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The Great Transitional Doc


“The Department that shocked AIESEC India through its 5K % growth”

Presented to You.


Rittu J Jacob
VP Development Sector

Phone:- +91 9447720064 Landline :- 0484 2403255

The Malayalees 2009-2010

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
1. Clients [Contacts, Relationship Management]

2. The story begins [Details of Q1]

3. We taste Success [Details of Q2]

4. The sudden Downfall [Details of Q3]

5. The Rise [Details of Q4]

6. The Climax [Summary]

7. Events

8. What to do? What not to do

9. Innovation

10. Processes & Structure [ TN IL, JQ, FRRO, EP Pool, Countries to be Targeted etc]

11. Finance

12. Use of Clasifieds and Wiki’s

13. DT VP’s of AIESEC Kochi

14. International Relations

Dear Members[DT 2010],

Before going on to the details, I need to let you know that , I haven’t had gone
through any transition docs ,because I never got it . I became VP DT in April 09 ,till
then the department head was Nandini, :- .

We were co-vp’s till post JNC and then she had to leave because of some odd
reasons. This doc how ever will give you complete guidance on what happened in
2008 and 2009 so that you may design your strategies to achieve your targets.

“Strategies might differ, but at the end , the result has to reflect your strategies. “

Please go through all minute details ,becasue some of the details have been
provided through research , commission outputs .etc

Contact me anytime for any related matters.

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
Clients & Partners :-

From 2008 :-

Name of organization Contact person Address & Phone no,Email.

Don Bosco Snehabhavan [DT] Fr. Sunny /Fr. Kuriakose Don Bosco Snehabhavan
Fr. Sunny:- +91 9747556676
Fr.Kuriakose:- +91 9747556634
Adarsh Charitable Trust [DT] Ashwin[Administrator] Adarsh Charitable Trust ,
Nilineketan Sir[Head] Near Govt. Ayurveda Collge.
Admin Fee =Rs 2500/- Puthikavu
Ashwin:- +91 9447391730
Nilineketan: +91 9847040139

Eastern Public School [ET] Shaji [Principal]

Shereen Mam[wife of Eastern Public School, Adimaly,
Nawas Meeran, overall Iddukki.
incharge] Shaji :-9447750880
Shereen:- +91 9847030239

IMS Learning Resources Pvt Akshay IMS,

LTD [ET] 7th floor, Niligiri Supermarket.


1298 Ambulance Service[DT] Nijil 9995802338

The Andhyodaya[DT] Peter Thetayil[Executive 9388607010,

Admin Fee= Rs 2000/-
The Andhyodhaya,
MC Road,
Raksha Charitable Society Elizebeth 9387021864
[DT] Free Raise
Raksha Charitable
Panayapilly, On the way to
St. Terasa’s College [ET] No contact

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
From 2009:-

Nehru Peace Jose, Prince , Not Required since

Foundation[DT] Thomson, contract cancelled for
Sacred Heart CMI Public Urmila [Principal]

0484-4044460 (Director)
Opposite to S.H Thevara College.
Janaseva Sisubhavan Jobin [ In charge] 9744570680
Free Raise
Asadeepam Special Mini Mam[ Principal] 9796826549
School[DT] Free Raise Asadeepam,
Kalamaseery[ Via
CPPR[DT] Sreeja [Internship 0484- 64691777

Swanthana [LN] Radha[Head of 9447295640

Rajagiri Outreach [LN]
Green Peace Kochi [LN] Shiju +91 9846656655
0484 6492524
Plan @ Earth [LN] Sooraj Abraham +91 9846144806

Green Dream[LN] Vinu J 9995118995

Wall Street Forex Vinod +91 9388617850

[Currency Exchange Pioneer Towers
Partner] Menaka

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
Details of Respective Clients:-
 Don Bosco Snehabhavan:- AIESEC Kochi was not able to provide them
interns in 2009 , though we had two realization in 2008. One of the reason
for not continuing exchange with them was , not much communication from
both ends.

Positive points :- One of our intern this year worked for two weeks, if
Approached contract can be renewed and exchange is possible.

 Adarsh Charitable Trust :- One of the first clients of AIESEC Kochi,we had
realization for Adarsh from 2007, still in good touch with the people behind
the organization.

Negative points :- Not been able to realize TN-In-IN-KC-2009-104 because

EP’s of such requirements not available.

Positive Point:- The client still has trust on AIESEC Kochi to find them the
right candidate.

 Eastern Public School:- ET Raise still on system, The internship in Eastern

is like working as a full time employee , so make sure the expectation setting
with the intern is like that before matching. The place of work is at least 80
Kms away from Kochi ,chillouts not a posibilty for the intern.

They prefer you a full time English Teacher, so match it for June 2010

 IMS Learning Resources :-Post realization , there has been no-communication

with the client.
Reason :- EP Quality problem, they where kinda not happy with the EP hence
even the communication was broken.

Negative Points :- Loosing the client , due to two reasons :-

EP Quality
They don’t prefer 6 weeks internshipm four weeks .

 1298 :- During the first quarter the organization was interested in having an
intern , though by Q2 they asked to put the form on hold , since they said
they cannot afford an intern

Positive Points : - Will know when they would like to have an intern , good
communication since sharing the same office.

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
 Sacred Heart School:- Couldn’t deliver the forms on time because they
required intern at non-peak time and also rejected sevaral CV’s .

Negative Points :- Less communication between client,

 Janaseva Sisubhavan :- Would provide food and accommodation ,but will

accepts only Male EP’s because it’s a boys home . No chance of any
documents getting signed , hence you need a create a Project around
Janaseva .

 CPPR:- They kinda select people as if they are a big corporate. They
dismissed 7 CV’s straight of which at least 4 where really good. They require
interns for sure but delivery time[time taken to match and realize] would be
more because of the strange selection process.

 Raksha:- They will not provide anything . But a good enough CV with
Psychological Background will be selected always . Three exchanges this year
for the same

 Asadeepam :-Free , but will provide food and accommodation . Two people at
a time can stay at the NGO, the interns trainee house for weekends at Rs
100/ day.

 Wallstreet Forex:-Exchange Money get Rewards, All the money exchanged

through here will be tracked and part of the profit will be given to AIESEC
.New Partnership still under reviews. Make VP Finance Handle it .

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
The story Begins !!!

Details of Q1

Series 1



Series 1

5 3
Raises Matches Realization

 20 Raises from one client.

 Matches include that of ET
 At least 20 appointments [ Mainly ET]
 Appointments lacked Strategy, hence not converted.
 Department meets held every Thursday
 Good no. of turnouts for appointments and Department Meets.
 Two Projects undertaken
 HIV/AIDS Genesis :- Failure ,since OCP backed out
 Cultural: - Failure, since lack of strategy. [2 Raises]

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
We taste Success!!!

Details of Q2

Series 1
35 33



15 Series 1


Raises Matches Realization

 10 Raises from Janaseva

 2 from Sacred Heart School
 NPF and Janaseava Raises converted to Matches
 10 Matches in one Week and in full process
 Janaseva couldn‟t provide us the documents ,hence converted the Invitation
Letters to CEED [ Culture Envoy for Exchange Development ]
 Hectic Reception.
 Standing Ovation at JNC [I missed it ].

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
The Sudden Downfall

Details of Q3

Series 1


Series 1

Raises Matches Realization

 Less no. of Raises.

 Four Members in Department
 VP Backed out at the wrong time [Post JNC]
 My self not confident of Raising , but could find 8 Raises [3 from existing client
and 5 from Asadeepam]
 After 7 months into year, a member gets a match.
 Realization for Janaseva and existing clients
 Less no. of appointments
 Janaseva Reception the most hectic, FRRO registration is Aluva SP office and
Athani Police Station.

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
The Rise

Details of Q4

Series 1

20 18


Series 1

Raise Matches Realization

 20 Raises from Projects

 1 from existing client another from CPPR
 16 Project forms matched, Two Asadeepam.
 Matches from Members.
 Events planned
 Projects timeline shifted in order to capitalize December Pool.
 Expense of at least Rs 50,000/- to be incurred as part of the PBox
 Don‟t offer free accommodation next time.
 OCP‟s present, but no OC Team in place.

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
The climax


Targets Vs Achievement


52 53



30 Achieved



Realization Matches Raises

 Targets was revised from 35 to 50

 ET Target was never met.[20]
 Bulk Raises attributed to growth , we were lucky  ,but we matched 
 Realization 43 as of now, but Projections would take it to 52.

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:


 Planned for 500 children, 100 children as of now.

 Fund Raising started late, ER cell proving ineffective
 OCP BKK not in place
 OCP Footprints in charge
 Planning and Execution at very short time.
 Date shifted at least twice, chances of one more shift due to strike

Global Village:-

 Along with BKK, a good strategy mainly for ER

 Good no. of Representatives from various countries
 Less marketing for the event.

CPPR Cycle Rally:-

 Two members from DT worked for CPPR

 Less participation from LC
 A good event pulled off
 Logo of AIESEC used

Flash Mob:-

 Organizer of Flash Mob along with Green Dream[The initiator]

 Good break at Oberon Mall, not used
 Good online response for the event.

Green Peace Walkathon:-

 Interns and AIESEC‟ers participated

 Video on YouTube
 Less participation as a whole

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
 Have appointments in the month of January ,Feb and March
 Concentrate on ET appointments
 Manage clients ,EP‟s
 Split a team for Adhoc and PBox
 Have a two PBox of 5 TN‟s in the month of April May June [6
weeks , April to May , May to June ]
 Look to raise from Kottayam if accommodation provided.
[Appointments in April ]
 Have a Pipeline in place for 2011 [Q1]. At least 10 Realization for
2011 should be matched in 2010 December.
 Have a department budget prepared before Natcong
 In case of Projects and free raises , ask for pick up rates from EP
 Divide work effectively.

 Lessen the no. of free raises, especially free bulk raises.

 Do not have random PBox‟es
 Do not commit more than 20 hours for AIESEC in a week
 Do not go for continuous pick ups
 Do not have EPs from one country for the same the client at the
same time.
 Do not spend unnecessary time with the interns.
 Do not have one member doing all the things.
 Do not disclose unnecessary things about AIESEC to any one
outside AIESEC.[E.g.:- Alcohol @ Conferences etc]

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:

Did you understand anything?

Innovation should come from

you, not me!!!
AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
Process and Structure:-

1. TN Invitation letter: - Please find the attached doc for templates

2. TN Acceptance Note: - -do-
3. Reception Package: - -do-
4. Minimum Deliveries: - do-
5. Trainee Contract: - Have a Trainee contract signed as soon as the intern is
physically present in the city. Templates attached [From AIESEC Mumbai]
6. DT Proposal: - Attached
7. ET Proposal: - Attached
8. Job Questionnaire[DT]: - Attached
9. Job Questionnaire[ET]:- Attached
10. Voucher: - Attached
11. Concept Notes:-Footprints [Attached]
12. The Green Impact[Attached]
13. SCB Docs :- Attached [Folder]
14. Audits [ JNC and NSC][Folder]
15. Registration Certificate [Clients and AIESEC India]
16. NSC Output [Folder]
17. Project [Folder]
18. International contacts: - Attached.
19. AIESEC Kochi Letter Head. Attached.


According to Indian Foreign Act, it is mandatory that you submit “C” form of an intern in
SP office and local police station with in 24 hours of arrival. Please keep the register in
AIESEC office always and copies of an Interns Passport and Indian Visa.

If an intern has a VISA valid for more than 6 months, a registration of certificate is
required and the fees for the same should be incurred from the EP.

Trainee Houses:-

 Make sure Trainee stays at the intern house assigned till the period of internship
 Collect Rent on every 30th of the month [Assign one person from the department
in charge of Trainee Flats]

Quality Issue:-
 In case of any quality problems , deal it at the point of arrival, make sure it
doesn‟t spread widely
 If in case of mails from the intern LC arrives deal it soon before it reaches MC
 Have one person from each department in charge of Quality.
AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
SCB HIV/AIDS Project:-

 Ideally have 15 interns for the Project

 Impact 15,000/- students or people
 Take their names and signature and contact details
 Take a large no. of photos, video if possible.
 Approach KSACS in TVM and raise at least Rs 40,000/- to cover the initials
expenses involved.
 For every student or person you impact, you will be paid Rs 10/person
 Have a lot of Learning Partners and educational institutes for sponsorship

Artemisia Internship:-
 If you can find an organization facilitating social entrepreneurship[Micro finance
etc], report it to the Indian MC
 Julie, coordinator of Artemisia will come to your city provided you invite her and
she will do the appointment along with one of you.
 Have a list of 5 in a span of 100 Kms before she arrives ,but don‟t approach them
 For each Artemisia internship our LC would get 300 US Dollars out of which
some amount need to spared for accommodation and stipend but you can expect
some where around 50 USD as savings . The more no. of Artemisia internships,
the more you earn.

 Have at least projects apart from HIV/AIDS which can provide you at least 25 X
 Have different issues for the project, one based on Local
 Make sure one project doesn‟t have more than 5 X
 If you have 2 people who can give time for PBox have one major consisting of 10
 Do not provide accommodation if you haven‟t raised any money.
 Have a PBox at Janaseva during April mid to May End. [ Get 5 male EP‟s from 3
different countries]
 If raising from Kottayam, do a Pbox hence matching time would be less since you
are matching, but quality of the EP should be ensured, use selection process such
as Skype interview, give a scanned copy of the EP‟s great achievement etc.
 Try not to have a lot of Chinese, but have them.

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
Peek Realization Periods:-

Expected Realization in India DT 2010



1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr


 Realization figures from MC India after confirmations from country partnership

 Expect a whopping 2500 Realization in India 2010 just for DT
 Capitalize on countries with more no. of X

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
AIESEC Kochi Realized X

Realization with Different Countries

1 1 1 2
1 Canada
1 2
1 China
1 Georgia
2 Greece
1 11

2 Indonesia

1 Nigeria
10 Serbia

3 Singapore
1 Thailand
1 4
United States

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
Countries to Look forward for exchanges:-

1. China [ July ,August, Jan, Feb]

2. Poland [July, August]
3. Colombia [November, December]
4. Japan [February, June, July]
5. Taiwan[ July, August]
6. Turkey[ July, August]
7. Indonesia[ June]
8. Kazakhstan[June]
9. Germany [ They have EP’s all round the clock]
10. Russia[May]
11. Hong Kong [We have a CEED’er ]
12. Malaysia. [June, July, November]
13. Ukraine[May, June]
14. US[ June, Match with care, ET]
15. Canada [ June ,Look for ET ]

Finance Structure:-

Raise Reckon

DT :- Rs 2000/- Rs 500/-
ET: - Rs 4000/- Rs 2000/-

*For Adarsh Charitable Trust we take Rs 2500/- as Admin fee for one realization, since
this was as per the old structure.

Match with fear:-

If you are Matching Chinese interns you will have to courier the Invitation Letter, which
will cost you Rs 1,100/-

They will pay once they are in town. But the risk factor is high in case of a match break.

Collect taxi fares for each free raises and projects. Will minimize cost. I would suggest
you to take taxi rates from all DT, leave ET, ET brings in some amount, but you need to

AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:
Classifieds and Wiki:-

Get Creative, Get wild, post some super quotes, posters and get matches using these
features in

Get your „C‟ to have wiki‟s on DT regularly updated.

Matching Mania: - Get all X department together and have a Matching Mania for

DT VP’s of AIESEC Kochi

VP DT in 2007:- Kunal Sharma: - Phone: - +91 9742338201

VP DT in 2008:- Manal: -, Phone: - +91 9900172659
VP DT in 2009 :- Nandini :- , Phone :-+91 9746495258

International Relation spreadsheet file is attached. Go through it.

Please make use of DAAL files; you will know which country and which LC has grown
in the past year and whether they have done X with India. Downloadable @

Make use of too 

“This is not the end,

This is the beginning of
100 Exchanges next year “


AIESEC Kochi, Door No. G3 & H4,The Esplanade, Convent Jn. , Kochi-682011, Kerala, India
Phone: +91 484 6001302, Web:

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