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to this guide on how to get

from the airport to the YMCA Hotel in
Tsim Sha Tsui home of WIDPSC 2015

This guide makes one big assump9on that
you are coming into Terminal 1.
If you are coming in via terminal 2, the best
thing to do is follow the signs and advice to
get to the airport express plaGorm, customer
service centre and go from there. If you are
down to arrive at Terminal 2, please let us
It is really easy to nd your way in from T 1

AIer you land and collect your bags from the carousel go to Arrival
exit B it is the one at the right hand side of the baggage hall. Dont go
to Exit A it is further away from the Airport Express Train you are
about to catch to Kowloon. This is what you will see when you emerge.
If you do go to A walk to the other end to B gate.

You will be met by someone from WIDPSC

2015 at this point. If you look up directly to
your right you will see within metres the
passage to the train.

Find this sign and you are on track.

Follow the Cathay Flight aVendants

You are on the plaGorm in a minute

When on the plaGorm, look to your leI thats where you will be
buying your 9cket at the Customer Service desk. Its a bit of a walk.
Send one rep up there to buy the 9ckets. The best deal is a four pack
for $220 one trip to Kowloon sta9on. Buying singles is the most
expensive, but you might have to do it if the group numbers are odd.

To the customer service centre

Buy your 9ckets and wait for the train. Get on, relax you will be
at Kowloon sta9on in 20 minutes.

You can watch the progress of the

journey on the light show in each


Make sure you get o here

Do not go all the way to Hong Kong thats
the island and you wanna be in Kowloon

Arriving at Kowloon sta9on. You will need your 9cket now to

individually tag o to get through the gates. Presto you will be met
here as well.

You will be tagging your 9cket at these gates to get out

When through the gates, look up and follow the

ShuVle Bus signs to the back right corner

Hit the G buVon and take the liI up to the ShuVle

bus. Follow signs to customer service desk.

Look right then take a leI turn here

from the liI by following the Airport
ShuVle Bus signs

Follow the airport express shuVle bus


You have arrived note K2 to the right

No need to buy anything here the trip

on the bus is free

When at the desk, look up to the right side and

you will see just outside the building a bus route
K2. Thats your chariot to the YMCA and you
are just 15 minutes from home. Jump on!!!

Plenty of luggage space

You will be geang o at the 4th stop. The

Peninsula/Kowloon Hotel stop. This is across
the road from your WIDPSC 2015 home and
slap bang in one of the worlds great
metropolises. Heres a few sights along the

A glimpse of the brilliant HK skyline

The bus trip takes just 15 minutes

First glimpse of the Star Ferry terminal

HK Space Museum next door



When the bus stops here, the following images

are what you should see!! If you dont see these
images, you are in the wrong place! You should
see the back of the Peninsula Hotel as you get
o the bus. And directly ahead of the bus and
across the road on the same side is the YMCA
entrance! Home, sweet home. Power on me
hear9es and check in!! You will be met here as

This is an entrance to one posh joint

note the reec9on of the shuVle bus
in the window

First sigh9ng of the Y to your right

just across the road

In you go!!

Yes you are in the right place!

You have arrived!!! Check in!!!

Let the show begin!!!

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