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HE 100

Mavis Camilla C. Li Liao


January 30, 2015

Prof. Gabriel

The 7 Educative Goals and How I Intend to Exhibit Them

The College of Home Economics (CHE) is the only college in the University of the
Philippines that has its own set of core principles the 7 Educative Goals. These ideals were
taught to us in all subjects under CHE ever since freshman year up until graduating year. Never
have I thought of specific ways to apply these goals until now. They have always seemed too
abstract or ideal for the regular student to completely adhere to, but they are goals worthwhile to
The first goal of the college is Love of God. The belief in God and acknowledgment of
His existence is one step closer to achieve ones love for God. Love of God can be exhibited in
endless ways because it is the most encompassing of all the educative goals. If one loves God,
he would do whatever Gods will is for him, and he would be a good steward of his resources.
He would strive to achieve a Christ-like character. It is a goal I know I would never be able to
fully accomplish because I am merely human. I can only aspire to follow the perfect character of
Jesus by being helpful to others when they are in need and to be honest with my day to day
Love of Country is the second educative goal. This objective is very straightforward, and
it entails one to be nationalistic - to have an innate desire to know more about the Philippines in
its past, to stay updated and relevant in its current state of affairs, and to be inclined to give
back to the country. I can express my love for the Philippines by being an active learner in my PI
100 class and by contributing to society through my thesis on heirloom rice from Ifugao.
The Belief in the Integral Role of the Family is the third educative goal. Our families are
involved in our everyday life whether we realize it or not. Whatever they do affects us and vice
versa. Values that are taught and practiced within the family reflects in the society. Hence, it is
important to build solid relationships and teach moral principles first within ones own family.
Being the eldest sister, I can do this by building a healthy relationship with my other siblings and
being a person whom they can exemplify.
The fourth educative goal is Ethical Behavior or behaving in a manner that is considered
acceptable by man. This means that one shouldnt be doing things that may potentially be
harmful to other people, things that intentionally hurt other people, and things that which are
illegal. One must be sensitive also to cultural background as the standard of behaving ethically

differs. I can behave ethically by being a citizen who abides by the rules of traffic, who is
responsible for my actions, and one who does not cut corners with the tasks entrusted to me. I
will not behave ethically only when I am being watched.
The fifth educative goal is Management Mindedness. This is personally one of the most
challenging principles to abide by because it requires one to project far into the future and to
maximize available resources or generate resources in order to attain a larger goal. I am not the
type of person who plans far ahead, but I will commit to using the most out of the remaining time
I have left in the college for thesis and meaningful things Time is my current most valuable
resource because graduation is coming soon.
Pursuit of Excellence is the sixth educative goal. Throughout my stay in UP, I have been
aiming to attain academic excellence through obtaining high grades. The longer Ive stayed in
UP, the more I realized that grades do not equate to excellence. It is merely an indicator of ones
performance in school, and it is long term learning that counts. There were many things that I
could have learned by heart, but instead, I chose to cram and forget the lessons once exams
are done. For this semester, I will strive to study for learning and let the grades follow.
The final educative goal is Social Responsibility. UP students are encouraged to be
involved in the lives of the marginalized and the less fortunate and to be of help to them in
improving their lives. What is attainable this semester is to lend a hand to the outreach program
of Balay 2015 Graduation Committee and to maximize the experience that we will have from the
FLE in HE 100. In these projects, I will strive to learn more about the realities and struggles of
people face everyday, and hopefully as a food technologist in the future, I will be able to address
some issues relating to food.

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