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28 January 2010

California Edition

Calendar State Links Hospital Errors to Nurses

Four Citations at One Facility Alone; Union Reacts
February 10
Reports released this week by the until eight hours after being admitted, at
California Department of Public Health which time she had developed a 106-
9-+:/;(2!<++-=/(;/-4!->!?-1;3)*4!8(2/>-*4/(! degree fever. That oversight was linked to
?)=-40!<441(2!'(22/(;/.)!8(*)!8-4>)*)4=)@!! chronicle a series of nurse-related hospital
'(=/>/=!'(2A+!B)+-*;6!8/;&!->!C401+;*&@ mishaps that led to the deaths of four a traveling nurse assigned to the
patients, including an infant. The head of emergency department who had recently
?:)(D)*+!(40!%*)(D-1;!5*-1:+!E/22!A(D)! the state’s largest union blamed the errors graduated from nursing school and was
;3)!5*-E/45!%1+/4)++!=(+)!>-*!:(22/(;/.)! in part on hospital not qualified for
executives ER work.
mismanaging their January 27 Administrative Penalties In another
nursing staffs. incident at JFK, an
3;;:IJJEEE@3(+=@-*5 John F. Kennedy Number Levied: 16 87-year-old patient
Memorial Medical Hospitals cited: 13 received a dose of
Center in Indio Patient Deaths involved: 4 the blood thinner
February 10 received four Physician/staff-involved errors cited: 4 heparin 10 times
administrative Nurse-involved errors cited: 12 larger than
C4+1*)0!N3)!M4/4+1*)06!$O;3!<441(2! penalties totaling prescribed. An
8-4>)*)4=)@!?(=*(A)4;-!8-4.)4;/-4! investigation
8)4;)*@ $100,000 – the most
<!+&A:-+/1A!-4!3-E!;-!*)01=)!;3)!*(4D+! ever levied by the CDPH at once. found that seven nurses assigned to JFK’s
->!;3)!14/4+1*)0@!FOGHF$PG@ According to CDPH documentation, all of ER were not specifically trained for the
the incidents were linked to issues with the assignment.
B)5/+;)*!-42/4)I 145-bed facility’s nursing staff. All occurred Deborah Burger, president of the
3;;:IJJ/;1:=-4>)*)4=)@).)4;%*/;)@=-AJ in 2008. California Nurses Association and
The most serious incident involved a 2- National Nurses United, among the
day-old boy who died of sepsis, meningitis nation’s most influential nurse unions,
and acute hypoglycemia within hours of claims it’s fairly common for hospitals to
March 9-10 being admitted. Although the child showed place nurses in positions where they
signs of sepsis when brought to the ER, no don’t have specific clinical
9)(2;3&!')-:2)!8-4>)*)4=)@!K-45!L)*2))! testing was immediately performed, his competencies.
8-4>)*)4=)!8)4;)*6!7-A(!7/40(!M4/.)*+/;&@! vital signs were not closely monitored, and “There are some facilities that have a
<!0/+=1++/-4!->!3-E!=-AA14/;/)+!=(4! it was more than two hours before high number of traveling nurses. They
/A:*-.)!;3)/*!3)(2;3!;3*-153!%);;)*!0/);+! antibiotics were administered. Another
child did not have its full vital signs taken Continued on Next Page


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Payers & Providers NEWS Page 2

Nurses (Continued from Page One)

Top Placement...
Bottomless Potential may have difficulty recruiting nurses to be crossed out, rather than underlined,
work at those facilities because of prompting him to disregard it.
Advertise working conditions,” Burger says. “But if Another patient death case at St. Jude
they’re using travelers, they need to give Medical Center in Fullerton occurred after a
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 them a proper orientation, and make sure nurse ignored a lack of vital signs on a
they’re competent to work in the unit patient’s cardiac monitor. The nurse had
where they’re assigned.” noted the patient had left his bed a couple
In Brief JFK’s executives agreed to intensively
retrain portions of its nursing staff,
of times during the evening, and thought
the monitor leads were disconnected.
particularly in the ED, to address the Nurses were also linked to surgical
violations. “We’ve implemented the errors at San Francisco General Hospital
training, and have reduced the number of and Western Medical Center in Santa Ana
City of Angels Civil
traveling nurses we use,” says hospital when they did not conduct a proper post-
Charges Settled For spokeswoman Linda Evans. She adds that surgical count of sponges. In the San
$10M no further incidents have occurred. Francisco General case, the error was not
Aside from JFK, only one other discovered until the sponge was removed
Two former executives of City of hospital has racked up four administrative from the patient during an ER visit more
Angels Medical Center in Los than three months later. San Francisco
penalties – Los Angeles County-Harbor
Angeles will pay $10 million as
part of a consent judgment to UCLA Medical Center, according to General was fined $25,000 for the incident;
satisfy state and federal civil CDPH spokesman Ralph Montano. Western Medical $50,000.
charges over their operation of a In other incidents, Santa Clara Valley Burger claims the surgeons involved are
Medicare fraud scheme. Medical Center in San Jose was fined also normally involved in tracking sponges
Prosecutors alleged that
between 2004 and 2007, Robert $25,000 for a patient death linked to an before a procedure is completed. “All of
Bourseau and Rudra Sabaratnam, improper triage performed by its ER them are responsible for the count,” she
M.D., recruited homeless persons nurse. The nurse had claimed that the says.
for $500 apiece to undergo patient’s hemoglobin count appeared to The CDPH declined comment on any
unnecessary treatments and trends involving nurses.
procedures. The pair in turned
billed Medicare and Medi-Cal at
least $4 million. They pled guilty to
federal criminal charges last year.
“Performing unnecessary A Boost to Medi-Cal In L.A. County
medical procedures just to take
money from taxpayers' pockets is Health Net, L.A. Care Stretch on Dental Coverage
bad enough, but to prey on
homeless people struggling to
survive day to day is particularly
As part of a cost saving measure last year higher cost services overall, and we were
reprehensible,” says Tony West,
Assistant Attorney General for the to close a huge budget decit, California getting a negative response from many of our
Civil Division of the Department of eliminated the Denti-Cal program for adults, enrollees,” says Sean O’Brien, Health Net’s
Justice. “We won't tolerate illegal limiting coverage only to tooth extractions. director of dental operations. The decision
conduct and we will continue to affects about 70,000 Medi-Cal beneciaries in
In response, the two major health plans
hold companies, institutions and
individuals accountable for that cover Medi-Cal enrollees in Los Angeles L.A. County who are over the age of 21, he
healthcare County have tried to provide dental care on adds. It covers about 450,000 Medi-Cal
fraud.” their own. This week, Woodland Hills-based beneciaries in L.A. County.
Bourseau will be sentenced on Health Net announced it would extend basic Last September, Health Net began offering
February 22, and Sabaratnam on
dental coverage to its adult Medi-Cal enrollees dental benets to the approximately 10,000
April 5.
in Los Angeles County through the adult Medi-Cal beneciaries it covers in
commercial dental plan it operates. The Sacramento County. In response, it signed on
Molina Offers Full 2010 coverage includes routine checkups, x-rays about 2,000 new enrollees this month, about
Guidance and cleanings. Other procedures, such as double the average, according to O’Brien.
llings, are discounted by as much as two- Whereas Health Net is using its existing
Medi-Cal managed care insurer thirds. infrastructure, L.A. Care, which covers about
Molina Healthcare has issued The move follows on the heels of L.A. 785,000 Medi-Cal enrollees countywide, is
earnings guidance for the full 2010
Care Health Plan’s provision for dental mostly paying providers to offer dental
calendar year that are moderately
above its 2009 earnings. benets last year. coverage. Its small health plan for dual-
The Long Beach-based Molina Health Net ofcials say the need to eligibles – with 700 Medicare and Medi-Cal
issued a forecast $39 million in net provide dental care had become obvious, enrollees – began offering dental benets in
particularly in light of studies linking oral early 2009. But the plan granted more than
Continued on Page 3 health to overall health. “It’s not one of the Continued on Next Page

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 3

Longer ALOS!* Medi-Cal (Continued from Page Two)

Advertise $700,000 to 10 community clinics providing dental care benets has pleased
countywide to provide dental care to its some state healthcare advocates.
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 approximately 200,000 adult Medi-Cal “It would be amazing if we could get
enrollees. L.A. Care spokesperon Andrea Van more plans to expand their dental coverage,”
*For our ads, not your hospital Hook also conrmed that it is considering says Maria Robles, President of Sacramento-
offering dental coverage to its adult Medi-Cal based Californians for Patient Care. The group
enrollees, but that it would require approval says its requests to nd both medical and
In Brief from the California Department of Health
Care Services, which oversees the Medi-Cal
dental care for individuals has increased
twenty-fold over the past year. In one example,
program. “Those plans have not yet the organization spent four months trying to
solidied,” she says. get dental care for someone with an abscessed
income, or $1.50 per share for
calendar 2010, about 20% above That two health plans have stretched on tooth, without success.
its projected 2009 earnings of
$1.12 to $1.26 per share it issued
earlier this month.
Molina officials had said 2009
earnings were put under pressure
due to additional expenses treating
AIDS Provider Challenges Merck
enrollees who had contracted the Bars Sales Force Over Claim of Price Gouging
H1N1 swine flu virus.
The 2010 earnings forecast
does not take into account any
dilutive effect for its recently Claiming price-gouging by Merck & Co. Inc. AHF operates 15 clinics throughout
announced acquisition of the for its antiretroviral drug, the AIDS Healthcare California and in Florida and provides
health information management Foundation has banned sales representatives antiretroviral drugs to about 8,000.Weinstein
unit from Unisys, Inc., the
company announced. from the pharmaceutical giant at its clinics. says AHF spends about $180 million a year
The move came after ofcials with the Los on drugs, but could not estimate how much it
Angeles based AHF claimed Merck did not spends on Isentress.
Loubet Joins Payers & lower the price of its drug Isentress after it was The prohibition on Merck’s sales force
Providers Board repositioned as a rst-line defense for patients does not include a ban on Isentress,
ghting HIV. Isentress was initially introduced according to Weinstein. However, AHF
Henry Loubet, chief strategy officer as a “salvage” drug to treat patients who were ofcials note that its representatives have
for Keenan & Associates, has
joined the Payers & Providers not responding to other forms of antiretroviral made regular calls to the clinics, and often
Editorial Board. therapy. Typically, salvage drugs are priced provide its staff with lunches.
Loubet, who is based in considerably higher than rst-line drugs AHF enacted a similar ban a decade ago
Oakland, is the first Northern because the lower demand cannot cover on Glaxo representatives over objections
Californian representative on the
research costs. about how it prices its antiretroviral drugs for
Payers & Providers board. He will
regularly contribute to its Opinion According to AHF data, Merck recently the African market. The ban was in effect for
page. Keenan is the largest raised the wholesale price of Isentress from about four years before Glaxo relented on
independent insurance brokerage $12,150 per year to $12,868, rather than pricing, according to Weinstein.
and consultant in California. cutting the price. AHF ofcials say many In a prepared statement, Merck defended
Prior to joining Keenan,
Loubet held senior executive antiretrovirals cost less than $9,000 per year its pricing policies.
positions at some of California’s wholesale. “The price of Isentress was determined
largest health plans. He served as “The fact that Merck recently obtained after consultation with respected leaders in
chief executive officer of FDA-approval for wider use of Isentress as a the HIV community, and is in line with
UnitedHealthCare’s western
rst line treatment, but kept it priced as if it Merck's long-standing commitment to ensure
region, was president of the former
Foundation Health Plan, and was a were a salvage drug is reprehensible,” says access,” says Merck senior vice president
senior vice president with Health AHF President Michael Weinstein. Patrick Bergstedt.
Loubet holds master’s degrees
from the University of Pittsburgh
and University of San Francisco,
and a bachelor’s degree from Rider
University, New Jersey.
“Henry’s deep knowledge of Expert Healthcare Communications
the payer side of healthcare is an
enormous benefit to the
publication,” says Payers & !White Papers !Media Campaigns !Newsletters
Providers publisher Ron Shinkman.

(818) 848-8510

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

9-21:)!"6!;++1)!< A Reboot For Healthcare Reform

New Efforts Must be Focused on ACOs and Costs
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!'1%2/+3/456! Landmark federal healthcare reform innovative, and user-friendly for both patients
778?!@4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! legislation which was nearly a done deal is and doctors. It will improve individual patient
+1%+A*/=B/-4!/+!CDD!(!&)(*! now a deal undone.!Due to the recent end care by providing health services through a
EC$<D!/4!%12FG?!;B!/+!0)2/.)*)0! of a Democratic supermajority in the network of physicians who use the latest
%&!)H:(/2!(+!(!'IJ! Senate, the future of healthcare reform will health information technology to track patient
(BB(A3:)4B6!-*!(+!(4!)2)AB*-4/A! now be significantly altered. treatments and share intelligence to guide
4)K+2)BB)*? Whatever strategy Congress chooses to patient care decisions.! The Congressional
reform healthcare, it is essential that it Budget Office has estimated the savings from
address the major areas in need of change, a currently proposed national ACO “pilot
@22!!(0.)*B/+/456!+1%+A*/%)*!(40! including eliminating various unfair program” at $2.3 billion.
)0/B-*/(2!/4L1/*/)+M insurance practices and fixing California’s physician groups are
ENOOG!"<NH"PQ# our current healthcare delivery among the few throughout the
/4R-S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+2?A-: model. Without reform the risk country that have been
is real that our economy will practicing within an accountable
T(/2/45!(00*)++M continue on a downward spiral care model for the past 20 years.
N$N!U?!V-22&K--0!W(&6!X1/B)!Y as sky-rocking healthcare costs The California physicians who
Y1*%(4F6!8@!D$Z#Z crowd out other critical have organized themselves into
expenditures.! Multi-Specialty Medical Groups
Part of the problem has been and Independent Practice
W)%+/B) our reluctance to transform an Associations (IPA) represent the
KKK?=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: antiquated fee-for-service exact “Accountable Care
J(A)%--F payment model – one that has Organization” approach that the
KKK?R(A)%--F?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ been entrenched for decades – now in-limbo House and Senate
>K/BB)* into a higher quality, more bills have tasked the Center for
KKK?BK/BB)*?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ accountable system of care.!The By Medicare and Medicaid Services to
existing fragmented structure makes it Donald spread across the nation.! !
very difficult for patients to receive Crane With the baby boomers scheduled to hit
optimal care because the fee-for- The ACO model is best equipped to
XB).)4!>?!9(2)4B/4)6!'*)+/0)4B6! service model pays physicians for handle the intense coordination of health
>3)!8(:0)4!]*-1= treatment regardless of whether the care services required to meet the needs of an
provided is appropriate, beneficial, or aging patient population battling diabetes and
^-++!]-20%)*56!83(/*:(4!-R!B3)! even warranted.! Additionally, within the other chronic diseases. The ACO model will
Y-(*06!7-+!^-%2)+!V-+=/B(2!,! fee-for-service model, patients are obliged also provide the infrastructure and cost
to self navigate through a maze of containment measures needed to insure 36
_/:!7-BB6!\`)A1B/.)!9/A)!'*)+/0)4B6! specialists who frequently have no million more Americans in the next decade
V-+=/B(2!@++-A/(B/-4!-R!X-1B3)*4! connection to each other.!!! without overwhelming our healthcare system.
8(2/R-*4/( Previous healthcare reform measures !Even though broad healthcare reform
offered us the opportunity to transition seems to be slipping away, we still have an
\2(/4)!Y(BA32-*6!T?I?6!83/)R! from this disorganized approach to one extraordinary and unique opportunity to make
T)0/A(2!aRR/A)*6!7?@?!8(*)!V)(2B3! that is more affordable, comprehensive, a very real difference in the lives of millions
'2(4! and coordinated through the establishment of people. Congress should seriously consider
of Accountable Care Organizations (ACO).! the ACO experiences in California and use
b)/B3!^/A3:(46!T?I?6!\`)A1B/.)! In fact, ACOs were one part of healthcare them as a roadmap for any healthcare reform
reform nearly everyone agreed with. It is measures proposed in the future.
vitally important that, in their quest to
V)4*&!7-1%)B6!X)4/-*!9/A)! transform America’s healthcare system, Donald Crane is the President and CEO of the
'*)+/0)4B6!b))4(4 Congress doesn’t “throw the baby out with California Association of Physician Groups, which
the bathwater.” Therefore, any future employs or contracts with nearly 60,000
'1%2/+3)*[\0/B-*H/4H83/)R healthcare reform proposal must include physicians who provide care to 15 million
the ACO model.
^-4!X3/4F:(4 .! Think of Accountable Care Op-ed submissions of up to 575 words are
)0/B-*S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: Organizations as “Healthcare 3.0” – welcomed. Please e-mail proposals to
providing a system that is more, or call
accountable, affordable, efficient, (877) 248-2360, ext. 3.

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 6

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