Anies: 1.50meters 40kg Mojokerto 21 Years Old Long Hair

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Nama : Anies Chalimatul F


: 121034236

PLS 2012A

I am anies. I am 21 years old. I am a little thin. I am 1.50meters tall, and my weight is

40kg. My religion is moslem. My hobby are listening a music,reading and browsing in
internet. My hair is black to brown and long. My eyes is black and im from mojokerto city. I
have pleasant personality. I am very friendly, sometimes I am shy if i meet new people. Im
funny. I have many friends.but sometimes i become annoying person and selfish. I also lazy.
I am an out of school education student at university state of surabaya. I am happy in here but
im dont know what i wants in the future. And the last i wanna happy forever.





21 years old

Long hair

Lazy girl
Little thin

My father is HariSubagiyo. He called Bagiyo. He is 46 years old. He has one sister

and one brother. He is older brother. His tall 1.60meters and weight 60kg. He has one wife
and four childrens. They are 2 son and 2 daughter. His skin is black and his hair is black too.
He live at Mojosari.




2 daughter

1 wife

2 son

My classmate is Cicyk Dwi Untari. She is 19 years old. She has a thin body, but very sweet.
Her tall and weight are 1,43 meters and 39 kg. She has black and long hair . her eyes are
brown and beautiful. She live in lidah wetan gang 7 no. 40 b and from trenggalek. She was in
surabaya state university students in nonformal education in the faculty of education in the
surabaya states. She has pleasant personality.

1. My full name is AniesChalimatulFauziah

3. i dont know what the meaning of my name
4. My nick name is anis. My friends called me with anis too
5. I live at lidahwetansurabaya
6. Inrandubango village, mojokerto regency
7. I come by motorcycle
8. Its about one hour
9. Deutch and koreanlaguage
10. Because english is international laguage. So, importan to learn it
11. Its about 10 years
12. Javanesselaguage
13. Javanese language and Indonesian language
14. Its difficult
15. a teacher
16. Yes, i have. My hobbies are reading ang listening music
17. Yes, i have
18. Become a good and succes person
19. I have 2 brother and 1 sister
20. No, they are
21. 6 people
22. In surabaya state university
23. 9 subjects

25. I am 20 years old
26. On Mojokerto,1994, 20th Januari
27. 27 years old
28. My father 47 years old and my mother 50 years old
29. Aquarius is my zodiac
30. Yes i do
31. My father name is bagiyo
32. My mother name is chadiroh
33. my father work as
34. No, she doesnt
35. 4 children
36. yes they do
37. 47 years old
38. Yes, he is
39. He like to watch football matches
40. No, he isnt
41. No, he ist
42. yes he is
43. yes she is
44. yes she is
45. yes she is

black and long
sweet Brown eyes

yeras old Trenggalek

1,43 meters

39 kg

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