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Awaaghsg Bip BAe wih G Siang 1) be teed MU iYeM = 100) -Xc1m oa CM AU COLES) benefits to many quarters but does your business stand to benefit? Ra ee ; Olam elles 3 Oe EAN Soaring High end sie cin EWM Tl 1g vi Cy oe Oh OU Ee Ea eLIN 65 ASSORTED MENUS eX te mre) TICerucst) (Free for children below 5 years old) NY Coie EEN awe tea 11.30 AM - 3.00 PM Cafe@PICC FOR BOOKING : +603 8887 6000 S10 AsO alana e DINNER Adult: RM 35.00 Sa Children : RM 18.60 RM1400"™" a pie Choices of Ala Carte Menus : Malay Western Fusion Food Monday - Friday xe ge > — = Ye etre Ta eel ee eri het eae Ta Te) Number 1 Convention Srey cr heat OG Ermer Once etea ar nea ccir| CPt tears Oo leon eer Orci eins ® Exhibition Booths for 500 Merterot 6 EDITOR'S NOTE COMMENT FOCUS TODAY BIZ TODAY ONT Le} U MODAN SE Pits eet Peet UPCOMING TODAY 7 THE : 8 GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK ASSURED SUCCESS REVOLUTIONISING POWER PLANTS. THE NEW GEN WORKFORCE TRANSFORMING KL GRAND-FLO IN RMS500M TARGET SNIPPETS Mr DON’T BE THE TARGET WORK BETTER. LIVE BETTER ~GO MOBILE! FUTURE-READY YOUR BUSINESS 63 SNIPPETS = ATP PEALE ESS EVENTS OS OTT SES Ss (a a [| 2 IN RETIREMENT NOBODY CARES FOR YOU LAY OUT THE LAYOUT! EMPOWERING ASEAN FD ae MTT eres Te) 10) ke ORS = EEN ERS The prestigious award that recognises the achievements of Malaysia’s enterprising small and medium companies THE ENTERPRISE 50 AWARD 14.11.2014 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE a TAM ALLSTAR CONFERENCE 2014 IN KUCHING AD-21 CMW} 27 9CM(HT) ae i yO} +| + | @\* S NOTE hn 4 | volume 14, issue 11 “The Bualget 2015 was tabled recently and many cheered thebuget asitwas outed tobe a “People’s Economy”. [toutlined seven main strategies that strengthen economic growth, enhance fiscal ‘governance, develop human capital and entrepreneurship, advance ‘the Bumiputers agenda, uphold the role of women, develop the national youth transformation programme, and prioritise the well being of the people Even the business quarters joined inthe cheer with the many initiatives and incentives announced for high quality investment, at establishment f principle hubs by multinational companies, ' creative industry, high speed broadband and developing small and A ¢ medium enterprises, developinginnovation and commercialistion all ha is needed to spur the economy further ‘This happens tobe what we have collated for the cover story ‘of Business Today this month and we hope you wil find the viewshere enlightening, as the government ofthe day striveon toadvance the nation, In thes EX\cimpGrouP it of progress, our entrepreneur Leer es highlight n Upcoming Today sa businesswoman who took on the anc ULI world of fine undergarments to educate women on how to wear y si HED PRT EN ‘them right. Read about her journey he top ROR MIG ceacrarconcs ‘Then we also have some eye-opening Features for your 4 : ea 6. FENN A MAA consumption lke how Siemtens Energy is se to revolutionise U z USNS a & CO cu the . hes ° Mb Go cs ‘power plants the world over; how Qatar Airways has become the een darling ofthe global aviation industry as wells understanding IN ius one PS the new generation workforce. matt ag RSS CS TO HLS CU ‘Other noteworthy articles include: Grand-Flos journey from oe An ICT solutions provider toa property developer; managing CRAM GL cE CUR ‘your retirement fund with stocks; understanding layouts and — Turd 8 ae vale st Scpyghicandscons cfs aes inour arse a as 2.0 segment. Theres much thar you can devour : ‘nowuceareus esis Thy never complet without tan erent, | | etme afterall wrkand no ploymakesJockadullbor Ourfuneais ci, SUmMca this se re nec unches, est rivingthe Ford Ranger, SS Mae ‘ure arcie relshingon Hot potsin Puttar exploring Burceons,you dont lid sir ove te wanton them a peesatad . “wo months til the end ofthe year, we hope to keep the EAN ‘teerot mui nsens nae nnomentum of productivity going and bring you even ore irr eimeamtmvadnoe oe exciting cores in the coming months Till we se you again in our ct IRs meee year-end December issue, Happy Reading! RACE LIM ‘amon Os ae Th : bungie oy ‘PUBLISHING iT REACH PUBLISHING ‘SDN BHD (2013-9) 153. Blot Jaan PU 8, aura Pring 44800 Petaig Jaya Selangor Daal sn Te 65-780, 222 Fan 605.780 171 {6 BUSINESS TODAY November 2011 BUKIT UTAMA GOLF RESORT EE bo WHERE THE GOOD LIFE Peo ey Presents 4conferere: reo oans art facies that wl en ee From compreensve meeting to suoessul conferences, our meeting oom is = eo eee nearer Boone De ee ge ec 2 COMMENTS | TTT By Pu OLMAK THE AUTHOR I OOF UNILEVER AND CHAIRMAN OF THE WORLD BUSINESS COUNCIL Foe SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. FELIPE CALDERA FORMER RESIDENT OF MICO AND CHAIRMAN OF THE GLOBAL COMMISSION ON THE ECONOMY AND CLMATE THE NEW CLIMATE ECONOMY ‘We will not achieve economic growth without tackling climate change - the economic cost of inaction is now greater than action and our politicians must show leadership or too Tong, we've been told we have to choose betwe economic growth or climate action. In fact, the opposite is true, as over the next 15 years we won't Ihave one without the other. ‘As the scientific and economic truth about climate change becomes more ‘obvious the objections from those with vested interests in high-carbon businesses pear all the more desperate. The hholdouts deny not only the science, but als the economic realities that so many slobal business leaders have understood for years none ‘Today, we already have the capital investment needed to achieve a low- carbon, thriving economy. We have the capacity for innovation, We have the technology. We have the consumer demand, But what's missing is strong political leadership, We sill ned clear, ceansistent policies that enable us to shift from the finite, inefficient technologies oftoday to sustainable economy chat promotes growth and clean solutions IN TRUTH, THIS TRANSITION MAY NOT BE AS HARD AS IT SEEMS Last week, the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate issued it flagship report, Better Grovsth, Better Climate "The Commission includes leaders from business gavernment, evil society and academia and is advised by a panel of world-leading economists including two Nobel Laureates ‘The reportclearly deseribes what many global businesses already recognise: ‘the cost of inaction on climate is now greater than the cost of ation, and ‘the opportunities of engagement are boundless Ifyou doubt this just look at what lobal businesses are doing today. Over SO ‘ofthe world’s top 200 companies have set carbon intensity reduction goalsin line with 6% per year reduction target. {8 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 Three-quarter of them now have multiple environmental ad social goals in place. To add, many have done internally ‘what some skittish politicians are afraid todiscuss publicly ~ they have eta price for carbon in their forecasts and plans. ‘These changes in policy and strategy put businesses in a position to thrive in the inevitable low-carbon economy ~ but only if our political leaders do the right thing. Without the right policy frameworks nd political signals, even the most determined busines aetion will not reach the necessary scale. Business needs three ‘things from our political leaders: clarity, confidence and courage, We need cleat, specific targets for reducing earbon that will help ws meet te goal of staying within two degrees of ‘warming and preserving the balance of our slobal ecosystem ‘We need well-structured financial toolsand rules that will give us stability and certainty, encouraging investment ineverything from renewable energy production to smart infrastructure to agricultural technology. Furthermore, we need strong leadership ‘that eonsiders climate ation in virtually every decision we make - from land use, civil planning, fod waste reduction, and yes - the price of eathon, This broad range of common-sense ideas will reap tremendous economic benefits, andi will also help us meet a different kind of bottom line. ‘The benefits ofa low-earbon economy extend far beyond the creation of new ‘wealth it also ean reste arable ands and help us feed a growing popul Ifjust 12% of the world’s degraded lands ‘were rested to production, we could feed another 200 milion people and farmers’ incomes would be raised by USS40 billion dollars year. And new financial instruments can reduce the financing costs oflow-earhon elecrieity hy around 20%, CITIES WILL ALSO PROSPER ‘With exponential population growth and rapid urbanisation, demands for energy, ‘water and finite resources will skyrocket. By adoptingsmarter growth strategies and promoting the development of dense, ‘compact cities, our urban centres will ‘become bastions of sustainability Cites willreduce emissions use less precious resources and provide higher quality oflife, And if we build in asmart way, ‘we could save US$3 trillion over the nest 1S years Reaching the low carbon path does not have tobe costly we ust have to be smarter out our investments. Climate ation Feaquires that we increase investments by only 4.5% fom the USS90 trillion dollars that we are set to invest anyway in infrastructure in buildings, agriculture andl enengy over the next decade anda half ‘The additional investments relatively small and would probably be offsecby sins in productivity, innovation, and lower ‘operating costs, The way forward requires politcal support that places the interests ofa fe, antiquated industries behind those that ‘benef new, cleaner technologies. Asleaders from publi, private and civil society sectors converge on New York City for the UN Secretary General Leaders’ Summit, Beter Growth, Better Climate provides aten-point action plan tohelp che world recognise the ‘opportunity chat stands before us to create prosperous, sustainable future. e a o A premier specialist inthe repair, maintenance and operations sphere, TNB REMACO is a force tobe reckoned with in the fed. This industry leader brings with it nearly ree ect teen maintenance area. The company's technical experience and competencies cover De ee ne eu Res ve company has refined its capacity to deliver total customer satisfaction ery ee Rot oe ae et eR ee ee ae Cea types and makes ranging from Pere eee ec MAINTENANCE SERVICES © Mechanical Field Services © Electrical Field Services «© Electrical Workshop Services © Diesel / Hydro Maintenance Services © Material Management Services REPAIR SERVICES © Refurbishment of Power Plant Machinery Components + Reconditioning of Structural Components © Quality Assurance (QA) & Quality Control (QC) * Machine Shop © In-Situ Repairs ‘TWB Repair and Maintenance Sdn, Bhd. (TNB REMACO) ‘Address: Level 234, PJX-HM Shah Tower, No. 16, Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA, Tel: +603 7964 2600 Email: Website: TESTING & DIAGNOSTICS © Test Services * Electrical Diagnostic Services # Mechanical Diagnostic Services © Calibration Services * Control and Electrical Systems Upgrade « Electrical Switchgear Maintenance © Transformer Routine Maintenance PROJECT & OPERATION MANAGEMENT * Operations & Maintenance (0&M) Contract © Project Development & Management © Plant Rehabilitation © Owner's Engineer * Technical and Management Consultancy © Diesel & Mini-Hydro Maintenance Services Focus Today ising global demand is forecast ‘tw supportstrongexport growth in Malaysia, leading the nation bright future, says the latest ‘wave of HSBC's Global Connections report. ‘According to the report, in the shor term, trade lows are expected t0 strengthen in Malaysia, with the balance of ‘TCTsurvey respondents holding a broadly positive outlook over the next six months. Many businesses are anticipating pick-up in new onders as global demand accelerates. ‘While Malaysia's TCI has decreased 3 points since 1714 to 110, the index. remains firmly above 100 suggesting 2 generally positive outlook for short-term trade prospects in Molaysa. Meanwhile, Asia remains overwhelmingly the land of ‘opportunity for Malaysian businesses, 8156 ofthe survey respondent identifying Asia as having the best opportunities for growth over the next sic months, and almost a quarter of respondents identifying China asthe country they trade most with. ‘Vincent C, Sugiant, Head of Global ‘Trade and Receivable Finance, HSBC ‘Malaysia says: ‘Despite shore-term ‘concerns the business environment in ‘Malaysia has improved dramatically. This jsillutrated by the significant rise in the ‘World Bank's Ease of Doing Business ‘Survey, which increased by six places 16th in the 2014 edition. “With global demand poised to accelerate inthe near future, a stable and competitive business environment should boost foreign ditect investment and providea strong base from which Malaysian businesses ean expand {nto other fast-growing emerging markets” Over the longer term, demand for ‘Malaysian exports should remain strong and Malaysia's focus on Asiais set to ‘continue, Chin overtook Singapore as ‘Malaysia Ingest export market in 2013, poviton it wil solidify with export growth Jnexeess of 12% per annum expected until 2030, However, the modest slowdown that isamtcipated in China isnot expeeted to inhibit rapid expansion in bilateral trade flows. Rising incomes at home will help tosolidfy the comparative advantage in high-tech ICT and industrial machinery production, making Malaysia ideally placed tocapitaliseon the continued economic development across Asia, ‘Asian counties also dominate the listof fastest growing import markets, although more geographical diversity Malaysia's projectod sector contribution in merchandise export $3835 33 3% ‘16-16 2mrr-20 a 90 sn Foss tanimae se vines Fe eMac range serge dtmace —mChemicsle oir Rawr seanacures Sexe Ord anomie 10 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 ‘THE EVER PROMISING TRADE FUTURE ‘exists, with imported goods manufactured in both France and Germany setto see strong grovsth of round 8:9% pa over the long term. Growth inimports of industrial machinery will by far outstrip any other sector, contributing more than 30% of total export growth in 2014-30, as Malaysia continues to invest in large infrastructure projects as authorities push ahead with ambitious plans to achieve developed economy status by 2020. Sugianto adds: “Asia remains a key ‘trade focus for Malaysia a te region ‘emerges stronger than ever As Malaysia drives towards achieving a developed {economy status hy 2020, our prsition i Asia's growth story will only continue.” ‘Ina special focus on Energy the report ‘outline that energy exports are expected togrowby 53% per annum from 2014 to 2030 as Malaysia continues to strengthen. its postion 25a major international hub for oil and gas production. The energy seetor has been identified as one of 12-National Key Beonomie Areas'in Malaysia tha wll receive poliey support and increased public investment and. thas already arcracted signicant private investment, including substantial foreign direct investment inflows fom large ‘multinational corporations ‘Meanie, Michael Cooper, Head of Projet Finance for HSBC Malaysia shares: "Malaysia sa strategic location witha rich supply of ofl and natural gos ‘As energy demands continue to rise both ‘within Asia and globally, Malaysia willbe ableto take advantage of this to continue solidifying our position on the global energy market” HSBC Global Connections is a biannual report combining short-term and long-term trade outlooks, The ‘Trade Confidence Index isa short-term ‘outlook comprised of six-month views ‘of exporters, importers and craders from small and mid-market enterprises and the ‘Trade Forecast isa longer-term outlook which forecasts bilateral trade fr total cexports/imports of goods, based on HSBC’ own analysis and forecasts of the World economy to generace a fll bilateral setof trade lows for total imports and exports of goods Bete ea ENS RUS aus TNA EN ly ye wie ND 4 = e© Seas wa “= ener he At our successfull20)4InternatignallConference, d in the ERM experiencesnoff oro MCCAIN. Cie tthe Unicel NoHon et Reet Renters ‘i a) as drivers off CommerciallSustainability) Resilience and Agility. Join enti Tait fite|NexilGeneration” where we wil increasingliihreats in a rapid Biebeieat and increas Fe ge latat orate feed Ie 1G ML car ee f Feros oleh cnlel eum [21ers ead ica prime celine to ensurgganafsirenathen} COTA eliate sa Mee a ctatel cele : ‘ rm & CALLING FOR SUBMISSION OF CONFERENCE PAPERS: FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT OR CONTACT US AT: NERS Dear Focus Today ETIHAD AIRWAYS REVENUE INCREASE tihad Airways reported total revenues of USS. billion (br) forthe third quarter of 2014, an impressive increase ‘of 20% year-on-year (5-0-7), achieved ‘on the back of acelerated passenger and cargo growth during the summer. total of39 million passengers travelled with Bihad Airwaysbetween na move to promote share trading and “tased on real-time market data uly and September this year, 30% the equity market amongst Malaysians, from Bursa Malaysia this challenge higher than the 3 milion passengers Kenan Investment Bank Berhad aims to stimulate as closely as possible fromthe same periodin 2013 Etihad launched its KenTrade Trading Challenge to real-life trading. We hope that Cargo also outperformed the global bby Kenanga recently Supported by Bursa through this, non-traders, especially market, carrying 44,498 tonnes of Malaysia ethad, the challenge was the Generation X and Y, will have an freightand mail during the third initiated via Kenanga Investment Bank’s appreciation of what online equity quarteray-o-y inerease of 9% on only online trading portal Ken Trade tradingis like, and we will debunk 1% capacity growth According 0 Chay Wat Leong, Group the misconception chat trading is James Hogan, President and Chief Managing Director of K& N Kenan very complex. The challenge has Executive Officer of Exhad Airwayssays: Holdings herd, the challenge was ‘heen opened fr registration since “Our fess on anganiegrovth codeshare designed to inereaseretil understanding September, and the response he partnerships and minority investments ofthe equity market been overw in other airlines has continued to produce strong results despite the prevalence of industry challenges such held cently atthe Kuala Lumpur asvolatile oil prices, economic and ‘Convention Centre. It was attended by the political instability, overcapacity inthe international, aswell a local speakers, ‘market, and access constraints ‘who are Islamie financial expert, scholars “We are confident about sustaining and practitioner that have presented ‘our profitability in 2014 and there are papers on the best practice in Islamic number of important milestones in C0 NFEREN CE finance knowledge and fundamentals, the final quarter, including the entry According to Nik Mold, Nasir into service of Etihad Airways ground- Nik Rithaudoen, Bank Rakyat's Chief breaking Airbus A380 and Boeing 787-9 Corporate Services Officer: “This ‘Dreamliner in ourstriking newlivery. Bank Rakyat, Malaysia's anges Islamic _ conference aims to diseaver how “These airrafc wil fearure our next ‘co-operative bank with coral assets at adherence to Sharish principles can ‘generation Firs,Business and Beonomy RMS29n and RMabn inmembers share contefoure to beter Islamie finance ning” Class products, together with The capital, unveled its inaugural international products in the future and this bodes well, Residence by Etihad, theworld’s fist Islamichankingconference that willbe for Hank Rakyat, as we move forwand to three-room private cabin. Inaddition, organised jointly with the International improve our produets and service offering ‘we will introduce Phuket, San Francisco Shariah Research Academy for Islamic __tourcustomers” and Dallas into our networkover the finance (ISRA). This conference, « ist forthe bank, remainder ofthis year” I Themed ‘Islami banking, beyond ispartofits 60th anniversary celebration fundamentals, the eonference was ands fully sponsored by the bank itself. 12 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 Organizer TOPER MALAYSIA © b> Invite Honoured Speakers rom Raz00{Ciasie RM4O0{VIP] Forte wh imo pas cot ot rion 37981 8 Or 037581568 - 15-leNoerber 214 [Sy Sms) Par Wr Tre Car, Kas Lae PTO) + Canis andthe ini + Assis hn 20 ke foo peso! + Neca Sri cio tent Si, (Chia Tv na, Hg Knead SEA oy + Geo RR Mili Si Tsering ie tac 1 J A> sem pon 4 | i a 4 | i ataie@ 519 ie SESS PO weet pcaer|SUCESS LEADER Maik OU 8 4 ate CS coneroson SvERePNSON SOON SD G Gerona... MAE BS ATTRACTING MIDDLE EASTERN INVESTORS alasia is extending tax breaks on sukuk structures thatare acceptable to Middle Eascern investors asit seeks to attract more money from the oilerch region as eported in Bloomberg. According tothe report, the issuers of jarah and Wakalah bonds wll be excluded from sales taxes fora farther three years to 2018, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak sid in his October 10 bulge speech shat didrtinclude the renewal ofthe incentive for Tawarrug ‘The former securities are recognised by the Accounting and Axaiting Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions which sets industry scandards that have been adopted in markets such as Bahrain, (Qatar and the Dubai International Financial Centre. 14 BUSINESS TOOAY November 2014 ‘Malaysia is encouraging Shariah ‘compliant debt offerings by foreign issuers afer overseas sales accounted for less than Sper centof 2014's RM487 hilion (bn) total, approaching RMS0 bn fr only the second time ever Inadaition, based on RHB Research Institute Sdn Bhd tax exemptions on more slobaly acceptable structures suggest Najib is promoting some form of conformity amid the varying interpretations of Islamic law cross boarders Inastatement, Faksizzaki Ghazal, Kuala Lumpur- based credit strategist at RHB Rescarch, a unit of RHB Capital Holdings Bh said hat jarah and Walaa are ‘widely acceptable among the schlars ‘0 this could ateact sukuk investors lobllyparticularly fromthe Middle East and Gulf Cooperation Coureil “Malaysia has pioneered Islamic finance more than 30 years ago and now the world’s biggest sukuk market As compiled by Bloomberg sales reaced RM br last yearand arecord RM958n in 2012 Islamic bonds ore owed under vatious principles and are usualy backed bbyan underlying asset to comply with the religion’ ban on interest, Schol tend to have differing opinions on what is considered Shariah compliant across the various jurisdictions, prompting the industry's leading institutions to push for common standards, Tjarah isa contract where one parry purchases an asset on bebaf of another and leases i back ata markup, while Wakalah san agreement between an agent and a principal for services rendered fora fe. Tawarrug, or the more commonly used term of commodity Murabshah, is where a customer buys an asset from an Islami hank at a markup and then sells the asset on, with the fll price co ‘erepaid later. This typeof contract has drawn criticism from some Shariah experts who say i too similar to interest-bearing loans e CHUGGING AHEAD Ine Economie and Government Transformation Programme (ETP and. ) has given the county the growth impetus it needs to achieve its goals of achieving a high income nation that is inclusive for al. Since twas implemented, Malaysia's real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew steadily at anaverage rate of 8% annually ‘Continuing on ts efforts to transform the economy and government, more and more programmes are cither being launched, or are showing promising progress Some of them are: + According to Bernama, the first governmen-led eyber sale in the world driven by MDeC via the Digital Malaysia initiative, #MMYCyberSALE, ran from Sept 29 to et 1, 2014 MDeC said 3700 merchants from 280 e- Marketplaces, _epreaenting local and foreign cline retailers, tok partin theevent, And earned over M6738 million in sales from 179617 loal online shoppers ‘The results have surpassed the target of RMS0 million sles bby 1348 and 100,000 buyers by 179%, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) sid in a statement. Itsaid they catered for 47 million Malaysians and achieved a 68% in conversion rate throughout the sale period + The establishment of Professional Accounting, Centre at Universiti ‘Teknologi Mara, Announced ng the tabling ofthe 2015, get Expected to create the country’s need of 0,000 qualified accountants by 2020. + GE launched itsoil and gas monitoring and diagnostics facility the Center, in KI, The centre isone oF three global centres sot up in different time zones to ensure 24x7 monitoring and diagnostics services for GB's installed fleet of turbomachinery for customers ‘hroughout the world ‘+ _Infurther enhancing Malaysia asa financial huly the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) and the UAB’ Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to forge 2 strategic partnership in capacity building berveen the tvo Tending regulators of Islamic capital markets, ‘The MoU sets out the foundation of further co-operasion between both regulators which ineludes allowing for collaborative initiatives in human capital development, with key emphasis on the development of capital market and financial services industry professionals inboth Malaysia and the UAE. + According to news reports, MIDA, shares thatthe oll and gas (0&6) sector isexpected to lead investments made in the country this year. It has approved 13 projects for this sector with investments valued at RMIS4bil Ganuary to July) and expects more for the O8G hub in Pengerang, Johor. This s followed bythe chemical and eleetronies sectors e@ + Sabah reiteratesits commitment to develop its ofl palm sector through Entry Point Projects (EPPS) and ensure continuous improvement in environmental management under the industry, states local daily The EPPsincludes replanting of oil palm, improving fresh fruit bunch yields, inereasing oil extraction rate and improving workers productivity, as well as developing biogas facilites at palm oil mills + GTP Intackling illegal ‘gambling online, ie Ministry of Home Affairs recently announced its ommitment to enact a new law to curb eyber gambling in the event that the current review on the three laws with regard to gambling proves ineffective, This move was lauded by both PEMANDUs Reducing Crime and Anti-Corruption NKRA teams. ‘November 2016 BUSINESS TODAY 15 Focus Toda y Announcement >FONTERRAS IMONEY SECURES RM13M NEW GM iP Fonterra Co-operative Group announced ‘the appointment of Jose Miguel Poreaz TanloasitsGeneal Manayerfontera Moe) Group SouthEast Asi’largst—_ yearacossthe South East sia region In Reais iiitaied desea financial services comparison service, the last eight months ofthis year alone, no hate ctammottamasoy | snounced ithasraised approximately _ioney had already enjoyed asignificant Iocalemployeesand icresponsitiefor _®18milion nn) (USS40 mn) fom fivefold growth to approximately Ls iSelect Limited, Australias leading online 1 visitors amonth. D and co-founder, Lee Ching the overall management and direction ‘ofthe Co-operative'sconsumer brands OmPATSon service The fandsrasedwilmainiyhewsed Walsham personally dlihted tbe erations in Malia took onthe TicitagaattamgDaidosehohay | ‘furheracelestegrovthbolser is abet announce ths dea and am ooking Ne Ee ea ReeS MHP ERS management team, axwelasproductand forward to working closely with Dann technology investment. lane portion anf he teamatielect to capt the Zealand-osed hed office. ofthenew capital wilasoberexred vase guwth potential ofthis marketplace Fonterra Managing Director ASEAN Juan Carlos Pestana says Porraz Lando is wel placed to guide Fonterra's ‘consumer branded operations in this important market. “Bonterra is committed to Malaysia ~ ‘weve been supplying high quality dairy nutrition tothe country for more than 30 . ‘years, Today we are leading player inthe ‘consumer-branded and foodservice dairy categories, operate two manufacturing for investment nto Money's regional iSelect, asthe leading online comparison subsidiaries in Singapore, Indonesiaand service in Austra iabrings vast experience the Philippines. and knowledge to our business and we ‘Money aims to riple its web trafficto are excited to have sich a strong partner 30 millon unique visitorsamonthty next on board." Ssteard ecpartlnealiyeranieetirad 900) CIMT Croup Holdings Rerhad recently _jnining Neutsche Hank, she served as the product tM countries inthe region, announced the appointment of Teoh Su Head of Malaysia equity research in JP “Jose Migueliswellplacedtohead -Yinasan Independent Non-Executive Morgan, Malaysia Uupourbusinessin Malaysia—oneofour Director of CIMB Group. “I am thrilled to welcome Su Yin to most important marketsin ASEAN. He's An award winning analyst, Tool the board. She brings a new dimension been with FonteraforNyearsandhasa brings ver 20 years of experience tothe team with her great track reeord deep understanding of ourusinessand in equities research, and was inthe ASEAN equities business and deep thedairy industry. He will providestrong previously Managing Director, Head understanding ofthe banking industry.” leadershipoourteamasweeontinue of Malaysiaand ASEAN equity says Dato’ ri Nazir Razak, Chairman, to strengthen and grow our business research at Deutsche Bank. Prior to CIMB Group. in Malaysia” 16 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 i Ie PETRONAS recently commenced the liking of the ist topside module fr is floating liquefied natural ges (PFLNGI) facility atthe Quayside of Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DEME) shipyard in Okpo, South Korea. he topside module lifting marks another major construction milestone fr the facili, asitsignifes the near completion of the PFLNGI, whieh willbe the worlds ist floating LNG facility in operation. ‘Weighs about 2,000 tonnes and this is equivalent tothe weight of approximately 100 ordinary cango containers, the topside module's power generation and control funetions instruments are tobe installed soon, ‘A.3000-ton marine crane was used to conduct the lifting operation by SME. There are 20 remaining modules \weighing approximately 40,000 tonnes that are obe installed on the hull and the topside module litingis scheduled to he completed in the fist quarter of 2015 PETRONAS Vice President and Venture Director of LNG Projects ~ Domestic, Datuk Abdullah Karim says ‘Teismeaningfl that the PFLNGL construction is approaching another step closer towards successfully becoming the world’ first operational floating LNG facility with the first module lifting achieved onthe 13th month since commencement of topsides construction “The topside isthe heat of this Aoating LNG facility where pre-treatment and liguefsetion process for the gas will be caried ont. Therefore, the safe and successful installation ofthe topside is critical wo the delivery ofthe project” Bt APLATFORM FOR CREATIVITY CCyberview Sdn Bhd announced that it will be co-hosting a three-day festival ~ the Cyberjaya Creative Playground (eCyPlayground) ~as part ofthe company’s efforts to spur the sprit of ereativity and innovation amongst the youths. Its ‘made possible through collaboration with Go International Group Sda Bhd and Spotgamers. “Theevent wll be platform for youths tolearn, inspire, diseaver and create new innovation and ideas. Activites planned for #C1Pleyground are designed to challenge and encourage youths, and some of the ccntent-rich programmes include muse performances by both local and international acts aelobal band battle, an international panel forum featuring technologists and entrepreneurs, wel asa gaming event. aris Yahaya, Managing Director of Cyberview says:"Over the years, Ccyerjaya has become a melting pot for Malaysians and many international ‘companies specifically in the arcas of ICT and creative multimedia content. We observed a manifestation of creative talents developing high quality content and some lke Animonsta have in the industry been very sucess “What weaimto achieve from ‘4c JPlaygroundisto bring these talents together so tha they ean inspire one another. We hope that through this interaction and meeting of minds, everyone can share and explore ideas, find new growth opportunites tnd maybe even boost their entrepreneurial skis to commercialise their creative performances, designs, produets and ideas” Prestariang Group, through its wholly ‘owned subsidiary Prestariang Systems Sdn Bhd signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Tekla SEA) Pte Ltd, one ofthe leading global providers ‘of Building Information Modeling (BIN) software othe engineering and construction markets, to appoint Prestariang ats offical corporate ‘education partner for Malaysia. ‘The MOA signed by Dr Abu Hasan Ismail, Chief Executive Officer of Prestariang Group and Michael Evans, Dircetor of Education & Key Accounts of ‘Tella Corporation marked the frstever collaborative effort initiated by Tekla with ‘corporation to boost BIM education. Under the MOA, Prestariang willbe ‘the exclusive education partner toll. Instnuts of Higher Learning (PTA), including universities polytechnies and ‘community colleges in Malaysia. The MOA also identified Prestariangas the authorised Training Centre in Malaysia. "We are honoured tobe appointed as ‘Teklas first corporate education partner in its foray inc the Malaysian education industry. As the software and IT industry continues to move rapidly into the next millennium, so do the construction and ‘engineering industries, Teka Structures isone ofthe eading BIM software solutions on the market, which provides an accurate, dynamic and data-rich 8D environment that can be shared by ‘contractors, structural engineer, tee] detailers and fabricators as well as ‘coneretedetsilers and manufactures, “We believe this will greatly benefit our ‘market in civil and structural engineering ‘education nd development of local talents forthe global market through ‘our globally benchmarked certification courses” says Dr. Abu Hasan. [November 2014 BUSINESSTODAY 17 sz Today >THE CASHLESS TRANSACTION his has got nothing to do with credit cards, Well know that it will aot help you manage your finances better. We're talking bout card that ets you handle your eash efficiently, while enjoyingits perks ecsntly, Shell Malaysia introduces Shell easiGO American Express Prepaid Card issued by Maybank. Ir provides a STAY PR Letsbe real, Nomatter how safe your neighbourhood iit doesn’t mean you don'thave to be ready forthe worse. I think we all agree tha astiteh i ime saves nine Recenty, AIG Malaysia launched Theft Protect, am insurance policy designed to provide coverage against loss or damage to hhousehold goods and personal valuables. ects and loss of cash asa resulc of burglary snatch theft or robbery and accidental death and sulting from any accidents, The policy aso covers 1 BUSINESS TOOAY November 2014 secure, smarter and convenient payment method to refuel and enjoy card benefits, The Shell easiGO Prepaid Card offers ahostof unique features, exclusive deals and valuable rewards to encourage ‘customers to make the smarter choice in ‘their payment method: Designed specially to speed up the refueling experience at Shell station, the ECTED “Personal safety is important for everyone. Theft Protect is designed tobe aceessible, with thre sy and affordable plans to choose from. Starting from only '83sen per da, ThefeProret is unigue in offering twin-one protection so there's no need to purchase separate policies. Plusitcowers you ll day every da GGaneswaran Subramaniam, Head of Consumer Insurance, South East Asia, ‘The insurance offers more comprehensive coverage than other plans currently available, offering both snatch Shell easiGO Prepaid Card will enable motorists and motorcyclists to go cashless, pay efficiently and save ime Tuan Haji Azman Ismail, Managing Director of Shell Malaysia Trading Sd [Bhd and Shell Timur Sdn Bhd says: We are driven to develop products that will not only provide our customers an easier payment experience at Shel, but give them the security in making cashless payments and the ability to manage their spending while being rewarded.” ‘There are two variants of the Shell ceasiGO Prepaid Card available that specifically eater to motorists and rmotoreyelistsrespoetively The Shell ceasiGO Prepaid Card is packes with areractive features and benefits which include complimentary fist year Total Permanent Disability Personal Accident insurance coverage of RMI5,000 and savings of up to 10 per cent on Shell, Tubrieants at Shell Select. You will beable to enjoy the leibility and convenience of cashless transactions and manage thei finances better by deciding how much they want to spend on their Shell easiGO Prepaid Card ‘Besides being able to pay for products and services at Shell, customers can also G0 Prepoid Card at any that accepts American Express? toe their Shell merchan Cards worldwide. theft and burglary, with no need to declare household items, personal items or valuables Inaadition, the plan also covers aceldental death and disablement arising from any accident The plans applicable for individuals aged 18 to 65 years, and renewable up to 70 years of age The available plans come with fixed monthly premiums, ranging from RM25 co RM72, with benefits from RMI, 000 up to RM400, 000.5 fore purchasing ONLINE ‘Taking some significant steps ean minimise our risk of such fraudulent transactions, Recently, the National Cards Group (NCG) in collaboration with the Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABN) launches the THINK ONLINE SAFETY, THINK CA.RD. Campaign nationwide. It aims to educate consumers and enhance their confidence inthe use of payment cards and non-cash payment systems, inline with the government's economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and Bank Negara Malaysia’ vision to ‘transform Malaysia into cashless society “This two maths campaign nines four simple steps consumers ean use to safeguard their anlne transactions, namely Confirm, Authenticate, Re-verfy and Detect (CARD), ‘The simple acronym CA.R.D. prompes * Confirm the confidentiality of the data they are sharing. Consumers are reminded not to store login de ‘on public or shared computers, and change passwords regula + ‘Thereon, consumers are advised ‘co Authenticate the website they are using by looking for secure-signs such as the MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa logos + They should chen Re-erfy cheie ‘transaction. all sccured sites wil prompt usr fora One Time Password for all online transactions + Last butnot leas, consumers should Detectpotental fraud by contacting banks if they receive any suspicious SMS messages. HOW WI-FI BETRAYS US Are you always on public wire connection? Then you have got to read this A new F-Secure wi investigation conducted on the streets of London shows ‘that consumers carelessly use public wi ‘without regard for their personal privacy Inthe experiment, which involved sottng up ‘poisoned’ wi-fi hotspot, ‘unsuspecting users exposed their Intemet traffic, their personal data, the contents oftheir email, and even agreed to an ‘outrageous clause obligating them to give "up their fistbom child in exchange for wwisiuse ‘The independent investigation, supported by Europol was carried out onbehalf of F-Secure by the UK's Cyber Security Research Institute and $88, rman penetration testing company. For the exercise, SS built a portable wi-fi ‘acess point from components costing around 200 euros and requiring litle technical know-how Researchers set ‘the device up in prominent business and politial districts of London, They then svatehed as people connected unaware their Internet actviey was being spied on Ina thirty minute period, 280 devices ot, most of them connected tothe hot probably automatically without thei owner realizing. 33 people ctvely sent Internet traffic by careying out web searches and sending data and email. 32.MB of trafic ‘were captured (and promptly destroyed in ‘the interes of consumer privacy) Ina surprising finding that underscores the need for encryption, the researchers found thatthe text of emails sent vera POPS network could be read, a could the addresses ofthe sender and recipient, and ‘even the password ofthe sender, Fora short period, the researchers duced a Terms & Conditions (T&C) ge that needed tobe accepted in order tose the hotspot. The T&C included an outlandish clause that obligated the user to sive up their firstborn child or most beloved petinexchange for wifl use. Intota, six people agreed tothe TRC before the page ‘was disabled. Te clause illustrated the la ‘of attention people typically pay to TRC pages, which are often to long to read and difficult ounderstan. The solution? Bither stay away from public wisi or use wi-Fi seeuiy ‘With wii security, your connection is invisible he wi-finetwork and your data made unreadable by encryption. 80 even ifsomeone tries, they can! your dats tp into [November 2014 BUSINESS TOOAY 19 sz Today AGOOD HEART Resources Bhd has pledged to donate at RAS0,000 per year to the LIN Foundation under ies Good paign", through the campaign eggs packs. The target ofthe ‘Good Heart Campaign isto hand ove the minimum sum in November 2014. The company has als pledged to continue its efforts asa proud partner ofthe LIN Foundation until 2016, Hear cofits SPARK, Astro Malaysia and Singapore based Moving Visuals International (MVD), sign ajoint venture to setup Asia first dedicated HD factual and documentary channel, SPARK ASIA, Asiais the latest launch ofthe factual entertainment brand. SPARK, which is also available in Eastern Europe as well asin Afia, he channel, which will golive in the firsthalfof201, will offer of exclusive Asian and global HD content Itaims to empower the local community of producers and flmmakersby offering wide variety 20 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 SPARKING ASIA'S CONTENT CREATION ‘The LIN Foundation (LINF) is non: profit onganisation with a philanthropic rission to rise funds and financially assist the surgery cost of poor and needy heart patients seeking treatment atthe Institut Jancung Negara (IJN). The foundation also isthe main supporter ofthe ongoing research done by IJN's specialist in cardiovascular dis The campaign packs, which began ‘on 27 September 2014, canbe identified by the Good Heart Campaign’ sticker fon the packaging. QL willeontribute 'RMO0.50 for each pack of QL Omega or QL Deli Fresh eggs sold. 100000 packs of eggs bearing the ‘Good Heart Campaign’ willbe made available forsale, with QL committed to donate at least RMS0,000 to the foundation this year, The mount willbe inereased accordingly THE PINK PANTHER f ifsales eveeed the planned earger af 100,000 packs. IN Foundation will se the Funds from the Good Heart Campaign’ for areas under its objective, thats, Patient Assistance Programme, Research & (Clinical Trial Studies, Eduction & ‘Training Programmes. No, we're not talking about that Hollywood movi, We're talking about the golf superstar, who isnicknamed “The Pink Panther” for her lve forall ‘hing: pink American profesional golfer and ten- time LPGA Tour winner, Paula Creamer, ‘wasin town recently for an exclusive meet with tients and potential clients of Ricoh (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd to share her insights on golf and how it intertwined \ith Ricoh’ brand philosophies. ‘Tithed “Téte--tzte with Paula Creamer’, che informal talkshow styled discussion featured Creamer alongside eter Wee, Chief Operating Officer of ioh (Malaysia) San Bh discussing the many similarities that golfshared. ith Ricoh, the leader in otal officeand business solutons. Inline with th belief that the fundamentals ofsport have much in ‘common wih the brand’ services, Ricoh hus consistently supported key sporting evens over the years, withthe ‘most recent ones being the Maybank ‘Malaysian Open 2014 and the BMW ‘Malaysian Open 2014.61 an alternative platform to showease their documentaries and also drive Leveraging onthe strengths ofits joint venture partners, SPARK ASIA will have both finear TV and digital content that will resonate among audiences across Asia ‘The channel will promote knowled celebrate Asian values and traditions and boring Asia to che world inan exciting way Its content genres will include science & technology, exploration, history, ind wildlife “With the growing interest in Asi content, there isa huge opportunity in Asian factual content that resonates not ‘only with audiences in Asia butaround ‘the world, nine wih our strength in the creation of IP and contentbrands we believe thatthe azgregation of Asian-centre stories and factual content in an Asian environment, nature branded documentary channel stimely and has tremendous potential. Thisjoint venture with like-minded partners enables Astro to take stake in content that will resonate in Asiaand around the world” says ohana Rozhan, CEO of Astro Malaysia, FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE rich Insurance Malysia Herhad launched to not only protect children and its latest chikiren propesition, Zarich parents from unforeseen cireumstances Edustart, which was thoughtfully designed butt also assist parents in building THE WAIT IS OVER Maw|\ GALAXY Note Rejoice! The SamsungGALAXY Note _astylish and intuitivenecker that functions 4 snow officially in Malaysia, and asearphones. much to the excitement of the frst five ‘Lee Dong Yong, President of Samsung owners ofthe device who received a Malaysia Blectronics says: "Our three litle surprise brandnew Samsung day roadshows is just one ofthe ways to Gears, introduce a new experience through our “Meanwhile, 800 customers who Tatest device - the GALAXY Nate 4 via signed up for GALAXY Note 4 deals the setvities that we have planned. This ‘with Samsung’s partners ~ Celcom, ‘way, our consumers ean aptly correlate DiGi, Harvey Norman and Maxis ~ ‘our produet with ther lifestyle chat wil received a complimentary Ge simplify their day-to-day tasks and securinga sold education fund for their children, Iisa regular premium investment linked plan that combines protection, savings and investment elements that matures when the child reaches the age ‘of 25. Zurich Edustat provides parents peace of mind for when their child is ready for higher thar safeguards the child's fucue in a disciplined manner Phil Smith, Chie Executive Officer of Zurich Insurance Malaysia explains: ‘education is the key o aur children's promising future. And as parents, their ambitions hecome our aspirations as well, Whats more, education can impose Financial trans to parents. Keeping this, inmind, Zurich ishere to help parents understand the needs of preparing early build a reliable and solid foundation for their children and pave Detter, brighter futur NEW TARGET RETURN FUND Eastspring Investments Berhad ‘introduces its Eastspring Investments ‘Asia Pacific ex-Japan Target Return und, an open-ended fund that aims toprovide a ne asset value (NAV) growth of atleast 8% per annum, ‘over the medium to long term by investing in equities and equity-related securities listed on the Asia-Pacific ‘e«-Japan exchanges, “Investors have the tendeney to lose sight oftheir investment objectives the moment ther investments take a plunge in he short rerm. More often than no, they would rather cut ther losses rather ‘than weather the short-to-medium term volatilities. Ultimately, they lose outon the potential growth of equity funds ‘over the medium to long term? says Lynn Cheah, Chief Executive Oficer, Eastspring Investments Dethad. “How this fund benefits Investors is thae its managed with ess volatility ‘than atypical relative return fund, We are providing the investing public with ‘fund tha ims to deliver a target return of 8% or more per annum over period of 3 to5 years regardless of market conditions by employing a value investment strategy? sducation and isa plan sa for November 2014 BUSINESS TODAY 21 sz Today ® THE PIONEER ‘Sunway Berhad was named the No. top property developer atthe annual The Bdge ‘Top Property Developer's Award, while taking home three other awards for The Edge-PAM Green Excellence category andthe Best in Qualitative Attributes Award 2016 Sunway Bethad's The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat and Sunway Rymba Hills emerged asthe winners in The Bge- PAM Green Excellence category, with the latter garnering honorary mention, Sarena Cheah, Joint Managing Director of Property Division for Malaysia and Singapore, received the award for che Best Qualitative Attributes 2014 and the main Top Developer award while Date’ Ngcowe \Voon Yean, Managing Director, Property Investment Division received the award for ‘The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat and Ong Ghee Bin, Executive Director, Property @ ds 2014 Development Division for Cental Region, Malaysia received the award for Sunway Rymba Hil “We ae humbled by this awand, which for us, validates our theme for our 440th year anniversary —"A Part Yo: We thank Malaysians for their support ‘ver the years, and this award renews ‘our pledge, asa Master Community KETTHA EXCELLENCE AWARDS ‘The Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) recently awarded Kumpulan Melaka Berhad, Harta Maintenance Sdn Bhd and Syarikat Ar Melaka Hechad as winners of the 2 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 KeT THA Excellence Awards (KEA) at ‘a ceremony held in conjunerion with ‘the Sth International Greencech & Eeo Products Bxhibition and Conference 2014 (aGEM 2014), EDGI gerty Excellence Developer to our communities Asa Master ‘Community Developer, we have common interest in putting smiles on everyones faces, and celebrating our communities bby making our very besteffots to offer them the finest products and services throughout ther journeys with us. That way we grow together, and progress together” says Cheah. Bl KEA, which i in ts second year, recognises Mi have excelled and made outstanding contributions inthe fields of energy, green technology and water sectors Inline with the Government’ agenda to spur the three sectors, KEA sims to encourage excellent service, innovation and entrepreneurship to spur growth in these sectors. Tan Sr Doto' Hafi Mulnyiddin Hi “Moh Yasin in his speech read by Minister ‘of Energy, Green Technology and Water Datuk Seri Pangima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongklisays:"The KeTTHA Excellence ‘Awards 2014s significant as it recogmis achievements made in the energy, green technology and water industry especially in its ole in increasing the standard of living and wellbeing ofthe people “More so, 3s reliable and quality clectrcity and water supply contribute toa more comfortable living. At the same time, I belive its time forall ofus to adopt green practices and lifestyle inline with rising ‘environmental concerns. This importance that we have placed in these sectors is reflected in KeTTHAS slogan which is ysian companies that “Witeris Life, Energy is Wealth and Green ‘Technology isthe Game Changer’ The three award extegories under KEA are the Energy Excellence Award, the Green Technology Excellence Award and the Water Excellence Award. total of 33 submissions were received. BI 4 * * ' 4th MLM Golden Midas Charity Nite 2014 MLM Golden Midas Festival and Award 2014 are positioned as one of the most trusted and prestigious Cre eee eu ee neces CO eee etc Deed Date : 16.11.2014 (Sunday) CREE CR EEO VCore TMM kee PoC De a All Direct Selling Companies incorporated in South East Asia in accordance with local Company Act are Dee Sa Ree ue Uc ou con Cec For more information please contact: 03-7981 $448 or 0111-298 0431 (Ms. Yvonne / Ms.Pui Yee) The 5 awards will be present by honorable guest in the MLM Golden Midas Charity Nite which serves as De Cnn ae eae ei Ee eee ae ee for MLM Entrepreneurs to showcase services and business solutions for the unique needs of MLM ee UPCOMING Every woman can find her own way to make the most of it sd as the bread aker ina family, in fact more and more of them are nowin the positions of power, inthe workplace and government, which solidifies the fact tha they can also play the role of breadwinnersin aliousehold ‘Subconscious, this shift has improved the lives of women and gives them more choices - right ow she can bea CEO or a ome marher. ‘Talking about woman with power recently, Business Today had the havea chat with Anne Tan, Founder and Direetor of Neubod,the First brafitting specialist real chain in Mt Aunale of complexity, Tan embodies all what a woman can be~ from being an ambitious go getter to the most dotting family-oriented woman. She shares with uushow she go into the business of retail and lingerie business, the Neubodi brand and growingthe brand, a well as her aspirations for che business and herself 24 BUS November 204 BSc yal) Neubodi was formed bce AEN tT Premos alert RULE Cetela Pee eee ra eay ELE ee omar l(| that according to a survey Ca MAST NICS ey ASANO PCN RN TALC NR LiCl Do read on to ind out more about this passionate entrepreneur. ‘Tam 'mawife,mother anda ‘businesswoman from Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Before running my oven business, wasa teacher and have taught fora decade ‘Noconly that, also vencured into the investment line, 10 years late, {decided 1 should work for my my husband in managing’ inad premium company. as well as his other gi & Asfor my hobbies, Hove traveling. Since my son isstudyingin Germany at the moment, take the opportunity to tour around Europe, whenever I pay him avis My other favourite pastime is reading. It tablished in 2008, Neubodi was hhas grown vastly from economics, finance formed through partnership, which took andinvestment to lingerie trend hooks place due tothe associates’ knowledge now. Lastly, quality time with family, Iwill about women and bra issues, They always make time for my family no matter sai that according to asurvey done by how busy get some private company, 80% of women worldwide wear wrongly fitted bra ‘Fan: Neubodi isthe fest bra fitting ‘Tan: Thad no experience whatsoeverin specialist retail chin dedicated to the retailbusiness. just decided that this providing the right fr of beauty and isthe path I wanted totake and Twent confidence for the modern woman of with it. Nevertheless, ve always had today. We are passionate to inspire anew strong interestin fashion and design. attitude among women; thatabra is not Whea I was young, always assisted nny elder sister, who was a designer at ‘hac time, to sew and make clothes for eda better ‘women It was from there understanding about goement construction for females BOT Kem uclan lee) RUT L a) Malaysia that practices Ear alot fog Coe a method and through UTC Tl CEE ECL ee ail ohu ty Cre laae ell customers problems, rather than pushing Cs (a a [| BY WORAISA ATE simply apiece of clath to cover the breast, Duta daly essential Our customers range from as oungas Myears old tothe golden age of 80, Iris, safe to say tha as long as awoman needs and knows the importance of aright fitted bra, they are Neubodi’s target audience, ‘To date, we have over 600 sizes, colours and designs in store - Neubodi Everyday, [Neubodi L'smour, Neubodi Curvy, Neubod ‘fer Hours, Neubodi Shapewear, Neubodi Panties and Neubodi Accessories, "Tam: Neubodiis coming into its seventh year in the marker and we are happy to say that we are fast growing brand. We have ‘been able to achieve and even exceed ‘our gnals every year. This is because we constantly strengthen the brand's unique selling proposition (USP). We want every woman to be able to relate to Neubodi, not only 2s a fashion brand, but also asa way of life Neubodl isa"Woman to Woman’ ‘busines, iis more chan jus the selling of lingerie. We provide a comfortable e environment for ou eustomers to share their concerns and uncertainties with our ‘rafting specialists lke we're “yelfrends ‘Weare currently focusing alot more ‘on digital branding, social media and database marketing. ‘Tan: Products wis, we design and produce only the best quality lingerie. Allour collections are 100% hand eut and sewn, ‘We undertake extensive research and design efforts toimplementachree November 204 35 Mtoe nee la*) part after months and ensuriny hat Neubodi's bran a designs on the rack and you have customers aisinghow much they love your ee ROMS) with the manufacturer [BURUND Apart from tha, I enjoy seeing women’s EDR la anaes ‘exprasolonet and hearing stoties shart harw PES SMMMM leat a Nesbit co hen and dhe mount eonfidene ith instilled within and marketing team and ensuring that NeW efele ied ee lale ial) ‘Tan prefer more democraie style is always on track leadership with the primary objective oking fo SEEN te of building com FF ee herd ore orn arenes ee 4 1 a' él a ea rack and you have input into consideration, ‘Neubodi Active, a collaboration effort with SEM er sratennema scm ati how much they love where theyesisteach otter (mer Toad, we are ow ale toll Nabods PALS crocs witnobsson Thoreisno protection anintrnatonl lormia segregation where one department would oure-shop that was also introduced to the say that, “Ths is notin my job deseripion 4imensional (3D) way of sculpting, cutting We have the mindset and goal to get the and hand-tailoring every pi tomeet the event done, do itwell together and enjoy iarketing, we are working demands of different women with different the suecess together, ‘on a consolidation and international breast sizes and body shapes, esides that, am alsoa firm believer expansion strategy, where we ae looking ‘On top of that, Neubodt is the only ofleadingby example and duplication. to consolidate our stores in Klang Valley brand in Malaysia that practices the Therefore, am veryhands-onwith my andexpand toKuching, Penang, Jobor as Holistic Measuring method and ehrough work. [take on many wel as overseas market such as Singapore, this method, we are able to look incothe sometimes even join my team on the ground Australia. overall aspect of our customers problems, to motivate chem, rather than pushing sales. ‘Tan: I would say when Tam working together with the lingerie design team, ie. person. thelieve that in lif there ie perfecting the designs, makingnew molds wrong decision, we just need to lear fi and coming up with new textiles and ‘our mistakes and move forward, The cerbra this saying alway mind “The risk ‘The most rewarding part after months ofa wrong decison is preferable ta the ofhard work from designing liaising terror of indecision ‘material co create abet 2% November 2014 ii) ees vecomine Today THE WORK-LIFE BALANCE ISSUE Author Scott Eblin shares practical insights for those who feels like their RPM is maxed out in the red zone UNSELLING THE NEW CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE AUTHOR ‘SCOTT STRATTEN AND ALISON KRAMER ISEN ‘aet-118-96300-7 PUBLISHED: 240 PAGES SEPTEMBER 214/, HARDODVER casas From the top-selling authors of UnMarketing, Scot Stratten and Alison Kramer's new book, Unselling The New Customer Experience turns traditional ‘wisdom on is head. Looking heyond a narrow sales funnel, and seeing what really influences purchase and repurchase decisions today. Straten and Kramer explain how one negative review ean outweigh a thousand social media followers ifitisn't handled (OVERWORKED AND OVERWHELMED: Armes correct Readers wil also learn wy a blog SCOTT EBLIN est withaeatchy headline can acai he aa bad foc busines tis written well wile 978-1-118-91066-5 busines adersand managers lem why PUBLISHED $) the peopethey hire mater more than he 288 PAGES / OCTOBER 2014 / HARDCOVER ; tasks they hire them to do. UnSelngis abou the big creating repeat customers, not onetime buyers. As wellas to become the goo ‘company for something. ® ‘The reverberating shocks of the financial crisis leave many professionals operating ina do-more-with-less environment and the 24/7 connectivity of the smartphone ncaa person! baundares ive © EA = tvaporated Itcaall lene youina $ imwnmvanoacr chronic state of fight or flight and the . effects ofthc canbe evatingforyour _Overvriedand Ovewicinctioa — ¢) IMADASTCHANGING | Ac rT effectiveness at work, your relationships handbook for more mindful work and. AUTHOR ‘ADVANTAGE outside ofworkandyour overall healt, lvingthaoffers a wellbeing and sso with if ‘'Masthnow"mindfunessbascs $ MnoseS In Overworkand Overened:The thao’ profesional needs os Mingfnseateratveeofferspraccal—thriveina 2/7 word Bie naRacareR insights forthe executive, manager ot + Inspiring examples of mindfulness in professional, who feelslike their KPMis action from dozens of leaders ranging ‘maxed outin the red zone. By making the froma US. Coast Guard Commandant Inthe past, companies could pick strategy onceprsandpractcesof mindfulness tothe CEO of Hikon Worldwide. andstck witht mainsininga compete simple praia an applica + Aselfasesmentforreadersto —$) edeforyears However tay companies this book offers actionable hope for tunderstand how they perform at 8 surge ahead, ll bein, or even disappear toaysoversorked and overwhelmed theirbest ) inmeremonts. you and your company profesional + Simple routiesto reduce stressand. $ave going to thrive forthe ong un, you "New esearch shows thatthe sustain peak performance need to continu valve, change, and smartphone equipped professional is + personal planing framework say astep ahead of our comperon. connecredto work72 hours a week 48% _forereatingthe outcomes that, The lity Advantage: Howto denis of Americas report that theirstesslevel_ matter mostathome, at work and in and et on Opportunites in a Rast Changing isupandthatthe number one sourceaf the community ‘Word by Ananda Sei first shows how suressisthejob pressure of 24/7 world. _-Evensmal increases in mindfulness toidentify those aspects of your business Inthisbook, the author, Scott Eblin can Jead to big changes in productivity § where agility is most crucial, business shows thatmindflnessthatmakes a and quality oli forthe overworked and. & environments changing fstand which difference doesntrequte meditating ike overwhelmed profesional Thisookisa._clements hae the greatest impact onthe a Buddhist monk. side for dang just tha. 3 customer’ decision buy. 28 BUSINESS TODAY November 2016 es | | UPCOMING I FOR A BROADER SCOPE ‘The expansion of tourism within the Muslim World may include promoting Islamic and non-Islamic ‘travel destinations within the Islamic countries, developing new tourist destinations and attractions in the Islamic countries, and re-branding travel destinations in non-Islamic countries with Islamic influences as Islamic Travel Destinations. The 3rd World Islamic Tourism Conference & Expo 2014 (3rd WITCX 2014) is an event designed to the very purpose to treasure and promote the legacy of Islamic culture and heritage whilst forging a greater understanding between Muslim and non-Muslim communities It will be the first of WITCX to be hosted on a grand scale, envisioned to be the leading travel and tourism trade fair with multiple components which includes exhibitions, resourceful conferences, round table discussions, business matching and many more activities dedicated to unlock the true potentials of World Islamic Tourism. November204 UPCOMING I O A jukebox musical, featuring classics from The Sound of Music like Do Re Mi and Lonely Goatherd, right up to Michael Jackson's ever green Thiiller and Beat it, along with tunes from popular musicals like Wicked and Matilda thrown in, Musical Mad-ley! is set in a Malaysian school, with its students excited and ready for the end of year production, however, the unexpected happens. The school’s principal Puan Lakshmana is missing, and as replacement from the RTT RTD(Replacement Teachers Department), Cik Binasa Raksa is called in, Appalled by the "loose’ discipline and the cheery nm excitement of the students, Cik Binasa wants a change, ; and change she does! From : excitable young performers, the End the year with a MUSICAL students have now turned into ’ EXTRAVAGANZA featuring the talented uniform wearing zombies that . kids of The Actors Studio Academy! sing to The Sound of Music! = Come on a crazy musical ride with Willa rebellious band of senior ‘the Actors Studio Academy Speech and students manage to save the Drama 2014 students as they present an school, shine like the stars they original story, Musical Mad-Ley! were meant to be? = 300 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 | Joogie Mark El co (Covers citical economic, financial end business developments that S1ON) Ih letey impact Malaysian and multinational enterprises, and marresittoa lifestyle focus that's second-o-none. Tho countrysleainglocal ICT magazine, and continues to bbe every newbie and veteran users imate guide tothe computing az. Thelatestlnury themed magazine that centres around what everyone [kesmost- travel and food - and we brings you the est kept secrets of Y . ‘chefs dieticians, and wonder-struck travelers, who love nothing more ‘than to share with you their pearls of wisdom, Budget 2015 may have its detractors, but it has managed to provide sufficient incentives to please certain quarters roponents of Budget 2015 describe payouts. Furthermore, total of2900 itasa pragmatic budgecthathas items would be GST-free. ‘managed to balance economic This includes local and imported developmentwith theneed to fruit, white and wholemeal bread, coffee assist marginalised groupsand providethe powder, cocoa powder and tea dust and hrasie necessities of food, shelter health, local noales, aswell a the National security and education. Other observers Essential Medicine covering aver 2,000 felethat there were insufficient fiscal policy medicine brands. Some medicines under changes this time around, the National Essential Medicine list used to Among the major highlights were the treat 30 types of diseases, including heart Goods and Services Tax (GST) tax breaks failure diabetes, hypertension, cancer for 300,000 individual taxpayers and and foilityereatment. will not he subject higher Malaysia People’s Aid (BRIM) 0 GST. Both hospitals and pharmacies 2 ODAY November 2014 ‘outside of the hospitals should not be charging any GST on these drugs. In the educational arena, items such as children’s colouring books, exercise and reference books, text books, dictionaries and religious books and newspapers would beasfree Taxpayers expressed relief over the government’ decision th ‘consumption that isnot subject to GST be increased from the first 200 units to 300 units. This will honefir 70% af households Inaddition, news reports stated thatthe elem Ele (eel) TTrL Neen ey ae CR IE] se) mess act AD to 2%. In addition, Ear TEI EC and tax filing fee ETE CT Matta em cle ene ole eau Iyer AT 2016, income tax CRC SaT7IUe Elect a by one percentage recA) oe a INTE a EL eta) DETTE ¢ auhorties have decided that the retail sale ‘of RON9S petrol, diese and LPG be given relief from the payment of GST During Budget 2014 in October last yer it was announced that the GST ‘would be introduced from April 2015 at6%, compared with 1034 in Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodis, the Philippines, and Laos and 7% in Singapore and Thailand. Sill, consumers need to brace themselves for the changes. Out of 944 goods an services under the Consumer Price Index, the prices of532, oF 56% of tems were expected to rise hy 4.1% This includes medicines electrical appliances suchas refrigerators and ‘washing machines, textile produets, plastic products, footwear, houschold furniture, baby diapers, soap, ees, cooking ol seafood, rice and vegetables, Meanvile, individual income tax rates will be reduced by 1% t0 3%. This means ‘that an estimated 200,000 individual taxpayers will no longer pay income tax ‘Whar's more, an individual taxpayer eduction cean now enjoy a 1%t03 ‘over several chargeable income bands before hitting the top tax rate of 25% upon earning a taxable income exceeding RM400,000 a year. The threshold at which an individual has also increased to an estimated monthly income of RM4,000, Says tax consultant “Under the new ins paying income taxes ‘tax ates and broadened ineame ax bands, you would havea tax saving of RMIL950 froman estimated annual income of RMI20,000, Your income of RMI00,000, after claiming reliefs of RM20,000, will be approximately RMI,900 ss compared with RMI3850 under the current individual tax rates Ina nutshel, the maximum tax rate 226% willbe reduced to 24%, 24.5 and 25%, which will sulin the existing taxpayer enjoying a tax saving of at Teast 53% "For year of assessment 2015, ‘cooperative income tax rat will also be reduced by 1%t0 2%. In addition, secretarial fe and tax filing fee are allowed as deduction, For year af assessment 2016, ‘corporate income tax rate willbe by 1 from 25% t028 income tax rate for SMEs will also by reduced by ne percentage point from 20 to 19%, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak bili on taxable duced and for 2015, ‘On increasing the BRIM payout, Najib says this could be dane after taking nto ‘consideration the increase revenve collection from GST and the “affordability ofthe Goverment “We will increase BRIM from RM650 to RM950. The assistance for households witha monthly income of RM3,000 and below. It will be disbursed in hree insalments of RM300 each to bbe paid in January and May withthe e ‘balance of RM350 from September 2015 says Najib He adds that for households witha monthly income between RM3000 and M4000, the Government will inerease [BRIM from RM480 to RM750, He also explains thatthe Government would replace the group cakful insurance (or -BRIM with Family Bereavement Scheme which will entitle the next of kin ‘of BRIM recipients to receive RMI,000 cffetive fora year, Following the recent Budget announcement, with effect from 1 Jan 2015,a home yer has to retain 3% (as ‘opposed to 2%) ofthe total value of the purchase price, whichis tobe pad to the Government, In addition, Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) willeome under the Self-Assessment System from the year 2016 onwards. So, in line with the SelF-Ass System, the seller will need to pay the balance RPGT, Derween the RP ment his the difference ability and the 3% retained for remittance tothe Government ‘once the disposal is completed and not at the point when the Notice of Assessment is issued (wich sche current protic), November 204 DAY 33 Another interesting developments ‘hac that Gavernment continues ta ban the Developer Interest Bearing Scheme (DIBS) for first-time house buyers. Many quarters feel that developers need to bear the risks ‘hac come with their investment. They should not be allowed to enjoy profit at the expense of howe buyers, who boar the sks on their bebal Developers, being purely profit driven, essentially aim to sell their produets at ny means possi, says a source, Some developers even recommended DIBS for first-time house buyers om “assisting them’ Positive feedback was received on the Youth Housing Scheme, which isa smart partnership among the Government, Bank Simpanan Nasional, Employees Provident Fund and Cagamas. “The scheme provides fora funding limit for first home not exceeding for married couples aged between and 40 years with household income not exceeding RM10,000. The maximum loan period is 35 years, Under the scheme, the Governmen ill provide monthly financial assistance ‘of RM200 co borrowers forthe frst v0 years to reduce the burden of monthly instalments. The Government will lso amp duty exemption on the November 204 instrument of transfer agreements and loan agreements. Iwill also provide 10% loan guarantee to enable borrowers to obtain fll inancing including cos af insurance. Borrowers can also withdraw fom Employees Provident Pund (EPE) Account 2t top up their ‘monthly instalment ond othor related costs. Intermsof the Budget 2018 repercussions on the manufacturing sector, the Government has proposed foran automation capital allowance incentive to encourage automation in the manufacturing setor ‘The incentive willbe given in the form of capital allowance of 200%, which cffectively means that you can clam a deduction tice the amount of capital ‘expenditure incurred to automate your manufacturing process ‘This is heartening news, asthe high labour-intensive industries such as rubber prodvets, plastics, wood, furniture and textiles will be entidled to 20 automation eapital allowance an the frst RMA millon (mn) expenditure incurred between 2015 and 2017, whereas for other manufacturing industries, the 200% sistomation capital allowance willbe provided on the first RM2mn expenditure incurted from 2015 to 2020. Finally, the Government has proposed to further enhance one of the tax incentives for SMEs under the funding model of Investment Account Platform (IAP) ‘The LAP model was introduced to attract participation from both individual and corporate investors to enhance the development of SMEs, a well as ‘entrepreneurs vn a funding system, which s efficient and transparent, However this has not taken offas the Goverment had planned, Tadd impetus to the IAP, the Government has proposed in Budget 2015 that profits earned by individual investors from investments made through LAP be given income tax exemption for three consecutive yeas commencing from the first year profi is eared, subject ccondicions, The proposed operational dare of APIs from 1 Sept 2015t0 31 Aug 2018, With this the Goverment hopes to attract eash-rich individuals to invest funds into SMEs for project financing to help propel SMES tothe nexe phase of srowth and development. ‘Ulkimately, the true test ofthe Budget 2015 willbe the proper execution ofits various allocations. ‘What corporate Malaysia says. ) SAUL SO Teas SS <1 of undersea cables to expand High Speed value and supply chain activitesin Broadband tomore townshipsis important, Cyberjaya because ofthe conducive especially in high impact economicareas technology ecosystem that has already ‘where businesses require high speed access been place for more than adecade. toacceleratebusiness development and ‘The establishment Research b tobeabletocompeteinan increasingly Incentive Scheme fr Enterprises slobalised market. (RISE) withanllocation of BNO Continuousefiortto postion Malaysia million to encourage eompaniesto set CCserview Sdn Bhd lauds the asthe preferred location forstartupsisa/__upresearch centres hgh technolo, Government on several initiatives moveintherightdireetion, Makingitmore ICT and knowiedge-hased industresis cuttined in the Budget 2015 that are conducive for expatriate entrepreneursto tative canbe focused on leveraging technology establish startups in Mi global technology hub to drive ecomomie growth inthe ‘more talents an his wl ike Cyheriaya. country Itisa well-nown fact that the startup ecosystem that already exists Clearly, incentives investment technology isa catalyst foreconomie in Cyberjaya friendly policies and locaton based growth formany nationsaround the __-Proposedcustomised incentives for investment benefits can help attract world, Malaysia sno different,and Principal Hubs asa way to furtherincrease key global technology companies and CCyberview is confident thatthe impact the numberof multinational companies’ talent nto areas like Cyberjaya, The of technology can transform our lobal operational centres willcertainly willingness of key gobal technology nation’ economy as wellas society. reaffirm Cyberjaynas the preferred ‘companies to relocate to Cyberjaya will Anallocation of RM27Fillio over destination ofchoice for global technology add more value and help spur growth in the nextthree yearsto build new companies and talents. Global technology many loeal economic activities where the telecommunication towersandlaying companies willbe abletointegrate their use of technology is a prerequisite. COSTE) ea RU atta TTS UTS en high economic inypact, will further scale The move to further promote the ‘upaccess to and drive adoption ofthis Digital Content industry, set up under critical digital economy enabler. the Communications and Multimedia ‘The Research Incentive Scheme ‘Commission with an injection of RMIO0 for Enterprises (RISE), which has nillon, will certainly help key digital anallocation of MLO million will ‘economy sub-sector, namely content and encourage companies to establish media, as twill boost the ereation of research centres in igh technology, world-class creative multimedia content ICT and knowledge-based sectors, and enhance Malaysia's position sa The Bulge 2015 will drive the “This, coupled with the RM 13 regional creative industry hub, Malaysian digital economy in several billion allocated tothe Ministry of ‘urther, the reintroduction of the key areas and serve o raise productivity, Science, Technology and Innovation Services Export Fund (SEF) otalling improve efficiency andacecleratethe (MOST) willtake R&D upwards nto RM300 milion will encourage more contribution of key sub-sectors and ‘commercialisation, In addition, the ICT SMBs ogain marketshare in key ‘communities as Malaysia transformsintoa introduction ofthe Public Private lobal centres. This augurs well with knowledge society Research Network initiative with an MeC's efforts to accelerate the export ‘The increased allocation for High allocation of RMS0 million adds to contribution of Malaysia's higher margin ‘Speed Broadband, particularly in areasof this equation, ICT Service sub-sector. OC) SS ESL (nimplementng the Services Sector Blueprint: Weivelcomethe goverment continued facoson the services sector where we hope the Hsineas Services sector thats rade ou of Outscareingand Data Cette liners wil enc from this Services Sector eprint. Aste weld becomes ror digtalmoreand more data wll ced toke honed ad itis wise onthe nvermenttoleveree om hosting hit sector ‘Measure 10 Spurring Creative Industry Digital Content Industry Fund under cme ‘The government’intentto spr the south ofigtal contents aplauded es ‘weareseeing an increase inthe number of digital contentbeing churned out sworkwide, As more and more digital content is created. the datacentre industry should see an increase demand. However we will ned to ensure ‘the pains of the industry are looked into ‘or we will lose out to more cost effective ‘countries in the region. We hope inthe near future that che government willook into reducing or offering special taxes for electricity tarifs as that takes up 40 ‘percent of our operations eost and makes the industry not as attractive to potential ‘Measure I: Inereasing Capacity of High-Speed Broadband “The government continued investment {nenhancing the internet experience in Malaysia bodes well for consumers a well ashusinesses nationwide a connectivity isakey element in the way we do business today. ‘The Malaysia Budget 2015 announced bby Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib ‘Razaktoday wll hiveboth direct and indireetimpact on the ‘Malaysian CT sector, Although ‘we will need to waitand see the specific financial breakdown of the initiatives, IDCs hopefl that this budget ean help drive growth, ‘modernization and innovation in the Third Platform of Technology + the drive into Cloud, Mobil, Social and Big Data technologies. MALAYSIA BUDGET 2015 COMMENTARY he Malaysia Budget 2015 announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak recentiywil have both direct, and indireetimpact on the Malaysian [CT sector Although we wil need to wait and see the specific financial breakdown ofthe Inidacves, IDC Is hopeful thac his budget can help drive growth, modernisation and innovation inthe Third Platform of Technology the drive into Cloud, Mobility Social and Big Data technologies, Ho Sui-Jon, Market Analyst, IDC Financial Insights Asia/Pacilic who s representing IDC Malaysia has provided some comments for Budget 2015. Key takesways as blow: ‘36 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 +The recalibration of various subsidy schemes islikely to havea postive, albeit delayed, impact on the aloption of consumer and enterprise technologies, However, the national budget has also disclosed more direct interventions - the RM27yn earmarked forthe development of national High Speed Broadband (HSBB) being the more significant ofthese — which will potentially have more far-reaching effets. While there seems to have heen a shifcaway from the goal of providing universal acess to HSBB across Malaysia, thereis hope that this investment will bring ‘the nation into a more competitive position in terms of cost, speed, and coverage ~ swith other counties in the region. SST} CCTM ay FINANCIAL INSIGHTS CSU ‘The amount ofinvestment ploughed into fast-racking the establishment ofa sruly arrier-les’ nationwide retail internet infrastrature will serve as both precedent ature higher gher-sophistication technological and stepping stone fo value propesitions with broader commercial applications, More important. such an infrastructure should align itself seamlessly with the Digital Malaya initiative, and will rove to bea crucial enabler for the “Thind Platform’ of technology development (comprising the Big Data, Cloud, Social and Mobility domains). +The Research Incentive Scheme for Enterprises (RISE) addresses several longstanding economic agendas, and to have ‘them refreshed in the new fiscal budget underscores the criticality of these goals in the nation long-term roadmap. With RMIOn set aside to encourage the founding of research centers in high tech, ICT and knowledge-based industries, IDC expects this capital injection to further catalyse the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI), Although it was not made clear if RISE’ coverage would be fully extended to include foreign investors, such 4 motion would be extremely relevant and ‘well-timed — lage multinationals such as Intel and AMD have long lagged Malaysia forits competitive advantage inthe R&D sector relative to peer Asian nations, and further incentivizes would serve to validate this view. ‘Additionally, RISE will lo play anone- ‘to0-smal role in pushing Malaysia forward in the high-tech goods value chain. This pursuit was last backed by policy-makers during the announcement ofthe latest Financial Sector Master Plan, where it was stated that value-added manufacturing will replace the nation's dependence on parallel medium industries moving forward. Should 1DC’s assumptions hold true, wecan expectcrose-sector spillovers that will far surpass the RMiOmm outlay in scope, taking the form of more enterprise resource planning (ERP) Investments moving forward + Another topic ofinterestis the Mainstreaming Technical and Voeational Education, where the government has ‘committed RML2bn to enhance voeational and community college programs. While itwasnot made clear exactly how these initiatives willbe iterated, IDC is cautiously ‘optimistic that they would take a form gressive SUE cos sare Clee re) eS ete tit ret n CRA lala CMU Poe MNCuLae CUO} Sa) cre eT) SNe Ola ele OTA ae higher-sophistication technological cece RRL eu Kee Ey ye leas beyond tuition subsidies and fe waivers to include actual enhancement of education facilites as well as, quite posily the ‘establishment of new academic programs, Ifhat should be the case, it would give rise to significant potential in new applications ‘fF and ICT inthe county as wel preparing next-generation talent with the tools to compete locally and globally. + Enforcement of GST in mid-Q2 2015 will disrupt the local sale of personal devices such as mobile phones tablets, and PCs during the periods proximate to that date, IDC expects a measureable acceleration in purchasing ‘rends inthe first. tothe impending pricing hikes and y,we will witness a rer, in anticipation reduction in sales numbers after its implementation. We expect that this will ‘nly bea short term phenomenon and that ‘the marker will normalise by the end of the year + There has also been abudgetitem announced, which overlaps with existing Digial Malaysia invatives, relating tothe ‘technological uplifting ofthe local SME sector, RMISOnin has been provisioned for qualifying enterprises to purchase GST ‘compliant accounting softvare.1n IDCs opinion, this would have been an move, had itbeen made one: the short remaining time lft before the planned enforcement of the new tax mode, itisunlkely chat end-users and system integrators willbe able ro meet the deadline ifchey are indeed only now beginning to ‘embark on the transition. The subsidy willnonetheles find some utility ifand when the compliance deadline is extended depending onthe num SMES remaining come Q However, it would also bein to se if this program would accommodate ‘onganisations tha have already completed ‘or are inthe process of their transformation in complying with the GST - for instance, rebates to reimburse/reward che relevant partes forbeing on or ahead of schedule of non-compliant with eampliance ‘+The Digital Content Industry und, an extension of the MyCreative ‘Ventures fund of 2012 wil beset up under the Communications and Mltimedia Commission, with RMi00mn allocated. Given thac this directly benefits the fl, animation, design and other associated industries, ll of which ae data-intensive, e IDCexpects significant portion ofthe fund 0 be channelled back into Thid Platform IP investments. Ranging from the management of proprietary data through virtual, cost-effective and secure services, to the delivery of media on varius alternative channelsbeyond macs broaden ishoped that this initiative heralds the conception ofa much more vibeant opp/ media/mobility ecosystem in Malaysia. ern e ce AUTIY Cela a oe le] Oa ene ee 7(6e} MERC fae ce ET ect tren Uy fetal Ce cued OE ge lcm November 2014 BUSINESS TOOAY 37 a ® IS THE NEW BLACK IGEM20/4 braces up @ oe th O- green opportunities to — create business wealth ‘ing green may seem like a fad roman, hu itis definitely a trend with a variety of benefits FEATURE ‘rllion (RMA trillion). The figure isexpectedtoincrease twice by 2020. This tobe identified and areas tobe explored, ‘and companies have been urged to tap into the Ministryof Exhibition & Conference Malaysia Haji Mubyddin says “Malaysia has ' (1GEM2014) to help push the rapid alwways recognised the importance ofthe adoption of green technology need for rapid economic development, International Greentech & Eeo Products Deputy and Water Minis ind Water ey, Green Technology as wel s promoting usta tuk Seri Mahdzir practical development Khali said ina report: "1G relation to this, the gow. DEUS M ETE MMM 6 con generate newsources income sso continued foes on ATOM ssssistswoc noses Shen. Ongkili, Minister ‘Transformation Programme (ETP) andthe sustainab Sacra ‘Tenth Mala cache doped SOIC EPRI CIC \isisrssss. eorectnatited shares: “For the Peg PU OPA Fe the total amount of bn tte and business leads Ea Ree Uy Fecal ee Vee CTE CaCl g billion (bn) .... Indeed, Peto aTa) and projection show that the green Laie ele\ eam aut a i a) melee a a Cle ca development nal green economic hub! IGEM2014, Deputy Asa continuation of as ye ister of Malaysia, Tun SriDato’ which focused on “Advanci 38 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 e Growth’, this year's theme for IGEM2018 is Creating Green Wealth ‘The event was thoughtfully pu together to provide greater value for participants and visitors, in creating vast opportunites for networking and exploring potential business partnerships Datuk Seri angina Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili, Minister of Energy, C ‘Technology and Water shares:“For the period of 2010 to 2013 the tot ofbusiness transactions and business leads arising from the previous IGEMs are estimated at RM4.34 billion (bn) Indeed, these achievements and projection show thatthe green technology sector is fast emerging asa key economic driver for Malaysia ‘This year, GEM has proven its mettle again, True tits reputation of being a dynamic platform for driving green business he event attarted aver 200 ceshibitors from over 1 countries with Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) signing seven major Memorandum of Understandings (MoU), bringing the estimated business potential toRM200million ‘The companies inelude the Department of Standards Mi Malaysia), indah Water Konsortum Sdn Bha (Indah Water), AMDAC (M0 Sdn Bhd (AMDAC),Eelimo Sdn Bhd (Eelimo), First Energy Networks Sdn Bhd (FEN), Groen Data Center LLP (GDC) and Kloth Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Kloth). Asparcof ts ageressive growth strategy, GreenTech Malaysia has been exploring opportunities ro develop local competencies in green industries, aceredit green standards, boost eleetrie ‘mobility, invigorate green ICT and explore sustainable waste management Not only that. On the MoU with Kloth, Grees'Tech says it was a collaborative effort topramote eco-friendly fashion products. ‘The company is the first local company to market Waste2 Wear products by Vision ‘Textlesa multinational company that produces garments and textiles made from reeyeled plastic botles. ‘Ona side nove, GEM has aso recelved support from EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry to bri in innovative European companies to showease their technologies and business partners to local stakeholders. Tesays that EU companies exhibiting at IGEM2014 were not only to forge stronger business and community ties with Malaysia but also recognise the country as a (Seandards oduee suitable platform to promote their latest, ‘co products and services. Although IGEM is primarily focused on creating green business opportunities trade between various companies and agencies, the public can learn lat from this affluent event, One of the objectives ‘was also to create consumer and industry awareness onthe importance of green technology in addressing issues related toclimate change and reducing our carbon footprint Apart from the thematie showpiece, the event also hosted IGEM Conference 2014, which offered sessions lke Green Innovation, Green Investment, Green Mobility, ICT-enabled Transformati nd The stellar line-up of speakers included representatives from Deutsche Telekom, BY NORA ADD Tokyo University of Science, the World Water Council, Hitachi, UNESCAP, Panasonic, the National University of pore, and the Korea Green Building ‘Council, among others, Series of workshops and seminar, named Green Insights, were also held thromghout the four days ofthe event. was perennial favourite among ll trade Visitors and exhibitors, due to the topic discussed and this has been growingin popularity sine its introduction back in2008. Allin all, GEM2014 was deemed tobe avery usefl platform for various stakeholders to exchange ideas, experiences and best practices in order to further comprehend the need to esablish ectve framework, eco-system and Jousiness processes to adopt, promote and nurture green production, as well [November 201 BUSINESS TODAY 39 FEATURE Zurich Insurance Group increase focus in Malaysia hh global insurance industry ‘one thats very important, playing pivotal role in ensuring tharboth individuals and businesses are protected from various scenarios. The industry is one that ean help protects customers ll while understanding the different risks that comes with each and everyone of hem ‘As the world becomes more incerconnected, there are more sks to consider says Martin Senn, Chief Executive Officer, Zarch Insurance Group. He further ads that citizens within new and merging markets ae slowly but sures, movingaveay fom poverty tothe mile ® income group. This brings ina different sets of achallenges forthe insurance industry, one that i growing year-on-year THE MALAYSIAN STORY Theres growth in Malaysia as well, says Senn, asthe country is seeing arise in riddle income citizens complementing the government’ effort of bringing the country toa develaped nation starus. “We remain committed to Malaysia strong presence here ‘The country has an educated workforce and its economy i growing steadily” hr share, while adding that insurance is seen tobe important by both existing and and we ha potential customers. ‘While the global insurance company thas made its footprint in Malaysia for some ‘ime noss, Senn believes there are many ‘moze opportunities for Zurich Insurance toexplore The company does indeed have along: term aspiration for Malaysia, With almost half of ts business coming from the United States one of imo, the largest foreign insurance market ~ Zurich Insurance ‘would like to bring its expertise and know how wo Malaysia 'We hope to double our (business solution) sales volume in Malaysia over 440 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 Se Tay Oe a lee ten keene ony Led Ruta PG eed cs} for us, itis not a race. Eccl iar EM eM ne gel acy El Ciel met Cle} choices through Mme Pear aes any the next five years by bringing our global expertise ra the country. We hone to he rolling out and prioritising investment solutions seeing as there are ase in infrastructure and construction projects happening in ASEAN of at,” he: ‘Many ofthese corporations already know wht they want when itcomes to insurance. The challenge now for usto be abe to build rusted relationships and reputation with them to be the preferred service provider MORE THAN ONE WAY When asked sboutits product offerings, Zurich Insurance's range vary from market to mark, es there a “dferen regulatory constraints and customer ccommitments/nceds". Though the brand isn'tone that is new in Malaysia, Zurich Insurance is now competing in a very Iuerative industry one thatis filled with competition fromboth loal and imernational brand names. BY MUR ATE “We wll continue with our ‘campaigns - we're not going tocatch upin two co three: byestep proces for us, itis nota race rs. Ttis a step We will also continue launching new products and ofer our customers choices through our multi-channel dicrbution, MARKET OPPORTUNITY Senn does, however, note that name the Small to Medium Businesses (SMEs) to ‘bean underserved marker. He adds: row inthis space and there is indeed he market. For instan re most ‘ofthe time the corporation is insured as awhole, but nat on the people-level Moreover, SMBs will also often need 2 different rype of asset protection from big corporations ~ and this something that many insurers are not offering yet” The affable CEO hopes thacwithin 12018 months, Zurich Insurance will be abe co further cater to Malays langest portion of business segment "We also hope to introduce ness products, including education and retirement funds respectively as we see immense growth potential inthe space.” he concludes. my a mt MOVIES IN DIGITAL NOW AT CATHAY CINEPLEXES Pvurchase your movie tickets @ AY Sstexgetezenee | cay en 88 Spat fneooa ny tater conv stam oniathayl.a cata Oo FEATURE Siemens New Generation SGT-8000H Gas Turbines sets world record in energy efficiency and clocks over 100,000 EOH in commercial operation orld energy consumption isconstantly on the rise, while atthe same time demand for reliable, affordable, efficient and environmentally compatible power generation i increasing Ashhubs of economic activity, cities and super cities drive the vas majority ofthe world’s energy use; nearly haf ofthe world population is ving in urban areas and this figures expects to grow to 60% by 12030, Cities are responsible of eonsuming ‘the highest amount of energy resources ‘worldwide and this is expected to be inthe region of 60-8 Here in ‘Commission predicts energy growth to be around 8% yearly up to 2030 with capacity curently at 22,000M4W inthe Peninsular. To keep up with the growing demand, power plants are continually ppt to the stress to supply tothe needs ayia, the Energy November 204 ofthese cities Balancing between igh ‘outputs and at che same time managing ‘emission, operators of power plants expect, an economical, state-of-the-art product and also emphasise on lifecycle cost analyse in order to maintain overall cost ‘of maintaining the plants, To produce eletrcity, power plans can either opt for bya, coal, natural gas ‘ornuclear, dependingon the economic and environment viability ofthe country, simply put they run on huge turbines that rorate the generators to produce current, Key components for these plants are the turbines and ge ors effceney is paramount and the mariafacturers ofthese engines have to he reputableand havea ood track record One such company is the Erlangen based Siemens Energy, subsidiary at ‘Siemens ~andas cliché asitmay sound, Germans are profoundly known for making machines with the highest standands required for precision engineering Being the largest engineering company in the world specialising in the fields of clecrification, automation, digitisation and healthcare solutions, Siemens made another first in che energy field with its recent announcements Siemens Energy manufactured and delivered the world’s first 61% efficient Combined (Cycle Gas Turbines. This record-breaking Class turbine has een suecessfil in ‘commercial operations clocking over 100,000 equivalent operating hours. A ‘commendable achievement. Tomark the ocassion HusinessToday as invited to tour the Berlin Gas Turbine plant which incdently isthe lead plant for building heavy duty gas turbines, Located slightly off the city centre, the factory sits on 130,000m2 area and manned by approximately 3700 employees, One of very few fuetories that sable to conduct live testing of turbines, According to its Coordinator ofS Project DrOlaf Konig, the fatory has delivered 950 gas turbines to over 60 countries with areliailty rate of amazing feat by itself, Siemens Energy hha ts footprint on manufacturing and engineering of turbines an parts scatered allacross the globe from Florida to Cilegon, Indonesia, bur tis here in Berlin that the record breaking SGT 'S00OH series rurbines are built HEART OF THE POWER ‘The nevsest member ofthe family the 1 Class Siemens Gas Turbine (SCT) series turbines was first tested and validated in 2008/2009 under field conditions in areal, power plant environment a Inching 4 Paster Staion, “More than 750 employees, including 250, engineers, were involved in development of the new gas turbine and the new combined cyeleplant Siemens invested more than EURS0O million in turbine development and inthe construction and operation of prototype athe plant. ‘Taking both environmental protection, aswell as economical focus, into consideration, Siemens Energy brought technical innovations in desiga and development, process engineering ‘materials and manufacturing and assembly processes together to transform these requirements into final products or example DrOlafshares that the technology forthe rotor design comes from the aro industry, which can be found in most Siemens Engine, and certain blades on the rotor uses ceramic coating, to withstand extreme heat. leis the combination of the hes features of ategie harlotesville, established produet lines with advanced technology that the H-Class gas turbines come tbe, To give perspective tothe magnitude of ‘these engines, first let us share some facts: ‘The SGTS-8000H Weight: 440 tons (equivalent 100 filly felled Airbus A30) Fuel: Gas, Oi! Length: 13.2 mx wide Sm x Height Capacity: £40 MW ingle cycle) Combined Cyele Power Plant Efiieny: over (every 1.5% inefficiency increased = to 14700 t/year savings in fuel gas consumption 41,0001/year reduction in COZ emissions. ‘The H-Class turbines are already commercially running.n power stations all ‘over the world with 40 units ordered, out ‘af which 10 aren fll operation In Malaysia, the units will be forthe ‘TNB Prai Combined Cyele Power Plant (CPP) project in Penang, Siemens will be supplying to H-class gas turbines, as wel, astwo generators and ewo steam turbines, With a generating capacity of about one sigawatt and an efficiency rating of over 60%, the TNB Prai CPP willbe the most powerful and efficient gas-fired power plantin the South-East Asian region. For the Pengerang Co-generation Plant (PCP) in Johor, Siemens will undertake the turkey construction ofthe PCR, which ‘comprises four mult-shaft eo-generation ‘units: Each unit comes with one H class gas turbine and a waste-heat recovery steam generator: In ation, two steam turbines connected to the common steam hheader complete the plant configuration ‘The PCP will produce approximately 1220 megawatts of power and up to1480 tons per hour ofsteam forthe Pengerang Integrated Br smc Complex (PIC), PETRONAS’ mega development in Pengerang, South Johor ‘The PCP willheane ofthe largest and most ficient gas-fired power plants in Malaysia, There has been heavy bid activity made by Siemens recently asthe company continues to respond quickly flexibly and cost-effectively asa srong partner to Malaysia, to meet the country’s utility needs ‘and expansion plansin production eapaciy LOOKING BEYOND ‘The technology in turbine manufacturing has definitely moved beyond existing borders and Siemens Energy is steadily positioned atthe forefront with the H-Class series turbines. Ahighly competitive industry that continues to see smaller outfits being gobbled up, Siemens Energy isone of the two giants that continually expands its network and issetto become the undisputed leader inthe global energy sector Indeed after experiencing the workshop tour on one ofthe worlds most advanced turbine engine plants in Mulheim and Berlin, we ae quite certain Siemens has the capability for even pushing for 6: cffciency in the coming future, Seemingly not nly this German povvethouse hs it sights on non-renewal ‘energy, Ichas also setup shop to bulld and install wind turbines to eater for the growing demand forthe renewal ‘energy sector as wel, which has resulted in Siemens Environmental Portfolio. generating revenues of EURQ& billion in 2010, makingit the largest supplier of eco-friendly technologies in the world. The future is looking healthier for this company and the environment e@ 0% November 2016 BUSINESS TOOKY 43 FEATURE Cela ANC RSS ue cue eee RN Tee oe ‘Susiness executives trot the lobe over, whizzing from one destination tothe other, doing on comifor is always utmost in mind, especially when itis along haul flight. This comfort and more comes to rind when you are on the Business Class fone ofthe fastest growing airlines inthe world, Qatar Airways Luxe comforts what comes to mind from the very first Hella” greeting ofthe flight attendants ofthe airline ay soll, in to the cabin and you are pampered from the get-go from comfortable jammies, to sparkling bubbles and Michelin star chef menu creations. Experiencing sterling service standards on board the Qaear Airways only makes you wonder, what ‘makes this airline a darting ofthe skies, Having been on an impressive flight trajectory, whether itis on its Might or “44 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 service offerings, Qatar Airways has ‘worked hand forts achievements in this shore 17 year. The airline has made nitrides from operating as 2 small regional carrier in 1994 with only a handful of routes tonow fying to 14 key ‘business and leisure destinations across six continents and continslly improving its offerings to travelers, Etching global recognition, Qatar Airways prides itself withthe highest standards of service and excellence and it wasn't surprising atall to see the global cartier being presented with three honours athe annual Skytrax 2013 World Arline Awards held during the Paris Air Show ate Bourget, France, lst June. Italo received the World's Best Business Class ‘World's Best Business Class Lounge and, for the second consecutive yer, Best Ainline Staff Service in the Middle East. CLASS DELIVERY Staying tre tits vision of making Qatar Airways leading international airline withthe highest standards of service and excellence, the carrier has steally improved and enhanced it software and hardware aspects ofits business ‘Business travellers will be happy to note thac the carrer as upgraded 16 ofits Airbus airraft inthe fleet with Q delivering seamless and improved experience signi bed seats in its Business Class, custome Itannounced the upgrade ofits Business Clas seats and entertainment systems on select Airbus A330-200 and A320 aireral more luxurious and consistent experi to customers. The upgrade is part ofan ‘on-going customer enhancement project tha will usher in new levels of comfort for Business Class passengers, who will now enjoy seats that recline into true 180- degre lie-Aat postion, ‘This seat upgrade only means one thin to business class passengers, bisful rest ina 190-degree true ieat bed. Red eye flights area thing ofthe past when you get, superior sleep comfort and this also spells areater consistency with the Qatar Airways long-haul wide-body let. This new improvement isnot only ‘confined tothe Business Class segment; on inorder to offeran even its A230 aireraft,Eeonomy Clas seating will also be upgraded to provide greater comfort and more personal space seats willbe fitted with new 106" monitors and handsets, upgrading the customer experience to Boeing 777 standards Having a young let, Qatar Alrways currently les a flee of 32 A320s, 16 4330-2005 13 A330- 300s and four A340-600s that ‘on variety of rites across the network, IT ONLY GETS BETTER ‘As seamless experience to passengers stars from the sirportitself, ata Aieways officially commenced its ight operations deployed BY VINODHAM AIR K from the Hamad International Airpost (ITA) since May. Offering passengers a comprehensive Qatar Airways five-star experience, passengers gett enjoy its renowned service excellence both in the ar and on the ground a its newest international gateway, since all ommercial passenger airlines operating into Qatar now arive and depart from Hamad International Airport. Onewillbe tempted to wander around this spacious airport at 4.000 square metres, which combines retail food and beverage facilities, firmly entrenching tas. premier shopping and dining destination, With more than 70 retail outlets offeringan unprecedented selection of designer labels, high street fashion, cleetronies, gourmet foods and much mors, Qatar Duty Free at HIA will ater to passengers every tase. Inaddition, more than 30 cafes and restaurants will offer a sumptuous selection of global and local euisine, ‘The airport ean handle up t08,700 customers per hour, providing seamless hassle-free experience for passengers, from checkin to passport control and boarding. Qatar Airways passengers will enjoy the comfort and functional design of HLA, including the outstanding choices in dining and shopping outlets. ‘The HIA Passenger Terminal Complex houses a toca of138 checkin counters actos ive islands, including 108 counters for Qatar Airways Economy passengers and all ther airlines, 16 counters dedicated to Qatar Airways Business Class travelers and 14 luxury, bespoke, seated cheek- in counters for Qatar Airways First (Cass passengers Innovation Restate) Achievers List (June- September) Verve En SansulKamal Bn Haj Saban | Kota Pema GOO Fr Stan Maman Stanscin | Wangs COP En Saran Bn Vakiran Onna coo En Shain Bo Abd Manan ota Perl GCC Mg Kok Kong Ka Feral 606 avai | McOonSweeta | Amarin ove GOO 712014 | We Stary Wong ee Png ab Dara Ehsan amor | McTanNgoe Hong Koa Ferl GCG ramos | Mi Cho Bun lab Dau Ehsan zari2av4 | eTen Ga: Soon lab Dan Ehsan zaaai4 | MiLoo Kal Hang lab Da Ehsan soot | MeLum Thiam Cheong ota Peal GCC 82014 | Me Mhaingam Aagwasany oa Peal GCC cvezots | We.Chang Kok Fl Kota Feral GCC ois20t | Mi Steven Tan Chin Haw Nil Spgs 606 ‘ot | En Datian Bin Manep Koa Perl GCG zacor4 | En Koadn Bin Asada lab Dau Ehsan «aeo14 | Meg So0 con Arweran ove GCC i018 | MWg Show heang Cart Sane GOO zascor —| wi SuTham Huo ‘Arweron Cove GCC zane | Me SeTe Kok erg Koa Peal CO oanaw tar chon uoron son.sHo.-—=» S@MN) Mvkoou’ —BLSINESSTODIY ‘bart Ts Chong Mer Hadngeotadommy aaa os sensi veo FEATURE BY WoRMSTAK AZIZ THE NEW GEN WORKFORCE SAP points out issues faced by Malaysian employers in attaining the millennial labour pool 1y2025, the millennial - so ® [known as Gen ¥ or those born in the 19805 and 905 wil make up the majority ofthe workforce as reported in Forbes. fo reality happens, employers would have to bbuck up from now on in order to prepare forthe future workforce ‘Why? Wallis abviows that companies are struggling engage the modern, 2sceentury workforce. An pressing tlobal challenge, Malaysia is also one the countries thatis facing this predicament. Asreveale in Workforce 202, global survey of more than 400 excetives and employeesin 27 countries, condcted by the independent research group Oxford eonomics with support fom SAP SE, ‘most human resource HR) o ecogise the importance of managing increasingly global, diverse and mobile workfore, However, they lack the strategies and solutionsto addres this challenge. For Malaysia, many employers are facing challenges lke lack of qualified leadership and adequate technology, wells low level of employee longevity and loyalty to build a workforce to mest future business needs Here are some of the top insights to help Malaysian employers in preparingits workforce for the future sther when this isations 46 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 uae AOL Asya Malaysia's Managing IIc rated Tuc a Oem VA} AOR ledeclenel aloe) Saul CELE Ey individuals. It's no longer about retaining; Fae LT elt c-Tel Lae ae WHAT MATTERS MOST ‘Companies often do not understand ‘what their employees really want from them. Based onthe findings, “becoming obsolete” is the most popular concern for today’s worker. They also ‘worry bout lack of opportunities and advancement, as wel as inadequate Due to this, competitive ‘compensation isthe most important attribute ofa job v6 ofthe millennial respondents The survey also shows ‘that employees are looking fr defined ‘opportunities for career development and a more comprehensive henefits plan, To tackle this matter, employers are advised to offer bonuses and merit based rewards, supplemental training programmes for the individuals to develop new skills and also benefc plans for employee families. ‘The study reveals that 26 executives say their companies give special attention othe particular and needs of millennial emard Chiang, SAP Malaysia's Managing Director comments Employers now need to start recognising the millennial as individuals, [eno longer about retaining itis about attracting” eats THE LEADERSHIP CLIFF AAlack of leadership capabilities only means trouble for Future growth. Accordingto the survey executives and employees agree that leadership is lacking. t unveils that 32% of executives agree that their expansion plans for growth markets are limited, unless the right leadership is in place From the survey, itcan be seen that most of the companies are nt focused ih on developing future leaders shares Chiang, Shockingly only 40% of employees say that leadership at their companies is equipped to lead ther organisations to success while only 33% of executives believe that their leaders are prepared to guide a diverse workforce THE SKILLS GAP To prepare for the future of work, knowlege is indeed needed. Based on the findings, the mos cited ateas of cemplayees’ professional development and learning are from the informal mentoring, form training at work ond ‘managerial relationships. However, the need fr skills ike analytics and eloud will gow tremendously ‘over the next three years and it isexpected that only 31% of employees expect proficiency in cloud in three years and 41% ‘expect tobe proficient in analytics by then, Chiang says: "Companies need to provide employees witha path and help them develop the key skills that will take the company forward, letter training and education opportunities would benefit ‘employees and businesses alk Allin al the finding shows that noc many employers made progress inbuildinga workforce chat ean meet future business goals. To create a better ‘workforce forthe future takes time effort, and demands top level commitment, The {question is: how ready isyour company to take on these changes? Tolearn more details about this seudy visi apy/sfly/ Workforce2020. 51 MDB Real Estate (MDB RE) and Lend Lease continue to make ‘good progress inthe collaboration, desig and documentation for the development and delivery of the world class Lifestyle Quarter project at ‘Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Recently, the parties advise that they hhave now achiowed a substantial milestone in signing the Lifestyle Quarter Joint Venture Master Framework Agreement ‘This agreement progresses the key terms of the proposed joint venture. IMDB RE and Lend Lease are proceeding ax planned to finalise all other legal documentation elating tothe joint ventures development ofthe Lifestyle Quarter over the coming months. ‘The Lifestyle Quarter in TRY is bled mixed-use acres comprising expected to contain are evelopment of over 17 ahotel three residential towers anda stunning new retail mall connected to ‘TRX’s multi-layer central park The developments expected to attract up to USSI billon(bn) (RM32 ’bn) in foreign direct investments to Malaysia, Lend Lease will be the majority shareholder inthe joint venture while IMDB RE will old a significant stake, IMDB RE CEO Dato’ Azmar Talib says: "We area step closer to turning ‘our shared vision into reality. The global ‘brand name Lend Lease brings, long, withthe team’s experiences for projects ofsimilar magnitude, i invaluable to the “TRX development (CEO for Lend Lease in Asia, od Leaver sid: “Lend Leases pleased with achieving ‘the next milestone in the collaboration ‘with IMDB to deliver che fist phase ofthis nation- defining development for Malaysia, Weare working together towards finalising the proposed join venture and the detailed planning to support the vision for aliveable financial centre” Lend Lease is an international ‘group offering fully integrated services including development, construction, project management and asset and Property management, which was chosen from a pool of international and local bidders forthe Lifestyle Quarter, following invitation in December 2013 to participate asa strategie development Parmer in TRX, The siemonth international standard selection process, managed by CB Richard Ellis encouraged innovative and value- auded submissions resuling in many leading edge and exciting proposals from slobal real estate investors and developers that would assist TRX to contribute towards the Government’ efforts to make Kuala Lumpur global ey. [November 204 BUSINESS TODAY 47 Property TODAY GRAND- FLO IN RMSOOM TARGET bigger net doesn’ always get thebest atch at sea says an analyst. But Grand-Flo thinks ptherwise asa sagnant business ‘operations have forced it to move into the property sector through the acquisition of viable asses this yar. In choosing to make a presence in Penang, considered to being the ‘hat spot’in property usines, the company feels they have mad Grand-Flo Bhd provider of comprehensive Enterprise Data Collection and Collation System (EDCCS) Solutions using mainly bar coding and radiofrequency technologies. rs tracking solutions sopport sumer goods), and electrons sector, Aside from Mal listed on Bus, dhe company has offices in Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. The group revenue is derived from the sale of EDCCS, a where itis 48 BUSINESS TODAY November2014 In diversifying from tech to property to broaden earnings, Derrick Tan has given the group grit and ambition aaa le diversification into a different industry will enable us to mitigate the economic cycle associated DUEL Sea ee-UC he Er MeL A) da eal) oy us to generate Eloi Ml A) ETCH) Au ae cae products and software, barcode labels, as wellas system maintenance. and comparatively better that most small cap stocks on Bursa, says an analyst, the company’s inability tobreak through the ecling glass has been visible in ts revenue trajectory While minor setbacks have ocurred ‘in Thailand, the management suggests that other factors include the dampened ‘economic sentiments inthe domestic and South East Asian markets thathas led to these industry players being more ‘of expansionary spendin leads to softer demand fo which inevitably ollouts of new tracking systems. Atte same time, the public sectoris using concession or leasing method to expand and hence, the group is, exploring opportunities along this line. The net -profitin 2013 hitits best of RMI3milion(mn). However, 2016 the 2QFYI4 results ofthe company fell badly Revenue dropped 21.9% year-on-year to RM1646mn from RM21.2mn in 2QFY18, Ina recent report, NetRescarch- Asia attributed the revenue decrease due to ‘weakness in its business environment where there were marginally lower sales. According tothe research house, pre ta profit delined 975%y-0-y to RMO.3mmn in 2QFY14, compared to RMIO.5mn in AQEYIR. During the quarter under review there was aloss on disposal of RMO.Amn shares in its listed Thai associate compan, ‘imat Technologies Public Company Limited. In 2QFYL3, Grand-lo recorded a RM9.3nin gain on disposal of Simat's shares. Stripping out the respective gains and los, Grand-lo would have recorded an adjusted pre-tax profit of RMfO-mn in 2QEYI4, a decline of 707% yoy compared to RMLImn in 2QFY13, ANEW STRATEGY ‘While analysts saw Grand-Flo asa credible performer, the ground reality proved “otherovse in 2014 as es strength curned ‘out tobe a weakness witen pitted against ‘the financial might of eatery leaders in ‘tracking olution or Derrick Tun, the Group President and Group Managing Director, it meant need to devise new strategy to meet the Iheadvvinds that looked set o emenge. That BY BHARATI strategy hal been there since 2013 and property was the way tog. He says: “We believe that diversification into a different industry willenabe us to mitigate the economic eye associated with manufacturing eleetroniesand IT sectors, Property development enables usto generate additional income ina sustainable manner. Asa the loeations of the developments are deal, high-growth potential areas that are close ta the Second: Bridge. Besides, we are alo acquiring a ‘competent management team withthe track record, expertise and know-how inthe se tor, That, Lbelieve isa winning ‘combination for the long-term growth” Noveber 204 BUSINESS TODAY 49 For Tan, the foresight and inspiration to re-strategise was from a combination of factors he observed inthe business world, A key factor being the ability of ‘many companies diversifying into another business out oftheir ex-core business and excel He points to Mah Sing asa fine example \whose core business wasin paste ‘manufacturing and today itis one of the os successful and reputable developers around, He adds: “In fact, many other big players are having multiple and diverse business interests within their groups and doing quite wel in each of them. Ibis important to ct when dealing with issues related to change when most people tend to procrastinate” Fora relatively small company but \with an ambitious outlook, Grand-Flo is rot expected to spread itself toa thin tis hese ta faeus on resouroes where it ean he well managed. Tans governed by a belief that going deeper into a category will sustain profitably GRAND-FLO ACTED 12013, the group acquired 52% of Jalur Bina Sén.Bhd (JBSB) for RM2.Amn, ® \whieh is principally involved in property development and currently has 33hectares in Penang mainland, where itis developing mixed residential project The Glades. Ieisan RM63mn Gross Development Value (GDY) project comprising 76 residential units of2- and 3-storey semi Altachod houses and zero lot bungalows in Alma, Bukit Mertajam, Penang with about 11% sold. This development sin the within the viinity of ABON, Tesco, both Chinese national type and national schools, industrial and commercial areas such as [Bukit Minyak Indah Park and Auto City. Construction of The Glades is expected to bbe completed in 2017 A year later in August 2014, Tan then moved and acquired 50% plus one share of Innoceria Sdn Bhd (ISB) ~ also a Penang- ‘50 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 Ree EEN} Tan) sect UC EU LCu elem ee oN CaS Poa Liste eT TT Reena Ule) WMC ny ate eee Mee ce) cd a TUT We nT Ce CamORe NEN ESE ea based property developer for purchase ‘consideration of RM5.0mn. ISB holds the rights and interest ta develop Vortex snes Park in Rokr Tambum, Penang ‘The RM2200m GDV commercial projec features a toral of 12 units of properties, comprising 60 units of 4-storey semi-detached shop offices and 52 units of storey light industrial factories. The construction, which includes semi-D shop offices and light industrial factories, are more catered to corporate and stall ‘medium industries, Grand-Flo believes Vortex complements the existing commercial industrial areas that either target retail outlets or high end/larget factories, Take-up forthe Ist phase has been positive; sat 4-Oet 2044, 70% of he total 72 unit have been cold LLandbanking is critical to property success with many ised companies striking out to potential areas beyond the Klang Valle. Location is always important toattain the full potential of property investments, and itwas not difficult for Tan Coming from Penang, his hometown he understood the property terrain there and the decision ta diversify was an easy one SHAREHOLDER DARLING? ‘With the deals done and the projects underway, Tan bs pt the company ina sound foundation and in his ailty to meet shareholder expectations “The hest thing about Derrick is that he has acted to take the company to reach greater heights and in this respoct Ihehas done well” says an analyst, ‘who covers the property sector fora bbank-backed stockbroker. As NetResearch- Asiasays, while the ‘core EDCCS prosiuets and label business are profitable, its unlikely to show ‘um SOY 20 LOT BCALOH much strength due tothe current lack of economies of scale inthe absence of new clients. However its entrenched business position will hold steady amid stable ‘economic growth in the region 1's vision, adds the research house, is toestahlish property as another core ‘earnings Faetor forthe group, It has a target of achieving RMSOOmn in GDV in 2015, Iefsan effort to balance earings mi between two promising sectors. rom the management comments that investors and analysts have read inthe last few months, and doing some subjective reading between the lines, they get the sense that management sees some sort of shakeup was necessary ifthe group iso go farin business and on Bursa, Inthe las three years beginning FY12 the combined net profi hit an impressive RM26,7mn from RM249ma in revenue hati impressive, says an analyst, yet the stock stays ignored. It emains grounded around RMLS4mn in market capitalisation ang trading at an average RaMO.$4sen, but analysts feel that withthe diversification there remains good potential fora re- rating, FY2015 will prove critical, ‘Tan moved decisively and with gritto want to win recognition for the company inthe marketplace. Italso suggests efforts towards the goa of gaining shareholder value, More importantly, he has now given the company - ambition. It | Property TODAY AGREEMENT INKED and abingi Ji Residency 7 cently Tan & Tan Developments Berhad signed joint venture agreement vith MIR Investment Pte Led GUED, a company formed by Mitsubishi Jisho Residence (MLR), which wil allow the partis to co-operate and collaborate ‘jointly developa piece of land in KLCC, Kuala Lumpur Itsees the company's enter into collaboration through an equity CHAMPIONING LUXURY ECO- PROPERTY PanaHome Malaysia Sdn Bhd, a housing ‘company under Panatome Corporation Japan and a subsidiary ofthe Panasonic Group, announcesits joint venture with GGasing Meridian Sdn Bhd, where the ‘swo corporations aim to push ahead fone of Malaysia's premier luxury co-property developments. The Sanctuary Ridge Kuala Lumpur City — a 38-acre luxury development — wil bbe home to 69 units of bungalows and offers owners freehold low-density and gated development located five minures yy \, 51 BUSNESS TOOKY November 2014 participation in Cipta Klasik(M Sdn Bhd, single purpose vehicle setup forthe purposes ofthis development, with Tan & ‘Tan owning a 70% stake in the Company and MJRI owning the remaining 30%, ‘The planned development has aGross Development Value of RM617 million (mn Besides that, Tan & Tan has also ‘been appointed asthe projeer manage, marketing consultant, and sales audministration manager in relation to this project and will leverage ts vast experience in property development and knowledge ofthe Malaysian property landscape to see through to completion ts development. The agreement also marks significant sep forthe Mitsibishi state Group asit isthe company’s irs foray into Malaysia aspartof its longer term plan to accelerate its growth ins through strengthening its international ‘business necwork and jointly developing projects with local partners. ast growing markets away from Bangsar. It also offers buyers the last-ofits-kind colonial-sized lors, averaging 19000 sq. "We are indeed excited about thisjoint venture as it marks another milestone to express our capabilities in the construction and housing development industry in Malaysia Itis our eamest vision to build an BCONATION Malaysia, and tis isa first step towards that end, Together with Gasing Meridian Sdn Bhd, adeveloper ‘with international credit, we are very pleased eo introduce our new building ‘technologies to Malaysian communities” ‘ays Toshiro Baba, Managing Director of PanaHTome Malaysia, ‘Leo Tan, Director, Gasing Meridian ‘dia Bh ads "With this joint venture, ‘we hope that Sanctuary Ridge Kuala Ls Malaysian eco-property developmentin ‘the luxury segment pur City will become a benchmark for L Jan De THE UNSUNG HEROES Inaneffort to give due recognition to the unsung heroes in the property industry, who have sucessfully shaped the skyines of Malaysia the country’s Nal property website, “Malaysia is launching the fist consumer selected awards for property developers. Aptly named the People’s Choice Awards, Property Groups Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Georg (Chmiel says that the avardsis aimed atrecognising the best property developers the country purely from a ceansumer perspective. “We are very proud to host our very first iPropertycom People’s Choice wands which isthe frst oft kind in Malaysia, The awards provide ws with platform to engige with consumers and give them the opportunity to wote for thei most preferred developer or development in the 10 categories we have set “actho end of the day, it isthe property buyers that will either call that development their home orice so, it ‘was only befitting that they choose the winners?” he says. ‘The 10 categorie are Developer ‘ofthe Year, Best Township ofthe Year, Best High Rise Development, Best Luxury High Rise Development, Best Landed Development, Best Luxury Landed Development, Best Eco Friendly Development, Mest ‘Commercial Development, Best Integrated Development and Most Iconic Development. “The response we received from the developers was overwhelming and afver reviewing and seruinising over 140 submissions, the panel of judges shortlisted a total of SS entries. The ‘power to pick de best developer or development in each ofthe 10 categories now lies in the hands ofthe general public” adds Chel.) IM TODAY IN RETIREMENT NOBODY CARES FOR YOU Lacking in investments, retirees are screaming for help as money runs out he talk ofretrementis : , | Misael drcoraboacs Ga perv becom lei one teers pple thartcte through tothe next 20-25 years? “Tough PS en aires families will gow thatchildrenandhighly unliely”says Norhashnilidi SERED SUEY willhave to he supported and expenses chim, viee provident retail resoarc ot TRountTheyaboeaise the ay wilcome —Affinfivanglovetment Bank “Notater (CAMS ‘when they no longer earn regular income. _havingsquander all thei savings in a tte Cee ese eet Co splur sarningsotherthan prepare STOCKING UP FOR fuletae Ue Ee Gaal ee Sue ee tax (GST) and Bantuan Kalya Salsa Provident Fund (EP) has extended eS Te ee (BRIM) working overtime, lifebecomes the savings period until 70 years and to understand the Aifficaleto cope, Members are turning introduced other schemes to ensure Cofauldestmantowithiny —speadingwoneyisuealel pon cel: MACHA AU their EPF savings. It is asad story of ‘Adjustments have been made by the Ta em F sats desperation. ‘The ery for help is government to meet pensioner demands an analyst. ‘hut mos retirees have neither skills nor ‘When people wake one morning they the sophistication to understand the realise retiremencis upon them. While nitty-gritty ofthe markerpla retiring at 5 who decline tiled Yet, retirees in Malaysia who spend sought, the o company policies. “Coming their lifetime in an office wil destroy an also changed and people a With economic uncertaint recomend they look towards in ineneed to worklonger hasbecome inequities that pay guod dividends. Isn't, imperative to families. The government, difficultto understand and choose stocks as with those from other countries, has _withinformationeverywhere.Allyou go wrong then he has a better chance of granted the ery for retirement to 60 years. need is patience for the long atl ‘overcoming those obstacles, froma stockbroker, I would naturally investment within Weeks or months if profit. Quick profit isthe 2 ODAY November 2014 e Therefore, says Nor “retires should see if dividend stocks mateh their main object which is to preserve capital, Ihave acess to regular income within alow risk environment: While they are being referred asblue- chips, these stocks ae also called the ‘aristocrats for their co ency in paying higher dividends and culture they have ‘within their organisation, Thee dividend policies have streaks running back to ‘decades. Inthe process their reputations hhave flourished attracting powerful and wealthy investors who subsequently shape strong foundation to accelerate growth in value (Refer table “Dividend stocks” says Nor, “have the dynamics to protect investment with along MAKE LIFE SIMPLER ‘There isa struggle for people to figure ‘out what they need to be happy. A ‘common theme that exists among them, says an analy, relates to some sor of unhappiness lack of flfillment or even an esteemissue There isno doubt dividend stocks bring stability and happiness in life More important, the investing aspects bout learning and making full use of the availble financial tols. That's when with better focusit will eep a retiree engages on his goals [| i i TT Br via Says Nor: “retirees Ere RTM tel cure) Bole CRE Ue main objectives, which is to preserve capital, have access to regular income OUTER C\U AL CCl Estimates of Some High Yielding Dividend Stock for Retirement BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO (Cansumed cre NESTLE Consumes seo PUBLIC BANK Fines wa40 DUTCH LADY [Censure rosso TRAGER &NCAWC Consumer] TOO a (radingfSences) Run [AEON CREDIT Fiance en00 CARLSBERG Consumer) roast GUINNESS [eensume) enn ANA Trang Series peniz70 BATUKAWAN(Planatons) ——-RM20.26 {A Concur) ens20 ‘The takeaway, says an analyst, is to make lifea lite simpler, He adds: “The retire should have his own ‘comprehensive solucion that addresses personal fulfillment” 944% aye RMR 150% as 2S Ms 28% RMD? 20% ak RD Gi 370% RMD vias 59% MOO BMH 3% MOSS 56m SSI RMON tocar —-Se1%% ROS eC) mms 30% MOSS re. 29% ROK No one cares more about how this wil work for aretiee than himself, Inthe ‘current climate of fear worldwide, every ‘working person is in serfous rouble when they don't prepare for retirement. maxis, HON Amwoy. 6 “© BY ‘ost franchises that have physieal stores (eink restaurant, book stores, vice bars, computer sores, etc) have store layout that is ‘unique to them ~ one that stands out, ateraetsatention from passersby, creates ‘a good ambience andis distinctive to the franchise owne. As the customers and public become more exposed to and familie withthe layout ofthe store, the layout acquires goodwill and reputation. Akin to how trademark acquires goodwill and reputation after being inthe marketplace forsome time. ‘Naturally, having spenc ime effort andheavy investment on creating the distnetive layout and thereafter building goodwill and reputation onthe layout, the Franchise owners would curm co ways in which they can protect the layout of their ‘etal store from eopyeats, who will use a ifferene trademark but the same layout to attract customers 5 TODAY Noverbr 20H With franchisors aking the proactive ep to identifying right they can protect in cher business and obtaining protection, franchisees will feel more confident raking, up franchises from the franchisor and continuing with their current franchise businesses This atthe risk ofbeing an understatement) i pertinent to running 2 secessfl franchise in any country. AYOUTS Tere area number of ways in which the layout ofa store can be protected. The common way in the past has been through industrial design rights. Take fr instance the layout ofa KFC sore shown below, Kentucky Fried Chicken International Holdings, Inc. registered the design in 2008, atthe European Union's Design Office Bearing the BU Reg, No, 000896618 (0002, the protection forthe layout design expires in 2018, A registered design in the BU isinitaly valid for five years from the date of ing and ean be renewed in blocks of ive years up to maximum of 25 years, “Malaysia adopts the same duration for design protection asthe BU Apart from design rights franchise ‘owners ean also turn to trademark rights for the designs. Many companies have started protecting their layouts with this intellectual property (UP) right. The advantage of trademark rights ‘over design rights is thatthe rights can be renewed every ren years, without a limit on the numberof renewals that can be done by the IP owner. Thus, trademark rights are more desirable than design rights ‘because the rights ean be held on to, in theory forever Apple tne, pursued this path with a successful registration oftheir store layout in the US in 2008, The description fled with the US Trademark Office (USPTO) included “a dear glss storefront surrounded by a paneled fagade consisting oflarge, rectangular horizontal panels over top ofthe glas font, and.” and, within the store, an “oblong table with stools.set sync ex F ‘ Decisions such as these in the US and EU are encouraging as layout of store is sometimes the firs thing that is seen by the customer and you want to have that unique selling point protect. Franchise owners should therefore take a look at ther layouts and see ‘whether there i anything that makes their layout different from whats out therein thet industry Other businesses that have taken measures to protect their store, sation or retail layout are Shell’ petro station, Pizaa Huts restaurant, Front layout of (Crabtree & Evelyn's store and the Layout ofthe Hooters’ restaurant and bar Ifthe layout departs from ¢ franchise owns hould immediately seek advice from an experienced [P ceansultant to ge the mast strategic sereens flush mounted on the layouts an essential aspect of Apple aavice that will give them the business, Apple appealed up till the Court competitive edge. ‘Theapproval from USPTO became _of Justiee ofthe EU (CJEU). The CJEU, On the local front, as three hot news back in 2010 and once again, ina decision delivered in July this year, dimensional designs are not accepted Apple nc. isback inthe limelight forits concluded thatthe representation of _ for trademarkregistration yet, industrial recent successin Europes well When the layoutofaretalstore bya design design protection shoul be sought fist the German Trademark Office refused alone, without indicatingthesizeor the (ifpossible) and when amendments to ® ation for AppleSthreeimensional proportions, maybe registered asatrade out Trademarks Actarein plac, allowing trademark application onthe groundsthat mark forservces’. [twas found that foe 3D trademarks, the lyouts should the rademark would note recognised Apple'sstorelayoutis protectable ashe protected by trademarkrights..2s asatademark by the publcand instead trademarkasit departs from the norm of nothing beats having the mark for fe moftggspace needed inthe the service sector iis in (and more)! 6H EMPOWERING ASEAN Reforms needed for a sustainable energy industry in the region here is no denying that there isastrongeconomic growth Zainudin bin I inthe ASEAN regionover the Generation, Te lastfew years bolstered by the where a ‘economic downturn inthe Western word ia ORTH} ictal saaes using coal in the fuel rieityin Peninsular Malaysia was-scen However, there are signs of recovery in the hora and usw fiherinceethe | “Athemonenth Pinar eae en demand in electricity globally electricity generation fuel mn from as A According to Lee Hwang-Jik, Executive 2), coal (42%), while hydro and RE POT TU ay Vice Presiden & CEO, Boiler Busine makes up the rest ofthe mix. By 2020, Peruana Gakic tes tceamatoeaie SSPE jobal electricity demand will increase He acknowledges that the increase in ere) O (ran Ber 2.2% annually. coa-based generation willbe a challenge “isaueniyinAsiageewillke —fordeatageansremnenttosidess, NM ALO icity demand of Prime Minister Dato S1iNaj new power plants. eT WA Eel) coal fired power asteep growth of 3.6% anny by. ‘Thiswill increase Tun Razak announced its commitment to Asia's contribution ofthe global economie reduce its carbon intensity by 40% by 2020 growth; says Le sd onthe 2005 level incof this, plants in Peninsular tba A P Similar in Malaysia weare faced with adequate supply and Malaysia are using an increased demand for electricity, ‘efficiently - all while contributing minima STB elmo oe] 0 which Dato’ Seri Mahdzir Khalid, Depury impacto the environment ® Minister of Ener Green Techologs linen aij and Water Ke THA) reveals thatic will bled become when teomesto With the glohl initiative ro red > November 201 BUSINESS TODAY 65 e YOUR ELEGANT RIDE MERCEDES-BENZ Introducing the new and high anticipated fourth generation 0-Cass, C250. The highlights here include anew and unique front bass sound system, the brands Audio 20 CD’ sytem with intemet connectivity, thee Balance’ adaptive aiccontoning eystem equiped as standard ‘a wellas the brand signature Artention Assist and Colision Prevention Assist safety features. Exteriocwise, this new C-Class takes much inspiration frm the three-point star's flagship -Cass model. (66 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 FOR THE FAMILY GUY It youre looking for an MPV that i suitable for you and your family, think no more. Vavo's newly face-ttted XCBO compact exceutve crossover might be perfect for you. Complementing the exterior ‘nhancomontsis the brand's new Dive-E 2.0-tre tbocharged four-cfinder perl engine that develops 245hp and 360Nm of ‘maximum toque, Besides th claimed 72 seconds contury sprint ‘ime and 210km/h top speed the refreshed mode aso boasisa combined ful economy rating of 67 lites/10Okm. brand renowned for safety, Velvo has kite the refeshed XC6O witha plethara of enhanced safety features, November 2014 par 67 TWO GIANTS COLLIDE MONT BLANC Collaborating with Samsung, the hxury brand, Mont Blane introducoe the et over -Starwalker writing instrument andthe Pix Pen to complement the technology ofthe Galaay Note 4. The Px Pen wil feature an rel as wel as black and be ink, while the eof and -Starwakor Pon wilinclue analog inkrefi (a eee AVANT-GARDE TIMEPIECE BRAUN BUFFEL Noone des dearer than Braun ut, Rearend ase thir aa fom th aes nse by ania reso conn elgancs, ac haxyna sing dc he run Bll ‘BBI0O1-1623 surmises the brooding pensive lookmen get when they are in serous thought. ONE OF A KIND DEAKIN & FRANCIS Culinaria devs. They kp your sit toute sate ny oe aed aya wate, Wher yeu rete vente, e the Groman, the Busiasenn, th Econ, the Ens eth Corals, Deakin & Fanos the cfs madeoryou Thi ver pol rider & pony enfin renal yeu nde, Wiha filet of eatin ance amas or autency, they come patagedintsuiqu presenta ox. (68 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 THE LUXURY SKINCARE SK-II ‘What happens when you pair the skincare expertise of ‘ket ira arious artisanship? The answer isthe highly covtable SK LXP rango a tro of masterpieces combining the very best innovative skincare technology with an exclusive hxury experience. KAS LLXP masterpieces can reveal your skin's miraculous ‘ransformatonin as litle a three days, delivering velvet smoothness, aut firmness, rant luminosity, ‘ranstuceny, wrinkle resilience and ich hydration. PERFECT LASH LANCOME ‘You no longer need tohave your mskoup dane professional for perfect lashes from root oti. ‘With Lancome Grandiose’s patent-pending wand, ‘contoured brush and totaFntensty pigments i ‘an transforms your eyes for beyond stunning results From the very frst stroke, densities the base ofthelashes, coating them fom rot ftp. DEFYING AGE GUERLAIN Who wouldnt want took young? Guerlain Longevity Concentrate Face Serum, the ultimate answer ol signs of ageing. The complete ant-agsng power of Guerin Inperial Orchid Molecular Extract defines the rane, ands pushed to new heights wih this new generation serum. This igh performance construct ical the Longevity Concentrate, a formula thatismade up ofan unprecedented concentration of beneficial ingredients. This fine texture is absorbod readily by this skin, helping to diminish sins of ageing rapid ‘overiber 2014 BUSNESS TODAY 69 e ia} Risen THE EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW ere isa sneak peck of the latese Ducati Serambler Next Bike Sin Bhd (Ducati Malaysia) delighted members ofthe press and Ducati Club Malaysia with the exlusive preview ofa renewed classic, the Ducati rambler, just ahead ofthe launch of Asia Ducati Week 2014 The revel took place athe Beach (Club in Kuala Lampur and unofficially kicks off asensational week of Ducat product launches, chrilln and celebrations that coincide withthe Malaysian MotoGP weekend at the Sepang. International Circuit. “This year’s Asia Ducati Weck features the newiylaunched Scrambler that was sometimein he istquarterof2015" released onthe Internet. Ending unveiled tothe world in Intermot Germany says Dacuk Wira HY SM Faisal Tan SriSM the agonising wat on 18 July the in October 2014 and we are proud to Nasimuddin, NAZA Group of Companies Scrambler was previewed in spectacular preview this latest addition tothe family Joine Group Executive Chairman fashion at the World Ducati Week 2014 that said tobe "Sel-Expression” and to For months, Ducat kept the new ‘The Scrambler snow touring the welcome you tothe Word of Joy says Serambler guarded within (now famous) lobe, makingspecil appearances in “Ducati Malaysia wil offctallyaunch snippets ofinformation onthe bike's look Ducati, who have ong avaited the fll range of Ducati Serambler and features ina episode web series its ntroduetion Bt Customers cannow choose fom16 pias are slsobeing introduced, which te favourite Super Supreme, Three bra AE Pizza Hut Malaysia is committed to being atthe top ofits game asthe choicest pizza place, with its pledge to serve the nd improved Pan Pizzas with a Itisnow deemed tobe freshly prepared, Ihave only te bes in quality ingredients andhave a great taste It also faction guarantee, so ifyou're not satisfied withthe taste, they would gladly replace it with another, for fee “As the brand progresses, we need to koep introducing new pizzas tobe relevant toour customers. As such, we decided to renew our commitment to our beloved ceustomersby making our Pan Pizzas taste even better by adding fresher and chunkier toppings’ says Low Kang Moon, Senor General Manager, Pizza Hut Malaysia 70 November 201 There's never been an instant like this. With the great aroma, body and flavor customers have come to expect from Starbucks for EERO enc hee eR Cet Crates Se ce cc A mee cy beans, Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew offers a full-boodies, flavorful cup of black and iced coffee as well as lattes. Starbucks VIA*Lattes deliver the high-quality taste Starbucks is known for, See eee ee eee the handcrafted version, Starbucks VIA® Caffé Mocha isthe perfect union of cocoa, Starbucks? coffee and natural coe ence a Ted Een) en coffee, natural dairy and vanila flavor. The Caramel Latte combines rich eee ene luscious caramel flavor. Cet etn) ener ereinny brewed Starbucks® coffee. Made with the finest arabiea beans, there's something een ne ey eee oe oer etre rs Eanes Oe eT ec «2 few second to tear open a packet and re eee Cee een Pier ene ee with cold water, this coffe just needs ce es Aaa es The Ford Ranger Driven ything about the new Rai ‘snow, said Ford executives at its launch, This . eloped after about 30,000 . Precio ta omputer models were done anda milion Kilometres of extreme-climate testing in 15 countries including Africa and Australi ee aa with ts unigue cml altitude, heatand y 150bhp @ 3700rpm At5274mm long and 2,168 mm wide ; it's sinitiantiy bigger than the previous ER U uu ‘generation model, with what Ford designe tury Tough” styling eatin PL ad rt front overhang, andthe thr ile that identifies Ford trucks the ene RANGER EXTERIOR \ SUV nose as been employed into the ign aclass leadin The sab and the ope ve RANGER INTERIOR Cdofjust 299. Arearspoilerisintegrated _someofthe biggestbox volumes intheir Entering the ean of this Anco the rallgare and che side wheel arches class a 82 cuble mewres felclke we were geting nwo amore this time are all fll metal panels unlike the metres respective Tusury ike SUV vehicle with high grade previous Ranger where the use of plastic that we tested isamong th 121 plastics tight even panel fit and a general eit added girth, cubiemetres feel of luxury. The armrests and doo po he pads are now trimmed stance and fit perfectly povwersocketisavailable where the bed along with revised shape to make them nnd arenicely lushed liner is ct, The power socket provides a more comfortable higher belineand 10 . Practical changes include larger doo raised rails ofthe load box increases this ‘eustomerstoruna pockets that can holda thicker map bo ea} xs functionality n the rear load area. portable fridge and air punsp for eammping. and liter water botles, a glove box that ‘72 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 ill ita 16-inch laprop easily and an average-size ladies hand Switchgear changes include anew al wheel drive command eantral switch and steering-mounted phone, cruise control ‘and audio controls are now available (nitilly) onthe top 322, Wildtrack model The twin pod meter cluster houses very clear meters withthe engine heat and fuel indicators in between the pods. The LCD display below indieaces the gear shiftsand mileage. There is also a fll fnetioning “drive computer that displays the average fuel consumption, distance to empty and ‘Onearea in whieh this new Ranger surpasses the other pickup trucks in the market is ints ear entertainment system, speakers hooked upto «CD stereo system. ts sound clarity is very good and took us by surprise s other trucks come with semi-decent units. Some other nice touches include an arm est ‘witha large box below capable of carrying 6 standard drink cans, Big side mirrors added tothe great fel and safety of the car. ‘There are When it comes to on-road ability and comfort, this Ranger is clearly still ahead ‘ofsome others. Ie steers comers, grips and goesin a manner more reminiseent of large car or SUV. The accommodation for driver and front seat passenger arguably also betters its competitors. (a a [| EVIW AND PICTURE BY DAIL FERNANDEZ (On the open road, this Ranger belies its size and fets Tight” and car-like. On winding mads, its ahilites and remember itisalmostatwo-tonne pickup truck) will elieving that you can chuck this nd you ean within reason. When pushed, the Ranger’ diesel is smooth and sounds rather sedate where This Ranger more than hold its own in cabin quietness, an attribute not often associated with a pickup truck where there are stiffer doors using less with more soun-deadening materials inthe doots, roof and bods: On ‘sports manual’ mode the gear shifts are livelier and the upper limits ofthe 470Nm ean be feleas the Ranger keeps an cary 7Okm/h cruising speed. Upfront, che entre suspension is brand nev Anew col-over-strut suspension allows for bert tuning ofthe upper and lower wishbone desig. The suspension set-up, while similar for two- and four wheel drive models, has unique capabilites and has been tuned with specie damper valving and spring rates on all models co compensate for weight, centre of gravity, ‘engine torque and drive distribution, Giving drivers more precise steering control, Ranger's new rack-and-pinion steering system has been carefully tuned for low-speed manoeuvrability snd responsive on-road driving have y Ranger into comers. otas noisy as others With nothing carried over from the previous Ranger and all the new technology ad ideas added in, this Ranger isstill bestseller in Malaysia and will continue its sales sueces for along, time coming November 2014 USI ” THE HOT-POT ESCAPADE PICC now offers steamboat buffet to satiate its visitors ne ofthe things that Tove about being Malaysians the wide range of food that it offers, Malay, Indian, Chinese, Western, Middle Bastera- you name wwe have it all. We spend more than half the time eating and when we are not, we probably thinking about what our next meal is going tobe. Hot-pot or better known as steamboat to Malaysians, is one of che many fare that most of us enjoy if otall. The heat and flavour are very much comforting. Interational ‘open to public, introduced its Buffet dinner, Since Iwas around the area, opted to give ica shot due tomy craving for steamboat. BREATH-TAKING MOMENT Forthose ofyou who are not familiar with the Putrajaya route may have a problem November 204 Finding PICC. The signboards available are rather confusing, Nevertheless, with the Ihelp of Waze and Google Maps, you can find your way there Many may not know that Putrajaya is also known asthe City in a Garden. So, ‘what has it gow do with Cafe @ PICCE ‘Well, the café offers a spectacular seenie view of the city: What a great way to enjoy delicious dinner. As forthe cafe's ambience, itis ‘beautflly decorated to make the spacious cating place cosy to the diners. This place cean it about 800 people, so you doa’thave toworry about t being fll house ALL YOU CAN EAT Now, che awesome part The buflet spread offers a wie range of fresh seafood, meat, chicken, dumplings and vegetables with variety of homemade sauces and chili paste Sambal), as well a condiments to ‘complement the main dish Cs TT BY NORASTAK AZZ dinner with your family and friends at a reasonable price Ifyou happen tae around Putrajaya do drop by to tease your taste buds at this eatery. By the way, there ia20% off promotion thats valid until the end of the year. PICCis approximately 25-30 minutes dive from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KIA), conveniently accessible bby major expressway MAJU Expressway (MEX), PLUS highway, ELITE LDP highway. Notomly that, youcan also enjoy the for lighteaters, The options inelude steamboat with several options of noodles Malay cuisines, Westem dishes and a such askuey teow, glass noodle, yellow Fusion menu, mee and bee hoon. Dessert menu is also avaiable with Gone ae the days when we would have delicious assorted cakes, cre tofight over which soupbase tohave for kacang’ and a variety of traditional Malay ‘oursteamboats, With the splitdesign pot, porridge to end your meal, Ifyou are you can enjoy both chicken and ginger or looking fr something healthier, there are which are garden fresh 1 food here is de tom yam broth asthe preferred soup for seasonal cu fr steamboat Plus,the este ofboth soups are allinall, very authentic. You can actualy taste all ‘the herbs used to make the soups. ‘you faney pasta, there isa station that includes spaghetti, penne and fettuecini witha selection of Bolognese, Carbonara and Napolitano sauces - a very decent attempt on these Iealin fre Bes eamboat buffet dinner, there is alkoan ala-carte ment selection acu cents ST ener ides the s November 2014 BUSINESS TOOAY 75 Soak it all in Barcelona, from cl architecture, gastro jccaso, the world famous painter spent mock of his youth in Harcelona, The city football team, FC Barcelona, or famously Known as area, started in 1899 and isthe worlds 2nd richest football lub, The above are not the reasons why ‘we visited the world famous tourist destination. Instead it was the hare ulture; ancient and ules-modern architecture, shopping and dining that interested us more Travelling tothe capital of Catalonia he largest of states in Spain) is est via the Middle East or via Amsterdam, There are no direct flights from Malaysia, so vou are looking at between 1618 hours of travel time, dependingon which airline takes your fancy ‘Ourarr inviting weather conditions, wherea in June gave us arather ‘shirt was sufficient in the day and a Tight jacker wae al ois mend st night Hotels ae pleniflfrom al the ‘sta sections. An eatly Internet booking at a5-Star hotel landed us rather great dal right in the heart ofthe city from RM900 plus a night with breakfast. This is decent pricing for Europe with free Wifi inall the hotel areas GOING AROUND BARCELONA There iso much to see and do in Barcelona thatthe five days we were there was just not enowgh, You have to star with the Boqueria market, which i filled from end-to-end with small stalls of everything food. Not that you are going to cook your meals butt isa must-see asbeingone ofthe ‘oldest markets in Europe. EVI AND PICTURE BY DANIEL FERNANDEZ ‘Then there is Gaudi, Temple Expiatori de la Sage Familia that chews mix of modern and traditional styling Forartlovers, ry the Museum Nacional DiAre De Cetaluynaand of course, the Picasso Museum, The land of Tapas will provide you with an inexhaustible numberof open til very am you can get your food cafes and restaurants late. even} cravings sorted in Barcelona Stay in che heart ofthe city like we did and almost everything isin walking distance, Take the day bus tour and you can catch all the necessary sights in one outing, Eat when you want except during siesta time cha safer lunch and before dinner this to you means our Malaysian tea time All prefer tostay open late and you ean takes nap during sista to keep up with the locals. estaurans close a this time, a the AND THERE IS MORE... Eating out is not as exp you might Tapas ‘much as they doin Malaysia (Eurots think ifyou keep isin per person) and wine Gi you enjoy this) isso reasonable ifyou keep it Spanish, Stay away from imported wine as itcosts more and lca love it when you try their own vintag your budget permits, there ae many celebrity chefs in che city running high end restaurants that wil cost the earth but the experience will never be swallowed in Malaysia. Nightelubs offer music fr all ages and lve acts are costly in Barcelona, ‘on your agenda, then best tovisitbetween early July and late Augus, ‘when summe ‘on. Mostof the shops nd shopping enters ae open from 10.00 Gam) to 2030 8:30pm) or 2130 stem. You can buy a 2 day (Euroll.20) (or day (Euro15:90) tickets You can combine the Metro with the bus sytem. Languages Spoken Religion Temperature Currencies Ethnicities Official language Spanish and English widely spoken Cision Catholics and very small numberof 16-26 Degrees from June to July EURO and US widely accepted ! Spanish and Europeans Budget:2015 Sey sails bin Coty FT Lau peter ENJOY UP T0 30% PSM STS a tL) All cheques must be crossed and made payable to a waza “Reach Publishing Sdn Bhd” Enough. ASSAY moe TE STE GETS THIS TEM becseaeteeM wa REACH PUBLISHING SDN BHD ‘No. 15-3, Block Fl, JIn PJU 1/42, DELIVERY Please allow approximately 4-8 weeks for fist isue to be Dataran Prima, 46500 Petaling Jaya, ANEELATON Yume act any tn nd ce a ed ee on allunmailed copies minus RM.OO for cancelation and processing charges. THEY ist ace SLEEP LIKE A BABY vig trouble sleeping lately? ‘That may be caused by stressor worry Ifyou" are experiencing this problem, ‘why nt try somte yoga moves to ease your way into dreamland, Itean help you calm your mind, stretch your muscles and relax your body With this five-move yoga routine from Edward Vilga creator ofthe DVD “Yoga in Bed: 20 Asanas to Doin Pyjamas", you longer need sleeping pills or even counting sheeps tis so easy that you ean do them allinbed! UPSIDE-DOWN RELAXATION (minutes) + Sic facing wall (or your headboard) with yourbutt about 6 inches away from it {80 BUSINESS TODAY November 2014 + Lie hack and extend your legs up Pac ‘the wall. th + If this is too incense a stretch for your hamstrings slide your but father way from the wall. Ifi’s not enough, scoot close, soles of your feet gether, let your knees fll open forminga diamond shape with your legs + Rest your arms + IFyou fee! any strain, elevate your legs by placing. pillow underneath each knee + Letyour arms testy your sides, palms facing up and breathe gently, feeling the stretch in the backs of your legs. CHILD'S POSE @minures) + Situp comfortably on your heel + Roll your torso forward, bringing your forehead to rest onthe bed i font of you + Lower your chest as cl asyou comfortably can extending your ® arms in front of you, + Hold the pose and breathe, to your knees WINDING DOWN TWIST (minute) + Sireross-legged and exhale as you place ‘your right hand on your lft knee and left hand behind your ealbone + Gently wit your torso tothe eft, + Allow your gaze to follow, looking ‘over your let shoulder, Breathe deeply ‘then retuen to center and repeat on opposite side t ROCK-A-BYE ROLL minute) + Lying on your back, hugknees in tochest ‘Cross your ankles and wrap both arms around your shins with clasped hands. ‘Inhale and rock your body up to sit NIGHTTIME GODDESS exhale as you rollback, ‘STRETCH + Continue for I minute, then roll back, (minutes) cextend arms and legs and drift off + Lieon your back with knees bent tosleen. ee of | eter NY 3-4 DECEMBER 2014 Y. B, Dato’ Sri Richard Riot Anak Jaem, Minister of Human Resources (To be confirmed) HE ASIAN SKILLS SUMMIT 20 \wil showcase a paweultwo-event combination comprising ot exhibition and conference. The Summit wll bring together industry players, educational institutions, learning and training providers, government agencies, funding bodies, policy ‘makers, examination and accreditation boards to dovolop a jorid-class workforce within the region. ‘The conference will provide participants with the opportunity {0 hear from national and international speakers on the trends. in the economy; industry's future directions and the challenges they pose for our existing skills base; To transform Asian workforce aligned with high-Impact si To form an elite skills training system To upskill Asian workforce ‘To position tertiary education sector in response To expose new TVET providers to latest government policies, funding, student recruitment and promotional techniques, and ‘To provide a platform for employers, training providers, tertiary education providers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, students etc to meet and network for potential business ‘opportunities, government funding, incentives and financial assistance. Oroanisedby of i TAN CHONG TE: JCAL INSTITUTE (CTECH an adeeb ‘sbsiry of Tn Chong an Chon EARLY BIRD: 2 RM300 REBATE 2 2 [RDF CLAIMABLE. ALL are welcome to visit the exhibition showcasing Public and Private Tertiary Education Providers, Vocational and Training Providers, Learning and Development Products & Services, Awarding Bodies, Government Agencies, Funding bodies, NGOs, Publishers ete EXHIBITOR Access Ht you're looking for a ready-made audience of key decision-makers and buyers then The Asian Skills Summit 2014 is a vital sales ‘opportunity for your business, Just register 9 parti ‘conference, and get your FF bition booth. For companies wishing to participate in the exhibition solely the cost of the ‘exhibition booth is RM800/ booth for 2 days. = MesaParner HISHESSTODLY aly be ducaton Servint Sen Bhd (673162) Driving in construction, mining and foresty operations where you ae required to go offroad requires sk. Great skill when it comes to cficient and fast transporting of large loads without getting bogged down, and without compromising the truck. But doesit require muscles, too? No, not realy. The Volvo FM robust and developed to make driving construction applications easier ‘and safer from the sturdy bumper and advanced stocring to the new comfortable rear suspension. Let us show you what a madem ‘onstruction uc, pace wil innavaine sulubuns abn groundbreaking features, looks he For mote information, call Customer Care Centre 03-5510 $300 or log onto 1 EF] seeteccom/ohaickalalsi Volvo Trucks. ving Progress + e O5 Juiie DRAGON LAKE Dete ©maruman PEOPLE SUCCESS FESTYLE BUSINESSTODAY Se yard benefits to many quarters but does The Budget brings numerous Son NU MUS SRS CUR OM el ta on oe HA MEDIA.btt - Notepat eS File Edit Format Viev og. akudar ahanakmalaysia. net ustaka. akudar tore. akudar ahanakmalay ‘AkuDar ahAnakmalaysia ‘twitter. com/hafizadam ‘outube. com/dicoumaro13 FAIL INI BUKAN UNTUK DIJUAL LAPORKAN PENYELEWENGAN KEPADA akudar ahanakmalaysia@gmai 1. com UCU ELT VA [FJ akudarohonakmalaysia (3 hafizadom TED

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