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D&D Campaign

-Quest One-

-All start off in a small village. Get to look around.

- Eventually find a tavern, Dwarf inside asks if they are up for a bit of questing.
-Doesnt give details, just says hell pay quite a bit if theyll follow him.
-Go to dwarven city of Dun Kazrathal. City is under siege by goblins.
-Party has to quickly meet up with the defenders and aid in the defense of the city. (Two waves
of 5 goblins). Then they have to retake the trebuchet towers, they can either split up or go
-After party is victorious, they are shown the tunnels to which they must travel through. (Finding
the Hammer of Archon Silverhand)
-Encounter several goblin patrols (3 waves with 3 goblins each), can either evade or attack.
-A dwarven scout party lays injured in front of the group. (loot galore.)
-Eventually run into a goblin raiding party. Captured.
-Taken into goblin forward camp, given several options to escape. (Lockpicking if Rogue in
group, persuasion check, or use the Horn to summon reinforcements.)
-Party escapes in some way, and progresses towards the Halls of the Silverhand Clan.

- Reach Outer Doors to the Hall. First puzzle to enter halls. Match the three dwarf clans with
their emblems and clan colors. (Silverhand/Hammer/Silver, Ironfist/Shield/Blue,
(+) -Second puzzle, large room with four large images on the five walls. All walls have a smaller
symbol that looks like a button of some sort. Lore/Dungeonering check needed to know what to
do. (4 walls have traps, one leads to next section of dungeon.) The puzzle is a question of the
dwarfish religion, the first wall has the elements, the second has a godly looking figure with a
Halo, the third has Ancestors and Honored Dead, the fourth has a Pantheon of Gods, and the
Fifth has a man with human-heads growing out of his nipples. (#3 is answer).
-Third puzzle, answer three riddles to the automated gate-keeper. A wrong guess leads to a fight
against a giant automated sentry.
-Enter the main hall, encounter Goblin Necromancer (Mini-Boss) with respawning skeletons
(Amulet of Summoning Skeleton) Find out who the main boss is. Orc named Krell
-Treasure Room revealed. Can only touch the Hammer otherwise a final trap opens up the floor.
-Go back up to the city and return the Hammer. Get quest reward.
Reward is Random (

Goblin Lich CR 5
XP 1600
Neutral Evil Small Humanoid (Undead)
Sorcerer level 3 (skill points 24) Sorcerer
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60; Listen +9; Spot +9
Aura Fear DC(13) If less than 5HD and 60 ft will save
AC 19, Touch 14, flat footed 16 ( No Armour, Shield, none)
(+3 Dex, +5 Natural, +1 size)
HP 20 (0d12+3d12);
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Damage reduction 15/bludgeoning and magic, Immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph
and mind effecting attacks, Turn resistance 4
Speed 30
Single Attack Spear +0 (1d6-2 X3)
Full Attack
Spear +0 (1d6-2 X3)
Space 5ft.; Reach 5
Special Attacks
Paralyzing touch DC(13) ,
Touch DC(13) 1d8+5 damage negative energy (will Save for half) +Paralysis
Spells Known:
Sorcerer Spells
CL 3 Concentration 5
Level 0 (6) DC 12
Acid Splash(Conjuration)[Creation Acid ] X 1
V,S rng: Close 25ft + 5ft/2 levels Dur: Instantaneous
SV None Area: One missile of acid
Description: Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Arcane Mark(Universal)[ ] X 1
V,S rng: 0ft Dur: Permanent
SV None Area: One personal rune or mark, all of which must fit within 1 sq.ft.
Flare(Evocation)[Light ] X 1
V rng: Close 25ft + 5ft/2 levels Dur: Instantaneous
SV Fortitude negates Area: Burst of light
Description: If you cause the light to burst in front of a single creature, that creature is
dazzled for 1 minute unless it makes a successful Fortitude save. Sightless creatures, as
well as creatures already dazz
Mage Hand(Transmutation)[ ] X 1
V,S rng: Close 25ft + 5ft/2 levels Dur: Concentration
SV None Area: One nonmagical, unattended object weighing up to 5 lb.

Description: You point your finger at an object and can lift it and move it at will from a
distance. As a move action, you can propel the object as far as 15 feet in any direction,
though the spell ends if the dis
Mending(Transmutation)[ ] X 1
V,S rng: 10ft Dur: Instantaneous
SV Will negates (harmless, object) Area: One object of up to 1 lb.
Description: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Level 1 (6) DC 13
Adjuring Step(Abjuration)[Force ] X 1
V, S, M (a rabbits foot) rng: Personal Dur: 1 round/level or until discharged
SV - Area: you
Description: While you are subject to this spell, you can take two 5-foot steps each round
and still cast spells and use spell-like abilities without provoke attacks of opportunity. This
spell automatically discha
Mage Armor(Conjuration)[Creation Force ] X 1
V,S,F rng: Touch Dur: 1 hour/level (D)
SV Will negates (harmless) Area: Creature touched
Description: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Obscuring Mist(Conjuration)[Creation ] X 1
V,S rng: 20ft Dur: 1 min/level
SV None Area: Cloud spreads in 20-ft.-radius from you, 20 ft. high
Description: Fog surrounds you.

Str 7, Dex 16, Con 0, Int 14, Wis 13, Chr 15
Base Attack 1 Grapple -5
Combat Casting: +4 Concentration checks for Defensive casting,
Dodge: +1 AC against one opponent,
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Skills Bluff 5, Concentration 9, Diplomacy 4, Gather Information 2, Hide 21, Know Arcana
7, Listen 9, Move Silently 16, Ride 7, Search 10, Spellcraft 8, Spot 9, Use Magic Device 4
Languages Common, Goblin
Environment Temperate plains
Organization Band 10-100, Gang 4-9, Tribe 40-400
Treasure Standard
Summon Familiar
MAGIC ITEMS (max value 4300)
Cloak of Elvenkind (+5) +5 Hide (2500gp)
Ring of Feather falling - (2200gp)
Ring of Counterspells - (4000gp)
Total Value = 8700

-Goblin (Pg 133) Monster Manual
-Iron Golem (Pg 136) Monster Manual (Rusted drop down to 50 health)
-Skeleton (pg 226) Monster Manual
-Zombies (Pg 266) Monster Manual
-Mimic (Pg 186) Monster Manual (Small Mimic, 20 health)
-Orc (Pg 203) Monster Manual

-Pit Traps (2 DC 15 Reflex Save/ 1d6 Damage for fall / 1d4 for spikes) DC24 to Find
-Poison Darts (+8 Attack 1d4 plus poison) Poison is DC 12 Fort Check.
-Swinging Block Trap (+5 Attack 4d6) Search/Destroy DC 20
-Javelin Trap (+16 Attack 1d6 +4) Search DC 20, Destroy DC 18
-Summon Monster Trap (Clairaudience/Vision Triggers/ Summons Two Skeletons)

-Grants Scream Stuns Goblins. One turn 10ft.

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