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National Geofest 2014.

Instructions for Preparing the Full Paper for National Geofest

First Author1, Second Author 2, Third Author 3*

Affiliation, Department / Group, University, Address

Affiliation, Department / Group, University, Address
Affiliation, Department / Group, University, Address

Abstract: In order to ensure uniform style throughout the proceedings of the National Geofest, all the papers need
to be prepared very strictly according to the instructions set in this template. The paper size should be A4 (210mm
x 297 mm). The abstract should be brief and it should consist of only one paragraph giving a concise summary of
the material in the paper below. You can delete the sample text in this template to conveniently replace it with text
of your own contribution to the proceedings. However it is recommended that you keep an initial version of this
file for reference. Please replace the author names (above) affiliations and addresses with your own and co authors
names, affiliations and addresses. Email addresses must be provided as footnotes on the first page as shown.
Keywords: Please provide no more than 5 keywords interspaced with a comma.

1. Introduction
All papers must be written in English. SI-units
should be used. The full paper should not exceed ten (10)
pages. The academic supervisor of each participating
group must submit the groups technical paper together
with his /her completed feedback form by email to
National Geofest Secretariat on or before 3 rd
November 2014 in MS WORD. A hardcopy of the paper
and any substantiating referencing documents, A0 size
poster and model must be brought to the UTHM
preferably on the 5th November evening.
Please set your page size of the technical paper as
standard A4. The top and bottom margins should be set at
3 cm each; Left and right margins at 2 cm each. The
header should be set at 1.5 cm and the footer at 2 cm. The
text should be set in 10 pt Times New Roman with
single line spacing. The title of the paper must be set in
18 pt Times New Roman, boldface, mixed case as in
this template. Sub-headings must be set in 12 pt Times
New Roman boldface [2-5].
Authors names are set in 14 pt Times New Roman
boldface, mixed case. Affiliation details need to be set in
10 pt Times New Roman, mixed case. Figures and Table
captions must also be set in 10 pt Times New Roman
mixed case.

2. Paragraphs, Headings, Equations

All paragraphs must be fully justified. The
Paragraphs must be indented and the body of the paper
(excluding abstract) must be set in two column format as
in this template. Each new paragraph should NOT be
preceded with single-line spacing. However each new
section should be preceded with single-line spacing.
Please preserve the style of the headings, text font
and line spacing in order to provide a uniform style for
the proceedings volume. The equations should be aligned

to left and numbered consecutively as in Eq. (1).

Equation numbers should be aligned to the right margin.
Equation must be set in 11pt Times New Roman /
Symbols as illustrated in the template :

T 2 T c p


Y Vi hi

i hi
c p i 1
c p i 1


References and Figures

Wherever reference is made in the text to an authors
work, the authors name and year of publication must be
cited in the List of References at the end of the text.
However in the text, please adopt the numbering system
as indicated in this guide line.
It is advisable to embed the figures in the text where
they are first cited and to locate them where possible at
the top or bottom of the page as in Fig. 1. Please ensure
that all labels in the figures are legible regardless of
whether they are drawn electronically or manually. The
caption heading for a figure should be placed below the

3. Tables
The tables are best designed to have a uniform style
throughout the paper. Again it is best if tables too are
preferably located at the top or bottom of a page where
they are first cited (see Table 1). The caption heading for
a table should be placed above the table as illustrated

V.K. Sahu et al., Int. J. Of Integrated Engineering Vol. 3 No. 1 (2011) p. 1-4

of the text, before the Appendices. It is preferable not to

have appendices in a brief article.
References with more than three authors must be
reported as in Seiser et al. [7], When two or more
references by the same author are listed, year of
publication is taken into account, and the earliest work is
listed first.

References (examples)

Fig. 1 Computational domain with boundary types.
Table 1 Numerically obtained maximum flame
temperature for different fuel mass fraction and air
temperature at constant strain rate a2=300 s-1 and
adiabatic flame temperature for corresponding reaction.
Fuel mass

Temperature of hot
air T2 (K)



temperature (K)

temperature (K)

4. Use of colours
Since the National Geofest proceedings may be
published in an electronic form, the use of colours in the
figures is free and encouraged. Nonetheless, please be
certain that colour illustrations are meaningful, looks
good and will make sense even in grayscale. All authors
must testify that their tables and figures are their own
works; previously published figures must be source
referenced and needs to be accompanied by a written
permission from the author and publisher. Very large
figures and tables should be placed on a page by
Acknowledgements that you wish to make to funding
bodies etc, may be placed in a separate section at the end

by UTHM Publisher

[1] Agarwal, A.K. Biofuels (alcohols and biodiesel)

applications as fuels for internal combustion engines.
Progress in Energy Combustion science, Volume 33,
(2007), pp. 233-271.
[2] Dunphy, M.P., Patterson, P.M., and Simmie, J.M.
High temperature oxidation of ethanol. Part 2Kinetic modeling. Journal of Chemical Society.
Faraday Transactions, Volume 87, (1991), pp. 25492560.
[3] Egolfopoulos, F.N., Du, D.X., and Law, C.K. A study
on ethanol oxidation kinetics in laminar premixed
flames, flow reactors and shock tubes. Procceeding
of Combustion Institute, Volume 24, (1992), pp. 833841.
[4] Saxena, R., and Williams, F.A. Numerical and
experimental studies of ethanol flames. Proceedings
of Combustion Institute, Volume 31, (2007), pp.
[5] Nortan, T.S., and Dryer, F.L. An Experimental and
modeling study of ethanol oxidation kinetics in an
atmospheric pressure flow reactor. International
Journal of Chemical Kinetics, Volume 24, (1992),
pp. 319-344.
[6] Marinov, N.M. A detailed chemical Kinetic model
for high temperature ethanol oxidation. International
Journal of Chemical Kinetics, Volume 31, (1999),
pp. 183-220.
[7] Seiser R., Humer S., Seshadri K., and Pucher E.
Experimental investigation of methanol and ethanol
flames in non-uniform flows. Proceedings of
Combustion Institute, Volume 31, (2007), pp. 11731180.

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