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21 30 ):
ANCHAL (2K11/EC/021)

2G is short for second generation wireless telephone technology. Second generation
2G cellular telecom networks were commercially launched on the GSM standard in
Finland by Radiolinja (now part of Elisa Oyj) in 1991 . Three primary benefits of 2G
networks over their predecessors were that phone conversations were digitally
encrypted 2G systems were significantly more efficient on the spectrum allowing for
far greater mobile phone penetration levels and 2G introduced data services for
mobile, starting with SMS text messages. 2G technologies enabled the various mobile
phone networks to provide the services such as text messages, picture messages and
MMS (multimedia messages). All text messages sent over 2G are digitally encrypted,
allowing for the transfer of data in such a way that only the intended receiver can
receive and read it. After 2G was launched, the previous mobile telephone systems
were retrospectively dubbed 1G. While radio signals on 1G networks are analog, radio
signals on 2G networks are digital. Both systems use digital signaling to connect the
radio towers (which listen to the handsets) to the rest of the telephone system.2G has
been superseded by newer technologies such as 2.5G, 2.75G, 3G, and 4G however,
2G networks. 2G technologies can be divided into Time Division Multiple Access
(TDMA) based and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)based standards
depending on the type of multiplexing used.

Capacity :
Using digital signals between the handsets and the towers increases system capacity in
two key ways:
Digital voice data can be compressed and multiplexed much more effectively than
analog voice encodings through the use of various codecs, allowing more calls to be
transmitted in same amount of radio bandwidth.The digital systems were designed to
emit less radio power from the handsets. This meant that cells had to be smaller, so
more cells had to be placed in the same amount of space. This was possible because
cell towers and related equipment had become less expensive

Advantages of 2G :
While digital calls tend to be free of static and background noise, the lossy
compression they use reduces their quality, meaning that the range of sound that they
convey is reduced. Talking on a digital cell phone, a caller hears less of the tonality of
someone's voice. Digital systems were embraced by consumers for several reasons.

* The lower powered radio signals require less battery power, so phones last much
longer between charges, and batteries can be smaller.
* The digital voice encoding allowed digital error checking which could increase
sound quality by reducing dynamic and lowering the noise floor.
* The lower power emissions helped address health concerns.
* Going all digital allowed for the introduction of digital data services, such as SMS
and email. A key digital advantage not often mentioned is that digital cellular calls are
much harder to eavesdrop on by use of radio scanners. While the security algorithms
used have proved not to be as secure as initially advertised, 2G phones are immensely
more private than 1G phones, which have no protection whatsoever against

Disadvantages of 2G :
In less populous areas, the weaker digital signal transmitted by a cellular phone may
not be sufficient to reach a cell tower. This tends to be a particular problem on 2G
systems deployed on higher frequencies, but is mostly not a problem on 2G systems
deployed on lower frequencies. National regulations differ greatly among countries
which dictate where 2G can be deployed. Analog has a smooth decay curve, but
digital has a jagged steppy one. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage.
Under good conditions, digital will sound better. Under slightly worse conditions,
analog will experience static, while digital has occasional dropouts. As conditions
worsen, though, digital will start to completely fail, by dropping calls or being
unintelligible, while analog slowly gets worse, generally holding a call longer and
allowing at least some of the audio transmitted to be understood. The downsides of 2G
systems, not often well publicized, are:
* In less populous areas, the weaker digital signal will not be sufficient to reach a cell
* Analog has a smooth decay curve, digital a jagged steppy one. This can be both an
advantage and a disadvantage. Under good conditions, digital will sound better. Under
slightly worse conditions, analog will experience static, while digital has occasional
dropouts. As conditions worsen, though, digital will start to completely fail, by
dropping calls or being unintelligible, while analog slowly gets worse, generally
holding a call longer and allowing at least a few words to get through.
* With analog systems it was possible to have two or more "cloned" handsets that had
the same phone number. This was widely abused for fraudulent purposes. It was,
however, of great advantage in many legitimate situations. One could have a backup

handset in case of damage or loss, a permanently installed handset in a car or remote

workshop, and so on. With digital systems, this is no longer possible, unless the two
handsets are never turned on simultaneously.
* While digital calls tend to be free of static and background noise, the lossy
compression used by the CODECs takes a toll the range of sound that they convey is
reduced. You'll hear less of the tonality of someone's voice talking on a digital
cellphone, but you will hear it more clearly.

2.5G, which stands for "second and a half generation," is a cellular wireless
technology developed in between its predecessor, 2G, and its successor, 3G.
"2.5G" is an informal term, invented solely for marketing purposes, unlike "2G" or
"3G" which are officially defined standards based on those defined by the
International Telecommunication (ITU).The term "2.5G" usually describes a 2G
cellular system combined with General Packet RadioServices (GPRS), or other
services not generally found in 2G or 1G networks.Wireless telecommunication
technology like CDMA200 1x-RTT, Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
(EDGE) or Enhanced General Packet Radio Service (EGPRS), since they have data
transmission rates of 144 kbps or higher, may qualify as 3G technology. However,
they are usually classified as 2.5G technology because they have slower network
speeds than most 3G services. GPRS is a service commonly associated with 2.5G
technology. It has data transmission rates of 28 kbps or higher. GPRS came after the
development of the Global System for Mobile (GSM) service, which is classified as
2G technology, and it was succeeded by the development of the Universal Mobile
Telecommunication Service (UMTS), which is classified as 3G technology.
A 2.5G system may make use of 2G system infrastructure, but it implements a packetswitched network domain in addition to a circuit-switched domain. This does not
necessarily give 2.5G an advantage over 2G in terms of network speed, because
bundling of timeslots is also used for circuit-switched data services (HSCSD).The
services and infrastructure of a 2.5G network may be used on a per-transaction basis
rather than a per-minute-of-use basis, thanks to its packet-switched domain. This
makes its infrastructure more efficient and improves the service delivery. This impetus
is known as the"always-on" capability.
2.5G networks may support services such as WAP, MMS, SMS mobile games, and
search and directory Its a Transition between 2G and 3G, 2G standard was improved
to 2.5G because at that time they needed to improve the standard but was still working
on 3G technology so they made it to 2.5G because 3G was not completed.

Advantages of 2.5G:
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) came alive in 2.5G uses Packet switched
architecture on circuit switched GSM network Speeds up to 114KBPS probably more
EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution) Came alive in 2.5G
<384 inexpensive deployment as it uses existing GPRS infrastructure Obsoletes the
use of TDMA transmission and uses packet switching and circuit switching

3G, short form of third generation, is the third generation of mobile
telecommunications technology.[1] This is based on a set of standards used for mobile
devices and mobile telecommunications use services and networks that comply with
the International Mobile
Telecommunications2000 (IMT2000) specifications by the International
Telecommunication Union.[2] 3G finds application in wireless voice telephony,
mobile Internet access, fixed wireless Internet access, video calls and mobile TV.3G
telecommunication networks support services that provide an information transfer rate
of at least 200 kbit/s. Later 3G releases, often denoted 3.5G and 3.75G, also provide
mobile broadband access of several Mbit/s to smartphones and mobile modems in
laptop computers. This ensures it can be applied to wireless voice telephony, mobile
Internet access, fixed wireless Internet access, video calls
and mobile TV technologies.
A new generation of cellular standards has appeared approximately every tenth year
since 1G systems were introduced in 1981/1982. Each generation is characterized by
new frequency bands, higher data rates and nonbackward compatible transmission
technology. The first 3G networks were introduced in 1998 and fourth generation
"4G" networks in 2008. 3G, short form of third generation, is the third generation of
mobile telecommunications technology.[1] This is based on a set of standards used for
mobile devices and mobile telecommunications use services and networks that comply
with the International Mobile Telecommunications2000 (IMT2000) specifications by
the International Telecommunication Union.[2] 3G finds application in wireless voice
telephony, mobile Internet access, fixed wireless Internet access, video calls and
mobile TV. 3G telecommunication networks support services that provide an
information transfer rate of at least 200 kbit/s. Later 3G releases, often denoted 3.5G
and 3.75G, also provide mobile broadband access of several Mbit/s to smartphones
and mobile modems in laptop computers. This ensures it can be applied to wireless
voice telephony, mobile Internet access, fixed wireless Internet access, video calls and
mobile TV technologies. A new generation of cellular standards has appeared
approximately every tenth year since 1G systems were introduced in 1981/1982. Each
generation is characterized by new frequency bands, higher data rates and non
backward compatible transmission technology. The first 3G networks were introduced
in 1998 and fourth generation "4G" networks in 2008. Several telecommunications
companies market wireless mobile Internet services as 3G, indicating that the
advertised service is providedover a 3G wireless network. Services advertised as 3G
are required to meet IMT2000 technical standards, including standards for reliability
and speed (data transfer rates). To meet the IMT2000 standards, a system is required
to provide peak data rates of at least 200 kbit/s (about 0.2 Mbit/s). However, many
services advertised as 3G provide higher speed than the minimum technical

requirements for a 3G service. Recent 3G releases, often denoted 3.5G and 3.75G, also
provide mobile broadband access of several Mbit/s to smartphones and mobile
modems in laptop computers.3G technology is the result of research and development
work carried out by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in the early
1980s. 3G specifications and standards were developed in fifteen years. The technical
specifications were made available to the public under the name IMT2000.The
communication spectrum between 400 MHz to 3 GHz was allocated for 3G. Both the
government and communication companies approved the 3G standard.[9] The first
precommercial 3G network was launched by NTT DoCoMo in Japan in 1998,[10]
branded as FOMA. It was first available in May 2001 as a prerelease (test) of
WCDMA technology.[11] The first commercial launch of 3G was also by NTT
DoCoMo in Japan on 1 October 2001, although it was initially somewhat limited in
scope broader availability of the system was delayed by apparent concerns over its
reliability.The first European precommercial network was an UMTS network on the
Isle of Man by Manx Telecom, the operator then owned by British Telecom, and the
first commercial network (also UMTS based WCDMA in Europe was opened for
business by Telenor in December 2001 with no commercial handsets and thus no
paying customers. The first network to go commercially live was by SK Telecom in
South Korea on the CDMA based 1xEVDO technology in January 2002. By May
2002 the second South Korean 3G network was by KT on EVDO and thus the South
Koreans were the first to see competition among 3G operators. The first commercial
United States 3G network was by Monet Mobile Networks, on CDMA2000 1x
EVDOtechnology, but this network provider later shut down operations. The second
3G network operator in the USA was Verizon Wireless in July 2002 also on
CDMA20001x EVDO.AT&T Mobility is also a true 3G UMTS network, having
completed its upgrade of the 3G network to HSUPA.

Advantages of 3G:
- Faster Web browsing than 2.5G
- able to download at a high speed of over 2 MBPS
- Targets the following data rate based on micro-cells - 144kbits/s, macro-cells 384kbits/s and pico-cells - 2048kbits/s
Able to watch TV properly and any streaming media
- High efficiency

Disadvantages of 3G:

- Low coverage thus having bottle necks because of the need to have more base
- High Prices for 3g Devices
-Confusion was what standard to use WCDMA or CDMA2000

The original use of mobile phones has been transformed over the last 10 to 15 years.
The advent of different types of higher data rate technologies (like GPRS) began a
shift in revenue from voice to data for telecommunication companies. The growing
demand to be able to use the Internet anywhere, anytime, led to the development of
higher bandwidth technologies, such as WCDMA and WiMAX

4G, short for fourth generation, is the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications
technology, succeeding 3G and preceding 5G. A 4G system, in addition to the usual
voice and other services of 3G, provides mobile broadband Internet access, for
example to laptops with wireless modems, to smartphones, and to other mobile
devices. Potential and current applications include amended mobile web access, IP
telephony, gaming services, high definition mobile TV, video conferencing, 3D
television, and cloud computing. Two 4G candidate systems are commercially
deployed: the Mobile WiMAX standard (first used in South Korea in 2007), and the
first release Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard (in Oslo, Norway and Stockholm,
Sweden since 2009). It has however been debated if these first release versions should
be considered to be 4G or not, as discussed in the technical definition section
below.The nomenclature of the generations generally refers to a change in the
fundamental nature of the service, non backwards compatible transmission
technology, higher peak bit rates, new frequency bands, wider channel frequency
bandwidth in Hertz, and higher capacity for many simultaneous data transfers (higher
system spectral efficiency in bit/second/Hertz/site). New mobile generations have
appeared about every ten years since the first move from 1981 analogue (1G) to digital
(2G) transmission in 1992. This was followed, in 2001, by 3G multimedia support,
spread spectrum transmission and at least 200 kbit/s peak bit rate, in 2011/2012
expected to be followed by "real" 4G, which refers to all Internet Protocol (IP) packet
switched networks giving mobile ultra broadband (gigabit speed) access. While the
ITU has adopted recommendations for technologies that would be used for future
global communications, they do not actually perform the standardization or
development work themselves, instead relying on the work of other standards bodies
such as IEEE, The WiMAX Forum and 3GPP. In the mid1990s, the ITUR
standardization organization released the IMT2000 requirements as a framework for
what standards should be considered 3G systems, requiring 200 kbit/s peak bit rate. In
2008, ITUR specified the IMTAdvanced (International Mobile Telecommunications
Advanced) requirements for 4G systems.
The fastest 3Gbased standard in the UMTS family is the HSPA+ standard, which is
commercially available since 2009 and offers 28 Mbit/s downstream (22 Mbit/s
upstream) without MIMO, i.e. only with one antenna, and in 2011 accelerated up to 42
Mbit/s peak bit rate downstream using either DCHSPA+ (simultaneous use of two 5
MHz UMTS carriers) or 2x2 MIMO. In theory speeds up to 672 Mbit/s are possible,
but have not been deployed yet. The fastest 3Gbased standard in the CDMA2000
family is the EVDO Rev. B, which is available since 2010 and offers 15.67 Mbit/s

downstream. People in society continue to demand quicker and easier access to their
information. As expectations rise from these consumers, providers will continue to try
and upgrade their systems. It seems as if new devices that use wireless networks come
out every month, these consumers will continue to buy them. The answer to these
consumers is using 4G as a widespread wireless standard while providers bolster the
security aspects of their devices. The demand from the wireless society of today has
found its solution to deliver their data as quickly as possible and it is fourth generation

Advantages of 4G:

Quickly download files over a wireless network

Extremely high voice quality
Easily access Internet, IM, Social Networks, streaming media, video
calling, etc.
Higher bandwidth
WiMAX, LTE, and HSPA+ are all versions of 4G, WiMAX is used by
Sprint, LTE is used by Verizon and AT&T, HSPA+ is used by AT&T and
4G is 10 times faster than 3G

Disadvantages of 4G:
New frequencies means new components in cell towers.
Higher data prices for consumers
Consumer is forced to buy a new device to support the 4G
It is impossible to make your current equipment compatible with the 4G
4G is only currently available in certain cities within the United States.

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