shape will appear over the starting point of this wire.
25. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the design window and click left on the destination
point for your wire. A wire is routed between the source and destination points.
26. Complete the wiring as shown in figure and when done wiring press esc key in the
schematic window to cancel wiring.
(Note: click on the starting point and drag the mouse, again click on the destination point)
27. After did the connections, now go to FileCheck and save (or) click check and Save icon in
the schematic window.
28. Observe the CIW window output area for any errors. (Note: errors will highlight with yellow
colour box in the schematic window)
29. After Schematic is completed, next we have to create symbol from the schematic.

30. In the Schematic window, go to menu bar, CreateCellviewFrom Cell View.
31. The cell view From Cellview form appears. With the edit options functions active, you can
control the appearance of the symbol to generate.
32. Next, modify the symbol as follows:
Left pin: Idc vdd vss
Right pin: vout
Top pin: D0 D1 D2 D3
Bottom pin:
Then click ok in the symbol generation option form.
33. A new window displays an automatically created symbol of schematic.
34. Check and save, close the symbol window.


35. Now, you will create schematic test circuit, In the library manager, go to
FileNewCellview (Note: select your VLSI_LAB in the library column before create
36. Next, setup the new file form as follows:

Library: your library VLSI_LAB

Cell: R-2R-DAC_test
View: schematic
Type: schematic, then click ok when done. A blank schematic window for the
R-2R-DAC_test design appears.
37. Using the components list and properties/comments in this table. Build the R-2RDAC_test schematic.

Cell name






Select the instance of your symbol




For V0:V1=0, V2=2, Pulse width=5n, Period=10n

For V1:V1=0, V2=2, Pulse width=10n, Period=20n
For V2:V1=0, V2=2, Pulse width=20n, Period=40n
For V3:V1=0, V2=2, Pulse width=40n, Period=80n


vss), gnd


Vdc=2 for vdd, vdc=-2for vss




Dc current=30u.

(Note: Remember to set the values for supply sources, otherwise your circuit will have
no power)
38. Add the above components using Create Instance or by pressing I in keyboard
39. Click the wire (narrow) or press w in keyboard to connect all the wiring in the
40. Create output pin and place in the suitable place and click on the check and save icon
to save the design.


In this section, we will run the simulation for example and plot the transient, DC
characteristics, AC analysis, noise analysis, parametric analysis etc..,
1. In the R-2R-DAC_test schematic window, go to LaunchADE L (Note: The Virtuoso
Analog Design Environment (ADE) simulation window appears).
2. Next, In the ADE window, click the chooseAnalysis, the form will appear
3. Now setup for the various analyses (e.g, transient analysis, DC, AC )
Transient analysis:
a.In the analysis section select tran
b. set the stop time as 300n
c. click at the moderate or enabled button at the bottom, and then click apply.

Click ok in the choosing analysis form.

4. After setup all the analyses click ok. Next go to outputTo be plotted Select on
schematic in the ADE window.

5. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, click on output net (wire)
Vout, input Vinv & Vnoninv of the op-amp_test. Press ESC with the cursor in the
schematic after selecting it.
6. Now, go to simulationNetlist and run in the ADE window to start the simulation or
the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.
7. When simulation finishes, the transient, DC, AC plots automatically will be popped up
along with log file.
(Note: if you try to close the ADE window, it will ask to save, click yes to save the
information else click No)


41. From the example schematic window, go to LaunchLayout XL. A startup option
form appears.
42. Select create new option. This gives a New cell view form
43. Check the Op-amp. Viewname (layout)
44. Click ok from the new cell view form.LSW and a blank layout window appear along
with schematic window.
45. Now, In the Layout window, go to connectivityGenerateAll from source in the
layout editor window. Generate Layout form appears. Click ok which imports the

schematic components in to the layout window automatically (e.g, pmos, nmos,

input sources, power supply, output sources)
46. Re arrange the components within the PR- Boundary
47. To re arrange the components, we have to move the component to the boundary,
for that first select the component which will highlight with pink colour, then press
s in the keyboard to move.(Note: If the boundary is not sufficient, you can extend
the horizontal and vertical line by using the key s to stretch the line, it can be
stretch either in horizontal or vertical direction at a time)
48. After keeping the pMOS and nMOS in the boundary, re arrange the input pins,
output pins, vdd and vss.
49. To re arrange those pins, go to placepin placement, the pin placement form
window will appear now.
50. Now in this window, click on the vdd, vdd to create a VDD rails, VSS rails in vertical or
horizontal direction. Now click place as schematic in the same window, then click ok.
51. Now all are in the boundary
52. Now press shift+f to view the pMOS and nMOS layout view
53. Now connect the P1_NWELL and M1_PSUB with the respective mos
transistors.(Note: To get Psub & Nsub substrates, go to createVia)
54. Next connect all the terminals with the help of wire(Metal), To create metal go to
createwire, now keep the mouse in any of the poly or metal, this will indicate the
connection to connect. Click source and leave in destination place, the metals will
routed successfully
55. To connect poly to metal, just click on the poly and drag the mouse, now do right
click select viaup, now you will get the contact, then again just do the click to place
the contact and drag to connect with metal (input pin).
56. After finishes all the metal connection, save your design
57. Now go to AssuraDRC, then click ok(Note: Design Rule Checker)
58. IF there is no error in the design you will get no DRC error in window.
59. Next, go to AssuraLVS, then click ok. (Note: Layout versus Schematic).
(Note: In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need
to correct all those mismatches and Re-run the LVS till you will be able to match the
schematic with layout)

60. If there is no error, you will get layout & Schematic is matched in the LVS window.
61. Next, go to AssuraRun RCX
62. Change the following in the Assura parasitic extraction form. Select output type
under setup tab of the form.
63. In the Extraction tab of the form, choose Extraction type RC, cap coupling mode
coupled and specify the reference node for extraction.
64. In the Filtering tab of the form, Enter power nets as vdd!, vss! And enter ground
nets as gnd!. And click ok in the assura parasitic extraction form when done.
65. When RCX completes, a dialog box appears, inform you that Assura RCX run
completed successfully.
66. Now, you can open the av_extracted view from the library manager and view the
67. CREATING THE CONFIGURATION VIEW- In this we will create a config view and with
this config view we will run the simulation with and without parasitic.
68. Now, go to library mangerFileNewCellview
69. In the create new file form, set the following, then click ok in create new file form.
70. The hierarchy editor form opens and a new configuration form opens in front of it. In
this click use template at the bottom of the new configuration form and select
spectre in the cyclic field and click ok. The global bindings list are located from the
71. Change the top cell view to schematic and remove the default entry from the library
list field. Next, click ok in the new configuration form.
72. The hierarchy editor displays the hierarchy for this design using table format
73. Click the Tree view tab. The design hierarchy changes to tree format. The form
should look like this. And save the current configuration.
74. Close the hierarchy editor window. Fileclose window.
75. From the library manager open R-2R-DAC_test config view. Open configuration or
top Cellview form appears.

76. In the form, turn on the both cyclic buttons to YES and click ok. The R-2R-DAC_test
schematic and R-2R-DAC_test config window appears. Notice the window
banner of schematic also states config: VLSI_LAB R-2R-DAC_test config
77. Now go to launchADE L from the schematic window.
78. Now you need to follow the same procedure for running the simulation. Executing
session-Load state, ADE window loads the previous state.
79. Click Netlist & Run icon to start the simulation, the simulation takes a few seconds
and then waveform window appears.
80. In the CIW, note the netlisting statistics in the circuit inventory section. This list
includes all nets, design devices, sources and loads. There are no parasitic
components. Also note down the circuit inventory section.

For the SAR based ADC mentioned in the figure below draw the mixed signal schematic and verify the
functionality by completing ASIC Design FLOW.


The basic algorithm used in the successive-approximation ADC conversion process can be
traced back to the 1500s. It is related to the solution of a useful mathematical puzzlethe
determination of an unknown weight by a minimal sequence of weighing operations
(Reference 1). In this problem, as stated, the object is to determine the least number of
weights which would serve to weigh an integral number of pounds from 1 lb to 40 lb using a
balance scale. One solution put forth by the mathematician Tartaglia in 1556, was to use the
binary series of weights 1 lb, 2 lb, 4 lb, 8 lb, 16 lb, and 32 lb (or 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25). The
proposed weighing algorithm is the same one that is used in modern successiveapproximation ADCs. (It should be noted that this solution will actually measure unknown
weights up to 63 lb (26 1) rather than 40 lb as stated in the problem).* The binary algorithm,
using a balance scale, is shown in Figure 4 with an unknown weight of 45 lbs.
*Note that if ternary (base-3: 1,0,1) logic is permitted, the problem can be solved in four
steps, with weights of 1, 3, 9, and 27 lbs applied on either side of the balance. Indeed, 40 lbs
is then maximum with these weights.




1. What is threshold voltage?
2. What is the range of threshold voltage for PMOS & NMOS?
3. What is DC, Tran, AC analysis?
4. What is the advantage in transmission gate over nmos &pmos?
5. What is the demerit in transmission gate?
6. What is pass transistor?
7. What is common source amplifier?
8. What is common drain amplifier?
9. What are the different regions of operation in CMOS inverter?
10. What is the difference between verilog & vhdl?
11. What is switch level model?
12. What is differential amplifier?
13. What is slew rate?
14. What is CMRR?
15. What is op-amp?
16. What are the ideal conditions for an Op-amp?
17. Give the examples for high speed ADC?
18. Give the example for low speed ADC?
19. Give the example for medium speed ADC?
20. Which ADC will have feed back?
21. What is full scale value for DAC?
22. What Is DNL, INL, offset error, Gain error for ADC & DAC
23. What are the second order effects?
24. What is meant by technology?
25. What is lambda based rule?
26. What is DRC & LVS?
27. What is difference between serial adder & parallel adder?
28. What is difference between latch & flip-flop?
29. Conversion of flip flop, D to JK, D to T, etc..,
30. What is stick diagram?
31. What are the different types of contact used in layout?
32. What are the various layers in CMOS?
33. Give the fabrication flow of CMOS, PMOS, NMOS
34. What is the difference between combinational & sequential circuits?
35. Give the operation of serial adder
36. What is aspect ratio?
37. What is scaling?
38. What is submicron?
39. Draw the transfer characteristic curve for cmos inverter, nMOS, and pMOS?
40. What is the use of VLSI?

41. What is the use of HDL?

42. Write the syntax for case?
43. What is the difference between always & initial?
44. What is the difference between reg & wire, parameter & generic?
45. What are the different data types in HDL?
46. What are the operators in HDL?
47. Which operator is having highest priority?
48. What are the tools used in Cadence?
49. What is meant by simulation & elaboration?
50. What is synthesizing?
51. What is sensitivity list?
52. What is the difference between procedure & function, task & function?
53. What is the difference between signal & variable?
54. What is latch-up?
55. How do you avoid latch up?
56. What is rising time, falling time, propagation delay?
57. What is the difference between MOSFET & BJT?
58. Given only two XOR gates one must function as buffer and another as inverter.
59. What is ASIC & FPGA?
60. What is setup & Hold time?
61. What is delta simulation time?
62. What is semi custom &full custom design?
63. What are the fast adders?

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