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Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will
energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process
faciltated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the
channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern
yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the
channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your
Divine Plan,Timing & Purpose. All Questions & Answers from the session have
been left in the transcript as we have found the answers too have been of great
benefit to our readers.
I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet
each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of illumination,
liberation, trust and divine love, greetings beloved ones.
Greetings Lord Kuthumi
And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each
of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and
securely upon the hands of God. Beloved ones we gather within the presence of
the Christed grid and within this presence the Lords and Ladies of Sirius come
forth to facilitate an anchoring within each of you that will open the channel of
divine prosperity. The channels of divine prosperity are ones that are not
influenced or impeded by the ego's conditionings. This flow of energy embodies
the pure light of the solar disc of creation and activates what you will come to
know as your sun chakra through levels 6 to 12. This means the activation of
energy takes your creative consciousness of self into the dimensions 6 to 12.
Tapping into these levels of energy facilitate a truly magnificent journey into the
realms of creation that your soul is aligned with, which will bring about the
anchoring and then manifestation of new qualities within your physical life,
which shall in turn support your physical life, the process of emotional maturing,
mental liberation and spiritual integration.

The journey to true liberation of the soul begins when one decides that what one
has come to experience as ones life is no longer enough. That which one feels is
lacking inspires the search and through the search one discovers that self
awareness is truly the key to the universe of answers to every question that
exists within you. Bringing this energy into the consciousness of humanity is
what will turn your world around. For years the masters of light have been
grooming their initiates to transcend ego. There have been millions of teachings
over the years indicating the necessity to move beyond attachment, to move
beyond separation and to simply be. It has however been a difficult task for the
majority of humanity, quite understandable though, for your world continues to
propagate such behaviour.
You as a group, and I spoke to some of you yesterday evening about this, are the
gatecrashers. You are the ones who have come to break down the walls, the
boundaries that keep people in limited consciousness. Now living a simple life
does not mean one must live in poverty. Living a simple life is living a life free
of attachment to what the ego considers valuable. This changes ones perspective,
for living simply means being in the moment. Experiencing the divine presence
within each and every single moment, and it is only in the presence of the
present moment that one can truly experience the gifts of life. This I have said
on numerous occasions for many thousands of years.
Now one comes to a new understanding of what it means to be detached, not
from self, not from what is important, but from what the ego deems important.
Therefore all the illusions created by fear, the fear of loss and lack which is
motivated by the need to survive, is what will change. It is the most profound
time of relinquishing the egos control to the soul and growing with the flow as
apposed to fighting the flow. Im sure all of you have heard on many occasions
that what you resist will persist. If you resist the flow of your life your soul will
persist in showing you what is out of synchronicity until you surrender.
Surrender is not about giving up or sitting and doing nothing, surrendering is
simply giving into the present moment and allowing it to guide you. You are
being reminded to flow with the course your soul has set in motion for you, one
that you set in place prior to your incarnation.
The Goddess energy being anchored on the Table Mountain as we speak is
facilitating the awakening of the Goddess consciousness. With God
consciousness and Goddess consciousness working in unison you will find the
world moving into a state of community, of conscious living and life styles
embodying the reunion of spirit and science as one energy taking place a lot
quicker than previously anticipated. The Goddess force is the creative energy
which one taps into, which is in fact the energy that you tap into when you
manifest solutions, and when you find the pathway that feeds the soul and any

other experience of a positive nature. The God energy is the active force that
brings it into manifestation.
The sun chakere have been millions of teachings over the years indicating the
necessity to move beyond attachment, to move beyond separation and to simply
be. It has however been a difficult task for the majority of humanity, quite
understandable though, for your world continues to propagate such behaviour.
You as a group, and I spoke to some of you yesterday evening about this, are the
gatecrashers. You are the ones who have come to break down the walls, the
boundaries that keep people in limited consciousness. Now living a simple life
does not mean one must live in poverty. Living a simple life is living a life free
of attachment to what the ego considers valuable. This changes ones perspective,
for living simply means being in the moment. Experiencing the divine presence
within each and every single moment, and it is only in the presence of the
present moment that one can truly experience the gifts of life. This I have said
on numerous occasions for many thousands of years.
Now one comes to a new understanding of what it means to be detached, not
from self, not from what is important, but from what the ego deems important.
Therefore all the illusions created by fear, the fear of loss and lack which is
motivated by the need to survive, is what will change. It is the most profound
time of relinquishing the egos control to the soul and growing with the flow as
apposed to fighting the flow. Im sure all of you have heard on many occasions
that what you resist will persist. If you resist the flow of your life your soul will
persist in showing you what is out of synchronicity until you surrender.
Surrender is not about giving up or sitting and doing nothing, surrendering is
simply giving into the present moment and allowing it to guide you. You are
being reminded to flow with the course your soul has set in motion for you, one
that you set in place prior to your incarnation.
The Goddess energy being anchored on the Table Mountain as we speak is
facilitating the awakening of the Goddess consciousness. With God
consciousness and Goddess consciousness working in unison you will find the
world moving into a state of community, of conscious living and life styles
embodying the reunion of spirit and science as one energy taking place a lot
quicker than previously anticipated. The Goddess force is the creative energy
which one taps into, which is in fact the energy that you tap into when you
manifest solutions, and when you find the pathway that feeds the soul and any
other experience of a positive nature. The God energy is the active force that
brings it into manifestation.
The sun chakra for Cape Town is now being fully activated. All the necessary

cleansing has taken place and all the raging anger that was stored within the
etheric template of the Mother city has been cleared. She was holding within her
womb space an immense amount of anger, and rage at the negation of the
Goddess consciousness. She has been freed of this energy and now it can be
integrated, it can be experienced and expressed divinely, not aggressively.
The lessons for the females of your planet, is to grow into the Goddess energy
gracefully, to use the power of the Goddess to empower themselves, not to use
that energy to manipulate and abuse, for this was the original cause of the
downfall of the Goddess energy. There have been many cycles of abuse of both
the God and the Goddess energy. The cycle before all of you now is that of the
sacred marriage of the Mother Goddess and the Father God, where both forces
of power are used for the greater good of the whole, not for destruction. This is
one of the major reasons why one must pass through the 6th dimensional gates
of fluid love and enter the 8th dimension of abundance and creativity from that
point, for then one comes into the space of creativity embodying the powerful
forces of love.
All conflict that one is faced with is challenging the egos need to survive. When
one taps into the creative force of the Goddess energy and focuses on
manifesting a solution it changes the dynamic of the game being played.
Einstein said one cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness
that created it. Therefore raise your consciousness to a higher vibration so as to
manifest the solution, and solutions come from your soul this is why they are
called soul-utions.
We are activating the 3rd platinum ray of the 24 rays that shall come into
existence embodying the platinum vibration. This ray will move into the very
heart of Table Mountain and the Mother presence that exists within this
magnificent body of energy will emerge and anchor her energy on a new level
bringing in a new support structure for Mother Africa as well as all the
inhabitants of the Mother city. You will see a zigzagging of energy taking place
amongst you as a group and others members of society who currently live in
Cape Town and in Johannesburg. You will be moving backwards and forwards.
Some who live in Cape Town will now move to Johannesburg and visa versa.
Those of you who are not quite ready to uproot your whole family, you will find
travelling between the two cities becoming more a part of your itinerary. The
reason why this will happen is because you are anchors for the God and Goddess
energy and you are carrying the energy between the two places, in a manner of
speaking weaving a web of light.
Light weaving is what every soul on the planet does. Where ever you go you
weave the energy you carry in your heart. Where you sit, where you stand,
where you lie, you anchor energy. This is why it is so important that one be self

aware, for what are you anchoring, what are you bringing into the space you are
a part of. In order to anchor light one must be light. Being light is to be free of
the egos attachment to fear, worry, pain and suffering. I mentioned some years
ago that the time will come where your processes will not embody the long term
deep pain and suffering experienced in the old paradigm. That time is now upon
you beloved ones. Yes, your body will shift, there will be physical changes that
take place, you will mature emotionally, mentally you will understand the
concepts of the universe beyond what the ego has created and spiritually you
will anchor heaven on earth. This is your time, and all of you are a part of that
process. Without you the process cannot completely anchor itself. Therefore
move out of any lack of self worth, drop your belief that perhaps you are not
worthy of such a role or not good enough to experience the blessings of God.
You are on earth at this time because this is part of your role in service.
We would like each of you now to close your eyes and to feel the energy of the
Goddess of the Mountain upon which you currently sit. (pause) Open your
chakras from the base up and breathe her energy into your body. (pause) Fill
your spine and all the chakras with her energy and for this moment choose to
feel serenity and peace. (pause) Settle into the state of harmony and just be in
this moment. If you find it difficult to be in the moment, focus on feeling rather
than thinking, focus on your breath, the warmth of the sun on your body, and the
solidity of the structure beneath your body. Breathe it in and welcome this
presence into your being. (pause) The 12 masters of Sirius who join you today
are represented by the 12 apostles and it is this energy that shall help you
maintain the codings we are anchoring within each of you regardless of your
geographical location. Therefore as we speak now 12 strands of divine light are
being activated for each person individually and this is being connected to the
12 strands of your DNA. This in return facilitates another level of accelerated
awakening within the structure of the DNA and this supports your divine nature
awakening. Continue to breathe as this process manifests. (pause) The 12
apostles are represented by Lord Hilarion, myself Lord Kuthumi, Lord El
Morya, Lord Jesus, Lord Metreiya, Lord Buddha, St Germain, Lord Serapis Bey,
Lord Yogananda, Lord Racogsky, Lord Lanto and Lord Afra. These12 masculine
presences of divine love will ensure the balanced flow of energy between
masculine and feminine.
Now visualise the presence of the divine Goddess of Table Mountain enveloping
your body, placing her arms around you, caressing your energy field and filling
you with the divine Mother energy of nurturing. (pause) Lord Lanto now
approaches each of you and in the palm of his left hand is a magnificent citrine
crystal ball. (pause) Very gently he moves his hand to your sun chakra which is
located between your base and your sacral chakra. Your energy filed absorbs this
citrine ball and there is an explosion of honey coloured light as your sun chakra

now opens the portals of energy between 6 and 12 dimensions. (pause) Breathe
in as this creative force becomes one with all the levels of your body and
consciousness.(pause) This explosion of light reaches out to all the aspects of
yourself in parallel and alternate realities, moving multi dimensionally, into the
earth and into the universe. (pause)
I Lord Kuthumi now stand before each of you and I place my right palm over
your thymus gland which is between your throat chakra and your heart chakra.
Imagine the warmth and pressure of my palm on this area of your body, (pause)
breathe in and imagine this portal opening another chakra in your body, opening
to receive the golden rays of love and wisdom. (pause) Your thymus gland is
responsible for maintaining your souls immunity. Building soul immunity
strengthens your body on all its other levels and accelerates the detachment to
ego. It facilitates the process of relinquishing control to the soul. I now begin
activating the vibration of 12 waves of golden energy into your thymus, breathe
as you imagine this field (pause).
Beloved ones we must now create a circle please join hands as we facilitate the
beginning process of the anchoring of the platinum ray. Take a deep breath in, as
you exhale imagine a vortex of energy opening in the centre of this circle.
(pause) This vortex opens as the Lady of the Mountain receives the platinum ray
for the Mother city and for Mother Africa. Feel the welcoming of this ray as her
energy opens to the divine love that exist within the universe, that comes now to
replace what she released. (pause) The platinum ray opens all the layers of all
the energy bodies for the Mother city, for Mother Africa and for every Goddess
existing within every human being to receive this divine love and in receiving
this, you open to receive divine prosperity. Beloved ones open your energy field
to imagine divine prosperity and energy unconditional in its nature, unlimited,
continuously feeding you with all you need on all levels and in every way.
(pause) Imagine this platinum energy enveloping everybody on the mountain for
they too are anchors of the energy even if they do not know it. (pause) They will
take the seeds of the divine Goddess of divine love and divine prosperity and
anchor it were ever they go. You are a conduit of this energy and you will take it
to all who are ready to receive it and you become the channel, you become the
anchor and you become the creator. Visualise this energy accelerating as the
Lady of the Mountain breathes this into her body, filling every fibre of her body
with the vibrant platinum energy and it becomes a fluid energy moving through
the etheric field of her body and into the etheric field of every human being,
animal, plant and mineral. (pause) See this platinum energy as platinum water
flowing over, through, around and within, clearing, healing and harmonising.
Now it is your turn to enter into the sacred ray of the platinum gate, and the

Lady of the Mountain welcomes you into her body. Feel yourself enter her body
through the platinum ray and become one with her,(pause) let her speak to you,
feel her energy within you, feel yourself within her, be aware of what you feel,
what you sense. (pause) Wwhat is she telling you? (pause) What is she asking
you? (pause) Is there anything specific she needs you to do with her or for her,
to facilitate the complete anchoring? (pause) Is there something you need her to
support you with so as to facilitate the complete anchoring in your being?
Imagine the circle and this group in the heart of the Lady of the Mountain.
(pause) Feel the energy begin to move through each of your heart chakras in a
clockwise direction spreading the love and the platinum ray energy. (pause)
Move it up so that it passes through the thymus gland now, around the group in a
clockwise direction, and allow it to spiral up to your throat chakra as it moves
around the group, (pause) feel it spiralling up to your nose chakra, (pause) up to
your third eye, (pause) and let it exit through your crown chakra and an
explosion of platinum light showers down on you. (pause) Connect with the
platinum energy in your heart again and feel this love moving anticlockwise
around the group, spiralling from the heart into the solar plexus, (pause) moving
from the solar plexus to the sacral chakra, (pause) spiralling through the sun
chakra, into your base chakra (pause) and rooting itself firmly in the heart of
Mother Earth (pause) .
Beloved ones you have anchored the platinum ray on earth for the Mother city
and for Mother Africa, which will result in the conception of many new seeds of
light for the plan of humanity. There will be emotional body cleansing for all of
you and for the Mother city. The mental body has undergone a deep cleansing
already. Allow the waters to flow as they must, do not hold back. The Lady of
the Mountain will remain connected to all of you for the next 24 months guiding
your journey and facilitating the continuous anchoring of divine prosperity in
ways that will facilitate this awakening within others. You as a group will
continue to work together, for you have created a connection even though it may
not always be that you are physically together. You will meet often on the inner
planes to do whatever is needed. The Lady of the Mountain thanks you for your
Bring your hands together now and place them over your heart chakra in thanks
for what she has facilitated. (pause) Now move your hands to your knees placing
your hands on your knees which are reflex points for the heart chakra and give
thanks. (pause) Beloved ones the energy we have released today will be part of a
process of initiations that were began a little over a week ago. It was a process
that was anchored in Mozambique connected to the Siriun Lords and Ladies.
This is part of the 22 chakras of the Sirian body being reignited within

humanities conscious consciousness for the purpose of bringing the Siriun

Masters back to earth. Once all the Sirian Masters of the Golden Age template
have reincarnated, what was once supposed to be Atlantis will re-manifest. The
original divine plan of Atlantis will come into being because this is the role that
you chose, and part of your service to Mother Earth. Many times she has been
faced with destruction, and has endured severe wounding to her body, but it was
agreed that this cycle would be the final phase and heaven would return to earth
for eternity.
This particular dimension that you have created through your consciousness and
through the awareness you have chosen to take on will ensure that the plan
comes to pass. All of you will work closely with the 12 Masters I have spoken of
and we will ensure that your memory is activated so as to carry the plan out.
Therefore do not waste time worrying about what your life purpose is, be in the
moment, be present, do what you are inspired to do, follow your heart, allow the
mind to guide you and you will see all will come together. If you have a
prompting to do something specific, research it before you disregard it, for in the
research you might find other opportunities presenting themselves, and this is
the gift of being in the present moment. Worrying too much about the past or the
future takes you out of presence and leaves you feeling separate and
disorientated. By all means plan for your future, reminisce, but do not become
re-addicted to the pain of your past or the fear of your future. What matters is the
here and now because that is the matter you are being with. Being in the here
and now brings the fullness of life into being and that is what you are all meant
to teach those whom you come into contact with.
When you are present you are grounded and then all your needs are manifested.
Worry deviates you from your path. There is a difference between caution and
constant worrying; there is a difference between being totally irrational and
listening to your heart. When emotions supersede what is in your best interest
then you know, sit in the silence and look at what spirit is delivering, listen to
what your soul is telling you, observe the ego's deep need to take control,
observe, feel and be present.
This is the most powerful gift you will take away from this experience today, the
gift of the present moment is the present, yes, the gift in other words. One can
never understand the fullness of life until one is fully in the moment. Creative
activities help one stay in the moment. Each of you give yourself the opportunity
to be creative, therefore take time to sing, to dance, to draw, to garden, to paint,
to sculpt, to write, whatever inspires you creatively, this will train your energy to
be in the moment, to focus on the here and now and this slows down the
interference of the egos need to be heard all the time, to have your attention all
the time. The endless mind chatter is your ego's way of trying to get your

attention all the time and that endless mind chatter is not who you truly are, it is
the ego commentating in every moment as to what is going on, what has
happened and what will happen, all at once.
Lord Buddha presents each of you with a golden egg. This symbolises divine
prosperity for the egg holds life. Within this egg is also the seed, take this golden
egg and hold it to your heart and be willing to accept divine prosperity without
judgement, without expectation and without fear.(pause) You were placed on
earth for a purpose and within that purpose are many other purposes. You came
with gifts and talents, because that is what would ensure your survival on earth.
Your gifts; your talents are what would keep divine prosperity flowing for you.
So use them, dont be afraid of them, embrace what you are good at, embrace
your strengths and recognise them as the tools you brought into this lifetime to
ensure your ability to thrive within that which you have created and in so doing
you lead the way for others to follow the same.
Lord Jesus and Lord Serapis Bey now approach each of you with a template
which has your sacred prosperity symbol on it, close your eyes now and feel this
energy, (pause) if you cannot see anything imagine it, if you cant imagine it,
just feel it. (pause) Some of you are just receiving waves of colour, breathe that
in and allow the colour to be your prosperity symbol, the same applies sounds.
(pause) The 12 masters now ask you to present any question or ask for any
assistance you may need in resolving conflict or manifesting answers, or for the
facilitation of anything you are currently working with, and they assure you of
their support and the facilitation of the process. Therefore in the stillness of your
mind please hand the information to them. (pause)
The Lady of the Mountain now comes to each of you and she draws the Star of
David on your 3rd eye. (pause) She draws a circle on your crown and a triangle
on your heart. (pause) I remove my hand from your thymus.... Take a deep
breath in and as you exhale through your mouth feel the energy grids completing
themselves and being sealed within the etheric template of divine love. (pause)
Remember to keep your energy open to divine prosperity and know that it is safe
to accept this flow. (pause) Give thanks to the 12 masters; (pause) give thanks to
the Lady of the Mountain again (pause) and give thanks to yourself for making
this choice today. Draw your energy back into your physical body, being present
in the moment, feeling yourself with the solid structure beneath you. (pause)
Please bring the energy together in a circle again, take a deep breath in and as
you exhale we seal the platinum ray for the Mother city and for the Lady of the
Mountain and she assures all the carriers of the light will have free access to the
platinum ray at any time it is needed. Now place your hands over your solar
plexus anchoring the rays of the sun within. (pause) Please keep the circle

formation and while we do this are there any questions that any of you have that
we can assist you with?
Q. I would like to ask how I can resolve the conflict between my two dogs
Gloria and and bring in the of great harmony, love, grace back into our
Sister it is simple, address all areas of your personal life that reflect conflict,
animals mirror their owners and it is connected to the ego and the mental body.
Once you reflect on that you will find harmony re-manifesting as you have
requested. Call forth for St Francis of Assisi to facilitate this process and your
personal guides is this clear?
Yes, thank you.
Blessings be with you then
Q. I have a question Lord Kuthumi, how do I resolve the issue with regards to
my daughter and the abuse with regards the
Sister we suggest you ask that your daughter, her father, you and her new father
be taken to council upon the inner planes and ask Lord Maitreya to oversee this
council meeting. You have the right to insist that any kind of abusive behaviour
cease and that spirit intervene to bring an end to the cycle of conflict. Ask that
her spirit parents be present too. Once such a council meeting has been
conducted and all members of council have agreed that intervention is necessary
you can expect a change in the situation within 2 to 6 weeks of your earth time.
During that time we suggest gentle healing for your daughter, this can be done
with crystals, with water and with music. Do you understand?
Yes I do thank you.
You are most welcome.
Q. Lord Kuthumi can I please ask you, can you give me guidance on how to
have my parents and family accept my relationship with Janice.
Beloved brother you do not have to make them accept anything, all you need to
do is be in your truth. You see when you accept what you have chosen and what
she has chosen everyone else will need to adjust to the situation accordingly.
This shows them that their negativity, their fear and their projections are not
going to get them the desired outcome. Therefore love each other as you do, be
in your truth as a couple and everyone else will have to adjust. The fact that she
is not the same colour skin as you does not mean she is any less and that is what
they have to learn. So she has brought a great gift of transformation to your
family. It may take them time to recognise it, but patience always pays off. Do
you understand?
Yes thank you.
And Im sure when the little grand child comes along it will speed up the

No resisting anything like that yes
Yes. More laughter
Are we jumping the gun?
more laughter
We will leave that up to you. They say practise makes perfect. Im sure you do
not object. That answers your question?
Thank you very much yes
You are most welcome
Q. Lord Kuthumi do I understand that I must move my work to the Cape?
Is it super mans cape or is it bat mans cape?
Laughter, Cape Town
I know Im asking Are you a super hero
Yes and no. Laughter
We think you are. Brother let us ask you this, what is the motivation behind your
To be with my children
If your motivation is coming from your heart then all is in accordance with the
Thank you
You are welcome, anything else.
Q. Lord Kuthumi our building is just about at home and Im looking forward
to resigning from the corporate world where my soul requires me to be. Id
like to just know if Peter and I when we have our ceremony at home for the
opening of the for the opening of our centre of fluid love. Is there any
specific crystal that we need to bury in Mother Earth to ground the energy?
That should not be too hard to guess
Other than rose quartz, laugh
Rose quartz
Rose quartz holds all the energy of a crystalline nature for fluid love. Seeing as
you have chosen for it to be a fluid love centre, you can place upon the earth
quartz crystals to amplify the energy of the rose quartz. Quartz crystals are
receivers and transmitters of energy and amplifies the energy of any other
crystal in its presence, you understand?
Yes, thank you
You are most welcome.
Q. Lord Kuthumi may I ask a question, I met a girl recently and I would like to
ask is she my twin flame and would like the connection and the purpose
Every relationship has a purpose and within every relationship one learns more

about the self for you are involved with a mirror as is everyone else. Look into
the eyes of your partner and you look into the eyes of your own soul and self.
The purpose of the relationship is about developing a deeper sense of selfawareness, especially self-trust. This is what you will both teach one another.
There is a flame energy between the two of you but the etheric grids are not
revealing completely if it is a twin flame relationship. Twin flame relationships
are not as glamorous as they are made out to be. Relationships that are meant to
be will be, regardless of the label that is placed on them. Do you understand?
So there is certainly a divine purpose behind your relationship and we suggest
that you simply surrender to what each moment presents you in the relationship
and grow together. Do you understand?
Anything else
Q. Lord Kuthumi I was unable to attend one of the channelings on the spirit
name, perhaps can you tell me what my spirit name is and anything else to go
with it?
Brother we will be conducting this again we suggest that if it is possible to
participate for it is a process of accessing the akashic records and many other
levels of energy to bring it into the consciousness. Do you understand?
Yes thank you
You are welcome. I shall take one last question.
Q. Lord Kuthumi, Ive been told that I hold the light in the Paarl area, but
there is an opportunity for me to move to Mossel Bay
The light will go wherever you go and if you decide you want to hold the light
somewhere else believe me there will be another light keeper in Paarl. So if you
heart is pulling you to Mossel Bay then by all means follow it. Is this clear?
And so it is then beloved ones that we embrace each of you in the platinum
vibration of divine prosperity and hold you within the nurturing energy of
Mother Africa and the Mother city. Enjoy your journey up and down, in and out
and all around. May each of you find the journey bringing you treasures that you
did not know you had. May these treasures come from deep within your soul,
revealing to you the power and divinity of your inner beauty. May all of you be
blessed and may you continue to trust in the many invisible arms that hold, that
carry and comfort you, and may all that you require to keep you on your path of
truth come to you under grace in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways, and
may all always be well in your world. I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the golden ray
of love and wisdom and I greet and bless you in love, adonai.

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