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of Mark T. Williams1
Banking Specialist, Commodities and Risk Management Expert
Boston University Finance Department
To U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on Small Business
April 2, 2014
Bitcoin: Examining the Benefits and Risks for Small Business
Rayburn House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515


Good afternoon Chairman Sam Graves and other distinguished

committee members. My name is Mark Williams and for the last 12 years I
have been on the Finance faculty of Boston University where I have
specialized in banking, capital markets and risk management related matters.
In 2010, I wrote Uncontrolled Risk, a book about the fall of Lehman Brothers
and what caused the 2008 real estate asset bubble
Prior to my academic career, I was a senior executive for a Boston-based
commodity-trading firm and have worked as a field examiner for the Federal
Reserve Bank in San Francisco and Boston. On occasion, I have also been a
consultant to small businesses.
Through my academic and work experiences I have gained a strong
understanding of how the capital markets function, the role of currency, how


Mark T. Williams has only a de minimis financial interest in Bitcoin and no direct investment in Bitcoin-related

For the last 18 months, I have closely studied, researched, and more recently
written on Bitcoin, its structure and its highly-risky nature.
I appreciate the opportunity to testify today and I view this committee
room as an extension of the Boston University classroom. My interest and
fascination with Bitcoin started in 2011. Initially it was part of an in-class
lecture, later a homework assignment, and ultimately, morphed into a full
classroom debate. At that time, Bitcoin was trading for 32 cents. Over the last
three years, this pseudo currency has taken on a life of its own. In 2013 its
speculative value increased from $13 to a market high of $1,200.
Most Recent Events
One month or even one week in the Bitcoin world can be equivalent to a
decade in other markets. The price risk associated with Bitcoin is extreme
and unlike any other volatile commodity. Despite the dramatic rise in 2013,
prices have not been a one-way space rocket to the moon. Since November
2013, Bitcoin has slid by over 60 percent to $462.2 Chinas decision on
December 5, 2013 to prohibit its banks and money transmitters from

Market price of $462 on March 30, 2014 ($738/$1,200) = 62 percent.

accepting Bitcoin was the pin that has begun to prick the Bitcoin Bubble.3 On
this date, the worlds second largest economy warned that virtual currencies
carry substantial risk.4 Other market disruptions have occurred. On January
19, 2014 Alibaba, the Chinese equivalent of Amazon stopped accepting
Bitcoin. Two weeks later, Charlie Shrem, the Vice Chairman of the Bitcoin
Foundation, located a stone throw from these Chambers, was indicted by the
FBI for money laundering. Then on February 6, 2014, Russia declared the use
of Bitcoin illegal stating that the Ruble was the sole official currency. That
same week, Mt Gox of Japan, formerly the worlds largest Bitcoin exchange,
accounting for 80 percent of trading volume, announced it had been hacked,
and later disclosed customer losses of more than $400 million. The other two
major exchanges, Bitstamp, located in Slovenia and BTCe, located in Bulgaria,
were also impacted by this attack. The scale and scope of the Mt Gox virtual-
bank heist further rattled market confidence, raising new questions about
safety and the need for basic consumer protection standards. In February,
cyber hackers broke into Silk Road, the defunct deep-web purveyor of illegal
goods and services, stealing over $2.7 million worth of e-coins, proving that
criminals can also steal from criminals.


On December 4, 2013, former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Alan Greenspan indicated publically that Bitcoin
was a bubble.
China on December 5, 2013 declared that Bitcoin was not a virtual currency but a virtual commodity.

released a stern warning to investors about the dangers of buying and using
virtual currencies. Shortly after, on March 24, 2014, the Internal Revenue
Service dealt a further blow to Bitcoin, ruling it is not a foreign currency but
should be taxed as property. This IRS ruling gives investors with a low-cost
basis an added incentive to hoard coins instead of using them for
transactional purposes. This further diminishes the already low level of
market liquidity. Casting more doubt on the prospects of Bitcoin, on March
14, 2014, famed investor Warren Buffett stated Stay away. Bitcoin is a
mirage. His comments supported remarks made by Charlie Munger, Vice
Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway a year earlier, when Munger declared
Bitcoin rat poison.5 Despite these significant market disruptions, scandals
and pessimistic comments made by well-respected investors, Bitcoin
promoters continue to trumpet the virtues of this volatile, nationless and
anonymous currency. Some advocates have declared this period as the Bitcoin
Revolution (2000s), equivalent to the early stages of the internet (1990s).
Although I do not view Bitcoin as rat poison, this virtual currency does pose
significant risks to small business owners. These risks need to be carefully

Stated on Fox Business May 6, 2013

evaluated before deciding whether or not to venture into these new,

uncharted waters.
U.S. Small Business - Market Innovation
Small businesses fuel growth. Decisions by owners have broad impact.
Presently, U.S. small business accounts for over half of private sector gross

domestic product and employment. Since the 1970s, small businesses provide
55 percent of all jobs and 66 percent of all net new jobs. Businesses that are
willing to adopt and utilize new technology, such as virtual currencies, may
gain a distinct competitive advantage (e.g., cost savings, increased sales) over
their competitors. However, blindly adopting technology without
understanding the full risk implications can be hazardous to a companys
financial health. Bitcoin is an example of new technology that has clear
promise, but also poses a multitude of risks for both businesses and
In my testimony today I will not focus on the promise of virtual

currencies as I will leave that to the other hearing witnesses. Instead my focus
will be on the significant and currently unaddressed risks associated with
Bitcoin. Sound business and regulatory decisions can only be made when

against each other in the light of day.

Once the facts are fully laid out, my hope is to leave this Committee with
one simple question to ponder: what net benefits, if any, does Bitcoin
actually provide to legitimate U.S. small businesses?
How Risky is Bitcoin to Small Businesses?
This question is best summarized by looking at the disclosure statement
provided by Coinbase, a San Francisco based money transmitter who is
servicing an increasing number of the nations small businesses. As part of the
new account set-up process, Coinbase describes Bitcoin as a virtual currency
that could drop to the price of zero. In order to fully assess the risks of
Bitcoin, small business owners should take note of this particularly revealing
disclosure prior to deciding whether or not to accept Bitcoin. Indeed, if the
U.S. dollar carried a similar risk disclaimer, how many small business owners
would be willing to use the greenback to conduct commerce?

The 10 Major Risks for U.S. Small Businesses

In determining whether to accept Bitcoin when selling goods and
services or for meeting payroll or paying vendors, small business owners need
to first assess these 10 major risks. If this panoply of risk is not fully
understood or controlled, it has the potential of exposing a business to greater
earnings uncertainty, losses and fraud.
These 10 major risks are discussed below.
1. Bitcoin Is Not Legal Tender

Small businesses need to clearly understand that Bitcoin is not legal

tender. It is not created or supported by a sovereign --- it is nationless. Unlike
the U.S. dollar, there are no laws that require businesses or individuals to
accept Bitcoin to settle private or public debts. Bitcoin is also not backed by
taxing power, ability to assemble an army, assets or other natural resources
customarily owned or controlled by nation states. In contrast to legal tender,
the use of Bitcoin is limited to those willing to accept it. Presently the group of
Bitcoin users is minuscule relative to the U.S. population (1 million out of 317
million). Globally, these numbers are even smaller. If businesses or
individuals suddenly decide not to accept it, Bitcoin will become worthless.

Since inception, Bitcoin has experienced extreme annual price volatility

topping 140 percent.6 Bitcoin is 7 times more risky than gold and 8 times
more risky than the S&P 500. Compared to currencies it is 7 times more risky
than the unstable Argentinian Peso and 15 times more risky than the U.S.
dollar. As a result, it could be argued that small businesses that blindly accept
Bitcoin are not actually in commerce but are in the high-risk speculative
trading business. In contrast to small businesses, a Wall Street trading
company might be willing to assume the triple-digit price risk posed by
Bitcoin but only with experienced staff, sophisticated systems, strong controls
and a large balance sheet to buffer against daily price swings.

Bitcoin Price




In 2009, annual volatility was approximately 160 percent. Using price data from 2010 forward from Mt Gox,
Bitstamp and BTCe, annual volatility through 2014 was approximately 140 percent.

In a single day, it is not uncommon for Bitcoin prices to move by 10

percent. At current price levels, Bitcoin can drop by $50 or more in a single
day. In December 2013, in a 48-hour period, Bitcoin plummeted by 50
percent. Since the November 2013 market peak, Bitcoin prices have dropped
by over 60 percent. On February 14, 2014, during a flash crash, one block of
6,000 coins fell, in seconds, by over 80 percent to $102 before rebounding.7
3. Extreme Price Movements Can Quickly Erase Company Profit Margins
The profit margins of U.S. small businesses are dependent on numerous
factors including the nature of the industry, competition, location, number of
employees, technology employed, cost of capital and level of management skill
and experience. Although net profit margins can be 10 percent or less, more
profitable companies earn margins in the 15 to 20 percent range. Examples of
higher profit margin professions include CPAs, chiropractors, and dentists,
lawyers, portfolio managers and optometrists.8
Given that the daily price movement of Bitcoin can be as high as 10
percent, a small business owner who accepts this form of payment could see
profit margins reduced or completely erased in a matter of days.


Prices plunged on the BTCe to $102 before rebounding to over $600.

Nelson, Brett, The Most Profitable Small Businesses, Forbes, February 10 , 2011

Small business owners need to be cognizant of the fact that Bitcoin

prices were only $13 at the start of 2013 and could easily drop to the same
low level in the near future. In an efficient capital market, capital flows to its
highest and best use as investors seek a tradeoff between desired risk and
desired return. When investors receive timely, accurate and transparent
information, the likelihood of an asset bubble is diminished. However, even in
efficient and well-developed financial market, it is not uncommon to
experience bubbles (e.g., Dotcom 2000, Real Estate 2007).

All asset bubbles are similar in that they have three phases: growth,
maturity and pop. However, not all asset bubbles see prices collapse during
the final phase; sometimes prices deflate over an extended period allowing

investors to experience lower losses and softer landings. Bitcoin entered the
growth stage in 2011, the maturity stage in 2013 and now is in the pop stage.
Since December 2013 rapid price swings continue to demand that owners
watch prices on a daily and even hourly basis. If small business owners are
willing to accept Bitcoin they need to stay vigilant in monitoring the high
probability of a pronounced price collapse.
In December 2013, when prices were still over $1,000, I indicated that
Bitcoin could drop to $10 or below ( This prediction was based on several observations

including the underlying option value of this new and uncertain technology,
price level at the start of 2013 and the percentage price drop associated with
the 1637 Tulip Mania Bubble9. On January 24, 2014, Nobel prize-winner
economist Robert Shiller stated it is a bubble, there is no question about it
its just an amazing example of a bubble. As articulated by Coinbase, as part
of its new customer disclosure statement, business owners have to be
prepared for the chance that Bitcoin prices could drop to zero.


The price dropped once the bubble burst was 99 percent.

Increasingly, small businesses, in an effort to avoid the extreme price

risk of Bitcoin, are using the risk-mitigation services of Coinbase and BitPay.
However, in relying on these startups, there is a growing exposure to
concentration and bankruptcy risk.
Both Coinbase and BitPay, as financial middlemen, accept price risk for
a fee and allow businesses to receive their most preferred currency.
Merchants are given a fixed Bitcoin conversion rate linked to a window of
time. For example, BitPay provides a locked price quote for only 15 minutes.
The fee for basic entry level service is 1 percent of transaction value.10
Customers pay in Bitcoin but merchants can elect to receive U.S. dollars.
Extreme daily price swings have created a niche for Coinbase and BitPay but
also have created a potentially dangerous level of industry concentration risk.
It is important to note that Coinbase and BitPay do not eliminate overall
Bitcoin price risk but simply warehouse this risk on their books. This is of
particular concern given that these two fledgling firms are lightly regulated,
thinly capitalized, and not required to operate with minimum capital
requirements. Without these important safeguards, it is uncertain what this


BitPay has a four tier customer structure with fees ranging as low as 1 percent of transaction value to monthly
fees of up to $3,000 for extremely large transactions.

price mitigation guarantee is really worth? Adding to this concentration risk,

no derivatives market exists to off-load this significant risk.
As the number of small business customers increases, the amount of
Bitcoin price-risk retained by these financial middlemen will also grow. For
Coinbase or BitPay, a single-day price drop of 20 percent or a prolonged price
decline on a large enough Bitcoin position could be financially devastating.11
Coinbase also has multiple business lines that present an inherent
conflict of interest. In offering price-risk mitigation and Bitcoin-for-sale
services, Coinbase has an economic incentive to sell Bitcoin at the highest
market price while customers have an economic incentive to buy Bitcoin at
the lowest market price. Without strong regulatory oversight it is unclear
how Coinbase effectively balances this duel and conflicted loyalty.
If these financial middlemen were to declare bankruptcy, no longer able
to honor their obligations, and accounts receivable owed to merchants were
not paid, such a scenario could be extremely costly.


Since December 2013, there have been several days where daily intra and inter-day price movements have
exceeded 10 percent, increasing to 15, 20 percent or more.

Business owners can also sell coins and open e-wallets through Bitcoin
exchanges. Since Mt Gox trading was halted on February 7th, 2014, and its
subsequent bankruptcy two weeks later, the bulk of Bitcoin trading has been
concentrated in the hands of two exchanges: Bitstamp and BTCe. To sell on
these exchanges, U.S. small businesses must send instructions and trust that
their requests will be honored. These exchanges operate under no regulation
and are outside of the reach of U.S. regulators. With no regulatory oversight, it
is not unusual for certain well connected buyers and sellers to gain
preferential treatment in terms of price execution. Front-running is not
uncommon.12 In a weak corporate governance environment are customer
funds adequately protected from internal or external fraud? In this wild-
west atmosphere many exchanges have failed. It is estimated that of the 40
Bitcoin exchanges that have been started since the inception of Bitcoin, almost
half (18) have failed.13 When exchanges close, customers tend to lose
everything. In November 2013, GBL, based in Hong Kong, closed its doors,
costing investors over $4 million. In December 2013, the European Banking

Authority also warned of the dangers of other exchanges failing and of the lack


Practice of a self-interested firm executing trades in its own account after having advanced market information,
sometimes trading at the detriment of the customer positions.
Moore, Tyler, Christin, Nicolas, Beware the Middleman: Empirical Analysis of Bitcoin-Exchange Risk, 2013

of investor protection laws. Should one or both of these exchanges go into

bankruptcy, small businesses that store e-coins on either of these exchanges
could experience substantial financial exposure.
7. Bitcoin Use Can Trigger Significant Tax Risk

Unlike legal tender, Bitcoin has been designated for tax purposes as
property. This distinction is significant. Unlike legal tender, when accepting
Bitcoin, business owners can be subject to additional taxes associated with the
gains ---the difference in value on date received versus value on date sold.
On March 25, 2014, IRS issued a ruling that clarified the tax treatment of
Bitcoin but, in doing so, created greater uncertainty about the e-coins future.
Bitcoin is now taxed as property and not as foreign currency. Any gains in
Bitcoin value is taxed as ordinary income (as high as 39.6 percent) or at the
capital gains (20 percent) tax rate. Given the high price run-up of Bitcoin
during 2013, there are significant tax considerations which also influence the
level of hoarding versus spending. If an e-coin was purchased for $250 and it
now trades for $500, the owner is going to be less motivated to use it for
transactional currency purposes, especially if doing so would trigger an
additional tax event. For holders of Bitcoin, this IRS ruling reduces the
incentive to use e-coins for transactional purposes, reducing transaction flow,

coins were hoarded. It is highly plausible this tax ruling will encourage even
more hoarding.
Small business owners are now confronted with several other tax risks.
If they decide to accept and retain Bitcoin, they will need to keep records of

the market price on the day received and sold. Any increase in value from that
date forward would be subject to income tax. If a merchant decided to pay its
employees in Bitcoin, the firm also needs to withhold the required
employment tax in U.S. dollars. Companies that pay employees in Bitcoin are
also subjecting staff to increased tax risk should coins appreciate in value or if
prices drop. Such a policy, given Bitcoins extreme daily price volatility, would
unfairly penalize employees.
8. Transaction Fraud Risk Double Spending

Under Bitcoin protocol all new transactions are validated through the
blockchain, a public ledger that is independently verified every 10 minutes.
Validation is done to avoid a situation where a customer is able to
fraudulently double-spend this e-coin. However, this 10 minute window
poses potential risk should two businesses be paid with the same Bitcoin. If a
double-spending incident occurred during this time gap, the last merchant to

report the transaction would have little recourse to collect on this payment.14

That merchant would then lose the value of the product or services sold. If the
customer had used a credit card and not Bitcoin to commit the fraud, the
business would have had recourse through the credit card company. One way
merchants can attempt to mitigate this risk is by waiting until a full validation
is completed before permitting customers to receive goods or services.
9. Bitcoin Slow Transaction Speed Increases Credit Risk

Credit cards such as Visa and MasterCard have higher upfront charges
for small businesses; however, the transaction speed of the credit card
network is superior to the existing transaction speed of Bitcoin. At point-of-
sale, it still remains faster and more convenient for customers to swipe a card
or input the card number on an internet e-commerce site than it is to use
Bitcoin. The process of copying and pasting an e-coin alphanumeric string
into another program and waiting for the confirmation is cumbersome and
time-consuming. Merchants are also much more accustomed to receiving a
point-of-sale credit card authorization and receipt within seconds of sale.
With Bitcoin, merchants remain exposed if they deliver product or services
before payment confirmation is fully verified.


Although the Bitcoin community has indicated that double-spending events are rare, and controls against it are
strong, merchants still need to be prepared should such fraud be committed.

processed compared to 2,000 transactions on the credit card network.15 If the

number of Bitcoin transactions on the existing network continues to grow,
and if the network is not accordingly scaled up, small businesses accepting
Bitcoin could see transaction time lengthened and payment verification
slowed. Although inconvenient for customers, to mitigate this risk, merchants
may need to have customers wait until a transaction can be completely
BitPay, a virtual currency payment facilitator provides small businesses
with three speed setting to help manage the Bitcoin payment confirmation
process. At the fastest speed, merchants assume total credit risk if they
deliver the product in advance of receiving a completely verified payment
confirmation. For small transactions like candy, coffee and newspapers this
concern may be minimal. For larger transactions, the concern for credit risk
may take precedence over customer inconvenience. This is especially true
before retail customers are allowed to take possession of merchandise or a
product is shipped from an internet-based enterprise.


BItcoin advocates claim that in the future the Bitcoin payment network will be much quicker than the existing
credit card network. However in 2014, transaction processing time for Bitcoin remains much slower as measured
in time to confirmation.

10. Risk of E-Wallet Theft Remains High

Small business owners that decide to accept Bitcoin have to create an e-

wallet, and determine whether to store it on ones own personal computer
hard drive or relying on a third-party vendor such as Blockchain or Coinbase.
Third-party vendors that create and hold e-wallets perform a deposit-type
function. However, unlike banks, these vendors lack regulatory oversight,
minimum capital standards and dont provide consumer protection against
loss or theft. Once created, e-wallets generate a public and private key. Small
businesses need to have strong controls in place around the storage of e-
wallets and of the private key.16 This is particularly important given that
Bitcoin is an anonymous currency that is irreversible once transferred.17
Bitcoin features make it an ideal target for cyber criminals. If an e-wallet is
hacked and coins stolen or transferred by mistake, they are lost forever. If a
computer is infected with a virus, it could wipe out the hard drive and the
stored value of all e-coins.
Relying on third-party vendors also has it drawbacks, as it requires
confidence that adequate controls are in place to minimize the likelihood of


Some businesses to gain maximum control have taken paper copies of private keys and placed them in locked
boxes. E-wallets can also be taken off line. This control technique is called cold storage.
These secrecy features also raise the question of what business need these benefits unless they have
something they want to hide.

service providers to go out of business. This was evidenced by the dramatic

and costly Mt Gox bankruptcy in February 2014. Last month, Flexcoin, a
Bitcoin e-wallet bank, based in Canada also folded after being hit by a
devastating cyber-attack.
a) Forms of Payment
Forms of payment in commerce have evolved over many centuries
including barter, shells, crude metal coins, precious metal coins, leather
money, paper money, wampum, gold, gold-backed dollars, charge plates,
checks, wires, credit cards, debit cards and prepaid cards. Each manifestation
has occurred in response to consumer demand for more convenient ways to
conduct commerce. In the process, businesses have expanded and financially
Virtual currencies, Bitcoin in particular, are being presented as the
newest attempt at payment innovation. Bitcoin promoters claim it is a safer,

faster and cheaper form of payment than existing forms including credit cards.
These claims have yet to be fully proven.

b) Facilitating Commerce
It is widely known that businesses can increase sales by expanding the
availability of customer payment options. Credit cards remain the primary
form of payment used by consumers when entering brick and mortar
businesses or when shopping online. Unlike cash or debit cards, credit cards
facilitate greater purchasing by delivering a fast, short-term loan to
consumers. In a cash only economy, businesses would not sell as many

products or services, and profits would fall. Credit cards also increase impulse
buying. To encourage even greater purchasing, some credit card companies
establish reward programs, enhance product warranties and provide free
loss/damage insurance on products purchased. In addition to credit cards,
PayPal makes it convenient for customers by providing the option of quickly
transferring money from either personal bank accounts or credit cards.18
PayPal has made significant inroads into e-commerce, now representing 18
percent of the market or $315.3 million in daily payment activity.
The cost of processing plastic is higher and small businesses attempt to
manage higher fees especially on smaller purchased items by imposing credit
card minimums or by establishing a cash or credit card price. The average


The predecessor company to PayPal was founded in December 1999. On October 3, 2002, PayPal became a
wholly owned subsidiary of eBay.

the last year, small businesses have also gained greater relief from credit card
fees. Since January 27, 2013, U.S. merchants have been permitted to pass on
to consumers a surcharge when using a credit card. Presently, few merchants
have exercised this right.
Small businesses have also received meaningful fee relief when
accepting debit cards. Since the Dodd Frank Act and with the adoption of the
Durbin Amendment, per-swipe fees have dropped by about 50 percent to 21
cents. This cost savings of an estimated $8 billion per year has been
advantageous to small business.
c) Credit Cards Fees Come With Merchant Benefits
Credit cards have fees but with these fees come services and benefits to
both merchants and customers. Consumers using credit cards are more likely
to spend than those who only have cash. Business owners at point-of-sale
receive instantaneous assurance that a card is valid and its owner has
sufficient funds available to make a purchase. Credit card companies also
work with merchants to reduce the chance of fraudulent purchases.
Consumer sales are increased through the use of loyalty program, enhanced
guarantees and damage insurance. As a financial middleman, credit card

companies also handle dispute resolution, gathering facts from merchants and
customers. The chargeback protection (disputed purchases) also increases the
likelihood of credit card use and thus a greater number of purchases.
d) Evolving Payment Landscape Business Transactions
Currently, two-thirds of all point-of-sales transactions in the U.S. are
completed either with credit, debit or gift cards. A little over twenty-five
percent of sales are completed with cash and this rate is projected to decline
to only 23 percent by 2017.19 Technology continues to make it easier for
merchants to accept credit card transactions as older swipe machines and
dedicated phone lines continue to disappear. Innovative firms such as Square,
WePay and PayPal are making it more convenient to accept plastic or to make
bank account direct transfers.
There is also significant growth in the use of prepaid cards. In 2013,
Starbucks reported that one-third of the companys U.S. sales or $2.5 billion
was conducted through this payment method. Annually, over $65 billion in
U.S. sales is conducted through prepaid cards. This convenient and
inexpensive payment method is projected to double in consumer use in the
next two years.


Javelin Strategy & Research 2012

Internet commerce continues to grow rapidly where the preferred

payment methods are either credit card or the use of PayPal-type services. In
2013, U.S. E-commerce sales increased by 17.22 percent to $380.6 billion
accounting for 6 percent of total sales. Despite this market trend, more than
half (55%) of the nations 27 million small businesses do not accept credit
cards.20 Some businesses argue that credit card-related fees (2 to 3%) or
PayPal fees (2.2 to 2.9%) remain too high, while other small companies prefer
cash over the transparency and reporting requirements associated with the
use of credit cards.
Cash-only businesses also increase the chance for tax under-reporting.
The Internal Revenue Service estimated that under-reporting by small
businesses represents about $140 billion in annual uncollected taxes. It is
also estimated that 56 percent of sole proprietors cash receipts are not
disclosed for tax purposes. Since 2012, the IRS has devoted more resources to
address tax under-reporting by small businesses.21


McClue, TJ., Why Dont More Small Businesses Accept Credit Cards, Forbes, August 16, 2013.
IRS requires payment processors to annually file form 1099-k, a record of system transaction history.


Why Small Businesses Might Utilize Bitcoin?

There are two major reasons why U.S. small businesses might either accept
Bitcoin as payment and/or use it for paying employees, and vendors:
1. Illegitimate Purposes Silk Road, the deep web purveyor of drugs, guns

and prostitution, accepted payment only in Bitcoin. The FBI shutdown

Silk Road in October of 2013. The Silk Road Case elevated public
awareness of Bitcoin as the designer currency of choice for the
criminally-inclined. The anonymous nature of Bitcoin and the fact that
transactions are irreversible, make it an ideal way for criminals to
launder money, buy illicit goods and avoid taxation with little chance of
2. Legitimate Purposes

a. Gain Marketing Exposure Bitcoin has gained increased media

attention. As a result, more small businesses view accepting
Bitcoin as a way to gain market exposure. Posting a sign on a door
front, on a website or gaining local media coverage increases free
advertising and brand awareness. For example, Grass Hill
Alpacas, a Massachusetts lama farm and purveyor of wool socks,

b. Reduce Transaction Costs and Gain New Customers - Bitcoin
represents a new possibly less expensive, private payment form
to sell goods and services and possibly expanding sales by
reaching new customers.
How do Small Businesses Obtain Bitcoin?

There are four legitimate ways businesses can obtain Bitcoin:

1. Buying through an exchange (BTCe) or money transmitter (e.g.,
2. Accepting as a form of payment for goods and services
3. Receiving as a gift
4. Mining coins

To obtain Bitcoin, assuming there is no interest in mining coins, businesses

first have to setup e-wallets, either through third-party vendors (e.g.,
Blockchain) or by storing them on the hard drive of a personal computer,
which then allows for the receiving and sending of coins.

Additional Background
There are over 190 virtual currencies traded in the marketplace totaling
$6.5 billion in stated value. Of these
traded e-currencies, Bitcoin, is the dominant player representing about $6
billion or 92 percent of this total stated value.
In 2009, a programmer by the pseudonym Satoushi Nakamoto22
supposedly designed Bitcoin, a computer generated virtual currency
produced by solving progressively complex mathematical equations.23 The
code-protocol for Bitcoin is open source, allowing it to be easily viewed,
commented on and if a majority of programmers agree, changes are adopted.
In this regard, Bitcoin is very transparent.24 Bitcoin, the pseudo currency and
Bitcoin, the low-cost payment system, are dependent on each other and are
inseparable. Bitcoin is the locomotive while the payment system is the track
that allows it to move back and forth. The Bitcoin infrastructure is
decentralized and based on a peer-to-peer structure. Individuals in a


In March, Newsweek presented facts in an attempt to prove the founder is Dorian S. Nakamoto who currently
lives east of Los Angeles. When confronted by reporters, Mr. Nakamoto denied having any connection with the
creation of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin has not been recognized by any of the G20 countries as meeting the definition of currency as it lacks
price stability and does not provide a stable store of value. As a result it is a speculative virtual commodity with no
tangible value.
The Bitcoin community has argued that this open source unregulated peer-to-peer approach is a strong control
as it allows a large community of computer scientists, software engineers and cryptologists to watch over the
system and insure its integrity.

equations, authenticate e-coins and help keep a general ledger of ongoing

transactions. A continuous blockchain is used and maintained to record
Bitcoin ownership. New transactions are authenticated every ten minutes.
Unlike in credit card transactions, the peer-to-peer network was designed to
eliminate the need for the financial middleman or the associated fees. These
individuals verify transactions and provide the backbone control to ensure
that e-coins are authentic and are not double-spent. As a reward for their
efforts, they earn blocks of e-coins. This process is referred to as mining and
those that do it are called miners. Interestingly, using such terminology also
gives the false impression that something of tangible value is being created
such as gold being mined out of the ground. Some enthusiasts have claimed
that Bitcoin is gold for geeks. Initially, the entry-level barrier to become a
miner was low. Overtime, this barrier has risen and those who are already
mining have a competitive advantage and greater market power.
At first miners were rewarded with 50 coins per block. Initially Bitcoin
prices were in pennies. More recently, a block is equal to 25 coins. The
block/coin ratio will continue to halve as time goes on. It takes approximately
10 minutes to mine a block and approximately 4,000 new e-coins are

generated globally per day. Currently over 12.3 million Bitcoins have been
minted and by year 2140, the 21 million limit will be reached. A preset
quantity limitation creates scarcity which puts upward pressure on price.
This is especially true as long as new investors can be recruited to buy newly
minted e-coins. Although commodity scarcity is dictated by predetermined
rules, it is unclear what mechanism or controls are in place to guarantee that
rules will be followed and that incentives to cheat the system will be
Theoretically, the Bitcoin mining and authenticity process is
decentralized, keeping collusion between miners to a minimum.25 As new e-
coins are minted they are added to the blockchain and when trades occur,
existing e-coins are authenticated against this blockchain. As more Bitcoins
are mined, the blockchain grows longer in complexity and the verification
time increases. In February 2014, a series of cyber-attacks occurred on the
Bitcoin infrastructure, targeting three of the largest exchanges, resulting in
significant trading disruption. While the integrity of the blockchain remained
intact, several third-party vendors were significantly impacted. Mt Gox
eventually filed bankruptcy and the other two largest exchanges, Bitstamp


However, in practice, as prices have skyrocketed, there has been a greater economic incentive for miners to
band together in pursuit of increased profits. As a result, this remains a clear weakness in the Bitcoin

Bitcoin prices suffered.

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