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In this experiment, it focuses on gathering the personal data of the computer

without removing its bare-bone parts. The amount of the RAM and storage capacity is
needed to be known and to be able what are the importance of RAM in the system unit
and also the importance of the storage capacity of the drives of your computer. OS
update is important to be known because it will update the computer for virus and
malware protection and bug protection to avoid BSOD (Blue Screen of Death).

Part 1: Determining the Data Storage Capacity
1.1. Using Window 7 OS
a. Open your computer, from the Start menu, select Control Panel >
System and Security > System. Alternatively, you can get this
information by clicking the Start button and right click the My Computer
icon and click Properties. A window shall appear as shown in figure 1.
1.2. Using Windows 8 OS
a. Place the pointer cursor at the lower right corner of the screen and click the
Settings and Control Panel as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively.
b. A window shall appear as shown in figure 4.
c. Using the procedure in Part 1.1 or Part 1.2, determine the amount of RAM
available in your computer. Place your answer in the space provided below.
0.98 GB
d. Click the Start and choose the My Computer.
e. How many drives your computer has?
f. Determine the size of each drives. This can be done by performing a rightclick on the local drive and select Properties.
149 GB
g. What is the used space of your hard drive in GB?
6.42 GB
h. What is the free space of your hard drive in GB?
142 GB

i. Why is it important to know the amount of RAM in your computer?

To know how many programs you can run simultaneously
j. Why is the size of a hard drive as well as the space being used important?
To know how many programs may be installed in the hard drive

Part 2: Determining the Screen Resolution of a Computer

a. To view the current screen resolution and color quality settings, right-click on
any empty space on the desktop and select Graphics Properties from the
context menu.
b. Use the Display Properties Settings tab to record the current settings on your
The screen resolution in (H and V) :1280 x 1024
The horizontal resolution is :1280
The vertical resolution is :1024
The color quality value is : 32 bit
Part 3: Examining the Operating System
a. Click the Start button and select All Programs > Accessories > Windows
b. From the Help menu, choose About Windows. A window shall appear as
shown in figure 4.
c. What version of windows and service pack is installed in your computer?
Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600)
d. How much physical memory RAM is available to your windows?
1012 MB RAM
e. Why is memory important to an operating system?
To know how many programs you can run simultaneously.
f. Click on the End-user License Agreement link on the About Windows screen.
According to the license agreement, how many backup copies of Windows can
you legally make?

As long as you only install it on a single PC, it doesn't make any difference
how many backup copies of the disk you make.
g. Close the end-user license agreement window. Close the About Windows

3.1. Configure Windows for updates

a. Click on the Start button and select the Control Panel option.
b. Select the System and Security > Windows Update.
c. Click the Change Settings. What options are available for automatic updates?

Automatic (recommended)
Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them.
Notify me but dont automatically dl or install them
Turn off auto up

d. Explain how does automatic updates work? And how are updates downloaded?
Windows can regularly check for important updates and install them for you.
e. Expand the how are updates installed?
It depends on the update settings.
f. What is the default time for when updates are installed?
Daily 3 AM
g. What is the current setting for automatic updates, and why do you think the
person who set up the computer chose this option?
Automatic (recommended), automatically download recommended updates for my
computer and install them

3.2. Determine the Application Version

a. Open any Window-based application such as Microsoft word.
b. From the application Help menu option, choose the About option.
c. What is the application version?

Office Word 2007 (12.0.4518.1014) MSO (

d. If this is a Microsoft application, there may be a System Info button. If there is a
button, click on it. If there is no button, skip to the next step. Explore the different
options available under System Info, including information related to your specific
application. System Info provides similar information to that provided by winmsd.exe.
e. Click on the Help menu again. If there are double down arrows at the bottom of the
menu, click them to show all the menu options. Some applications have a Check for
Updates option. Does the application have this option?
f. Do you think that Internet access is required for an application that has a Check for
Updates option? Why or why not?
Yes, because updates provided by Microsoft is only available online
g. Close the application.
3.2. Reflection
a. What is the purpose of operating system?
If there is no OS, the BIOS is the only thing you can access
b. Why is it important to get an update for an application or an operating system?
To update bugs and glitches and to optimize the system
c. List one instance when you might need to know which version of the operating
system or application is being used.
If you want to install a certain program and if there are some compatibility issues
experienced on the program
d. Cite ways how to protect our operating system from viruses, malware, spam and
other malicious software?
Use antivirus and antimalware programs
Dont visit uncertificated websites
Dont download from untrusted sources
The amount of the RAM and storage capacity is important because it is the RAM
that processes of work in your computer less ram will cause the pc to be slow and the
storage capacity is important because the PC will need space for updates and software

installation if there is less space there would be limited software or updates will be
available. OS update is important to be known because it will update the computer for
virus and malware protection and prevention of the bug and glitches to happen.
The experiment is all about the familiarization on how to see the specification of
the computers ram, operating system, and storage capacity. To be able to understand
on verifying the specs on when it will update and if the OS is original or to determine if it
is genuine or not and it is important to be known because there are certain programs
that will not run if there is one those basic three parts lacking.

I therefore conclude this experiment was successful because we are able to get
necessary information of the computer that is given. The operating system is the most
important part of the system unit because the applications and software will be useless
because it dictates the operation. The RAM also important because it will determine the
computer to run smoothly and programs requires the RAM to run properly. The updates
are needed also for security purposes to avoid viruses and malwares that can corrupt
your data or worse your operating system.

I recommend that this type of experiment should be done by electronics, and
computer engineering students or electronic enthusiast; to be able to understand the
behavior and characteristics of the computer that is not familiar and to be able to
categorize if the system needs to be upgraded.
1 Experiment Manual Data Gathered

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