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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\b\f0\fs28 CINDY
\cf1\b0\f0\fs20 P.O. Box 361651\par
Strongsville, Ohio 44136\par
\pard\tx6480\cf1\b\f0\fs28 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\cf0\ul\f1\fs24\par
\pard\ulnone\b0\f0\fs22 Seasoned Administrative Support Professional. Conscientious
and highly motivated \cf1 communication skills and strong work ethic. Adapts well
to changing priorities and the ability to acquire new skills quickly and
accurately. Detail-oriented and trustworthy with confidential material. Able to
work effectively alone or as part of a team. Provides\cf0 mature mentoring with
excellant task completion. Experience with e-mail, fax, URL, and Microsoft Word.
\cf1\b\f0\fs28 WORK EXPERIENCE\cf0\ul\f1\fs24\par
\cf1\ulnone\f0 Independent Contractor,\b0 Strongsville, Ohio
\b 2006-Present\cf0\ul\par
\cf1\ulnone\b0\i\fs22 Home Health Aid/House keeper\i0 for family of four.
Delivered and Maintained with flexibility and adaptability four different
schedules. Provided each with a healthy environment, condusive to their particular
individual needs.\cf0 Resulting in \f1 strategic plannning skills met with
tactfulness, creativity, and thoroughness. \i\par
\cf1\b\f0 Roe Dental Lab\cf0\b0\f1 , Garfield Hts, Ohio
\cf1\b\f0 November 2006 thru December 2006\par
\pard\qj\b0\i Customer Service\cf0\i0\f1 . Delivered service between client,
doctor, and technician. Receiving inventory, requiring appropriate inspecting,
resulting in sanitized materials., documenting, filling, and preparing for
technician lab work up.. Provided continuous communication via all departments.,
and completed in a timely manor returned shipments for the drivers.\tab\tab\tab\par
\pard\cf1\b\f0\fs24 Investors Union, \b0 Medina, Ohio
\b January 2006 thru June 2006 \b0\i
Call Center Associate\i0 . Received one hundred inbound calls daily on a multi-
line phone system. Coordinated incoming calls with a tactful and outgoing, and
friendly approach to each client. Resolved sensitive issues and inquires, while
entering data accurately resulting in providing the Company with increased revenue
and investments.\cf0\i\f1\fs22\par
\cf1\b\f0\fs22 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disorders,Inc. \b0 Cleveland,
Ohio \b 2002 - 2005
\b0 \i Non-Medical Home Health Aid\i0 . Provided and delivered to clients of all
ages \f2 aid and care after surgical procedures, rehabilitation, and convalescence.
\f0 Responsible for maintaining detailed service reports and records for the State
of Ohio. Commended by patients for collecting specimens with accuracy and minimal
discomfort.\f2 \f0 Handled all tasks with a positive attitude and always
reflecting the highest quality standard of service.\f2 \par
\f0\fs28 EDUCATION\f2 \fs22 \f0
\f2 \par
\b Therapeutic Soloist \b0\f2\tab \par
\cf0\i\f1 Generated emotional, mental and spiritual well being for children,
adults, and families in schools, hospitals, funeral homes, and on individual
\cf1\b\i0\f0 Bachelor of Arts\par
\b0 United Penn Wesleyan College, Allentown, PA\par

\b\i E-MAIL\b0\i0\cf0\i\f1\par

\pard\qc\cf1\b\i0\f0\fs28 CINDY CAMPBELL\cf0\f1\fs32\par
\cf1\b0\f0\fs20 P.O. Box 361651\par
Strongsville, Ohio 44136\par
\pard\tx6480\cf1\b\f0\fs28 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\cf0\ul\f1\fs24\par
\pard\ulnone\b0\f0\fs22 Seasoned Administrative Support Professional. Conscientious
and highly motivated \cf1 communication skills and strong work ethic. Adapts well
to changing priorities and the ability to acquire new skills quickly and
accurately. Detail-oriented and trustworthy with confidential material. Able to
work effectively alone or as part of a team. Provides\cf0 mature mentoring with
excellant task completion. Experience with e-mail, fax, URL, and Microsoft Word.
\cf1\b\f0\fs28 WORK EXPERIENCE\cf0\ul\f1\fs24\par
\cf1\ulnone\f0 Independent Contractor,\b0 Strongsville, Ohio
\b 2006-Present\cf0\ul\par
\cf1\ulnone\b0\i\fs22 Home Health Aid/House keeper\i0 for family of four.
Delivered and Maintained with flexibility and adaptability four different
schedules. Provided each with a healthy environment, condusive to their particular
individual needs.\cf0 Resulting in \f1 strategic plannning skills met with
tactfulness, creativity, and thoroughness. \i\par
\cf1\b\f0 Roe Dental Lab\cf0\b0\f1 , Garfield Hts, Ohio
\cf1\b\f0 November 2006 thru December 2006\par
\pard\qj\b0\i Customer Service\cf0\i0\f1 . Delivered service between client,
doctor, and technician. Receiving inventory, requiring appropriate inspecting,
resulting in sanitized materials., documenting, filling, and preparing for
technician lab work up.. Provided continuous communication via all departments.,
and completed in a timely manor returned shipments for the drivers.\tab\tab\tab\par
\pard\cf1\b\f0\fs24 Investors Union, \b0 Medina, Ohio
\b January 2006 thru June 2006 \b0\i
Call Center Associate\i0 . Received one hundred inbound calls daily on a multi-
line phone system. Coordinated incoming calls with a tactful and outgoing, and
friendly approach to each client. Resolved sensitive issues and inquires, while
entering data accurately resulting in providing the Company with increased revenue
and investments.\cf0\i\f1\fs22\par
\cf1\b\f0\fs22 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disorders,Inc. \b0 Cleveland,
Ohio \b 2002 - 2005
\b0 \i Non-Medical Home Health Aid\i0 . Provided and delivered to clients of all
ages \f2 aid and care after surgical procedures, rehabilitation, and convalescence.
\f0 Responsible for maintaining detailed service reports and records for the State
of Ohio. Commended by patients for collecting specimens with accuracy and minimal
discomfort.\f2 \f0 Handled all tasks with a positive attitude and always
reflecting the highest quality standard of service.\f2 \par
\f0\fs28 EDUCATION\f2 \fs22 \f0
\f2 \par
\b Therapeutic Soloist \b0\f2\tab \par
\cf0\i\f1 Generated emotional, mental and spiritual well being for children,
adults, and families in schools, hospitals, funeral homes, and on individual
\cf1\b\i0\f0 Bachelor of Arts\par
\b0 United Penn Wesleyan College, Allentown, PA\par
\b\fs28 CINDY CAMPBELL\cf0\f1\fs32\par
\cf1\b0\f0\fs20 P.O. Box 361651\par
Strongsville, Ohio 44136\par
\pard\tx6480\cf1\b\f0\fs28 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\cf0\ul\f1\fs24\par
\pard\ulnone\b0\f0\fs22 Seasoned Administrative Support Professional. Conscientious
and highly motivated \cf1 communication skills and strong work ethic. Adapts well
to changing priorities and the ability to acquire new skills quickly and
accurately. Detail-oriented and trustworthy with confidential material. Able to
work effectively alone or as part of a team. Provides\cf0 mature mentoring with
excellant task completion. Experience with e-mail, fax, URL, and Microsoft Word.
\cf1\b\f0\fs28 WORK EXPERIENCE\cf0\ul\f1\fs24\par
\cf1\ulnone\f0 Independent Contractor,\b0 Strongsville, Ohio
\b 2006-Present\cf0\ul\par
\cf1\ulnone\b0\i\fs22 Home Health Aid/House keeper\i0 for family of four.
Delivered and Maintained with flexibility and adaptability four different
schedules. Provided each with a healthy environment, condusive to their particular
individual needs.\cf0 Resulting in \f1 strategic plannning skills met with
tactfulness, creativity, and thoroughness. \i\par
\cf1\b\f0 Roe Dental Lab\cf0\b0\f1 , Garfield Hts, Ohio
\cf1\b\f0 November 2006 thru December 2006\par
\pard\qj\b0\i Customer Service\cf0\i0\f1 . Delivered service between client,
doctor, and technician. Receiving inventory, requiring appropriate inspecting,
resulting in sanitized materials., documenting, filling, and preparing for
technician lab work up.. Provided continuous communication via all departments.,
and completed in a timely manor returned shipments for the drivers.\tab\tab\tab\par
\pard\cf1\b\f0\fs24 Investors Union, \b0 Medina, Ohio
\b January 2006 thru June 2006 \b0\i
Call Center Associate\i0 . Received one hundred inbound calls daily on a multi-
line phone system. Coordinated incoming calls with a tactful and outgoing, and
friendly approach to each client. Resolved sensitive issues and inquires, while
entering data accurately resulting in providing the Company with increased revenue
and investments.\cf0\i\f1\fs22\par
\cf1\b\f0\fs22 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disorders,Inc. \b0 Cleveland,
Ohio \b 2002 - 2005
\b0 \i Non-Medical Home Health Aid\i0 . Provided and delivered to clients of all
ages \f2 aid and care after surgical procedures, rehabilitation, and convalescence.
\f0 Responsible for maintaining detailed service reports and records for the State
of Ohio. Commended by patients for collecting specimens with accuracy and minimal
discomfort.\f2 \f0 Handled all tasks with a positive attitude and always
reflecting the highest quality standard of service.\f2 \par
\f0\fs28 EDUCATION\f2 \fs22 \f0
\f2 \par
\b Therapeutic Soloist \b0\f2\tab \par
\cf0\i\f1 Generated emotional, mental and spiritual well being for children,
adults, and families in schools, hospitals, funeral homes, and on individual
\cf1\b\i0\f0 Bachelor of Arts\par
\b0 United Penn Wesleyan College, Allentown, PA\par

\b\i E-MAIL\b0\i0\cf0\i\f1\par

\pard\qc\cf1\b\i0\f0\fs28 CINDY CAMPBELL\cf0\f1\fs32\par
\cf1\b0\f0\fs20 P.O. Box 361651\par
Strongsville, Ohio 44136\par
\pard\tx6480\cf1\b\f0\fs28 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\cf0\ul\f1\fs24\par
\pard\ulnone\b0\f0\fs22 Seasoned Administrative Support Professional. Conscientious
and highly motivated \cf1 communication skills and strong work ethic. Adapts well
to changing priorities and the ability to acquire new skills quickly and
accurately. Detail-oriented and trustworthy with confidential material. Able to
work effectively alone or as part of a team. Provides\cf0 mature mentoring with
excellant task completion. Experience with e-mail, fax, URL, and Microsoft Word.
\cf1\b\f0\fs28 WORK EXPERIENCE\cf0\ul\f1\fs24\par
\cf1\ulnone\f0 Independent Contractor,\b0 Strongsville, Ohio
\b 2006-Present\cf0\ul\par
\cf1\ulnone\b0\i\fs22 Home Health Aid/House keeper\i0 for family of four.
Delivered and Maintained with flexibility and adaptability four different
schedules. Provided each with a healthy environment, condusive to their particular
individual needs.\cf0 Resulting in \f1 strategic plannning skills met with
tactfulness, creativity, and thoroughness. \i\par
\cf1\b\f0 Roe Dental Lab\cf0\b0\f1 , Garfield Hts, Ohio
\cf1\b\f0 November 2006 thru December 2006\par
\pard\qj\b0\i Customer Service\cf0\i0\f1 . Delivered service between client,
doctor, and technician. Receiving inventory, requiring appropriate inspecting,
resulting in sanitized materials., documenting, filling, and preparing for
technician lab work up.. Provided continuous communication via all departments.,
and completed in a timely manor returned shipments for the drivers.\tab\tab\tab\par
\pard\cf1\b\f0\fs24 Investors Union, \b0 Medina, Ohio
\b January 2006 thru June 2006 \b0\i
Call Center Associate\i0 . Received one hundred inbound calls daily on a multi-
line phone system. Coordinated incoming calls with a tactful and outgoing, and
friendly approach to each client. Resolved sensitive issues and inquires, while
entering data accurately resulting in providing the Company with increased revenue
and investments.\cf0\i\f1\fs22\par
\cf1\b\f0\fs22 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disorders,Inc. \b0 Cleveland,
Ohio \b 2002 - 2005
\b0 \i Non-Medical Home Health Aid\i0 . Provided and delivered to clients of all
ages \f2 aid and care after surgical procedures, rehabilitation, and convalescence.
\f0 Responsible for maintaining detailed service reports and records for the State
of Ohio. Commended by patients for collecting specimens with accuracy and minimal
discomfort.\f2 \f0 Handled all tasks with a positive attitude and always
reflecting the highest quality standard of service.\f2 \par
\f0\fs28 EDUCATION\f2 \fs22 \f0
\f2 \par
\b Therapeutic Soloist \b0\f2\tab \par
\cf0\i\f1 Generated emotional, mental and spiritual well being for children,
adults, and families in schools, hospitals, funeral homes, and on individual
\cf1\b\i0\f0 Bachelor of Arts\par
\b0 United Penn Wesleyan College, Allentown, PA\par

\b\i E-MAIL\b0\i0\cf0\i\f1\par

\pard\qc\cf1\b\i0\f0\fs28 CINDY CAMPBELL\cf0\f1\fs32\par
\cf1\b0\f0\fs20 P.O. Box 361651\par
Strongsville, Ohio 44136\par
\pard\tx6480\cf1\b\f0\fs28 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS\cf0\ul\f1\fs24\par
\pard\ulnone\b0\f0\fs22 Seasoned Administrative Support Professional. Conscientious
and highly motivated \cf1 communication skills and strong work ethic. Adapts well
to changing priorities and the ability to acquire new skills quickly and
accurately. Detail-oriented and trustworthy with confidential material. Able to
work effectively alone or as part of a team. Provides\cf0 mature mentoring with
excellant task completion. Experience with e-mail, fax, URL, and Microsoft Word.
\cf1\b\f0\fs28 WORK EXPERIENCE\cf0\ul\f1\fs24\par
\cf1\ulnone\f0 Independent Contractor,\b0 Strongsville, Ohio
\b 2006-Present\cf0\ul\par
\cf1\ulnone\b0\i\fs22 Home Health Aid/House keeper\i0 for family of four.
Delivered and Maintained with flexibility and adaptability four different
schedules. Provided each with a healthy environment, condusive to their particular
individual needs.\cf0 Resulting in \f1 strategic plannning skills met with
tactfulness, creativity, and thoroughness. \i\par
\cf1\b\f0 Roe Dental Lab\cf0\b0\f1 , Garfield Hts, Ohio
\cf1\b\f0 November 2006 thru December 2006\par
\pard\qj\b0\i Customer Service\cf0\i0\f1 . Delivered service between client,
doctor, and technician. Receiving inventory, requiring appropriate inspecting,
resulting in sanitized materials., documenting, filling, and preparing for
technician lab work up.. Provided continuous communication via all departments.,
and completed in a timely manor returned shipments for the drivers.\tab\tab\tab\par
\pard\cf1\b\f0\fs24 Investors Union, \b0 Medina, Ohio
\b January 2006 thru June 2006 \b0\i
Call Center Associate\i0 . Received one hundred inbound calls daily on a multi-
line phone system. Coordinated incoming calls with a tactful and outgoing, and
friendly approach to each client. Resolved sensitive issues and inquires, while
entering data accurately resulting in providing the Company with increased revenue
and investments.\cf0\i\f1\fs22\par
\cf1\b\f0\fs22 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disorders,Inc. \b0 Cleveland,
Ohio \b 2002 - 2005
\b0 \i Non-Medical Home Health Aid\i0 . Provided and delivered to clients of all
ages \f2 aid and care after surgical procedures, rehabilitation, and convalescence.
\f0 Responsible for maintaining detailed service reports and records for the State
of Ohio. Commended by patients for collecting specimens with accuracy and minimal
discomfort.\f2 \f0 Handled all tasks with a positive attitude and always
reflecting the highest quality standard of service.\f2 \par
\f0\fs28 EDUCATION\f2 \fs22 \f0
\f2 \par
\b Therapeutic Soloist \b0\f2\tab \par
\cf0\i\f1 Generated emotional, mental and spiritual well being for children,
adults, and families in schools, hospitals, funeral homes, and on individual
\cf1\b\i0\f0 Bachelor of Arts\par
\b0 United Penn Wesleyan College, Allentown, PA\par

\b\i E-MAIL\b0\i0\cf0\i\f1\par


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