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Load equalization

In some drive application, load torque fluctuate widely

within short interval of time. Some loads such as
electric hammers, electric presses requires a large
torque for short direction of time and for the rest of
operation the requirement i s negligible. Therefore,
such drives the driving motor require to meet the
peak demand . When an electric motor is to execute
heavy duty job , it will draw large current from the
supply .this motor will draw pulsed current from source.
This will cause power loss and voltage drop in the
system. This voltage fluctuation, affects other loads
connected to the line which will affect the stability of
The problem of fluctuating loads are overcome by
mounting a flywheel on the motor shaft in non
-reversible drives. Motor speed-torque characteristics is
made drooping. By closed loop current control torque is
prevented from exceeding a permissible value . During
high load period, load mo-mr torque will much larger
compare to the motor torque . thus the speed of the
motor decreases since it is unable to meet the
demand . This drop in speed enables the flywheel to
release a part of the KE. This KE along with the energy
received from the supply will meet the load and
required speed is achieved.
During off peak condition, the motor draws, more
energy than required to meet the load demand ie, the
speed of the motor increases beyond its requirement.
This is not a desirable situation . This make energy is

now stored by this flywheel . Therefore the motor

delivers the requisite power to the load and the load
rotate at its desired speed . Hence a motor with much
smaller rating than peak load can be used and peak
current drawn by motor from the source is reduced by a
large amount. Fluctuation in motor torque and speed
are also reduced. This is called load equalization.

(Shape of motors speed-torque curve for fluctuating

loads )

(Variation of motors and load torques and speed for

periodic load)
Assuming a linear motor-speed torque curve in the
region of interest AC
m =mo-(m o - mr / Tr *T)--------------------------------1
mo, mr and tr are no load speed , rated speed and
rated toque, respectively.
Because slow response due to large inertia, motor can
be assumed to be electrical equilbium during transient
operation of the motor lad system . In that case eqn 1
will be applicable for the treansint operation also.
Differentiating 1 and multiplying both sides by J gives.
J dm /dt= -J[mo - mr / Tr ]dT/dt
J(m o - mr / Tr)=m ; mechanical time
constant of this motor
J dm /dt=-m dT/dt

m , is the time required for the motor speed to change

by (mo-mr) when motor torque is maintained constant
at rated value Tr.
We have torque eqn,
T=Tl +J dm/dt -----------------2
T=Tl - m dT/dt------------------3
Consider now a periodic load torque, a cycle of which
consists of one high long period with torque Tlh and
duration Th ,and one light load period with torque Tlh and
duration Tl
For high load period 0tth solution of eqn 3 is
T=Tlh [ 1-e-t/m ]+Tmin . e-t/m
Where Tmin is the motor torque at t=0,which is also the
instant when heavy load Tlh is applied.
If mtor torque at the end of heavy load period is Tmax ,
Tmax =Tlh [ 1- e-th/m ] + Tmin e-tn /m --------------------4
For light load period 0t t


Soln is
T=Tlh( 1-e-t|/m)+Tmax e-t|m
When operating in steady state, motor torque at the
end if a cycle will be the same as the begining of cycle
ie t| = tl and T=Tmin
Tmin=Tlh( 1-e-t|/m)+Tmax e-t|m ---------------------------5
From eqn 4;

=th/loge [Tlh-Tmin/Tlh-Tmax]6

from 5

m =tl/loge[Tmax-Tll/ Tmin- Tll


we have

J= Tr/(mo-mr) *

J= Tr/(mo-mr)* th/loge [Tlh-Tmin/Tlh-Tmax]

J= Tr/(mo-mr)* tl/loge[Tmax-Tll/ TminTll

Moment of interia of the flywheel required J=WR2

W- wt of the fly wheel
R-radius of the fly wheel

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