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There are many theories and researches has been done on Work Stress, This study tends to

examine the relationship between role conflict, role ambiguity and attitudinal outcomes of the
job satisfaction and organizational commitment in an organization Ahmad Usman* Dr.
Zulfiqar Ahmed, Ishfaq Ahmed and Zeeshan Akbar (2011), the purpose of this research
paper is to find out what is the relation between an individuals stress level and his frustration
impact on his job performance Nargis asad and Saqia khan (2003) to find out and compare
level and sources of work stress Seema pervez and Rubina Hanif (2003), the variable we are
going to study in this literature review and the things we are focusing is Role conflict, Behaviour,
Stress, Role ambiguity, and tasks. Other study shows How stress affects employee performance,
managerial responsibility, and consequences high stress Subha Imtiaz and Shakil Ahmad
(2008). These are the factors which are very frequently used in our literature review, because
they are the main variable we are going to study in our review Muhammad Ismail Ramay and
Usman Bashir (2010). The purpose of the study to check the hypothesis that vacation relief
decrease psychological and behavioral strains caused by job stressor Mina westman and Dalia
etzion (2004). Main reasons were identified through which the level of stress was
increased among employees Valerie J Sutherland and Cary L Cooper (1992) Our main
focus is Work stress impact on ones performance at work, describing the variables which are
putting an impact which are creating stressor for one person and how those stressors are putting
an indirect impact on performance at work.
There are many researches have been done on behavior but nobody does anything on the work
stress your get from your tasks. As Valerie J Sutherland and Cary L Cooper (1992) suggested
that the experienced faces more stress and less Job satisfaction and poorer mental health in the
year 1990 as compared to the year 1987. Robert Eisenberger and Robert Huntington,Steven
Hutchison, Debora sowa (1986), have suggested that organizational support has the direct
relation with ones level of stress at work. Yousef, D.A (2002), argued that Role ambiguity and
conflict are negatively related with work stress and organizational commitment. Similarly, as
compare to research has been done by Yousef, D.A (2002), Right after William C. (2003) added
the findings of job stress and stress shows that ambiguity and conflict are negatively related with
organizational commitment by employees. Larson E.A (2004) questioned both the theories
produced and suggested that not just role ambiguity and conflict produces stress but his study
analyze occupational stress and burnout in the banking sector of Pakistan by changing working
pattern, rapid inflation growth and huge tasks creates work stress. On the other hand, Aasia
manzoor, Hadia awan, Sabita marium (2008), there is a negative relationship between work
stress and job performance suggested, which apparently, the same statement given by many
theorists earlier. Seema Pervez and Rubina Hanif (2003), employees of govt organization are
more stressed than employees of private organization, employees with more job experience are
more stressed than those who have not, married employees are more stressed than unmarried
employees. Rubina kazmi, Shela Amjad and Delawar khan (Year 2008) study showed
support for early theories, their study suggested strong support for the hypothesis that there is an
inverse relationship between job performance and job stress indicating that there is high job

stress. While, Muhammad Ismail Ramay and Usman Bashir (2010), supported the theory
given by Rubina kazmi, Shela Amjad and Delawar khan (2008) and argued that the non
payment of overtime and the work timings not just leads to work stress it also leads to
absenteeism and burnout. Lack of span of control over the work environment, low acceptance for
the work done, rigid organizational structure, high unpredictability in job pattern in job,
departmental variation in administrative support, inadequate monetary reward, & personal issues
are causes of rising stress levels in doctors both medical and house officers alike which
ultimately affected their job performance negatively Subha Imtiaz and Shakil Ahmad (2008).
Furthermore, financial cost is also a factor of creating stress at work which affects job
performance as Irene E. Leech, E. Thomas Garman, John E. Grable (1996) stated there are
substantive costs associated with the stresses associated with poor financial behaviors.
Due to low wages the employees of government organizations are more stressed than employees
of private organizations, Due to multiple tasks employees with more job experience are more
stressed than those who have not, married employees are more stressed than unmarried
employees Seema Pervez and Rubina Hanif (2003). Other factors of stress are Role conflict
and ambiguity, which creates hindrance between two people Yousef, D.A (2002). There is an
inverse relation between Work Stress and Job Performance Aasia manzoor, Hadia awan and
Sabita marium (2008), this was also stated by Usman Bashir, Muhammad Ismail Ramay
(2010). Not having a good span of control leads to unmeasured tasks which creates stress on
employees which lowers their job performance, it not just stress them out at work, this also affect
their personal lives as well, Subha Imtiaz and Shakil Ahmad (2008). There is a direct relation
of salaries with job performance Irene E. Leech, E. Thomas Garman, John E. Grable (1996).
Stress will be positively related to turnover intent and pessimists will report higher turnover
intentions than optimists Tracy L. Tutena and Presha E. Neidermeyer (2004). The way work
stress can be removed is implication for creating organizational environment conducive for better
productivity and performance Nargis asad and Saiqa khan (2003). The perceived
organizational support by the employee had attained the role status into self identity and thereby
develop an affective bond with the organization Robert Eisenberger and Robert
Huntington,Steven Hutchison, Debora sowa (1986). The highest Work Stress rate was in the
year of 1990 Valerie J Sutherland, Cary L Cooper (1992). Managers with large span of
controls show more stress Seema pervez and Rubina hanif (2003). The end result of Work
Stress is the stress shows that ambiguity and conflict are negatively related with organizational
commitment by employees William C. (2003). In Pakistan, Banking sector employees has
carrying more stress than any other job Larson E.A (2004).

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