Rochester Performing Arts Center RFP

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March 20, 2015

Submission Deadline:

5:00 P.M., Monday, April 13, 2015

Issued by:

City of Rochester
Department of Neighborhood and Business Development
Bureau of Business and Housing Development
City Hall, Room 005a
30 Church Street
Rochester, New York 14614


Kathleen Washington, Interim Commissioner

Phone 585-428-6150

RFP Web Site:

City of Rochester
Request for Proposals
Performing Arts Center
Site and Facility Study





Goals of the Study 4


Site Consideration.4


Scope of Work.6


Additional Consultant Responsibilities..9

VII. Project Schedule 9

VIII. Project Funding..10

Issuing Office | Project Management.10


Submission Requirements..11


Consultant Selection..14

XII. Rights Reserved.15

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I. Purpose
Based on the review of an exploratory committee convened by Mayor Lovely Warren, it was
determined that the establishment of a new Performing Arts Center was feasible and that
further investment should be undertaken to identify a location and determine development
costs. Specifically, the purpose of this study is as follows:

Evaluate several downtown locations and recommend a site best suited for a
Performing Arts Center (PAC);
Identify the ideal facility development program (facility size, amenities, etc.);
Estimate rough order of magnitude costs do develop the project; and
Project annual revenue and operational costs for the proposed PAC.

II. Background
The Rochester community has always been a strong supporter of the arts. Mayor Lovely
Warren has stated that Rochester is a City that thrives on cultural and the arts.
Currently, the Auditorium Theatre is the venue utilized as the primary Performing Arts
Center in the greater Rochester Finger Lakes Region. The Rochester Broadway Theatre
League (RBTL) is the owner and operator of the Theatre. RBTL manages the theater and
provides ticketing, marketing and production services for other not-profit organizations
events. The Auditorium is home to a full season of touring Broadway shows and also other
live concerts, comedy and dramatic events throughout the year.
Unfortunately, the 2,464-seat Auditorium Theater is not adequate for current industry
standards including touring Broadway shows and other events. The cost to renovate the
aging theater to accommodate modern touring shows is not practical.
In 2006 plans were unveiled for a $230 million project on Main St., between St. Paul St. and
Clinton Avenue; named Renaissance Square. The project included a new transit center, PAC
and new facilities for the Monroe Community Collage Damon Campus (MCC). The project
did not move forward and MCC agreed to locate to the High Falls District and the transit
center was later constructed to the north of Renaissance Sq. site at Andrews and Mortimer
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Streets. Plans for a new PAC at the Main St. location were ultimately abandoned. Planning
for a new PAC continued however with proposals for locations at Parcel 5 at the Midtown
Redevelopment project in downtown and at Medley Center in the Town of Irondequoit.
The Midtown proposal stalled due to changing priorities under the Citys prior
Administration. Plans fell through for the Medley Center proposal due to
financial/feasibility issues related to the Medley Center project as a whole.
The idea of a new PAC located in downtown Rochester is being revisited by the City Hall and
the Warren Administration. Mayor Warren has stated I believe we have a unique
opportunity to spur significant economic growth in our downtown core through the
creation of a performing arts center.
The City will be engaging a consultant to bring the realization of a new downtown PAC
closer to a reality. The Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) has completed financial plans for
previous proposals of a 3,000 seat theater in 2008 (Renaissance Square site) and again in
2010 (at the Midtown Redevelopment site). The 2010 study specifically addressed the
1. Who will use the Midtown Performing Arts Center (MPAC);
2. What revenues can be generated by the MPAC; and
3. What it will cost to operate the MPAC.
In May 2014, Mayor Warren convened a Community-Based Performing Arts Center
Exploratory Committee to assesses the feasibility of building and operating a new PAC in
City. The Committee included local stakeholder representing the City, County, Visit
Rochester, Rochester Jazz Festival a local engineering firm and Wegmans Food Markets. In
September 2014 the Committee reported that it was the overall consensus of the group
that a new PAC in the City of Rochester was indeed feasible and warrants additional
The Committee concluded that the location of the facility should be close to the Eastman
Theatre to take advantage of the obvious synergies. In addition, the underground tunnels
and parking availability at the City-owned Midtown sites provide the ideal logistical solution
for loading and unloading, as well as event parking. The Executive Summary of the
Exploratory Committees report is included as Exhibit A.
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III. Goals of the Study

Completion of an updated comprehensive market and financial plan for a new PAC
Recommendation of the PAC facility development program
Identification of the preferred location for the PAC
Identification of the specific potential locational synergies to other performance art
venues or other types of facilities
Identification of other uses within the PAC that would compliment that PACs
primary role in the community and increase annual revenues
Estimation of the probable capital and development costs for a new PAC
Assessment of the potential local economic impact of the new facility including reuse alternatives for the existing Auditorium Theatre

IV. Site Consideration

Site opportunities for a new 3,000 seat PAC are limited in the vicinity of the Cultural District
and Eastman Theatre. Two locations that remain potentially ideal candidates are the
former Renaissance Square block and Midtown Parcel 5.
Midtown Parcel 5 is a 1.5 acre development site located on East Main Street in the Midtown
Urban Renewal District. The City acquired the site as part of a larger acquisition of the
former Midtown Plaza Mall facility. The City demolished a majority of the former 1.4
million sq. ft. Midtown Plaza and created several development sites, new streets and open
space. The Midtown Tower and a portion of the former Seneca Building were retained and
sold for renovation. The dimensions of Parcel 5 were established with the consideration of
a PAC as a possible future use. The southern end of the parcel has direct access to an
underground tunnel that services a number of properties to the west along E. Main Street.
A 1,800 space underground, City-owned parking garage is located adjacent to the site. The
City has significant information relating to this property that will be provided to the
consultant to be utilized in the site evaluation for the PAC.
The former Renaissance Square block comprises 1.98 acres that may be considered for a
PAC development. The site is adjacent to the City-owned Mortimer Garage and in the
vicinity of the St. Josephs Parking Garage. The entire site is encumbered with structures
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totaling over 394,000 square feet and varying in height from 7 stories to 2 stories. When
the Renaissance Square Project was being planned, a number of studies were undertaken
including property appraisals, building condition assessments, asbestos surveys and
environmental reports. The City has access to this information and will assist the consultant
with cost estimations related to these items including demolition.
The map below shows the two locations to be considered for a proposed PAC including
nearby assets, amenities and opportunities.

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V. Scope of Work
Described below is the anticipated scope of work outlined for the study. Consultant proposals
may include recommendations of additional task items and revisions to the proposed scope.
Such proposed changes to the scope should be accompanied by a detailed description of any
proposed revisions.

Project Orientation and Initial Fieldwork

As part of the project orientation, the consultant will meet with the Rochester PAC
Study Steering Committee and City staff to confirm the goals of the study and other
contextual issues related to the project. The consultant will also:
Identify and review any relevant studies including but not limited to the
Renaissance Square Performing Arts Center Study, Strategic Advisory Group
(2008), and the Midtown Performing Arts Center Performing Arts Center
Financial Plan, Strategic Advisory Group (2010).
Interview stakeholders, meet with local officials, community leaders and others,
as appropriate, in relation to a downtown PAC.
Obtain existing performance space inventory in the region, including any
relevant data required for this study and update as needed.
Review available PAC studies undertaken in regions of similar size and
demographics that may provide relevant data for the Rochester PAC study.
1.1 Inventory of all materials and data sources reviewed
1.2 Summary Memo of relevant findings related to interviews undertaken and
data sources reviewed


Economic, Demographic and Market Analysis

The consultant will evaluate the economic and demographic aspects of the Rochester
Region to identify key demand generator trends and overall growth prospects related to
the subject market. Under this task the consultant will also review the existing PAC at
the Auditorium to identify lost potential business due to the facility shortcomings, and
determine benefits and upside of new facility. Based on existing data collected in task 1,
the consultant will also complete an analysis of comparable and competitive facilities to
a proposed downtown PAC.

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2.1 Market Analysis showing projected demand and market share by demographic
for a new state-of-the-art PAC in downtown
2.2 Summary Memo updating and outlining the deficiencies of the existing
Auditorium and lost revenue opportunities
2.3 Competitive Analysis summarizing profiling the competition within the PAC
market and identification of potential partnerships and other opportunities
between performing art venues

PAC Development Program

The consultant will provide a development program for the PAC including but not
limited to, seating capacity, building square footage needs by use (dressing rooms,
kitchens, stage, lobby, etc.), and preferred facility amenities. The program will include
access and loading needs, any additional smaller venues within the PAC, parcel
size/dimensions, etc. The consultant will also consider any green building opportunities
that may assist the facility in lowering its annual operating costs.
3.1 Development Program summarizing overall facility elements including square
footage, amenities additional smaller performance stages, etc. and narratives,
as needed, substantiating program elements


Site Evaluation and Recommendation

The consultant will evaluate two locations as identified in Section IV. above. The
consultant will undertake an evaluation of each site utilizing a set criterion to determine
the best site for the PAC. This criterion may include site control, acquisition/site
preparation costs, accessibility, proximity to adequate parking, development goals of
the City, economic impacts, etc. As part of the study a SWOT analysis for each site will
be completed.
Based on the PAC Development Program and the site configurations, the consultant
shall provide conceptual massing diagrams showing how a PAC could be configured on
each location.

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4.1 Recommendation of the preferred site and a report detailing the analysis
4.2 Conceptual massing diagrams showing the configuration of a PAC on each site

Preliminary Cost Estimates

Based on preferred site, the consultant shall prepare rough order of magnitude cost
estimates. Such estimates shall be provided in within a range and based on an
assumption of construction materials to be utilized and the development costs of other
similar facilities undertaken in the northeast. The estimates shall include total
estimated development costs of the PAC from design development and site preparation
through construction. The estimates shall be provided for acquisition/relocation, site
preparation, soft costs (Arch., Eng., other), hard construction costs and FF&E.
5.1 Estimated range of cost for the PAC development for the preferred site
including all assumptions


PAC Financial Plan

The consultant will prepare a financial analysis, similar to the MPAC Financial Plan,
projecting operating costs and expenses over a 10 year period for the facility. The
consultant will also identify any potential other revenue sources to support the annual
operation of the facility.
6.1 Updated PAC Financial Plan


Economic Impact Analysis

The consultant will prepare an Economic Impact Analysis identifying the social and
economic benefits that the PAC may have on the downtown, city, county and region.
Such impacts would be both direct and indirect (tax revenues, jobs, revitalization,
tourism, leveraged investment, etc.). The study will also consider partnerships with

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organizations/facilities that may provide mutual benefits such as the Rochester

Riverside Convention Center.
7.1 Updated PAC Financial Plan

Executive Summary/Final Report

The consultant shall submit final report to the City of Rochester including an executive
summary, recommendations, appendices and exhibits.
8.1 One unbounded final report
8.2 10 bounded copies of the final report
8.3 A digital copy of the final report in Portable Document Format (PDF) including
all appendices and exhibits

VI. Additional Consultant Responsibilities

The Consultant shall meet with the Steering Committee no less than 3 times as follows:

Study kick-off
50% completion
Final presentation of report and recommendations

The consultant and City staff may schedule additional progress meetings as needed, via
conference call, to review the progress of the study. The Consultant will be responsible for
producing agenda and meeting notes for all meetings.

VII. Project Schedule

The City plans to seek approval to authorize the study from the Rochester City Council at
the April 14th or May 19th Council Meeting. If approved, notice to proceed to the consultant
will be issued shortly thereafter. The City anticipates that the study will be completed
within a 90-120 day period from the notice to proceed.
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VIII. Project Funding

The Consultant will evaluate scope of services above and provide the City with a cost
estimate to deliver services within the anticipated six months project duration. 50% of the
study will be funded through a grant from Empire State Development (ESD). The consultant
shall be required to use good faith efforts to achieve an overall Minority and Women
Business Enterprise (MWBE) participation goal of 35% related to the total value of ESDs
funding for the study. Exhibit B includes the State MWBE requirements. Although the State
has awarded up to $100,000 for the study, the State will only provide grants funds on a oneto-one matching basis with the City. Please be advised that the funding for the Citys match
may be limited and therefore limit the project fee accordingly.
IX. Issuing Office | Project Management
The Citys Bureau of Business and Housing Development is the Issuing Office for this RFP
and is responsible for management of the planning process for the PAC. A PAC Study
Steering Committee will be formed by the Mayor to provide guidance through the study
period. This Committee will consist of representatives from various City Departments,
downtown stakeholders and agencies involved with performing arts.
The Project Manager for this RFP is Kathleen Washington, Deputy Commissioner of Housing
and Business Development, and will serve as the coordinator and point person of contact
during the consultant selection and subsequent plan preparation and implementation. All
correspondence, questions, submissions, etc., related to this project should be addressed
Kathleen Washington, Interim Commissioner
Department of Business and Neighborhood Development
City of Rochester
30 Church Street, Room 005-A
Rochester, NY 14614
Telephone: 585 428-6124
Fax: 585 428-6150

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X. Submission Requirements
Responses should provide a clear and concise methodology for satisfying the required tasks
within the scope of this RFP. The proposals should outline the respondents qualifications
to complete the project as stated in this RFP, to include background, unique qualifications,
relevant project information, previous awards, references, and other information that may
support the response.
The City will not be limited solely by the information provided by the respondent prior to
the submission due date. Additional information or modifications to response may be
requested. Respondents are required to submit the following items to enable the selection
panel to consider each response:

Transmittal letter with the following information:

1) Respondents Name: ____________________________________________
2) Respondents Street Address: _____________________________________
3) City, State & Zip: ________________________________________________
4) Mailing Address if different from Street Address: _______________________
5) Contact Person: Name, Title: _____________________________________
6) Telephone No.: _____________________
7) Email Address: _________________________________________________
8) Fax Number: _______________________
9) Organization Type: ____ For Profit

____ Not for Profit

10) Federal Taxpayer I.D. No.: _____________________________

Proposal narrative that includes:

1) Summary of consultants understanding of the project

2) A description of the firms approach to undertaking the scope of the study and
meeting the project goals
3) Experience and qualifications of project consultant team (including resumes)
4) Organization chart of the project consultant team
Detailed description of similar project(s) with updated outcome(s)

Methods employed to provide the requisite services

Proposed project schedule

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Contact information for references for previous clientele of the respondent.

Staffing plan of the project team, including names, roles and experience of each staff

Description of staffing capability to perform required tasks within schedule (cooperation

with other organizations is encouraged)

Project budget for the proposed Scope of Services based on hourly rate fee schedule with
estimated reimbursables. Also include name and title of each staff member working on
each deliverable, the number of hours worked on the deliverable, the hourly rate, the
subtotal for each staff person, and the subtotal for each deliverable

Consultant teams must meet the following M/WBE goals as required by the State of New
York, Empire State Development (ESD):
ESD's Non-discrimination & Contractor and Supplier Diversity policy will apply to
the project. The Recipient shall be required to use Good Faith Efforts (pursuant
to 5 NYCRR 142.8) to achieve an overall Minority and Women Business
Enterprise (UMWBE") participation goal of 35% related to the total value of
ESD's funding and to solicit and utilize MWBEs for any contractual opportunities
generated in connection with the project. A further explanation of the MWBE
requirements is attached as Exhibit B.

Submission of the Proposal Checklist (see below).

Indicate if the firm has ever had a prior contract with any governmental entity that was
terminated for any reason, and, if so, provide an explanation.

Any additional information should be marked as Attachment(s) and numbered


Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM, Monday April 13, 2015 by either:
A - Hard Copy - one (1) clipped, unstapled original to
Kathleen Washington, Interim Commissioner
Department of Business and Neighborhood Development
City of Rochester
30 Church Street, Room 005-A
Rochester, NY 14614
B Email PDF to

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Proposal Checklist


I certify the following actions have been taken in preparation

of this submission:
The entire contents of this proposal package have been
All requested information has been supplied.
All pages have been numbered sequentially.
Transmittal letter with the information outlined above is attached
to the proposal.
Proposal narrative is attached to the proposal.
Staffing Plan is included in the proposal.
Budget is included in the proposal.
Description of similar project(s) with updated outcome(s)
References are included in the proposal.
Any additional information to the proposal has been included and
mark as Attachment.
One (1) clipped, unstapled, original and/or digital PDF file are
enclosed/included in this package that has been prepared for
delivery/email to:
Kathleen Washington
City of Rochester
Department of Business and Neighborhood Development
30 Church Street, Room 005-A
Rochester, NY 14614

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XI. Consultant Selection Process

Consultants interested in being considered for this project are invited to forward written
responses to the RFP. The City will convene a Consultant Selection Panel comprised of
representatives from various departmental staff. This panel may also include
stakeholders in the local performing arts field. The panel may decide to also undertake
personal interviews however, this is not a requirement. All consultants will be notified
in writing as to the results of the final selection.
Selection of the best proposal will be based upon, but not limited to, the following
a) Project Team (30%)
Experience of the proposed project manager and staff with all aspects feasibility
analysis and planning especially as related to consideration of performance
b) Quality of Proposal (35%)
Quality and appropriateness of the proposal to the project scope. Proposals will
be reviewed on the basis of knowledge and demonstrated experience and the
approach described to achieving the project scope and goals
c) Local Preference (5%)
Preference will be given to firms having a local presence within the City of
Rochester. Alternatively, collaboration with such local firms is very much
d) Firm (20%)
Experience and prior performance of principal consultant and all sub-consultants
with analysis, planning and feasibility evaluation of similar studies and project
e) M/WBE Goal (10%)
Ability of the consultant team to meet the total 35% M/WBE goal as outlined in
Section X of this RFP.

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XII. Rights Reserved/City Provisions

Should it become necessary to revise any part of this RFP, provide additional
information necessary to adequately interpret provisions and requirements of this RFP,
or respond to written inquiries concerning the RFP, the City reserves the right to issue
an Addendum to the RFP to all respondents who received the initial RFP.
The City reserves the right to extend the Submission Deadline by a reasonable time.
The City reserves the right in its sole discretion to recommend the award of a contract
related to this RFP based upon the written responses received by the City without prior
discussion or negotiation with respect to those responses. Any contract awarded in
connection with this RFP will be subject to approvals as required by City law, including
final authorization by the Rochester City Council.
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses, at its sole
discretion, received as a result of this RFP, to waive minor irregularities, and to conduct
discussions with all responsible respondents, in any manner necessary, to serve the best
interest of the City of Rochester.
The City reserves the right to request additional information from any or all prospective
respondents, if necessary, to clarify that which is contained in the responses.
Living Wage Requirements with Respect to Applications or Proposals for
Service Contracts - Rochester City Council adopted the Rochester Living Wage Ordinance
(8A-18), effective July 1, 2001, which requires covered employers who are awarded City
service contracts of $50,000 or more to pay a Living Wage, as defined in the Ordinance,
to their employees who perform work under the contract. As set for the in 8A-18D (1) of
the Ordinance, if the total amount of the proposal is $50,000 or more during the period
of one year, a written commitment to pay all covered employees a Living Wage and a
list of the job titles and wages levels of all covered employees in each of the years for
which this agreement is sought shall be submitted with the proposal. More information
regarding the requirements can be found at:
Exhibit A -

Executive Summary - Community-Based Performing Arts Center Exploratory

Committee Feasibility Report, September 2014

Exhibit B -

NYS Non-Discrimination & Contractor and Supplier Diversity Requirements

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