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Agricultural Law and Social Legislation | Agra Best Group 5| HDMF Law

Battle for Pag-IBIG Edition

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to a very special edition of Square Off. I say special because today,
representatives from the top law schools of the land are here not to debate about controversial legislations or
proposition but will be, instead, going head to head in a battle for Pag-IBIG. You heard that right folks, the brightest
and the best law students of the top Universities are going head to head para sa Pag-IBIG. Im not talking about
love, ladies and gents, Im talking about their knowledge about the Home Mutual Development Fund or Pag-IBIG
Here they are.
From the University of the Philippines Diliman College of Law is Mr. Rafael La Madrid
From the Ateneo de Manila University is Mr. Art
From San Beda Mendiola College of Law, let us welcome Ms. Kxy Pascual
And of course from the best law school in the Philippines, Arellano University, we have Ms. Lair Ambrocio.
The mechanics of our game is simple, I will ask a question and the first contestant to press the buzzer will get the
chance to answer. If he or she is wrong, other contestants may steal the chance and give the correct answer. The
team with the highest score gets to be the winner and will receive a house from no other than our sponsor, the Home
Development Mutual Fund.
Lets begin.


1. The Home Development Mutual Fund or Pag-IBIG is a provident savings system for employees with what H as
its primary investment?




Yes San Beda?


Heart? Provident savings system with HEART as its primary investment


Im sorry thats wrong. The word I am looking for is synonymous to shelter.


*buzzer* What like a mansion? Di ba? Where else can anyone else find shelter?


Again, the word I am looking for starts with the letter H




Yes, Arellano?


Housing. The Home Development Mutual Fund or Pag-IBIG is a provident savings system for employees with
Housing as it primary investment.


Finally. That is correct. One point to AUSL


2. Question number two: Pag-IBIG is actually an acronym which stands for PAGtutulungan sa Kinakbukasan: Ikaw,
Bangko, ________ at Gobyerno. What does the second I stand for?




Yes, UP?

Agricultural Law and Social Legislation | Agra Best Group 5| HDMF Law


Intimacy! Kasi kailangan sa Pag-IBIG may Intimacy!


Uhm, were not talking about Pag-IBIG as in love. Were talking about the meaning of the acronym of Home
Development Mutual Fund.


Ang tamang sagot ay Idustriya. Ang ibig sabihin ng Pag-IBIG ay PAGtutulungan sa Kinabuasan: Ikaw, Bangko,
Industriya at Gobyerno


Correct! One point to San Beda.


3. Question number three: Coverage and Membership to HDMF is mandatory to employees covered by which
government insurance system with all three words in its name starting with the letter S?


Insurance system? S SM! SM, we got it all for you!


No, were looking for something with three words.


*buzzer* Three words all starting with S? Ay e di SM S-iti S-an Lazaro!


No, no. Again, this is a government insurance system.




Yes, Ateneo


Dude its the Social Security System. All employees who are like you know members of the Social Security System
or SSS are also mandatorily covered by the HDMF. These include:
Permanent, temporary or provisional private employees
Household-helpers earning at least 1,000 pesos a month
Filipino seafarers upon the signing of the standard contract of employment with his manning agency, foreign
ship owner as his employers
A self-employed person like actors, actresses, directors, news reporters, athletes, coaches, farmers, fisherfolks ,
cigarette vendors, and watch-your-car boys, earning 1,000 pesos a month


Social Security System is correct! One point to Ateneo


4. Question number four: Besides members of the SSS, membership to HDMF is required for the following:
members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology, Philippine National Bank, Filipinos employed by foreign based employers and all employees who are
subject to mandatory coverage by ____________. What is this other government Insurance System is which is more
commonly known as GSIS?




Yes, San Beda?


Gandang-ganda sa sarili!


*buzzer* Hindi, pare. Gwapong-gwapo sa sarili!


No no. The letters are G-S-I-S, not G-G-S-S.




Yes, AUSL?


Its the Government Service Insurance System

Agricultural Law and Social Legislation | Agra Best Group 5| HDMF Law


Thats correct. Two points to Arellano Law!


5. Next. Persons not mentioned earlier in the Mandatory Coverage of the HDMF who would want to be members of
Pag-IBIG and who are at least 18 years old but not more than 65 years of age may apply as members through
__________coverage. If they do not fall under Mandatory Coverage, what kind of coverage may they belong to
which starts with the letter V?




Yes, Ateneo?


Victory! Victory Coverage!


Im sorry that is not the correct


Im wrong?! Oh my god. Grabe naman this game! Its like the hunger games!


The Hunger Games?


*buzzer* Oh oh! You mean the Hunger Games?! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!


Volunteer? Well, according to our judges, we could accept that. The precise word is actually voluntary. Persons not
mentioned earlier in the Mandatory Coverage of the HDMF who would want to be members of Pag-IBIG and who
are at least 18 years old but not more than 65 years of age may apply as members through VOLUNTARY coverage


And that marks the end of Round 1 with the University of the Philippines garnering no points, Ateneo with one
point, and San Beda and Arellano both with two points. Dont go away, round two of Square Off: Battle for PagIBIG edition will be right back after a short commercial break.


Welcome to Round 2 of Square Off: Battle for Pag-IBIG Edition. In round 1, UP and Ateneo received the lowest
scores and were eliminated leaving San Beda Mendiola College of Law and Arellano University Law School to fight
for the championship. Due to the level of difficulty of the questions in the next round, each school will now be
represented by two of each respective schools brightest. Lets begin.

6. Pag-IBIG membership shall be for a period of 20 years or until retirement at the age of 65. However, it may also
be terminated by what D?


*buzzer* Death. Pag-IBIG is lost only in death. Well, membership may also be terminated by:
As mentioned, retirement
Permanent total disability or insanity
Permanent departure from the country
Termination from service by reason of health
and Other causes as may be provided by the Board of Trustees of HDMF


Surprisingly, thats correct. One point to Arellano


7. Next question: Contribution to Pag-IBIG shall be on a _______________ basis? What M is this which is also the
usual period of when your bills arrive?




Yes, San Beda?


Monthly! Pag-IBIG contributions are paid monthly. In fact, the monthly contribution of:

Agricultural Law and Social Legislation | Agra Best Group 5| HDMF Law

employees not earning more than 1500 pesos per month, is 1% of their total salary rate
Employees earning more than 1500 pesos per month conribute of 2%
Meanwhile all employers contribute 2% of the monthly compensation of all covered employees


That is correct. Contribution to Pag-IBIG shall be on a monthly basis. One point to San Beda!


8. Question number three: Pag-IBIG contributions are deducted from the _______________ of an employee. What
P is this which is also where you see the computation of the compensation an employee receives for services




Yes, again San Beda?


Pork Barrel? Deducted from the Pork Barrel?


What? No. Do you see the computation of your compensation for services rendered in the Pork Barrel?


(wears Napoles shades) Hindi ko po alam, Your Honor. I would like invoke my right.


*buzzer* Payroll. Pag-IBIG contributions are deducted from the PAYROLL of an employee.


Payroll is correct! Now Arellano is catching up with one point


9. Question number four: Benefits of HDMF members include return of contributions upon retirement, housing
loans, short-term loans, dividends and __________ benefits. What D is this which also the answer to one of my
questions on termination of Pag-IBIG membership? Anyone?


The correct answer is Death Benefits. HDMF members are entitled to:
Reutrn of Contributions
Housing Loans
Short-term Loans
And Death Benefits


10. Moving on. In the event that a Pag-IBIG member wishes to withdraw all his contributions, he may do so through
the _________ Withdrawal of his or her Total Accumulated Value. What O is this which is the opposite of




Wow, Arellano again.


Optional. Optional Withdrawal of Total Accumulated Value may be opted by a Pag-IBIG member who wishes to
withdraw his contributions even prior to the maturity of his membership or other causes of termination


That is correct!


11. Next question: Refusal or failure without lawful cause of with fraudulent intent to comply with the provision of
the HDMF Law and its IRR shall constitute an offense punishable by imprisonment and ____________ or both.
What F if this which involves payment and money as a form of restitution or recompense?




12. The Board of Trustees, having corporate powers and functions of the Fund shall be vested with ____________
power which involves the making and changing of needful rules and regulations. What 'R' is this which is also
basically the function of the legislative branch of government?

Agricultural Law and Social Legislation | Agra Best Group 5| HDMF Law


Rule-Making Power

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