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Remarks by State Senator Ritchie

Fort Drum Listening Session

March 20, 2015
Thank you, and welcome, Mr. McLaurin, to Northern New York and Drum Country.
I am State Senator Patty Ritchie, and I represent the 48th Senate District, which includes Jefferson County and
Fort Drum.
I grew up in St. Lawrence County, about an hour north of Watertown.
I saw how the expansion of Fort Drum has transformed this region with new jobs, better health care, improved
schools and other benefits that extend even to my community.
Now, as a result of sequester, much of that growth, much of the opportunity that Fort Drum brought to the North
Country, is at risk.
Tonight, you will hear about the impact of drastic cuts on our quality of life, education and health care, on lost
jobs and opportunity.
But you will also hear about the strengths of Fort Drum and what makes this post unique.
How this community has supported the posts growth, supported our troops and their families, and welcomed
the Fort Drum community as our own.
As the State Senate representative for Fort Drum, I will speak about the bond that New Yorkers have for our
And how state government has partnered with the post to ensure the Armys success.
Our bond with Fort Drum was forged when the 10th Mountain Division became the first to respond to the
murder of thousands of our neighbors, friends and fellow New Yorkers on September 11th, 2001.
We will never forget the sacrifice and service of our soldiers to protect us and keep us free.
A few days ago, I was privileged to host the 10th Mountain Division and Fort Drum Day at the State Capitol.
This annual eventnow in its FOURTH yearis a chance for New Yorkers, from Buffalo to Long
Island, Syracuse to New York City, to learn more about Fort Drum and the Armys mission here.
In as large and diverse a state as this, its also a chance for the peoples representatives to stand up and to stand
together to voice our support.
Weve done the research, and I know of no other state that holds such a statewide celebration of the Army and
the soldiers who are part of our family.
New York states support for Fort Drum isnt only about speeches and displays.
30 years ago, when the Army announced the reactivation of the 10th Mountain Division, our leaders in
Albany, including Secretary of the Army John McHugh, who held this Senate seat before me, set to work to
create the infrastructure to support the expanded Fort Drum we see today.

We invested millions of dollars in housing for troops and their families, bigger and better schools, modern,
state-of-the-art health care, Recreation and entertainment.
Earlier this week, I announced $500,000 in additional funding for buffer purchases.
In his proposed state budget, Governor Cuomo has included an additional $1.5 million.
This investment helps preserve farmland and the agricultural industry that is such an important part of what
makes this region unique, and what makes families and soldiers want to live and work here in the first place
and why they want to stay here after their service career has ended.
Even more, it ensures open space sufficient to allow the Army to conduct its training so that our soldiers are the
best prepared and equipped of any fighting force in the world.
Its not all about buildings and land.
This community cares about our soldiers and their well-being.
In Albany, were committed to providing resources to ensure the best quality education, for the children of our
This is one of the only installations where our soldiers children are part of the community school system.
This was showcased several weeks ago at the Capitol when I honored the New York State Class A football
champs from Indian River where 50 percent of the members of the team were 10th Mountain kids.
As the Armys most deployed combat division, we know that some of our returning soldiers are suffering
lingering and unseen wounds of war.
The State Senate has been proud to provide leadership and funding for services like the PFC Dwyer program
here in Watertown, and PTSD treatment at River Hospital in Alexandria Bay.
And I can commit to you that we will continue to support investment in our soldiers and in Fort Drum to help
strengthen this post and ensure the success of the Armys mission.
In closing, let me just add something to a comment that General Townsend made at the State Capitol earlier this
week, when he said that the citizens of this state are all part of Fort Drum.
General, Mr. McLaurin, I will say simply that I am proud that the men and women of Fort Drum, of our Army,
of the 10th Mountain Division, are all part of New York
They are a point of pride for all of us.
Thank you for coming tonight, and for the opportunity to speak with you.

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