Academic Essay

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Academic Essay

Analyse the video entitled Maintaining Classroom Discipline

Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that
teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and
academically productive during a class. Classroom management is a major concern of
beginning teachers because as a teacher, you have a desire to promote and maintain a
learning environment in which students can learn effectively. One way that this may be
achieved is by establishing good rapport with students and maintaining order in the
class, which requires you to understand the characteristics and behaviours of students.
A great deal can be learnt through experience and understanding the fundamental
causes of disciplinary problems. Some knowledge about discipline models and best
practices may also help to reduce the uneasiness of beginning teachers. Good
classroom management has discipline at its core. The dictionary defines discipline as
control gained by enforcing obedience or order and as to punish or penalize for the
sake of discipline. Teaching shows the interesting link between instruction and discipline
as two sides of the same coins. A well-managed classroom doesn't just appear out of
nowhere. It takes a good deal of effort to create and the person who is most responsible
for creating it is the teacher.
There are good and bad methods of disciplining inappropriate classroom behavior.
This was a very well made instructional movie for teachers. The opening messages are
exactly what the best research on classroom behaviour tells us the vast majority of
behaviour problems in the classroom involve minor breaches of discipline. These
incidents originate in the classroom situation itself and are within the control of the
teacher. Disciplinary problems in the classroom are symptoms of underlying weaknesses
in total learning situation. This 13 minute film clip, produced for teachers and teachers in
training, shows a teacher, Mr. Grimes interacting poorly, and then more effectively, with a
high school mathematics class. The impact of the teacher's behaviour upon the class is
demonstrated. There are two parts of teaching approach that showed in a video. From
the video, it shows that Mr Grimes is interacting by turns both poorly and effectively with
his high-school mathematics class. The aim is to show trainees clearly the impact of the
teachers behaviour on children. In my opinion, based on the video entitled Maintaining
Classroom Discipline that I had watched, the first teaching approach is less effective

while the strategy used in video 2 is the best approach. In video 1, Mr. Grimes did not
manage his classroom well as it did not show high effectiveness in classroom
management but poor classroom management. The students start rebelled in the
classroom and he could not manage his classroom discipline well. The examples of poor
classroom management such as publicly berating pupils, involving much scolding and
nagging, poor classroom awareness and overly aggressive approach to demonstrating
authority and overuse of sanctions are shown in the video. Besides that, from the video,
we can see know that e discouraged his students by verbally saying about the students
performance in their exam such as low grades on your weekly mathematics test, more
than half of you fail and those who pass just got by, and this is the poorest class I
have in a long long time. Mr. Grimes blamed it on the students attitude by saying that
they did not paying attention in the class. Teacher blame poor student performance on
student behaviour, He should try to understand his students problem and motivate them
rather than berating them.
From the video, we can see that the students are discouraged too as a boy said that
he might as well quit and there was a girl who doesnt see the point of taking courses as
she afraid that her parents seeing her test paper. Another thing is he ordered one of the
students to leave the classroom because the students tried to imitate the way he scolded
the class. He did not give the student any chance to explain yet he asked the student to
leave the class and go to the principals office. He is very provocative too. He was letting
the whole class detention for 45 minutes even though just one student farted and the
rest laughed. Besides that, he needed to know that the punishment was a dangerous
weapon and does not work too well. In addition, the students pay prank on him to get
him annoyed and the teacher gave them detention for what they had done. His way to
handle this thing is harsh. He even wanted the student to leave the class and come back
to the class when he was ready to apologise to him. He should think of how to solve the
problem rather than giving punishments to the students. So, from the video, we can see
that Mr. Grimes was using the wrong delivery method. The lesson was very boring and
he had no sense of humour at all. So, I want to conclude by saying that the first method
of intimidating children is obviously not a productive method.
By contrasting methods of handling the same class, techniques are shown for
securing class discipline and stimulating the interest of students. From the video 2, we
can know that it was the best approach if compared with the first one as well as more

positive approaches where Mr. Grimes is more humane and supportive and has better
interpersonal skills. Subsequently, we see the same teacher showing a more effective
repertoire of interpersonal skills. Minor transgressions are dealt with but a sense of
humour and greater warmth are now evident. He gives examples to the students so that
they can understand better. In order to make the learning more meaningful, he related
the lesson with the students daily life. Besides that, the students are willingly to
response to his questions. He did explain the calculation of the ratio to the students. He
also explained the students mistakes to them in order to make them realise. The way
Mr. Grimes explained made everything seem easier so that they did not burdened by the
subject. Moreover, he was not only talk in verbally but he did write it out in the
blackboard. He did not behave strictly as we saw in video 2 but he was friendly with his
students. Apart from that, from the video, when teacher leave the class for a while, the
student went up and tried to throw the duster to the back. When the teacher saw his
behaviour, he did not angry him in front of everyone but he used a humourous way to
approach them. Another case is when having student misbehaviour in the classroom, he
deflect misbehaviour with a sense of humour. So, from this video, we can see that
classroom control and learning efficiency are products of teaching. Learning must be
made meaningful. A friendly attitude and splinkling of humour go along to a long way to
have a collaboration of the class. For respect, it was a more desirable behaviour than
fear. The mutual understanding between the teacher and the students will help to
decrease the disciplinary problem.
From video 1, Mr. Grimes did not manage his classroom well as the strategy that
used by Mr. Grimes was less effective in classroom management. According to the
Canter, teachers must continually model through their own behavior the kind of trust and
respect for students that they want students to show toward others. A good discipline
plan, built upon trust and respect, is necessary for helping students. From the video, we
can see that Mr. Grimes showed no respect by publicly berating pupils, scolding and
nagging. Besides that, Canter suggests that a classroom discipline plan allows the
teachers to clarify behaviours which are expected by from the students. The purpose of
the plan is to establish an orderly and conducive classroom in which all students can
learn and benefit. The plan consists of three parts: a set of rules that students are
expected to follow at all times is formulated, those who follow the rules will receive
positive recognition and those who do not will face the consequences. The teacher will

not tolerate deviant behaviour. There is no excuses and teachers are consistent in the
treatment of discipline. In this video, the punishments were the consequences of
misbehaviours in the classroom. He also punished the students by letting the students to
stay late in the class for 45 minutes. Moreover, the teacher gave them detention for what
they had done.. If there is misbehaviour, a detention would be given. If the behaviour
continues, then two detentions would be given. If the student fails to attend detentions or
if behaviour continues then the student would be referred to the deputy head. There are
3 ways to respond to students action in the classroom in one of three ways:
nonassertive, aggressive and assertive. Canter suggests the best approach would be
assertive style because it can create a positive relationship between you and your
students. But in this, non-assertive and aggressive are shown clearly in this video.
In this video, nonassertive are shown when the teacher fail to clearly let his
students know how he wants them to behave and what he will not accept, he will be
exhibiting a nonassertive approach to discipline. For example, he ordered one of the
students to leave the classroom because the students tried to imitate the way he scolded
the class. He should let the students know that he did not like the way he did by talking
in gentle way but not scolding and giving punishment. He did not give the student any
chance to explain yet he asked the student to leave the class and go to the principals
office. The way he behaved will create a free-for-all environment in the classroom and it
will not be conducive for learning to take place. Another example is he discouraged his
students by verbally saying about the students performance in their exam such as low
grades on your weekly mathematics test, more than half of you fail and those who
pass just got by, and the others. Mr. Grimes blamed it on the students attitude by
saying that they did not paying attention in the class. By the way, he can accomplish this
by reaching out to those students, learning about their needs, interacting with them
personally, and showing a constant willingness to help but not berating them.
Aggressive was shown by the Mr. Grimes as he lose the temper and address the
students in abusive way, the teacher will be exhibiting the aggressive approach to
discipline. This approach will dampen the enthusiasm to learn. In the film, the teacher's
aggressive and unsympathetic manner provokes sulky resentment and indirect
challenges such as dropping a book onto the floor when the teacher's back is turned or
mimicking his words when he leaves the room. For example, in the film we can see that
he ordered one of the students to leave the classroom because the students tried to

imitate him in front of the class. He wanted the misbehaviour student to leave the class
and come back to the class when he was ready to apologise to him. Therefore, when
they did something wrong, the teacher should reason out whats wrong with them and try
to make them understand what they did was bad. Punishment should never be used in
the classroom. Punishment is just a way for teachers to get back at students and show
them who is boss, and is usually humiliating to the student and it has many bad side
effects and therefore should be supplanted with logical consequences agreed to by the
class. As a teacher, we should avoid using this approach as well.
On the other hand, strategy used in video 2 is the best approach. According to
Ginott, learning always takes place in the present tense, meaning teachers must not
prejudge students or hold grudges. Teachers should always endeavor to use congruent
communication, which is communication that is harmonious with students' feelings about
situations and themselves. For example, when having student misbehaviour in the
classroom, M. Grimes deflected misbehaviour with a sense of humour. The cardinal
principle of congruent communication is that it addresses situations. It never addresses










communication, do not preach or moralize, nor impose guilt or demand promises.

Instead, they confer dignity on their students by treating them as social equals capable
of making good decisions. In order for teachers to make a positive impact, Ginott stated
that the teacher must model communication that is congruent with students emotions
and surroundings. The teacher must include cooperative learning and it is important to
use discipline in place of punishment. Punishment should never be used in classroom.
For example, from the video, when teacher leave the class for a while, the student went
up and tried to throw the duster to the back. When the teacher saw his behaviour, he did
not angry him in front of everyone but he used a humourous way to approach them. In
this way, students will feel guilty and he knows his mistake instead of helping to create a
positive classroom environment. In this case, teacher can form better relationships with
their students. Ginott believed in showing children compassion for their feelings while at
the same time establishing boundaries for their behavior. He believed in mutual respect
Besides that, Mr. Grimes discipline management strategy in video 2 was suitable to
be used in Malaysian classroom. In Malaysian primary classroom, there are many
different backgrounds and races of the students. Teacher should never take sides but

should be justice to them. Teacher should show mutual respect to the students no matter
what backgrounds and races they are. In the classroom, teachers can use Ginott's
theories by giving students an opportunity to express their feelings before discussing
disciplinary actions. Effective learning process occurred when both teachers and
students interact and participate in the learning activities. Participatory type of learning
process will encourage mutual exchange of information, stimulate interest as well as
recognition of respect among the teachers and students. In allowing students to express
their feeling they feel respected, and will, hopefully, give that respect back. When
teachers are disciplining students they should never dwell on the past, but rather just the
event that has happened which needs disciplining. Do not ever try to dwell on the past
and link every incident together. It is unfair to the students. Do not belittle student's
feelings, but always give the chance to let express what they are feeling and show them
compassion. We can teach them to value the feelings of others, encourage
independence, offer them choices in what they do and we should never label the student
positive or negative.

On the other hand, punishment should not be used in Malaysian primary classroom
as it was a sensitive issue. In the video, we had seen the way he punished his students.
It had been an issue that male teacher cannot touch the girl students. The teacher
should have the distance between the girl and himself. When students did something
wrong, the teacher should reason out whats wrong with them and try to make them
understand what they did was bad. They way teacher can do is talk to them gently so
that we will not make the same mistake again. Punishment is just a way for teachers to
get back at students and it has many bad side effects and therefore should be
supplanted with logical consequences agreed to by the class. If they really make a big
mistake, make sure that punishments are appropriate for the misbehavior and explain to
the students why he or she is being punished. Can you imagine that, children always
complain to their parents that they have been punished by their teachers by using the
rattan. If just be punished once, the parents can accept it due to the reason but if it
happens continuously, how would parents feel? They hope their children go to school is
to get the education to be a successful person but not getting the punishment or
berating. Sometimes, students feel afraid and refused to go to the school. Classroom
management is an area where there are new and veteran teachers struggling; its an

area where many teachers continuously blame poor student performance on student
behavior. They scared they will punished by the teachers. Some of the students even
play truant. So, we can see that there are many impacts of the punishment. So as a
teacher, we should avoid using this approach as well.
In essence, the 13-minute clip, produced in the United States by McGraw-Hill
Films, shows teachers and trainees how to deal with pupils who misbehave using a
sense of humour and warmth rather than being overly aggressive. This video is about
how to maintain classroom discipline and good and bad methods of disciplining
inappropriate classroom behavior has shown. This was a very well-made instructional
movie for teachers. The key message in this video is that teachers should engage with
their students to get them on side, explain the curriculum in a way they can understand,
and deflect misbehaviour with a sense of humour. The issues in this clip mirror virtually
everything teachers face today in terms of linking behaviour to learning and the value
placed in learners. In short, effective classroom management is the creation of a
learning environment and the increase of appropriate behaviour. Effective discipline is
important for maintaining a positive atmosphere in the classroom and supporting
students learning. Teaching strategies that support positive behaviours begin by making
expectations clear, teaching children how to meet them and reinforcing childrens
appropriate behaviour. Helping students to govern their own behavior in ways that help
them learn is a long-standing goal of all teachers.

Coursework ( 20%)
Structured Questions:
1. The primary purpose of a classroom management is to gain control of the
classroom itself so that the process of Teaching and Learning can be
conducted smoothly. Describe the importance of classroom management and
its impact on the Teaching and Learning activities in the classroom.

Classroom management is the term teachers and instructors use to describe the act
of managing their classroom and students to ensure that stressful and non-educational
situations are avoided and students learn topics and subjects effectively. Classroom
management involves more than the management and discipline of the students but also
the availability of additional information on topics. Effective classroom management will
make life less stressful for teachers and ensure that students are provided with the
correct tools and a calm environment in which to learn. In short, class management is
teachers strategies that create and maintain an orderly learning environment and
discipline means teachers responses to students misbehaviour.

Classroom management helps in the establishing of building rapport with students

relationships. Teaching is a profession that involves an exceedingly high degree of social
interaction and both teacher and pupils are immersed in a sea of communication. A
healthy and supportive relationship or dialogue among the key players in the classroom
will enhance the learning process greatly. Teacher-student relationships provide an
essential foundation for effective classroom management and classroom management is
a key to high student achievement. If teachers show genuinely their care about students

as individuals apart from their academic work, it would help them to gain their
cooperation. This attention would create a classroom environment in which students feel
safe and secure, and they feel they are being treated fairly. Teachers would become
sensitive to their needs and anxiety and have good communication skills as well as
making the classroom atmosphere feel more relaxed and pleasant. Positive teacherstudent relationships draw students into the process of learning and become more
cooperative and promote their desire to learn. Good building rapport makes the
students enjoy learning. Teachers who had high-quality relationships with their students
had fewer discipline problems too.

It is also true that classroom management helps to promote appropriate pupil

behaviour and eliminate inappropriate ones. A teacher who can handle pupil behaviour
effectively will be able to contribute to the personal growth of the pupils and socialise
them into the expectations of the classroom and school, and, later on, survive in society
at large. So, we can know that effective teachers can prevent all discipline problems by
keeping students interested in learning through the use of exciting classroom materials
and activities. MIsbehaviours will be avoided at the same time.

Besides that, classroom management is very important because it keeps the

children focused and on task. Research demonstrates a significant relationship between
the amount of content covered and student learning (Berliner,1988).If the classroom is
disorganized, then learning is a more difficult task. It increases on-task time and reduces
classroom disruptions. In addition, it allows for various activities to occur during the day,
with a minimum of wasted time and confusion. Moreover, it helps to reduce distraction
from learning. This is an extension of the goal to keep student task focused. The impacts
are students look forward to learning the subject. It shows possible improvement in their
academic performance.

Classroom management is important as it provides students with structure and

achievable goals. Set learning goals that provide achievable challenges for students of

varying abilities and characteristics. Teacher can demonstrate and lead by examples
such as inclusive verbal and non-verbal communication using collaborative strategies
and contextual knowledge to support students understanding, engagement and
achievement. By this way, students can know where their goals are and they can take
their responsible by trying their best to achieve it. In addition, it helps to manage
themselves too. It assists students to take responsibility for their own actions as they
impact their work within the classroom.

Last but not least, classroom management is important as it helps create a

productive learning environment. This goal is not meant for absolute control or to create
in inert, docile, and totally compliant classroom and student body. Rather, an effective
classroom is to maintain students interest, motivation and involvement. The focus is to
create a positive, productive and facilitative learning environment. The learning
environment needs to be organised to ensure safety and facilitate learning, resources
need to be prepared and deployed in an organised manner, the students need to be
managed to ensure good order and to support their learning. The impacts are students
are secure from threat and physical harm. It has a friendly interactive and co-operative
learning atmosphere. Without good classroom management many lessons would
descend into chaos. Students can learn effectively in a conducive learning environment.

2. Describe the differences in the approach to classroom management from

a behavioral, cognitive and humanistic perspective. Name and describe

three general categories of the events of classroom management from a

behavioral perspective, giving examples of specific teacher activities for
each category. (10%)

a. Describe the differences in the approach to classroom management from

a behavioral, cognitive and humanistic perspective.
Behavioral perspective means a classroom with no clear leader, no clear rules and
no clear expectations invites behavioral problems. A behavioral approach to classroom
management focuses on encouraging right behaviour from students as a means to be
successful. For meaningful learning to take place, use behavioral approaches to create
order in your classroom. Behavioral approach to classroom management is to find out
why your students act the way they do. Students misbehave for various reasons,
including getting attention or avoiding their assignments. If you have bored students, you
can expect behavioral problems. If your students have deep personal problems at home,
they may have behavioral issues. Anticipate possible problems by starting class
addressing any issues you notice. Work on positive reinforcements of correct behaviour
and minimize opportunities for misbehaving. Be aware that drawing attention to an
undesirable behaviour can sometimes motivate students to repeat it. Stress to your class
that negative bahaviour robs every class member of valuable learning opportunities and
wastes everyones valuable time.
For cognitive, the exact educational needs of each student are different, the
teaching styles of each teacher differ as well. Cognitive classroom management
integrates differing teaching techniques, creating a classroom, which utilizes these
different methods to reach the educational needs of each student. The goal is to ensure
each student benefits from the class, having their individual educational needs met.
Judger students are decisive, preferring to end each point in a class lecture with a
specific fact or acknowledged conclusion. A perceiver student prefers to assess each
point, considering alternate points of view and alternate solutions. An integrated class
provides specific information regarding each lecture point, while supplying thoughtful

questions students can debate on their own after the class. For instance, a history
teacher may lecture on the facts surrounding President Abraham Lincolns death, while
ending the lecture with a question about the way history would have remembered him if
he had lived to complete his presidency. Moreover, feeler students appreciate classroom
cohesion, the ability of students to get along and work together in the classroom. Thinker
students prefer lively debate and the revelations, which occur through those debates in a
class. An integrated class provides a safe environment for student debate, allowing
students to comment on the teachers points, while encouraging classmates to be
supportive. As an example, a teacher in a government class allows students to
comment, and even disagree, with lecture points, so long as those comments are
directed at the teacher and are respectful to the views of other classmates.
Managing a group of excitable learners is a challenge for any instructor. Jere
Brophy, Professor of Educational Psychology, determined that "good classroom
management" is fundamentally a teacher's willingness to be responsible for classroom
control. In the humanistic approach to classroom management, the teacher is identified
as a facilitator who encourages students to manage their own learning environment.
From the humanistic perspective, classroom management is fostering a supportive,
student-centered environment that facilitates free expression and develops potential.
Choice, motivation and self-awareness are considered "conscious" vehicles through
which behavior can be conditioned. Rather than depending on positive and negative
reinforcement, teachers are encouraged to build relationships that embrace the
uniqueness and wholeness of each student, in order to support them in fulfilling potential
and self-determination. Methods draw on qualitative techniques such as problemsolving, goal-setting and diary accounts, which empower students in their own learning

b. Name and describe three general categories of the events of classroom

management from a behavioral perspective, giving examples of specific
teacher activities for each category.
There are three major categories of actions to take in establishing a behaviorallyoriented classroom management program. They are namely selecting and arranging
activities, monitor student behaviour and reinforce positive behaviour.
In selecting and arranging activities, behavioristic approach establishes rules and
procedures early. It also establishes consequences such as reinforcers and punishers.
The method of delivering reinforcers is token reinforcement programme and contingency
contract programme. it has stated expectations clearly. It focuses on positive
expectations. In this behavioristic approach, positive behaviour also has been practiced.
It helps students to practice the positive behaviours in the classroom. Teacher should be
the role model of the students as students will imitate their teachers behaviour. In
addition, it helps to establish group cohesiveness and responsibility and it does not
model negative behaviour but appropriate behaviour. For example, before the activity
start, teacher sets the rules and procedures first and then explains to the students the
rules and procedures that they need to obey during the activity.
Secondly is monitoring student behavior. Kounin concluded that some teachers are
better classroom managers because of skill in five areas: withitness, overlapping
activities, group focusing, and movement management and physical layout (Charles,

2002). And I will focus on withitness. Withitness is the skill to know what is going on in all
parts of the classroom at all times; nothing is missed. Withit teachers respond
immediately to student misbehaviour and know who started what. A major component of
withitness is scanning the class frequently, establishing eye contact with individual
students, and having eyes in the back your head. Withit teachers prevent minor
disruptions from becoming major and know who the instigator is in a problem situation.
For example, teacher asks the students to involve in certain group activity such as
discussion, and then teacher will keep her eyes on sharply to see what everyone of them
is doing. She will know who is discussing and who is playing or chatting at there.
The third one will be reinforce positive behaviour. Effective praise will be contingent
on display of positive behaviour, specify clearly the behaviors being reinforced and be
believable by the students. The methods of coping with inappropriate behaviour are
negative reinforcement, satiation and punishment. For example, teacher will give praise
or rewards to the students who have positive behaviours and punishments will be given
to those who are misbehaviour.
While there are viable alternatives to the behavioristic approach to classroom
management, it is clearly the most often used in public schools today. We need to
remember that the long-term goal of any classroom management program is selfmanagement.

3. According to Boynton & Boynton (2011), a positive teacher-student

relationship can be built by developing a caring culture in the classroom.
Describe with examples how such culture can be cultivated in the
classroom. (5%)

A review of the research shows that authors have a lot to say about positive
relationships with students. According to Boynton & Boynton (2011), a positive teacherstudent relationship can be built by developing a caring culture in the classroom. In the
book Educators Guide to Preventing and Solving Discipline Problems by Mark Boynton
and Christine Boynton, Kerman is cited saying Demonstrating caring is one of the most
powerful ways to build positive relationships with your students. (Kerman,1980)
This should remind us how important it is to have strong, positive relationships with our
students. It is essential that you earn your students trust early on in the year. A trusting
classroom with mutual respect is a thriving classroom. Before you can try to understand
them, you need to know your students well and it helps to build a close relationships.
Caring culture should be cultivated in the classroom to develop a positive teacherstudents relationship.

Nowadays, teenagers often feel that they are the only ones with

a lot of problems and that their problems are insurmountable. They often feel that there
are no solutions to their problems. They may have some problem with family, academic

performances and so on. In order to show your students that you really care, learn to
listen to them and show that you are making an attempt to understand what they are
going through. When communicating with your students, do not be judgemental. They
need a listening ear. They do not need someone to be always telling them what to do. If
they have a problem, let them think through it. Teacher can try to guide them and lead
them to resolve it. Let them think for themselves and to find a solution. By adopting this
approach, you are teaching them problem-solving and decision-making skills and to be
responsible for the decision they make. So, as a teacher, we should not ridicule them
instead of should try to empathise with them and to comprehend their emotional state.
The second strategy is teacher should show an interest in your students personal
lives. Teachers should know their students names. Teachers interact with more than
100 students a day. So, teachers need to take time to remember all their names. It is not
an easy task but teacher should make it as soon as possible. In addition, teachers can
give the students a simple inventory that asks them questions about themselves and
their families, ask who they spend most of their time with, what activities they do when
not in school, what television shows they like to watch, and what their favorite foods are,
where they like to go, ask students about a recent sports game, a movie, what do they
like. Try to know and understand can enhance the relationship between the teacher and
the students. Teachers can also gain information about students through journal
entries by asking some questions such as what students did during the summer, what
pets they have, what sports they enjoy and the others. Having the same hobbies and
interests would be great.
Besides that, a positive teacher-student relationships can be built if teachers shows
never giving up on students. For example, if students get poor result in the exam,
teachers can provide suggestions for students to catch-up when they have fallen
behind. Teacher should always support them and offer her help when students need her
badly. Students may enlist help from peer tutors. Teachers should tell students to keep
trying but not giving up on them by saying the words that discouraged them. For
example I believe you can do it, Try your best and the other words that can motivate
them in learning .Teachers can share personal stories of times when they struggled in
class. If teacher discouraged students by giving up to the students, sure the students
feel de-motivated.

Furthermore, a caring culture can be cultivated in the classroom and one of the
ways is teachers get to know the students better. For example, teacher can look at the
students record cards. The previous form teacher should have updated every students
record to indicate academic performance, strengths and weaknesses, information on the
student which requires special attention and family background. Teacher should give
special attention to those students with problems. Teacher can try to talk to them and
provide some advice to them. This should provide you with a fairly good idea as how to
handle students if they need arises.
Last but not least, teacher can meet their students regularly to keep abreast of the
developments in their own life. Teacher needs to watch for and touch base with students
who display strong emotion during the class. This will give you a good indication of how
to communicate with your students and to deal with a problem when it arises or to preempt a problem before it arises. Having a meeting with your students informally on a
regular basis will send the message that you care about them. They may then see you
as a trusted source to talk to when they do have a problem.
As a conclusion, by making an effort to care about your students, you are sending
the message to them that they are important to you. Once students are aware of the
message, they will reciprocate by showing you respect and they will make an effort to
improve their learning. Demonstrating caring and developing perceptions, especially with
disenfranchised students, can go a long way to building teacher-student relationships
and therefore developing learners abilities to function in the classroom. As Mahatma
Ghandi said, Happiness depends on what you can give, not what you can get. Give
your students lots of respect, care and love. They will mirror your actions and reciprocate

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