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How to Be in a Relationship with a 'Carnivore' when You Have a Vegan or Vegetari

an Lifestyle
Three Methods:The Teasers and the Loved OnesCurious Strangers, New Acquaintances
and Rude PeopleWhen Eating With Your Family and Friends
In the course of human events, there are many, many decisions. One of the ones t
hat will cause unnecessary drama with family and friends is the decision to adop
t vegan or vegetarian dietary habits or lifestyle. "How will you get enough prot
ein?!" they may protest. Then there are the ones that might say, "I like my meat
n' potatoes," implying that you should be content with that fare as well. There
will be the ones who rib you, whether they pass you the roast beef at dinner wi
th a sly smile and an offer to serve you a slice or something else. Of course, t
he most important ones will be the ones with whom you live and the ones you love
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Method 1 of 3: The Teasers and the Loved Ones
The ones who tease you are generally nothing to worry about, because they are of
ten the ones who feel comfortable around you and care about you a great deal. At
times you may become irritated at them because you feel they are getting on you
r back, but is important not to lash out at them. If you must make it known that
they are getting on your nerves, make sure to do so so that they understand wha
t you are doing is important to you and without becoming defensive.Ways in which
to convey this might include:
saying, "I know that you are teasing me, but it is making me uncomfortable. Coul
d you please stop, at least for a while? Having this diet (or lifestyle) is as i
mportant to me as (include something that they really like or care about) is to
you, and would appreciate it if you respected that as I try to respect (their th
letting it slide for the time being. This is more effective and appropriate if y
ou don't see each other often.
Close family members, close friends, and intimate partners may become concerned
that you will become less healthy by adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet, or tha
t it will somehow impact your mood in a negative way. It is up to you to make su
re you are well informed enough to keep yourself well-nourished, sufficiently fe
d so as not to get angry or spooky, and explain the basic reasons for what you a
re doing. Also remember that although you may have a new passion for food, your
loved ones will most likely not and may be frightened, bored, or put off by cons
tant talk of what you intend to put in your stomach.
Nutritional information: track the amount of calories from fat and protein sourc
es. Often there are foods that must be combined in order for the amino acids to
be absorbed as protein (for example, rice, beans, and corn). Also, if you are a
woman, you must ensure that you have sufficient iron intake.
As a piece of extraneous advice, do not eat pure starches and sugar all the time
. It does nothing but cause weight gain, hunger, and people who know what's up e
ndless annoyance, as you are giving vegans and vegetarians a bad image
Make sure you know the studies that support a vegan lifestyle, not just testimon
ials or the articles interpreting or citing the studies. Also know the ones that
don't support it.
You may have to take supplements, and you may have to backtrack to eating as a v
egetarian or an omnivore. Do not be intimidated by the ones who say, "See, I tol
d you so," but don't attack them either.
Unless the loved ones are willing to try a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, it wil
l be rude counterproductive (health goes down due to stress) to force them to ea
t vegan or vegetarian with you at every meal. Try to come to a compromise where
what you cook for dinner can have meat added after you take your serving, or the
y practice carnivorism at work during 'lunch' and then eat vegan or vegetarian m
eals at home for a few days of the week.

It is helpful to know that there are many different types of vegetarians and veg
ans: pollovegetarians (eat chicken but no fish), pescovegetarians (eat fish), ov
ovegetarians (eat eggs), lactovegetarians (eat dairy products), conscientious ve
getarians or 'flexitarians' (eat vegetarian in daily lives but may also eat meat
at important events if there is nothing else, or occasionally eat something the
y consider a treat like venison), 'starchitarians' (thou knows't who thou art, t
hee who eats of pasta and candy all day), and vegans (no animal products at all,
sometimes including honey). There are also vegetarian diets that are regulated
by religion, and as such may allow certain animals to be eaten or not eaten alon
g with some types of plants. (For example, early Catholics and other Christian d
enominations could eat puffins, dolphins and capybara during Lent because they w
ere considered fish; strict Jains do not eat root vegetables because the harvest
ing process kills the plant.)
Method 2 of 3: Curious Strangers, New Acquaintances and Rude People
Some people that you have just met may wonder how you could have given up bacon/
steak. These people usually seem to accept a shrug and a short explanation of ho
w you did it. If they are interested, they may ask for an explanation of your re
asoning for why you became vegan or vegetarian or what your diet or lifestyle en
tails. Tell them what you are comfortable telling them.
Be careful of talking about it too much. Their curiosity may be a way to invite
a conversation, and conversation is never as fun when one subject is discussed t
oo much.
Rude people: strangers who are overly familiar, family and friends who go too fa
r, and ja*7a$$3$. Standard procedures apply:
Ignore them.
If they are persistent, stand up for yourself. Always be respectful when doing t
his, and never assume anything about them or be judgmental. Judgement, although
tempting, invites full-blown fighting and hurt feelings. As important as food is
, it is not worth it to make people feel bad about themselves.
Method 3 of 3: When Eating With Your Family and Friends
If you live with people who eat meat, get creative about how to prepare common m
eals. Make a pot of chili with everything except the meat, then divide it in hal
f and the meat-eater can add their meat while the vegetarian/vegan adds somethin
g else, or eats it as is. This can be done with many soups, sauces, and "one-pot
When choosing a restaurant, your meat-eating family and friends may become overl
y concerned that "we can't eat there" because they think there will be nothing f
or you at a particular place. Show them you're a good sport once in a while by t
elling them you can find something anywhere. Every place has salads, pastas, and
side dishes in some forms, and you can ask the waitress to do whatever you need
once you're inside. Even if that meal wasn't fantastic, smile and say it was fi
ne afterwards if asked, and decide in your own mind if you'll skip that place ne
xt time or go there again.
Eat out with others easily by becoming familiar with common substitutions. Any C
hinese restaurant can make any meat dish with tofu instead. Any Mexican cook can
replace meat with beans for you. Some things are not always on the menu, for ex
ample, ask if a place has veggie burgers, and then choose any style of burger an
d have it made as a veggie burger, or have it chopped and put over a fantastic s
alad that normally has chicken on it.
When at a restaurant, undoubtedly the meat eaters who care about you will start
telling you what you can eat (eg: "ooh, look! You can have a baked potato!"). Th
is can be annoying, but rather than point out that you are not 3 years old and y
ou can read a menu for yourself, just say, "Thanks, I got it". If you're close e
nough to joke with them, point out something THEY can eat, too, and maybe they'l

l get the hint that you are capable of choosing your own food.
Invite your friends or family out to eat once in a while, or cook for them at ho
me. Open their palates to food from other cultures by giving them a vegetarian/v
egan meal that is delicious and filling, and leaves them smiling. They'll soon s
top asking, "What do you eat?" if you give them great examples. Maybe they'll st
art to enjoy a Meatless Monday where you're the chef. They'll appreciate your kn
owledge more, and start to respect you instead of thinking you're crazy.

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