Intro To Transportation

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CETB 412 Transportation Engineering

Lecture Notes

Introduction to Transportation Engineering

1. Introduction
Transportation engineering is the application of scientific, engineering and management
principles to the planning, design, operation and management of transportation systems and
Although transportation engineering is a specialized field in civil engineering, it is actually
comprised of multidisciplinary and overlapping area of economics, psychology, geography,
city planning, public administration, political science and other engineering disciplines (and
not limited to these areas of study only).
2. Importance of transportation

Provide efficient access to various activities that satisfied human needs

Affect economic, social, development, and population growth in an area
A grown and develop country should have strong internal t/system as well as excellent linkage
to the rest of the word
The economic vitality and development of an area and nation is depended on the speed, cost
and capacity of available transportation system.
A country is unable to maximize the comparative advantage it may have in the form of natural
or human resources without the ability to manufactured goods, raw material and technical

3. Transportation scope of works

In civil engineering the scope of works in transportation may basically be divided into:
i. Transportation planning
It is about the selection of transportation projects to be built. It involves among
others: the forecasting of future transportation needs, study of current transportation
situation, identifying of transportation problems, investigating the feasibility of the
project, realizing the impact of the project on the environment and economy and
making the evaluation and decision from a number of transportation alternatives.
ii. Transportation design
Particularly for civil engineers, the design of transportation system primarily
includes the design of highway, railway, airport, harbor and traffic control facilities.
Highway design is about geometric (for example cross-section and, horizontal and
vertical alignment) and pavement (for example flexible and rigid pavement) design.

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Introduction to transportation engineering

CETB 412 Transportation Engineering

Lecture Notes

An example of design and control of traffic facilities for highways is the timing of
traffic signals at intersections and provision of safe turning access for vehicles on the
iii. Transportation construction
Construction of transportation facilities includes earthworks, construction of
pavement and drainage system, and provision of related structures and service
facilities for the safe use of the transportation system.
iv. Traffic operation
The basic objective of traffic operation after the road has been constructed is the
optimum integration of vehicle, driver and pedestrian characteristics to improve the
safety and capacity of streets and highways.
Major concerns of traffic operation, among others include road safety and traffic
accident analysis; road lighting, signs and markings; traffic signal timing and speed
v. Highway maintenance and rehabilitation
Highway maintenance and rehabilitation activities, among others include repair of
pavement, road markings and road signs; and redesign of existing highway sections.
Highways must be satisfactorily maintained to maintain its desired level of
serviceability and safety.
4. The profession of transportation engineering
The transportation engineer is a professional who may work in the areas of planning,
design, construction, operations and management of a transportation system (refer to
Figure 1 and 2).

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Introduction to transportation engineering

CETB 412 Transportation Engineering

Lecture Notes

Figure 1: The profession of transportation engineering.

Figure 2: Physical civil engineering involvement in a major highway project.

Latest Updated: 22th October 2013.

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Introduction to transportation engineering

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