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Gathering Lent/Easter 2015

February 18 Ash Wednesday

February 22 Lent 1

Themes for the Sundays of Lent

March 1 Lent 2

March 8 Lent 3


March 15 Lent 4


March 22 Lent 5


March 29 Palm/Passion Sunday


April 2 Maundy Thursday


April 3 Good Friday


April 5 Easter Day


April 12 Second Sunday of Easter


April 19 Third Sunday of Easter


April 26 Fourth Sunday of Easter


May 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter


May 10 Sixth Sunday of Easter


May 14 Ascension (Thursday)


May 17 Seventh Sunday of Easter


February 18 Ash Wednesday

Worship materials for Ash Wednesday were contributed by Juanita Austin of Sicamous
U.C., Sicamous, B.C., and Bari Castle of Zion U.C., Armstrong, B.C.
Joel 2:12, 1217
Return to God with all your heart.
or Isaiah 58:112
The worship that God desires.
Psalm 51:117 (VU pp. 776777)
Put a new heart in me, O God.
Suggestion: Read Psalm 51 using Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness by
Nan C. Merrill (Continuum International Publishing Group, 2009).
2 Corinthians 5:20b6:10
Be reconciled to God.
Suggestion: Begin reading at 5:17.
Matthew 6:16, 1621
Practise your faith in secret.

Instead of a sermon for today, take time to prepare. Following the confessional part
of the United Churchs A Song of Faith, invite people into a time of silence to search
their hearts and be aware of what they want to repent of/let go of/ make holy space
for on their Lenten journey. Then invite people, after the prayer of confession, to
literally take steps in that Lenten journey by offering a walking meditation around the
perimeter of the sanctuary or a labyrinth walk. Or write your prayers for the world/
others/self on dried palm leaves, burn them, and, when cooled, mark yourself with
the prayers of the world.

To Ponder
What role, if any, has Ash Wednesday played in your spiritual journey? Why or why

With Children
Depending on how many children you expect or dont expect for Ash Wednesday, you
may want to combine Shrove Tuesday with an Ash Wednesday exercise. Box the
Hallelujahs until Easter Sunday. Or, if Ash Wednesday is a non-starter, combine it
with the First Sunday of Lent, offering a time during the service for people to take
part in the imposition of ashes or to sit in attentive silence while a few musicians
play/sing To the desert Jesus came (VU 113). If you want to use the symbol of
ashes as a symbol of renewal, you might want to make a comparison with a phoenix
rising from the ashes. (Children will know about the mythical bird from the Harry
Potter stories.)

Sermon Starter
A Small Mutiny (a note from the contributors)
As we talked together about Ash Wednesday, we discovered a mutual discomfort/
aversion to some practices associated with Ash Wednesday, e.g., St. Jerome said that
women could be Christians if they put themselves in sackcloth and ashes. Hopefully,
weve moved beyond that. However, it doesnt get much better if you read Psalm
51:5, which in some versions reads and in sin did my mother conceive me, or for
that matter, if you read the Matthew 6 passage that urges you to practise your faith in
secret and then go out wearing the most obvious visual display of Christianitya cross
smeared on the forehead. Remember the phrase You are dust and to dust you shall
return. It is part of Gods punishment to Adam and Eve for the sin of disobedience. Is
that what we want to emphasize at the beginning of Lent? That being said, we did
think of some ways that this day could mark the transition into the season of Lent.

VU 107
MV 78
MV 79
MV 91

Sundays palms are Wednesdays ashes

God weeps
Spirit, open my heart
Cradle me in your arms

Joel 2:12, 1217

MV 85
Take, O take me as I am
Psalm 51:117 (VU p. 776777)
Create in me a clean heart by Jim Strathdee in New Wine, vol. 1 (The United
Methodist Board of Education, 1969)
2 Corinthians 5:20b6:10
MV 115
Behold, behold, I make all things new
Matthew 6:16, 1621
VU 959
Our Father in heaven
MV 82
Bathe me in your light
MV 84
In you there is a refuge
MV 85
Take, O take me as I am

February 22 Lent 1
Worship materials for the Sundays of Lent were contributed by Elaine Bidgood Sveet,
First Presbyterian Church, Moorhead, Minn. See page 6 for her two-track theme for
the five Sundays.
Genesis 9:817
The covenant between God and Noah.
Psalm 25:110 (VU p. 752)
Lead me in your truth, O God.
1 Peter 3:1822
Baptism now saves you.
Mark 1:915
The baptism, temptation, and mission of Jesus.

(See page 6 for ideas for Lent 1.)

To Ponder
What does it mean for you to count on Godin good times and in difficult times?

With Children
Covenant Theme: Ask What is a promise? Did you know God made lots of special
promises? Retell Genesis 9 sharing pictures from a preschool Bible. Share God can
be counted on to keep promises. Begin building your Lenten banner together.
Prayer: Thank you, God, for all your good promises. I love that I can count on you.
Saviour Theme: Lent is a time when we try to get super-close to God, but there can
be obstacles. Have one child demonstrate three poses: (1) arms folded, elbows up,
and a pouting face; (2) arms straight out, palms held in a stop position, and an
angry face; (3) smiling face and arms open ready to receive a hug. Another child tries
to hug the first child in each pose. In Lent we try to be aware and get rid of obstacles
(sins) so we can be close again and return to God.
Prayer: Thank you, God, for loving me even when I make it difficult. Prepare me to
grow to love and serve you, as much as you love me. Amen.

Sermon Starter
Covenant Theme
Title: Will God Forget? or Without the Rainbow
The rainbow is not just a reminder for us but for God, too, of an everlasting covenant.
What a relief that God will not forget us or lose patience with us! We are safe. God
will not give up on us. Since Gods covenant/promise is with all living creatures, how
should we respectfully live with all creation?
Saviour Theme
Title: Preparing Jesus
Jesus is baptized, tempted, and begins sharing the Good News of God after Johns
arrest. These events prepare Jesus to begin his full service to God as teacher, healer,
and saviour. What events in the life of your congregation have prepared them as
individuals and as a church family to serve God fully? There is no diploma given or
graduation ceremony with pomp and circumstance, yet God equips us through
experiences for the work God has ahead.

Genesis 9:817

VU 218
VU 322
MV 165

We praise you, O God

O God, whose first creative word
There is a time

Psalm 25:110 (VU p. 752)

VU 217
All creatures of our God and King
Lift every voice and sing J. W. Johnson/R. Johnson, in Glory to God Hymnal*
1 Peter 3:1822
VU 635
All the way my Saviour leads me
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling W. L. Thompson in Glory to God Hymnal*
Mark 1:915
VU 99
Christ, when for us you were baptized
MV 65
When we are tested
Lord, who throughout these forty days C. F. I. Hernaman in Glory to God Hymnal*
VU 108

Throughout these Lenten days and nights

*Glory to God Hymnal (Presbyterian Church USA 2013)

Themes for the Sundays of Lent

For the Season of Lent, Elaine Bidgood Sveet of First Presbyterian Church, Moorhead,
Minn., who worked on the worship materials for all five Sundays of Lent, has provided
both a Hebrew scripture track on the theme of Covenant and a Gospel track on the
theme of Saviour.

Lent 1: Invite children to colour small, double-sided, rainbow pictures. Tape them on
any glass surfaces or hang on fishing wire in the sanctuary.
Lent 2: If your church regularly uses name tags, replace them with blank ones today.
Then invite people to give each other new names for the day, writing them on name
tags. Or the words Get Behind Me could be displayed, e.g., choir members could
each sport one large letter. Or a signed contract between Jesus and God could be
Lent 3: Display pictures of the Ten Commandments in the sanctuary or consider
purchasing a new piece of commandment art. Or position a whip across an upsidedown table.
Lent 4: Wrap a brown rubber snake around a cross, maybe even your communion
table cross if you have one. Or hang numerous hearts (purchased or handmade)
around the sanctuary. Consider asking people who are shut in or in nursing homes to
colour double-sided hearts and sign them. Gods love extends to those who are not in
your sanctuary this morning, too.
Lent 5: Add to the heart idea from Lent 4. Or display a large photograph of grain
bending in the wind. Or hang a superhero cape sporting the letter J, symbolizing the
strength and power of Jesus.

(all image ideas found at
Lent 1: Rainbow images or a cartoon about preparation.
Lent 2: Abrahams covenant images or images of things that symbolize commitment,
e.g., a dandelion.
Lent 3: Commandment images or Jesus at the temple.
Lent 4: Bronze snake images or John 3:16 images.
Lent 5: Search for Jeremiah 31:33 images to find something beautiful to show while
the sermon is taking place, or use cross images.

Begin with purple fabric on the bottom of the banner on which a phrase has been
added, either The Strength of Covenant or The Strength of Our Saviour, depending
on your chosen Lenten focus. Build the banner from the bottom up, adding a new
piece each Sunday, possibly during Childrens Time.
Covenant Banner
Lent 1: Add a rainbow.
Lent 2: Add a blank name tag above the rainbow.
Lent 3: Add the Ten Commandment tablets.
Lent 4: Add a bronze snake wrapped around a cross.
Lent 5: Add a heart with God written on it.
Saviour Banner
Lent 1: Add the word Prepare, shaped like praying hands.
Lent 2: Above Prepare, add a person with arms outstretched forming a cross.
Lent 3: Add an upside-down table.
Lent 4: Add a heart.
Lent 5: Add a hero cape with a letter J or grain bending.
Note: For Palm Sunday and Good Friday, palm branches and a crown of thorns could
be added to the top of either banner.

March 1 Lent 2
Genesis 17:17, 1516
The covenant between Abram, Sarai, and God.
Psalm 22:2331 (VU p. 7

, Parts Three and Four)

You have not hidden your face, O God.
Romans 4:1325
Gods promise rests on grace and faith.
Mark 8:3138
Those who lose their life for the gospel will save it.

(See page 6 for ideas for Lent 2.)

To Ponder
What significance does your name have for you? If God were to give you a new name,
what might it be and why?

With Children
Covenant Theme: Today I am giving you each new names. Have name tags
prepared with names that do not include the names of the children, or go with odd
names like the names of colours, numbers, or places. Give yourself a new name tag,
too. Does a new name feel strange or exciting? Talk about Abram and Sarai and their
new names.
Prayer: Thank you, God, for the name you gave me. Thank you for leading me each
day like you led Abram and Sarai. Amen.
Saviour Theme: Jesus had to do a hard thing. He tried to tell his disciples about it,
and Peter tried to talk Jesus out of it. This made Jesus angry. Jesus wanted no one to
get in the way of what God was leading him to do. Read aloud Mark 8:33. Have the
children join you as you sweep imaginary Peters out of each of your ways with your
Prayer: Loving God, give me the power to push back against obstacles on my path to
you. With you, God, I am very strong. Amen.

Covenant Theme
Title: New Business Cards
What if you were suddenly given a new name? Perhaps you have had a name change
in your life, e.g., a new last name or the addition of a professional title, such as
professor or captain. What possibilities are there for new names for your church as it
prepares for this next chapter in its life? Help your congregation consider what it
might mean to receive a new name at the beginning of a new adventure.
Saviour Theme
Title: All In
How much are you willing to demand of others? What does your church require of new
members? What is the risk of high standards or big requests? To what are you fully
committed? What obstacles need to be pushed away to be your most faithful self or
church? What practices help you keep your mind set on divine things (e.g., regular
worship, prayer, spiritual friends, religious music, faith-based books, mission trips)?

Genesis 17:17, 1516
VU 288
Great is thy faithfulness
VU 634
To Abraham and Sarah
MV 161
I have called you by your name
Psalm 22:2331 (VU p. 746, Parts Three and Four)
Romans 4:1325
MV 99
Stand, O stand firm
Standing on the promises K. Carter in Glory to God Hymnal*
Mark 8:3138
VU 120
O Jesus, I have promised
VU 405
New every morning
VU 561
Take up your cross
VU 581
When we are living
VU 582
Theres a spirit in the air
For everyone born S. E. Murray/B. Mann in Glory to God Hymnal*
*Glory to God Hymnal (Presbyterian Church USA 2013)

March 8 Lent 3
Exodus 20:117
The Ten Commandments.
Psalm 19 (VU pp. 740741)
The heavens declare the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 1:1825
Gods foolishness is wiser than human wisdom.
John 2:1322
Jesus clears the temple.

(See page 6 for ideas for Lent 3.)

To Ponder
If you were to write 10 commandments for your life, for your church, what would they

With Children
Covenant Theme: Show on a screen (for the congregation) or on an iPad/laptop (for
the children) a video that features a song about the Ten Commandments (e.g., Have children help you remember the Ten
Commandments. Hand out commandment bookmarks, such as the free downloadable
bookmark at
Prayer: Holy God, make us wise to follow your commandments. Help us to make
you first in our lives, so we can live at our best. Amen.
Saviour Theme: Sometimes, Jesus did surprising things. One day, Jesus made a big
mess in the church! He came in and found people selling all sorts of things, and some
were cheating, too. Jesus wanted the people to be focused on God and worship, so
right there he made a whip and pushed the people, sheep, and cattle out. He poured
their money all over the floor and flipped their tables upside down! Wow! Have a
bunch of little toy tables and let kids take turns retelling the story and saying what
they think Jesus shouted while overturning tables.
Prayer: Loving God, your church is important to you. Make it important to me, too.

Covenant Theme
Title: I Live By
What words do you live by? Are there quotes, mantras, or basic rules of kindness that
structure your life or function as goals? (e.g., My word is my bond. If you cant say
something nice, dont say anything at all.) How do the Ten Commandments impact
how you live your life? How would your community look if everyone lived by these
rules and local laws reflected them?
Saviour Theme
Title: Flaming Mad
Anger is not a sin. What examples of righteous anger do you see evident in current
events? What political figures or other individuals have you known to exhibit righteous
passion for a just cause? If Jesus arrived today in your church, what might make him
upset? What is worth getting angry about? How can passion be funnelled into
productivity for our God?


Exodus 20:117
VU 274
Your hand, O God, has guided
VU 642
Be thou my vision
Psalm 19 (VU pp. 740741)
Your law, O Lord, is perfect K. Landis/M. Vulpius in Glory to God Hymnal*
1 Corinthians 1:1825
VU 589
Lord, speak to me
VU 657
He leadeth me
VU 686
God of grace and God of glory
John 2:1322
VU 117
Jesus Christ is waiting
VU 584
Through the heart of every city
VU 605
Jesus, teacher, brave and bold
Christ Be Beside Me J. Quinn/D. Grotenhuis in Glory to God Hymnal*
VU 109
VU 672

Now quit your care

Take time to be holy

*Glory to God Hymnal (Presbyterian Church USA 2013)

March 15 Lent 4
Numbers 21:49
A bronze serpent heals the people.
Psalm 107:13, 1722 (VU p. 831, Parts One and Two)
Gods steadfast love endures forever.
Ephesians 2:110
We are not saved by our own doing, but by grace.
John 3:1421
For God so loved the world.

(See page 6 for ideas for Lent 4.)

To Ponder
What has been your most powerful experience of Gods healing love?

With Children
Covenant Theme: Talk about the long trip the Israelites were making and discuss
why they were complaining. God and the people were getting frustrated with one
another. God was so frustrated that he sent snakes that bit and made the people very
sick. Then God changed Gods mind and told Moses to make a bronze snake: if the
people looked at it, they would be healed. Have the children help wrap a toy snake
around a cross. Our God is very surprising and very powerful.
Prayer: Loving God, thank you for all of your creatures, even snakes. Help me to
obey you and trust your forgiveness. Help me to forgive others, too. Amen.
Saviour Theme: Have on hand a globe. Give each child a heart sticker and invite
them to place it on the globe as a symbol of the love each offers. Talk about how
their love is important, how it is needed. Then ask them to help you add one more
heart. Bring out a giant heart that covers the whole globe. Tell them that this is Gods
love and that it covers the world. Read John 3:16.
Prayer: Great God, love is easy to say and simple to spell: L O V E. Love can be
trickier to live. Help me to cover your world with love. Amen.

Covenant Theme
Title: Yikes! Snakes!
Review other snake stories from scripture. Share an example of when frustration has
driven you or someone you know to outrageous action. What changes ones mind?
Could Gods wrath rage again? Why or why not?
Saviour Theme
Title: God Loves the World This Much
The word love appears 538 times in the Bible (NRSV). Made in the image of God,
how often does love appear in your life? If the story of your life, or the story of this
congregation, was written down, how many concrete examples of love in action could
be highlighted? What does sacrificial love mean to you? Where do you see that depth
of love shown in current events?

Numbers 21:49
VU 112
O God, how we have wandered
VU 633
Bless now, O God, the journey
VU 651
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah

Psalm 107:13, 1722 (VU p. 831, Parts One and Two)

VU 316
Praise our Maker
Ephesians 2:110
VU 559
Come, O Fount of every blessing
In an age of twisted values M. E. Leckebusch/A. V. Fedak in Glory to God Hymnal*
John 3:1421
VU 574
Come, let us sing of a wonderful love
MV 20
God of still waiting
MV 64
Because you came (exclude v. 5)
MV 183
Im gonna shout, shout
VU 665

Pass me not, O gentle Saviour

*Glory to God Hymnal (Presbyterian Church USA 2013)

March 22 Lent 5
Jeremiah 31:3134
I will write [my law] on their hearts.
Psalm 51:112 (VU pp. 776777)
Put a new heart in me, O God.
or Psalm 119:916 (VU pp. 838839)
Finding joy in Gods commandments.
Hebrews 5:510
Christ did not glorify himself; rather he suffered.
John 12:2033
Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth.

(See page 6 for ideas for Lent 5.)

To Ponder
What has been your Lenten journey this year, planned or unplanned?

With Children
Covenant Theme: Use inked heart stampers to mark each childs hand. Read aloud
I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts (Jeremiah 31:33b).
Invite the children to repeat the words. Invite them to count on their fingers as
together you remember the Ten Commandments from two weeks ago.
Prayer: God of great promises, thank you for forgetting my mistakes. I am thankful
you are my God who loves me. Remember me always. Amen.
Saviour Theme: When we began Lent, we said we hoped to get closer to God. We
wanted to remove any obstacles. Remind the children of the poses that were acted
out by children during Childrens Time on Lent 1. When Jesus drew near to the time
he would die, he said to his disciples, Now my soul is troubled. And what should I
sayFather, save me from this hour? No, it is for this reason that I have come to
this hour (John 12:27). Doing what God wanted would be tough, but Jesus had great
courage and great love. Who do you know who is courageous? Show a superhero
figure or picture. Jesus was more courageous than any superhero. He gave his life so
we could live with forgiveness and eternal life. Create badges that read Jesus Is My
Prayer: Loving God, thank you for the courage of Jesus. Make me strong, too, so I
will follow you all the days of my life. Amen.

Sermon Starter
Covenant Theme
Title: Permanent Marker
Share or invite stories about a child drawing with permanent marker on something
they shouldnt. Link such stories to the permanent mark God requests in Jeremiah. It
is irremovable. In baptism, we talk about being marked as Gods forever. What great
love is demonstrated that even after a broken covenant, God chooses to forget sin
and make a new covenant!
Saviour Theme
Title: Closer Still
Jesus resolve is strong. He will not ask to be saved from this suffering, although he
could. How does this deepen ones comprehension of Jesus sacrifice when we
understand it as something chosen? Are there sacrifices of time, talent, or treasures
witnessed in your congregation? What examples of such devotion could be celebrated?

Jeremiah 31:3134
VU 509
I, the Lord of sea and sky
MV 106
I am the dream
The God of Abraham praise M. Maimonides/M. Lyon & T. Olivers in Glory to God
O God, who gives us life C. P. Daw Jr./ A. S. Sullivan in Glory to God Hymnal*
Psalm 51:112 (VU pp. 776777)
or Psalm 119:916 (VU pp. 838839)
I long for your commandments J. Janzen/H. Schutz in Glory to God Hymnal*
Create in me a clean heart J. M. Capers in Glory to God Hymnal*
Hebrews 5:510
VU 138
Ah, holy Jesus
VU 282
Long before the night
John 12:2033
VU 506
Take my life and let it be
MV 18
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
MV 125
When a grain of wheat
*Glory to God Hymnal (Presbyterian Church USA 2013)

March 29 Palm/Passion Sunday

Worship materials for Holy Week were contributed by Juanita Austin, Sicamous U.C.,
Sicamous, B.C., and Bari Castle, Zion U.C., Armstrong, B.C.
Liturgy of Palms
Mark 11:111
or John 12:1216
Jesus joyful entry into Jerusalem.
Psalm 118:12, 1929 (VU p. 837, Parts One, Three, and Four)
The stone that the builders rejected.
Liturgy of the Passion
Isaiah 50:49a
The servant: I gave my back to those who struck me, and my cheeks
Psalm 31:916 (VU p. 758, Parts Two and Three)
My times are in your hands, O God.
Philippians 2:511
Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.
Suggest reading verses 113.
Mark 14:115:47
The narrative of Jesus final hours.

Have the palm parade, but use local palm branchescedar boughs, pussy willows,
daffodils, dandelions, and so on.

To Ponder
If you were to welcome Jesus into your home, what words and actions would you use?

With Children
Encourage children to be part of the palm parade. Use David Kais A Holy Week
Broadcast drama in Staging the Story, Sally Armour Wotton (ed.) (UCPH, 1998). It
is an effective dramaeither for three actors or for a cast of thousandsand can
include communion. Or for story time, gather some crowd props, such as a Welcome
sign, a big foam finger, a cowbell, a flag, and a camera. Imagine that you are in a
big crowd ranged along a street, and that you are waiting for someone to arrive
someone really important, a hero. Can you think of any heroes? Who might we call a
hero? For whom would we wait by the road for a chance to see them go by? Ask the
children for their ideas. If the hero we were expecting were (name of hockey player),
what would the crowd carry? A team jersey to wear or wave? A big foam finger? If the
hero we were expecting were (someone a child has mentioned), what would the crowd
carry? A welcome sign? A flag? Cameras?
The people in Jerusalem on that day long ago were expecting a hero. Jesus was their
hero. They thought he would race into town and fix everything that was wrong. But he
didnt race. He rode in on a donkey. And he sure didnt look like Superman or
Ironman or any hero they might have imagined. But still, they were overjoyed that he
was here! What did the crowd carry that day? (palms, cloaks) And what did the crowd
call out when they saw him? Yippee? Yee-haw? Hooray? Yes! But they called out a
word in their own language that meant Yippee, Yee-haw, and Hooray. They called out
Hosanna! Lets do a chant to show how happy the crowd was that Jesus had arrived:
Ho- ho- ho- hosanna!
In my ha- ha- ha- ha heart.
He he he he comes to us!
Sing praises! Hosanna!

by Bari Castle, Zion U.C., Armstrong, B.C.

Sermon Starter
If you are going to read the Passion narrative, you dont need a sermon, but you may
add some vignette reflections. Check out If Lifes a Party (page 68 in Gathering
Lent/Easter, 2015), which is based on Matthew but could be tweaked for Markafter
the spilling of the perfume and the anointing of Jesus feet, the reflector could talk
about the scent of perfume still in the air and the turmoil the womans actions caused,
and wonder aloud what great treasure he or she would sacrifice to honour someone
they loved. Or wonder aloud, What is the greatest gift someone has given you?

Mark 11:111 or John 12:1216
VU 122
All glory, laud and honour
VU 123
Hosanna, loud hosanna
MV 128
When they heard that Jesus was coming
Psalm 118:12, 1929 (VU p. 837, Parts One, Three, and Four)
VU 412
This is the day
MV 8
And on this path
Isaiah 50:49a
MV 92
Like a rock
MV 96
And when you call for me
Psalm 31:916 (VU p. 758, Parts Two and Three)
MV 73
O God, why are you silent
MV 78
God weeps
Philippians 2:511
MV 47
Born in human likeness
Mark 14:115:47
VU 121
Tree of Life and awesome mystery
VU 132
Bitter was the night
VU 137
The Love that clothes itself in light (by choir or quartet)
VU 142
Jesus, keep me near the cross
VU 601
The church of Christ in every age

April 2 Maundy Thursday

Exodus 12:14, (510), 1114
Instructions for the first Passover.
Psalm 116:12, 1219 (VU p. 836)
How can I repay you, O God?
1 Corinthians 11:2326
An account of the Last Supper.
John 13:117, 31b35
Jesus washes the disciples feet.

To Ponder
The psalmist asks, How can I repay you, God? For what would you wish to repay

A Dinner Communion for All Ages

Before the meal, place crayons and a large sheet of paper with one of the following
questions on each table for people to answer during supper.
Remember together as many stories as you can of how God has acted in
human historystories from both the Bible and life. List these stories.
Remember and talk about the life of Jesus. What events and stories of his life
stand out in your memory? List them.
Talk about all the gifts God has given you, and the world. Remember all that
God has done in your life. List these gifts.
The papers can be gathered before communion for the presiders to read aloud, or left
on the tables for each group to share during the liturgy. Place bread and a cup for
communion on each table.

The Eucharistic Prayer

God be with you.
And also with you.
Open your hearts.
We turn our hearts to God.
Let us give thanks to the God of all our days.
We will give God thanks and praise.
This is a night that we gather together around tables, sharing a meal just as Jesus did
with his friends and followers on that Passover night long ago.
This is a night for remembering.
We remember when a stuffy upper room was transformed into a sacred space where
Jesus celebrated the great works of God in human history.
They shared the story together, just as we do.
We remember. (Share the insights from question 1.)
Tonight we remember the works of the living God! Let us sing!
Sung response: You are holy (a setting of the Sanctus) (MV 45)
This is a night for remembering.
We remember Jesus, who lived among us, who has shown us who we are and whose
we are, and who continues to show us the way to be children of God in our own time
and place.
We remember. (Share the insights from question 2.)
Tonight we remember the life and works of Jesus! Let us sing!
Sung response: Christ has died (such as Memorial Acclamation VU p. 942)
And so we remember how Christ took bread from the table, blessed it and broke it,
and shared it around the table saying, Eat and remember.
And so we remember how Christ took a cup from the table, gave thanks, and shared
it with his friends and followers saying, Drink and remember.
(Offer prayers for Gods spirit to bless the meal, share in the Lords Prayer, and then
let communion be served. The people can stay at their tables and serve one another
in a reverent yet casual manner, or come forward to a central space in their table

Let each of us look into our hearts, picture God however we picture God to be, and
God, we thank you for our memories, and for the memories of all the people along
the way who have shared the story of God and the life of Jesus with us so that we can
remember and share the stories with each other. We thank you for all the gifts you
have given us. We remember and give thanks for
(Share the insights from question 3.)
Amen! Let us sing.
Sung response: If our God had simply saved us (Do a circle dance as you sing.)
(VU 131)

Exodus 12:14, (510), 1114
VU 131
If our God had simply saved us
Psalm 116:12, 1219 (VU p. 836)
VU 651
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
1 Corinthians 11:2326
VU 458
Christ, let us come with you
MV 195
Long ago and far away
MV 202
Bread for the journey
John 13:117, 31b35
VU 130
An upper room did our Lord prepare
VU 593
Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love
VU 595
We are pilgrims
MV 172
God says
MV 196
We will take what you offer

April 3 Good Friday

Isaiah 52:1353:12
The servant is despised, suffering, acquainted with infirmity.
Psalm 22 (VU pp. 743746)
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Hebrews 10:1625
Let us approach God with a true heart.
or Hebrews 4:1416; 5:79
Jesus the high priest.
John 18:119:42
The betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion of Jesus.

Use Good Friday as an opportunity to offer a Taiz styled service. See music
suggestions below.

To Ponder
For what might God be weeping today?

With Children
Make a tomb. It could be made with papier mch or clay, or be one you might
transform into a garden tomb.

Sermon Starter
Good Friday is one of those services where less can be more, and although the
Passion story will speak for itself, here are two ideas:
Several years ago, when Good Friday and Earth Day fell on the same day, the
two-themed day lent itself to a tag-team sermon comparing the crucifixion of Jesus
with the destruction of our planet, asking the question, Why do we destroy that which
gives us life?
Share The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ According to St. Thomas in
Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim by Edward Hays (Forest of Peace Publishing, 1989),
pp. 166167.

For a Taiz styled service
VU 144
Were you there
VU 411
O God we call
VU 948
O God, hear my prayer
MV 67
Kyrie eleison
MV 170
Ubi caritas
Isaiah 52:1353:12
VU 137
The Love that clothes itself in light
VU 141
They crucified my Lord
VU 143
My song is love unknown
Psalm 22 (VU pp. 743746)
VU 154
Why has God forsaken me
MV 73
O God, why are you silent
Hebrews 10:1625
VU 559
Come, O Fount of every blessing
John 18:119:42
VU 121
Tree of Life and awesome mystery
MV 78
God weeps

April 5 Easter Day

Acts 10:3443
Peter preaches, God shows no partiality.
or Isaiah 25:69
God provides a rich feast.
Psalm 118:12, 1424 (VU p. 837, Parts One, Two, and Three)
God is my strength and my song.
1 Corinthians 15:111
An account of Jesus resurrection appearances.
John 20:118
or Mark 16:18
The resurrected Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene.

Begin the service with the sanctuary as dark and as barren as possible, and a solo
voice singing When the Son of God was dying (VU 153). As the song ends, have
someone come running in shouting, Let me through! Ive got good news. Hes not
there. Hes not in the tomb. He has risen. Christ is risen. All say, Christ is risen
indeed. Then all burst into the hymn Jesus Christ is risen today (VU 155) (see
page 50 of Gathering, Lent/Easter 2015 for alternative words by Juanita Austin). As
people sing, transform the worship space with a procession of flowers used to decorate
the empty tomb, or grace the worship space in some other lovely way.

To Ponder
What stone has been rolled away, or what stone would you like rolled away, in your

With Children
Beforehand, make a tomb (see With Children for Good Friday). Gather the children
around the tomb. Share the Easter morning story to the point of the discovery of the
open tomb. Together, roll the stone away from the tomb entrance. What is inside?
Nothing! He is risen! Give the children small rocks to hand out to the congregation. As
each person holds a rock in their hands, ask them to think about what burdens the
world. How is the world hurting? What burdens are people carrying? How are people
needing help? What heavy load are you carrying? What worries you? Scares you? What
are you doing that you need to stop doing? How shall you let it go? Invite everyone to
come to the tomb, the place where the stone was rolled away forever, and place their
rock there as a symbol of release and letting go.

Sermon Starter
In Johns tomb story, the unnamed disciple peeks in and sees linen wrappings; Peter
barges in and sees the cloth that had been on Jesus head, separate from the
wrappings. Mary looks in and sees two angels, then a third figure whom she supposes
to be the gardener. Do you believe something because you see it, or do you see it
because you believe it? Mary didnt expect to see Jesus, so she didnt until he spoke
her name with love. There is a beautiful saying attributed simply to a child. It reads
When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that
your name is safe in their mouth. Western Christianity paints pictures of Jesus
standing alone in triumphant splendour on Easter Sunday, perhaps a reflection of our
individualist society. In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, Jesus is not alone in
resurrection, but extends his hands, lifting up a man and woman to show that he lifts
all of humanity to new life with him. When Mary sees the angels in the tomb, was she
getting a glimpse of new life in Christ for all?

Acts 10:3443

VU 606

In Christ there is no east or west

Psalm 118:12, 1424

(VU p. 837, Parts One, Two, and Three)
1 Corinthians 15:111
VU 159
The strife is oer
John 20:118 or Mark 16:18
Choose favourites from VU 155 to VU 187
VU 703
In the bulb there is a flower
O When the Saints (traditional) with additional verses:
2. When hope beginsto rise again
3. And when new lifeshall come to all
MV 8
And on this path
MV 121
Hey now! Singing hallelujah!
MV 171
Christ has no body now but yours

April 12 Second Sunday of Easter

Worship materials for the Second Sunday of Easter to the Fifth Sunday of Easter were
contributed by Bill Steadman, St. Andrews U.C., Sudbury, Ont., and Kathleen King
Martin, First U.C., Waterloo, Ont.
Acts 4:3235
The believers shared everything they had, and no one was in need.
Psalm 133 (VU p. 856)
The blessing of living together in unity.
1 John 1:12:2
Message to share: God is light, a source of forgiveness.
John 20:1931
Jesus appears to disciples (with a special appearance to Thomas).

The common thread in these scriptures is the power of shared experience, shared
faith, shared sightings of Jesus, shared property, shared spiritual support. In a culture
where we talk a lot about self-sufficiency and making sure we have enough for
ourselves, this viewpoint is countercultural. Invite people to tell their stories of how
they have relied on others for encouragement and support.

To Ponder
What is your experience of light and dark? When has light been difficult and dark been

With Children
The Bible tells us that the earliest Christians shared everything. What would it be like
to share everything in your house? I bet you share lots of things already: towels,
dishes, rugs, furniture, light. Maybe some even share a bed with a brother or sister, or
a desk or table at which to do homework. What would it be like if you had to share
everything? Even toothbrushes? It might seem hard to share everything, but we do
share all of the earth with other people; and all of the air in the sky we share as well.
None of it do we own ourselves. We share lakes, oceans, mountains, sun, and moon.
We all can enjoy those things. What else could we share that maybe we havent
shared before, so that everyone can enjoy life?

Sermon Starter
Canadians yearn for the season of spring with budding trees and sun-warmed earth.
The sun is a powerful source of heat and light for us all. When we read about God as
light in 1 John, do you think of the sun or a candle or a bright floodlight? Why? A
single candle in a trailer at a northern bush camp has the power to bring comfort and
clarity even on a cloudy night, while four candles allow one to read a book or play a
board game. Hear the birds before dawn? They sense that light is about to break in
the sky and herald the suns arrival. Then that dawning light transforms the sky. It is
the same when a stranger offers a word of encouragement at a time when you are
facing a hardship. Or when a loved one has died and a treasured friend travels
halfway across the country simply to say, I am here to be with you because I care.
Or when you let in the winning goal in a soccer game, and a teammate offers the
assurance Thanks for being a part of our team. Gods light is sometimes shown to
us through those around us, so that the shadows and difficulties lose their power.

Acts 4:3235
VU 601
The church of Christ in every age
MV 154
Deep in our hearts
Psalm 133 (VU p. 856)

VU 402
VU 602
MV 141

We are one
Blest be the tie that binds
We are all one people

1 John 1:12:2
VU 79
Arise, your light is come
VU 87
I am the light of the world
MV 82
Bathe me in your light
John 20:1931
VU 170
O sons and daughters, let us sing
(see verses on opposite page in Voices United)
VU 173
Thine is the glory
VU 185
You tell me that the Lord is risen
VU 635
All the way my Saviour leads me
VU 168
VU 169
VU 175
VU 396
MV 121

The risen Christ

Good Christians all, rejoice and sing
This is the day that God has made
Jesus, stand among us
Hey now! Singing hallelujah!

April 19 Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday Closest to Earth Day
Acts 3:1219
Peter explains the power of Jesus after healing a crippled man.
Psalm 4 (VU p. 727)
The psalmist seeks Gods presence in all times.
1 John 3:17
We are all children of God.
Luke 24:36b48
Jesus appears and promises Peace be with you.

Invite people to bring photos of themselves, or take photos that can be printed
quickly. Tape/paste each onto a sheet with a frame that reads Child of God. Display
the photos.

To Ponder
When have you misjudged someone? When have you been misjudged? What was the

With Children
The First Letter of John speaks of being children of God. Children like to figure out
what it means to be someones child (its one reason why playing house is so
important in childrens development). Invite the children to share how they know who
their parents* are. (Their parents love them, live with them, chose them in adoption,
make them meals, buy them clothes.) How do others know that you are a child of
God? (We show love, care for people, make friends at school with new people, help
parents at home.) Jesus was known as Son of God. Ask the children Do you think
of yourself as a son or daughter of God? How would your life change if you thought
of yourself as a child of God?
*Be aware of those who might be foster children or have guardians other than parents.

Sermon Starter: We see what we look for

It is said we assess someone we have met for the first time in about 20 seconds. So
in less time than it takes to cross an intersection, we have determined whether
someone is interesting or not, worth getting to know or not, competent or not. It is
unfair, but often we only see what we are looking for. Most of our churches are
populated by amazing, interesting, thoughtful, and delightful children and youth, but
we may only see disruption. It was a holy moment in a church when the lay reader
stopped his scripture reading as a couple of babies wailed in the sanctuary. He looked
up and said, without sarcasm or signs of being upset, Isnt it wonderful to hear the
energy of children in our midst? Jesus came as a Messiah different from what was
expected. Until people could see with new eyes, they missed the message and the
hopeful outlook he brought because they tried to slot him into a box that was not
made for him. Let us see Jesus energy, enthusiasm, and drive with new eyes. Let us
see those in our congregation and community with new eyes.

Acts 3:1219
VU 163
Hail, glad festival day
MV 95
How deep the peace
Psalm 4 (VU p. 727)
VU 662
Lead me, God
MV 106
I am the dream
MV 131
You, Creator God, have searched me

1 John 3:17
VU 266
Amazing grace
VU 574
Come, let us sing of a wonderful love
VU 583
Jesus came, a child like me
MV 157
I am a child of God
MV 178
Who is my mother
Luke 24:36b48
VU 676
God, make us servants of your peace
MV 149
Peace for the children
MV 222
May the peace of God be your peace

April 26 Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:512
Peter and John before the Jewish religious leaders.
Psalm 23 (VU pp. 747749)
God is my shepherd and source of blessing.
1 John 3:1624
Love not just with words, but also with actions.
John 10:1118
Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Many of the readings for today are familiarand potentially predictable in how we
interpret them. How might you help the congregation hear them in a new way? Have
several different voices read the same passage. Read from a different translation. Act
out the readings. Tell the story from a new point of view.

To Ponder
How might you rewrite Psalm 23 with a central image that relates to your

With Children
Ask the children what they know about sheep. Encourage them to tell you how many
legs they have, their colour, the texture of their hair, and so on. Once you have a
picture of a sheep through the eyes of the children, ask them why sheep need a
shepherd to take care of them (someone to care for them, protect them, and lead
them to pasture and water). Why was Jesus called a shepherd? When we say Jesus is
a shepherd, we mean that he cares about us and all people, and knows how
defenseless we can feel. A good shepherd looks after sheep, and so Jesus looks after
us as people.

Sermon Starter
We often understand how life should be on the basis of what we experienced in our
own homes when growing up. As a child, I experienced having Jell-O at almost every
dinnertime, so I assumed every properly run household ate Jell-O for dessert. I was
surprised at a friends house when they did not have Jell-O! We usually interpret
Psalm 23 as a pastoral psalm to remind us of Gods comfort, especially at the time of
the death of a loved one. That is a fine way to read the psalm, but we miss other
elements in the passage. Today, explore some of the other parts of the psalm, such
as the reference to having a meal prepared in the presence of enemies, which is a
symbol of peace and understanding; or having goodness and mercy extend throughout
life, which is an indication that God is concerned for how we live, not just how we die.
As Peter and John tried to share new understandings of the scriptures with their Jewish
contemporaries, so can we benefit from new ways of opening up the scriptures to
relate them to our changing times.

Acts 4:512
VU 325
VU 335
VU 344
VU 660
MV 84

Christ is made the sure foundation

At the name of Jesus
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
How firm a foundation
In you there is a refuge

Psalm 23 (VU pp. 747749)

VU 273
The King of love
VU p. 748
God is my shepherd
MV 126
Are you a shepherd

1 John 3:1624
VU 359
He came singing love
VU 477
I come with joy
VU 507
Today we all are called to be disciples
MV 1
Let us build a house
MV 89
Love is the touch (alt. tune: SLANE VU 642)
John 10:1118
VU 210
You, Lord, are both lamb and shepherd
VU 422/423 God be with you till we meet again
VU 635
All the way my Saviour leads me
VU 657
He leadeth me
MV 137
Welcome, Jesus, you are welcome

May 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 8:2640
Philip engages with the Ethiopian.
Psalm 22:2531 (VU p. 746, Parts Three and Four)
All shall bow down and worship God.
1 John 4:721
Let us love one another.
John 15:18
Jesus is the vine, we are the branches.

Show pictures of trees, roots, vines, branches, fruit growing, family trees, and so on,
to evoke the image of Jesus as the vine and humankind as the branches.

To Ponder
Where are your spiritual roots? How are they nourished?

With Children
Many plants will put out roots from a simple clipping placed in water. Grapevines, ivy,
and daphne flowers are just some examples. (Check online for specific instructions.)
Bring a number of clippings and prop them in plastic cups filled with water. Keep them
at church and look for growth over the coming weeks. By Pentecost, you could have
roots sufficiently grown for the children to put the plants in pots of soil to take home
a reminder that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.

Sermon Starter
We may want to think of a tree and its branches when Jesus speaks of the vine and
its branches, for a tree is a much sturdier and more significant part of nature. If a
forest or park with trees is nearby, spend some time there and pay attention to the
trees. New life is displayed through the branches. They extend out from the trunk and
show new greenery, not just in spring, but sometimes throughout the year. A branch
may break off or be damaged, and the tree still exists. A new branch grows. If we are
the branches, are we to share new life and new vitality as Jesus followers? Rather
than be a people who preserve memories from long ago and live in the past, can we
be a vital, life-giving presence for the present time and into the future? Surely, Jesus
meant that what nourishes him nourishes us. If Jesus is empowered by his connection
to God, do we not also need that connection? And how do we make sure we renew
that connection with God regularly and faithfully? What holds us together as
individuals and as a community is how we are rooted as followers of Jesus.

Acts 8:2640
MV 13
O let the power fall on me
Psalm 22:2531 (VU p. 746, Parts Three and Four)
VU 235
O worship the King
VU 579
The church is wherever Gods people
1 John 4:721
VU 574
Come, let us sing of a wonderful love
MV 145
Draw the circle wide
MV 170
Ubi caritas
MV 171
Christ has no body now but yours
John 15:18
VU 205
Like the murmur of the doves song
VU 333
Love divine, all loves excelling

VU 395
VU 632
MV 83

Come in, come in and sit down

O blessed spring
Let my spirit always sing

VU 460
All who hunger
MV 199
When at this table

May 10 Sixth Sunday of Easter

Worship materials for the Sixth Sunday of Easter through the Seventh Sunday of
Easter were contributed by Kate Crawford, First-St. Andrews U.C., London, Ont., and
Tammy-Jo Mortensen, Robertson-Wesley U.C., Edmonton, Alta.
Acts 10:4448
The gift of the Holy Spirit comes as Peter preaches.
Psalm 98 (VU p. 818)
Sing to God a new song.
1 John 5:16
To love God is to obey Gods commandments.
John 15:917
Love one another as I have loved you.

Sing through the history of hymns and spiritual songs. Start by listening to Gregorian
chant (some of the first church music) and then sing through Watts and Wesley, and
keep going to modern-day hymns. In your congregation, some of the older hymns
might be new, and newer hymns may be golden oldies.

To Ponder
When have you been wrong about something? And how did you recover the situation?

With Children
Sing a new song to God, the psalm commands. Have fun with the children creating a
new combination of words that praise God set to a familiar tune, such as Frre
Jacques or Row, Row, Row your boat. Why sing a new song? Arent the old ones
good enough?

Sermon Starter
Peter has been preaching when he suddenly becomes aware that the gift of the Holy
Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles (Acts 10:45). Gentiles! Is Gods
Spirit going to go wherever it wants? Uncontrolled? But it must be true, because They
heard them speaking in tongues and extolling God (Acts 10:46). Sure signs of the
presence of the Spirit! The Spirit has been given before baptism was enactedoops!
Thinking quickly, Peter shuts the stable door after the horse has bolted and baptizes
everyone present. And so the institutional church was born! We try to contain, with
our rites, what cannot be containedthe Spirit of God! Our rite is our testimony to the
good thing that God has already done. We just havent always understood it that way.
Gods Spirit will always be a little bit ahead of us. But if we are courageous, like Peter
when he suddenly understood that he had been wrong, we might be able to follow
where the Holy Spirit is leading us.

Acts 10:4448
VU 376
Spirit of the living God
VU 379
O Holy Spirit, root of life
VU 381
Spirit of Life
VU 388
Spirit dancing
VU 441
Praise and thanksgiving
MV 3
MV 163
River running in you and me
Psalm 98 (VU p. 818)
VU 533
When in our music God is glorified
VU p. 798
Sing a psalm of joy
VU p. 820
Make a joyful noise

MV 61
MV 142
MV 180

I praise you, O God

Oh a song must rise
Sing, sing out!

1 John 5:16
VU 365
Jesus loves me
VU 498
God, who has caused to be written
MV 81
Love us into fullness
MV 89
Love is the touch
John 15:917
VU 589
Lord, speak to me
VU 599
Living Christ, bring us love
VU 602
Blest be the tie that binds
VU 604
Not for tongues of heavens angels
MV 170
Ubi caritas
MV 179
Sisters let us walk together

May 14 Ascension (Thursday)

Acts 1:111
The ascension of Jesus.
Psalm 47 (VU p. 771)
Clap your hands, all you peoples.
Ephesians 1:1523
Paul prays for the church at Ephesus.
Luke 24:4453
Jesus explains scripture.

Name some beliefs that used to be held but have been disproved, e.g., the earth is
flat, the sun circles the earth. These truths were once defended by the church
against challenges by faithful scholars such as Galileo. Tell the story of Galileo and
remember that Gods community has survived through such changes in beliefs.

To Ponder
Think of a time when something you strongly believed was turned upside down. Where
was God in that situation?

With Children
Ask, Where is Jesus? and listen to the answers. The disciples had known Jesus
physically present with them. Then one day he was no longer physically present. But
still they knew that he was with them. How do we know that Jesus is with us? How do
we show Jesus to each other?

Sermon Starter
As they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their
sight (Acts 1:9). Jesus leaves his disciples behind, drifting upwards like a balloon. No
one knew whether he was going to return to them or not. So what do we do now? You
know that feeling when it dawns on you that everything you once believed in might
not be true Even the church we once knew is gone, and here we are, like the
disciples, watching it drift upwards, and we are filled with a complex mixture of
feelings: despair, amazement, fear, delight, joy, anxiety, wonderment, worship,
humour, horror, disbelief. But there is a promise! This Jesus, who has been taken up
from you into heaven, will come (Acts 1:11). He will come. That is a promise worth
proclaiming! Speak that word of promise into every place of loss that we feel. These
are the words that bring light to the deepest shadows of our lives.

Acts 1:111
VU 189
VU 370
MV 6
MV 15
MV 155

Hail the day that sees him rise

Send your Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, come into our lives
Holy sacred Spirit
Unbounded Spirit, breath of God

Psalm 47 (VU p. 771)

VU 245
Praise the Lord with the sound of trumpet
VU 314
Come now, almighty King
VU 642
Be thou my vision
MV 2
Come all you people
MV 59
Alleluia, praise to God
Ephesians 1:1523
VU 325
Christ is made the sure foundation
VU 424
May the God of hope go with us

Luke 24:4453
VU 431
Sing amen
VU 481
Sent forth by Gods blessing
VU 498
God, who has caused to be written
VU 499
O Christ, the Word incarnate
MV 102
Jesus, your Spirit in us
MV 171
Christ has no body now but yours

May 17 Seventh Sunday of Easter

Acts 1:1517, 2126
Matthias is elected as an apostle.
Psalm 1 (VU p. 724)
Blessed are those who delight in Gods law.
1 John 5:913
The testimony of God is greater than human testimony.
John 17:619
So that they may have my joy made complete in themselves.

Together name the 12 disciples. Each gospel lists them in a slightly different way. Act
out the election of Matthias as an apostle. This is much the same process as the way
in which the Pope is elected today.

To Ponder
How is the joy of Jesus being made complete in you? In your congregation?

With Children
Brainstorm with the children ways in which theytogether with the congregation
might show Jesus joy and love to the world. Jesus says that everyone has the ability
and the words in their hearts to do this. Once the children have suggested several
ideas, talk about each idea and then choose one to put into action, adults and children

Sermon Starter
Those who believe in the Son of God have the testimony in their hearts God gave
us eternal life, and this life is in [Gods] Son (1 John 5:10a, 11b). Anyone who
believes. Anyone who believes has this testimony. Anyone has it in their heart.
Anyone must witness to the life, the forgiveness, the hope that rests in Jesus Christ.
Not just the ordained leadership who are called and set apart. Anyone. And when the
whole church collapses. When the money runs out. When the head office is vacant.
When the committee work grinds to a halt, the testimony will continue. Not through
clergy, called and set apart to preach the word. But through the laity, who maybe
dont know how to preach, or how to testify, or how to lead a workshop, or run a
meeting, but who know how to love God. And that is all the calling you need.

Acts 1:1517, 2126
VU 504
How clear is our vocation, Lord
VU 509
Here I Am, Lord
VU 657
He leadeth me
MV 161
I have called you by your name
MV 167
Hush! Hush!
MV 172
God says
Psalm 1 (VU p. 724)
VU 368
Holy Spirit, truth divine
VU 498
God, who has caused to be written
MV 112
Amen, amen, it shall be so
MV 117
By the well, a thirsty woman
1 John 5:913
VU 628
Come, my Way, my Truth
VU 629
Eternal light, shine in my heart
VU 703
In the bulb there is a flower
MV 102
Jesus, your Spirit in us

John 17:619
VU 274
Your hand, O God, has guided
VU 326
O for a thousand tongues to sing
VU 327
All praise to thee
VU 330
Jesus shall reign

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