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This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no
information is altered or deleted or used for monetary gain, and the source of the
information be acknowledged. Thank you to Horst Haase for transcribing this
To find out more about Michelle & The Lightweaver please visit
Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will
energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process
facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the
channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern
yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the
channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your
Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose. All Questions & Answers from the session have
been left in the transcript as we have found the answers too have been of great
benefit to our readers.
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet
each of you at this time to bring unto you the blessings of new beginnings,
lightness, peace, and synchronicity. Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great
joy and pleasure in our heart that we may gather with each of you upon this day
because we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the
hands of God.
Beloved ones, this is a celebration of light as we stand together in the presence
of All That Is Of The Light, creating a blanket of consciousness that will
embrace each of you not only individually but embrace humanity as a whole.
This spring celebration is one of bringing communities together. It is vital that
one understands the language of community. It is not about isolating yourself in
elite groups. It is not about separating yourself from the consciousness of those
who still journey upon the old paradigm pathways. Living together as a
Community of Light means connecting with the common units of love within
each and every soul in your environment. You have the power to impact upon
those whom you dont even know personally. This is done through the power
centre in your body which you know as your heart chakra. The realms of
communication are shifting dramatically. Humanity is reaching the point where
communication will no longer be limited to a verbal interaction. In

fact it never has been. The difference now is that you are learning a more
conscious interactive way of communicating through the power centres within
your being. Harnessing this energy creates a completely different realm in which
you communicate through the common units of love igniting the community
within a common unity through the thread of love.
When I use the word love many people imagine romantic love, platonic love,
sacred love, some people even think of it as more associated with profane love,
love for your children, love for your pet. Beloved ones I speak not of this
particular love. I speak of a love that exists deep within you that perhaps you
only touched upon in brief moments when you have connected with the infinite
source that governs the manifestations of light in your world. This is a love all of
you are striving towards manifesting fully in your life; and the time has come for
humanity to rediscover the tools of communicating through the power centres of
the body. The main power centre, the heart chakra, is a key to unlock worlds of
experience. These experiences I refer to are ones of a higher aspect of
interaction, shifting perceptions into a whole new gear. This enables interacting
amongst communities to shift to a whole new level. You consist of a community
of energy, a community of cells, molecules, and atoms which create an energy
inside of you, therefore an energy around you. This magnetic field impacts on
everything around you and attracts to you everything you believe to be true. I
have said many times that if you wish to make a difference in the world begin
with yourself. By changing the magnetic language around you, you change
everything in your magnetic field.
The anchoring of community living in its true sense is anchored today along
with the new seeds of consciousness brought by the spring energy and brought
by every soul with pure intentions to anchor light in whatever form they
understand light to be on the planet. Your earth is in the throws of profound
change. This change is not limited to a spiritual revolution; the changes are
happening politically, economically, environmentally, and socially. Even religion
is undergoing its greatest shift. And all of you play a vital role in the anchoring
of whichever aspect - in other words common unit of light - you wish to
anchor upon the earth plane, so it may attract to it its equal magnetic resonance.
You will discover the power of living within the light, living as a community
within yourself and sharing that community light, the common unity within all
things, as a mechanism to unite the consciousness of communities extending
beyond the intimate community of your friends and close family, the general
community perhaps of colleagues, people you see now and then, extending out
into the community of your suburb, the city you live in, the province you live in,
and the country you live in.
Beloved ones, what you can do may now seem unbelievable. You are tapping

into realms that open doors and levels of understanding that may have
previously boggled your brain. Rewiring the mechanisms of the mind is a vital
part of growing spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. It is important that all
souls understand that spiritual advancement does not mean that one has
mastered all aspects of life. Bear with me, those who have heard this
information before, but there are many who have not. It is vital that you
understand that a soul may be spiritually advanced yet emotionally immature.
This imbalance in energy is what causes many rifts within the grids that have
been created. 2007 is the cycle in which these rifts will be healed. This is a time
where everybody will go through an accelerated emotional maturing phase so
that emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence stand on a par, balanced.
The balance between emotional self the psychological self if you wish to call it
that - and the spiritual self is vital in order to carry the new tasks and projects of
light to fruition in the future. Educate people in whichever way you are able to.
However, do not bombard people with information they are not ready to hear or
at this stage are not able to digest. As the inner child comes to the fore,
recognising what its needs are, so a new wave of light comes. A wave of light
that brings to each of those people magnetically the opportunity to manifest their
I have spoken for years now of the four major pillars that are being re-created,
that of poverty consciousness, which shall be reborn as prosperity
consciousness, victim consciousness being reborn as victory consciousness, lust
consciousness coming forth as divine love consciousness, and unconditional
love will take the place of the pillar of conditional love. Every single one of you
have those four pillars inside you, it is part of the structure of your foundation
held in your base chakra. Your inner child consciousness is your core stabilizer
inside of you and runs directly into the centre of all your chakras from the crown
to the base. It then extends into all the chakras above and below the seven
chakras of your physical body. The minor chakras within you and around you
are also influenced by the energetic projections manifesting through your
consciousness and what you chose to focus on as being the truth.
As 2007 comes to its time of introducing you to its light you are placed in a
position where you are able to bring into your heart, your mind, your body, and
your essence another level of understanding humanitarian consciousness,
unconditional love, and experiencing greater levels of illumination. And that is
the theme for 2007. All of you are being given an opportunity to begin the
release process before you step into 2007. This presents you with yet another
opportunity to enter the year of 2007 with an inner consciousness, a higher state
of awareness, that shall focus on attracting to you that which your soul desires
rather than that which your ego needs fulfilling.

Many people manifest dramatics in their life just to remind themselves they are
alive. It is the dramas of your life that you so desperately want to be rid of, that
feeds your system, that feeds your ego, reminding you of its presence. This is the
breakthrough, the shifting into a different state of awareness, therefore a
different place of choice where you stand facing your life and have the
opportunity to chose whether you allow your ego to create the magnetic
language of the energy field around you or if you allow your soul to co-create
with you and the higher aspects of self.
For many years now you have all been prepared for this time, the time where
you will step into your power, embracing your authenticity, breaking through the
paradigms that have been created by the expectations of society, the expectations
motivated primarily by fear. It is this structure that shall be dismantled in the
year of 2007. A structure that many of you have built your identity upon. The
gift of this, however, is the inner realization that the identity that you have
adopted is one that has given you a tremendous gift of bringing you to the point
that you are at. It is time to look at what lies beyond the identity that you
perceive as being the person you are, your name, your position in society, the
title you carry, the work that you do, even the stigma attached to your age, your
sexuality, what it is you wish or do not wish to do with your free time, how you
parent your children, how you interact with life, everything is ready to change.
Whether it changes or not is entirely your choice.
For many cycles, lightworkers have asked Why is our world in such a mess?
Why is there war? Why is there abuse? The answer to that question is inside of
you; and to get the answer to it is to simply look into the mirror, look into the
eyes of your soul, look inside of yourself, and look at what you are at war with.
Look at what is a mess within inside of you. Look at what you reject about
yourself, how you care for your inner child, how you nurture yourself. For
everything that you do unto yourself is reflected in the external world.
Therefore, to bring an end to war, make peace with yourself. To manifest
abundance on your planet let go of poverty consciousness, embrace your world,
accept that you are valuable and deserving of love, friendship, merging with the
community that you feel safe in, that you can grow with and co-create within.
Clean up the mess that is inside.
It is a journey that will show you what you seek in the external world and then
the journey ends. And this is what you will learn to decipher for yourself in
2007. Life is a journey; well, so you have been taught. But what if your journey
is coming to an end very soon? What journey is coming to an end very soon?
you ask yourself. You have been on a journey seeking the authentic aspects of
yourself, seeking peace, seeking harmony, seeking love, seeking truth. If you see
your life as a journey searching for all of those aspects, you will spend the rest

of your life searching. What about imagining reaching a destination where you
have found the answers, found peace, found truth, found harmony, found your
authentic self, and then beginning a whole new adventure where you are
utilizing that which you have found, that which you have embraced because you
have reached the destination and created a completely different world for
The time of suffering for many people is at its end. The journey towards 2012
which most souls are still upon is not about the world ending or some of you
dematerializing and rematerializing in the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eights
dimension or whichever dimension you fantasize being in. It is about
experiencing the world you are in now from a different perspective, seeing the
world from the outside of the fishbowl, yet still being a part of it. So you can
pop in and swim any time you wish. You have been told: Earth is a planet of free
will. How many of you really use your will freely? How many of you feel free
to use your will to decide each day what you would truly love to be doing for
that day? How many of you wake up every day, wanting to hug every Dick, Tom
and Harriet in the street because you are so in love with life, and every human
being you look at is the most exquisite presence in front of you? Is there
anybody here? (There continued some humorous interlude with !
Paul, whom Kuthumi invited to sit next to Michelle).
Beloved ones, what we are trying to say to all of you is this: Do you truly get
what it means to use your power to choose? Dont come up with all sorts of
excuses about why you cant, because the dog needs to be fed at such a time in
the morning, or you have a kindergarten full of children to take care of every
day, or your boss would not give you this, or financially you do not have the
means to do A, B and C. That is the case; we understand. But what can you do in
the very present moment with the resources you have at your disposal to start
applying your free will so as to change the environment completely? There was
a lady and a gentleman who spoke earlier on about contributing more positive
energy to the ecosystem through using less fuel and bringing awareness
regarding the mileage on your food. People will not pay attention to such things
if they are too focussed on the worries they have at home, the unpaid bills, the
unresolved issues with friends, family, colleagues. This does not mean you must
not do that, brother and sister; that is part of your journey, and it is vital that this
awareness is brought forth. But this is why communities need to work together.
So you have a gentleman and a lady bringing awareness about the mileage on
food, even if it is organic, as the gentleman said. The lady bringing awareness on
that walking is far better for your health, easier on your pocket because you will
save yourself on all sorts of other things like services on your car, tyres, all those
kinds of things, yes? All the points that people want to know that will make
them feel happy about what goes in or out of their pockets. Then you have other

souls who are helping individuals to understand why eating organic food and
saving fuel is important, how it can enrich their lives, and how it can make a
difference to all the other problems they have at home because in becoming
more aware of what it happening around them they become more in touch with
what is happening inside of them and vice versa.
Beloved ones this brings us to the point where you can see why working
together is so important. Yes, one person can change much in the world, but
there is strength in numbers. And when a common unit is amplified in the
vibration of its energy, the emanations of those magnetic fields can break down
morphogenetic fields containing information that vibrate at a very high rate.
When one understands that one can dismantle such energy fields simply by
coming together and holding an intent on peace, purity, whatever it may be,
reminds you yet again how powerful you are, how empowered you will become
and are becoming and have become and how what you discover will empower
others. Power is empowering when you take what you have in the moment and
you act upon it. THE UNIVERSE SUPPORTS ACTION (Capital letters were
not intentional, it just happened when I typed it). There is no use knowing
information in all the metaphysical and esoteric and science books that has been
written but not! doing a thing with the information. It is like sitting trying to
watch your garden grow without fertilising it, nurturing it, or watering it. Yes,
you can pray for rain, but that can also take a while. Remember, you are the
mechanism between heaven and earth, and God uses you as a channel to get
things done. Do you all understand this so far?
Now we need to give you yet another bit of information that is truly food for
thought. As spiritual illumination anchors itself on earth as it is in the higher
worlds you will begin having inner realizations that your ego plays the biggest
role in keeping you attached to what you perceive as being the drama of your
life. Some of you may just have little dramas and others ones of you have far
greater dramas. If you are battling with a health issue, financial issue, spiritual
challenge, an emotional challenge, whatever it is, all we ask you is to stop for a
moment and ask yourself what is your ego getting out of you experiencing what
you are experiencing? What is the energy you are addicted to that you are
getting a fix for every time you experience betrayal, loss, lack? What is it? Some
of you may say Kuthumi you are smoking your socks, my life is fine, and how
dare you say my ego has attracted this illness, or attracted the financial situation
I am in. Yes, I will re-affirm, you have attracted it to you through your magnetic
language. But, the most wonderful thing of all of it is that you have the power to
change this. You had the power all along to change it because you had the power
to create it. Bear in mind the words of Einstein You cannot change a problem,
change any situation, with the same level of consciousness that created it. This
means, all of you have the opportunity to move to the next level of

understanding your life, recognising that you have written the script, you have
cast all of the people that are a part of your life experience. It is also important to
completely embrace with every ounce of your being that who you are and what
you have been doing up until this point is perfectly all right. You are ok, even if
sometimes you dont think you are. You have done the very best you can with
the resources you have at your disposal and you know what? you will always
continue doing the best that you can based on where you are at. And you will
always have the choice to change direction, whenever you want to. When one is
following the path of truth, being guided by the infinite source, there is no thing,
no one, telling you what you must or must not do. The only person dictating that
is you. It is either influenced by the ego or it is influenced by the soul; you
choose. Igen, egy ember is vltozst hozhat a vilgba, de a tmegekbe van az
Many people hold onto illness, debilitating situations, paralysing belief systems,
attitudes and addictions to relationships and other destructive patterns in their
life to define their identity. This is why, looking at yourself and observing the
world around you will give you clues as to what you need to look at. Begin by
looking at everything you want to change in the world. If you want to save the
world, where would you begin? and then that is where you begin within
yourself. You do not have to do anything to change the world outside of
yourself; to begin with, all you do is change within. Focus on that and the job
will have been done already. So all you have ever needed to do is work on
yourself, address all the common units inside of you that create that magnetic
field around you attracting to you other common units which form a common
unity with various communities you find yourself in, mirroring what you most
love about yourself and often what you reject most about yourself. Just in case
some of you have forgotten, you cannot see love, beauty, or any other positive
quality in another person if it does not exist inside of you. So remember, every
time you look at someone with admiration, with love, or with joy, you are
simply acknowledging the same aspect in yourself. In this clear?
So beloved ones, may you go forth on this day of spring celebrations
remembering the common units inside of you are working 24/7 in keeping your
community together. No man is an island unto himself. None of you have to
walk the path alone. Many of you have reached a destination. Now you have the
opportunity to choose what to do with what you have. Remember, no excuses!
Your ego is a master at talking you out of what you want to do. You are taking
the reigns under the auspices of your higher self, your soul, whatever you wish
to call it. You are making a choice, a choice to live your life in the way that you
chose to. So in order to truly be free you must choose it. The remainder of this
year, beloved ones, will revolve around what I have just said to you. You will be

taken through a cycle of healing focussing on the topics I have brought up today.
And this is why you are here today because you are ready to work with those
aspects of yourself. And if you have cleared most of those aspects already
perhaps you can facilitate for others to do likewise. Perhaps it is just a brushing
up of what you know already and giving thanks for where you are at. When the
identities fall away, the labels drop of and the boxes disintegrate, you realize the
world is far greater then you could ever imagine; and then the adventure really
starts, because there is so much more to explore.
The world that you know as the earth life is made up of 144 000 dimensions
held within what we call an earth matrix. This matrix is a main-frame consisting
of information and programmes that are influenced by countless sources. These
can either support or destroy whatever the individual chooses to create. The 144
000 dimensions we speak of are all levels of learning, exactly the same as
beginning in kindergarten and working yourself to the highest levels of
academic achievement you could ever imagine achieving. At any time you have
the opportunity to leave school, to drop out of your tertiary education and to
move into something different; or you complete your studies, you have a degree
or diploma and you move out into the world where you experience something
different. And this is what you are being presented with, an opportunity to break
out of the earth matrix, to move beyond it, to move out of the fish-bowl so to
speak, and to tap into the infinite source of all life, where what you know as the
dark brotherhood or negative forces or whatever it is you label it does not exist.
So just in case you were a little bored with your life, I am sure that will give you
something to work with, at least aspects of yourself to look at. Most important is
to look at yourself and laugh at yourself. You can catch a glimpse of the movie
called your life and step out of it and watch yourself playing the role. I think it
would make a very good comedy, dont you? So step out, and laugh at yourself
beloved ones. You will be amazed at how quickly stagnant energy begins
moving or what is appearing as an obstacle or limitation simply dissolves
because you step out of the drama, you look at it, you laugh at it, and it is no
longer an issue. That is where you make the choice to step away from the ego
and stepping into something far greater. Yes? Very well.
So beloved ones are there any questions I can assist any of you with regarding
our discussion this evening? (No reply). Clearly I was very succinct in my
transmission! Very well then beloved ones, having delivered this message to
each of you we trust that it will rest in your heart where you will be able to feel
it settling within your being doing what you will with this information. Perhaps
you may choose never to think of it again, some of you, as I know some of you
will go full steam ahead dissecting every aspect of yourself to get to the very
bottom of it. The bottom line is, it really it does not matter what you do. As long
as you are happy, as long as you believe with your whole entire being that you

are doing the very best that you can, that what you are living is an authentic
experience in perfect alignment with what your true soul desires are, if that is
the case, then God bless your soul; and may that bless everyone of us.
So, beloved ones, we bring forth the blessings of everything your soul has called
for to manifest your piece of heaven on earth, to show to you the extent of your
power and just how far you can go in utilizing that power in healing yourself,
transforming all the old paradigms of consciousness and manifesting a
community of light, a community of strength, and a community of growth where
every common unit is contributing to beauty, to the constant blossoming of all
the common units extending out into the greater community until your planet is
one light, one rhythm, breathing together, expressing as one. Trust in the many
invisible arms that hold you, that carry and comfort you, and know that we are
with you always in all ways. May the light of Father/Mother God shine brightly
upon the pathway you have chosen to walk. May every step you take be a
confident one and may all, always be well in your world. I am Kuthumi, Chohan
of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love.

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