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Erapasha Garry


Department of English Literature

Faculty of Culture Studies
University of Brawijaya

Translation is a part of the diversities from the languages that exist in the world. If there is
no language, there is nothing to translate. So, it has important function and role for us as a social
creature. Human needs language in order to communicate with the other human or social creature.
But, we live in a place that has plenty of Countries, provinces, even cities. That is why language
itself has so many variation because of that differences. Thus, differences is not always interpreted
as a negative thing it could be bring us positive effect such as we able to know the culture, customs,
and even language of the others who are live in different place from us. And so do Translation, I
think it is a product of our diversities. Let us take a look from the experts what they said about the
Translation. Firstly comes from Nida and Taber, both of us asserts that Translation consists in
reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in
terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
Secondly, theory from Newmark, he said that translation is a craft consistiong in the
attempt to replace a written message and statement in one language by the same message or
statement in another language. Those are two theories that came from two different experts, it can
be conclude that Translation is a system of a language which is involving two or more different
language, one of them should be a source language and the rest is the Target language. Target
language should adjust the meaning from a Source language. Translation is very useful, not only to
translating words or sentences, it is very multi-function. Here are some products of translation,
there are novels, magazines, Bible, webpage, and others. Translation also has parameters in order
to decide is it a good translation or not. There are process of translation, types and methods of
translation, translation procedures, and others.
Here, in this opportunity I am going to analyze what are the methods and procedures used in
a translated novel entitled Harry Potter and Pangeran Berdarah Campuran based on the original
novel Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. This novel was created by J.K Rowling and then
translated by Listiana Srisanti. The translated version was published on January 2006 and consist of
816 pages. Now, lets find out what are the Methods and Procedures used in Listianas translation

Here is the very first analysis in first sentence of this novel, the method is Communicative
Translation because the writer did not provide the literal meaning of slipping which mean is
menyelip in Indonesian instead of yang lewat begitu saja. For the Procedure, the translator used
Cultural Equivalent procedure, because the translator perhaps did not really concern to the SL
culture that is Prime Minister which translated into Perdana Menteri in TL, it probably is not the
common term in SL culture. In second sentence, the method is Literal Translation, why so because
the translator translate SL literally and without considering the context and it sounds awkward. The
word between in SL should be translated become sambil in TL not diantara that makes the TL
sounds strange. Procedure in this sentence is Synonymy, because the translator use the near TL
equivalent word to the SL that is wretched man which translated become orang sialan, wretched
itself also has meaning as tidak enak badan but the translator used it to give another meaning.
In this third sentence, translator used Method called Communicative Translation because
sentence in TL dis not translated literally and also translator attempts to render the exact contextual
meaning of the original. Next is forth sentence that used Faithful Translation, lawan politik yang
satu ini telah muncul pada berita hari itu, in my opinion the meaning is transferred well but sounds
awkward and get a lack in term of grammar. Also there is Literal Translation, because each in SL
translated become masing-masing I think that is a bit out of context, it would be more proper to
the context if each translated become tiap-tiap. Fifth sentence is a Communicative one, the
reason is the phrase in SL at the very thought was translated in TL become mengingat, it shows
that translator provided the exact or the closest meaning to the context of SL not the literal meaning,
and its called Communicative Translation.
The method used in sixth sentence is Semantic Translation, because phrase in SL How on
earth is translated into bagaimana mungkin, not in literal meaning considering the context. Still
in this sentence, the procedure is Shift or Transposition the word bridges is plural in SL but when
translated into TL it become jembatan that is a singular form, that is one type of Shift or
Transposition which is concerning in singular and plural form. According to the seventh sentence,
Communicative Translation is the method here, because the translator is adjusting some words to be
sound more natural when it already translated, it means translator did not use any literal meaning in
this sentence. Shift or Transposition proceduew was applied in this sentence the experts in SL is
plural, form but changed to singular that is para ahli in TL.

The Method translator take in this eight sentence is Faithful: kurangnya polisilah penyebab
kedua pembunuhan sangat mengerikan yang dipublikasikan secara meluas? this sentence in TL
shows that the meaning is nicely transferred, but from the aspect of grammar it is still not good
enough, the correction could be this kurangnya polisilah penyebab terjadinya kedua
pembunuhan. From 17 Procedures of Translation, I found this sentence used Synonymy in
translating from SL those two key words are : freak and people those are translated in TL become
ajaib and jiwa, well actually those are not the common meaning most of people know, but the
translator use the near TL equivalent word to a SL. Ninth sentence is linked to Faithful Translation,
the readers will experience a bit of confusion because the grammar from TL is still sound strange
when we read it although every single words in this sentence is translated well. No one procedure
found and match to this sentence.
I think, Tenth sentence is considered as Communicative Translation, in that sentence each
word translated correctly and also proper in case of grammar, it makes the context in SL is
successfully delivered in TL. Eleventh sentence has different method from the previous sentence, it
takes Word-for-word Translation, Dan celakanya, ini betul sekali is translated singly from the
original text or SL. The another possibility to change that sentence maybe like this Dan celakanya,
ini sunguh-sungguh terjadi, it could be more appropriate and better in case of context. The method
in twelve sentence is Communicative Translation, every single word translated according to the
context and still understandable toward the readers, for example the phrase all this chilly mist is
transled in TL become banyak kabut dingin it showed translator attempts to convey the exact
meaning from SL.
For the next sentence, the thirteenth sentence, the possibly method is Semantic Translation, there is
a phrase in SL to prove gave it up as a bad job while in TL changed become Lalu menyerah this
showed that the translator used the intuitive empathy with the original text or SL and did not
translated SL literally considering the context. Procedure that used here is Modulation, taken from
the same phrase, the reason why it considered as Modulation because it changes the viewpoint or
perspective of the readers. Communicative is positively used in this sentence, fourteenth sentence,
all the words there are translated straight to the context, not in literal way.
In fifteenth sentence, the translator take the Faithful Translation and Literal Translation,
because words firmly closed become yang sekarang tertutup rapat although it has translated well

but in case of grammar is not correct enough then it belongs to Faithful Translation. Also, why the
sentence called Literal Translation? Its because the word unseasonable chill was translated
become hawa dingin yang aneh, perhaps it would be better if that phrase translated become hawa
dingin yang tidak biasa. The existing procedure according to this sentence is Synonymy, the word
handsome is translated into TL become bagus although the word handsome itself used to
describe a good look of someones physical specifically man, but the translator used it to express in
another way.
Sixteenth sentence used Faithful Translation, the reason is because memandang kabut yang
berkumpul dan menekan jendela was translated correctly but the grammar is looks messy maybe
menekan jendela could be replace into menghempas jendela to make it more acceptable. The
seventeenth sentence looks like related to Communicative Translation and Literal Translation, it is
because some words are translated correctly and translator adjust it to be sounds good or natural,
but there is also a couple of words or phrase which translated literally without take a look on the
context soft cough become batuk pelan, in order to make it finer in context it should translated
suara batuk yang pelan.
In eighteenth sentence, there is a semantic meaning nose to nose that translated become
hidungnya menempel, not literally considering the context, if translated literally it should become
hidung ke hidung thats why it called Semantic Translation. The procedure of that sentence is
Modulation, because the translator reproduces the message of the original text in the target language
text which is changing the viewpoint or perspective of the readers. Nineteenth sentence is belonging
to Faithful Translation, the reason is each word in that sentence is translated well but it still sound
strange in term of grammatical structure in the Target Language, the closest correction maybe if the
TL become Dia mengenali suara batuk itu. Twentieth sentence is a Faithful Translation, by reason
of constraints of the grammatical structures in phrase daripada yang dirasakannya, the correct
translated TL could be like this one daripada yang ia rasakan. For the analysis of procedure this
sentence belonging to Transference, in SL the word hello was adjusted by translator into halo in
Target Language.
21st sentence is a kind of Word-for-word Translation, TL grammatical did not changed and
some words there were translated singly, here the evidence membiarkan dirinya dikuasai harapan
mustahil. Faithful Translation was obviously used in 22nd sentence, here are some words in TL

sounds suara yang garing dan tegas yang kedengarannya seperti membaca pernyataan tertulis over
and over again the translator did the same things, she did it well in translating the text, but not in case
of grammar. That awkward sentence perhaps could be replace into Suara yang terdengar garing dan
jelas . Same as with the previous sentence, 23rd sentence again used Faithful Translation, the
contextual meaning is precisely translated, but constraints the grammatical structures. The translator
had delivered the exact contextual meaning in 24th sentence,for example Urgent we meet in SL is
nicely translated into SL become Perlu sekali kita untuk bertemu.
For the next sentence (25th), translator applied the Literal Translation, because it the word
inquiringly was translated literally into dengan ingin tahu that is not considering the context, it
would be better if it change into dengan penasaran. At the 26th sentence, that is a Free Translation,
it is because the translator reproduce the matter without the manner, or the content without the form
original, mencelos itself is not exist in KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) so the reader
unable to get the meaning. Modulation is the procedure the translator used, because the viewpoint
or perspective was changed and different between Source Language and Target Language, if the
sentence The Prime Ministers heart sank translated literally it should be Hati Perdana Menteri
tenggelam but the translator provide another meaning Hati Perdana Menteri mencelos that more
acceptable and has different perspective with the SL.
27th sentence used Communicative Translation, according to the SL there are some words
burst into life in the empty grate and translated to TL become mendadak berkobar di
perapiannya its not translated literally, instead the translator adjust it to be sound natural in TL.
Procedure in this sentence is Transference, because the word relaxed in SL was adjusted by the
translator in TL become rileks, the alphabets was adjusted and becomes a loan word. This 28th
sentence, two method were used, those are Communicative and Free Translation. Why
communicative? Because, the words betray a flicker of surprise or alarm here did not translated
literally, this is what in TL sounds berusaha tidak menunjukkan keterkejutan ataupun ketakutan,
so it could be more acceptable and comprehensible by the readers. Not only Communicative, here
also occur a Literal Translation, the word in SL spinning was changed into TL become
berpusing, it shows the translator did not applied well manner in translating also the word
berpusing is still sounds strange to Indonesian, probably what the translator want to convey is
berputar. In this sentence, procedure that used is Synonymy, the translator provided some words

betray and alarm to express another meaning instead of common meaning that most of people
knew, those three words or vocabularies were represented to another meaning in TL menunjukkan
and ketakutan whereas most of people know it as menghianati and jam weker.
What method the translator used in 29th is a Communicative Translation, the factor is
almost the whole words in that sentence did not literally translated, so the translated sentence in
TL sound natural and not strange to the readership. For example, the words he had climbed out
is transferred become dia melompat keluar, she did not provide any literal meaning. The
considered procedure in this sentence is Transference, a word as evidence is Lime become
Limau in Target Language. Another procedure is Recognized, the word is Bowler Hat become
Topi Bowler when transferred to Target Language. 30th and 31st sentence used Communicative
Translation, no one of the whole sentence in TL translated in literal meaning. The 32nd sentence
is applying Faithful Translation, based on this sentence : Kemunculannya sendiri sudah
menakutkan" the meaning from SL maybe almost translated well but the appearance of grammar
still unnatural, the word menakutkan could be replaced with menggegerkan that more
consistent to the context. The applied procedure concerned to this sentence is Synonymy, there is
a word that has common meaning to some people, but translator used it in order to deliver
another meaning in TL, the word is alarming in TL become menakutkan/menggegerkan.
According to a word in 33rd sentence, it used Semantic Translation the word is Carewon
translated become kelelahan in TL which is probably not literally translated considering the
context. In the next sentence, translator used the Communicative one based on the SL and TL.
Translator transferred the word from SL to TL properly for example, and it never boded well
was translated become dan ini tidak pernah menjadi tanda yang baik it shows that the
translator adjust some words to be sound natural in TL. For the procedure, it belongs to
Transference, the word Politicians in SL was translated into Politikus in TL the translator
only adjust the alphabetical from the SL. Next is 35th sentence that used Faithful Translation,
because some words were translated well but it doesnt work well in case of grammar, the words
are the hardest of the chair in SL become kursi yang paling keras in TL, it explain enough
why this sentence categorized as Faithful Translation. At 36th sentence is Communicative
Translation because the phrase What a week , what a week was translated into minggu yang
gila, minggu yang gila in TL it shows that the translator did not translate the SL literally.

Procedure on that sentence is recognized, the indicator keyword is bowler hat in SL but has no
change in TL still Topi bowler.
Next sentence is also Semantic Translation, the reason because there is a phrase in SL he
had quite enough on his plate already without any extra helpings from Fudge was translated into
dia sudah menyiratkan bahwa masalahnya sendiri sudah banyak, tanpa perlu ditambahi masalah
Fudge it indicates that some words were translated properly and comprehensible enough to the
reader. A procedure used in this sentence is Modulation, why so? Because, there is a phrase in SL
he had quite enough on his plate which translated in SL become dia sudah menyiratkan
bahwa masalahnya sendiri it changes the point of view of the reader. In 38th sentence
translator used Communicative Translation because it render the closest contextual meaning.,
and also Semantic Translation a word that emphasize in SL is fixed but in TL become
memandang, translator has good interpretation in TL. Method in 39th as same as the previous
sentence that is Communicative Translation which has same reason. The analysis in next
sentence it belongs to Free translation words it had been like this is change to situasinya
selalu seperti ini the translator is good enough in conveying the contextual meaning but in this
sentence she looks translate sentence in SL without the manner or from the original content that
probably confusing the reader.

41st sentence is categorized as Communicative Translation, some words were translated

well but it also has Faithful Translation where also there are also some words that translated
without considering the context that is when he heard become ketika didengarnya in the
Target Language. In 42nd sentence it included to Literal Translation because there is a phrase in
SL when a self-proclaimed wizard which translated literally without considering the context
become ketika ada orang yang menyatakan diri sebagai penyihir it would be more acceptable if
self-proclaimed translated become mengaku. Next sentence is belonging to Literal Translation
with the reason, phrase still living in secret in SL was a bit carelessly translated into tinggal
secara rahasia in TL whereas the word secret itself has another meaning that is diam-diam
which I think more proper to be applied on that sentence. And the procedure from this sentence is
Shift or Transposition the word witches in SL is plural but become singular in TL that is Para

44th sentence is considered as Faithful Translation, well because phrase in SL that

encompassed everything from regulations was changed to mencakup segala sesuatu dari
pengaturan the whole phrase was translated well but still lack in grammar. The word
population become populasi in TL in this sentence show that it used Transference procedure,
the translator only adjust the alphabet. On 45th sentence the translator applied Semantic
Translation it is because a phrase still dumbstruck was translated to masih kaget, not literally
considering the context of the sentence. While the procedure used was Synonymy, the same word
dumbstruck that translated into kaget the translator use the near TL equivalent word to a SL.
Same as the previous, the method in 46th sentence use is also Semantic Translation, here the
analysis: words its odds-on was translated to ada kemungkinan, the translator transferred it
not literally toward the context. The procedure is also the same, it used Synonymy, the translator
take the nearest TL equivalent word to a SL.
Different from the last two sentence, 47th sentence belongings to Communicative
Translation. The translator did not seize the literal meaning in translating theres something
really serious going on our end, she translated in TL become jika ada sesuatu yang benar-benar
serius terjadi di tempat kami thats why that sentence called as Communicative. For the
procedure, this sentence positively used Recognized, the word Muggles still has same
translation in TL that is Muggle the translator uses the generally accepted translation of any
institutional term. 48th sentence was considered as Communicative Translation by the phrase
youre taking it a lot better which translated to kamu menerima ini jauh lebih baik translator
adjust the word taking into menerima instead of mengambil. The next sentence is also a
Communicative, translator provide another meaning of planned that is dikirim which has the
exact contextual meaning and comprehensible by the reader. Procedure that applied by translator
is Synonymy, as a proof word hoaxdefined as olok-olokwhilst hoax has another meaning in
Indonesia that is cerita bohong.

Then on 50th sentence, again Communicative was involved by the reason a phrase at this
in SL transferred in TL become Mendengar ini that is a very distant meaning but the translator
tried render the neares contextual meaning. For 51st sentence it inclined to Faithful Translation,

the whole sentence is perfectly translated, however there is still a lack in grammar in this citation
sentence watching his teacup chewing become mengawasi cangkirnya mengunyah-ngunyah.
To make it more appropriate, translator may change into this mengawasi cangkirnya yang
mengunyah-ngunyah. What kind method on 52nd use? It is Communicative and Literal
Translation. The reason is same as the other sentence, it does not translate in literal way but try to
deliver the nearest context to a SL. Literal Translation is the second method, within a reason is
phrase best way to maintain secrecy interpreted or translated into cara terbaik untuk menjaga
rahasia the SL was translated without considering the context. In the 53rd sentence, the method
used is Literal Translation because of the word bleated was translated into mengembik, it
sounds awkward to read.
Communicative Translation was used by the translator on 54th sentence, the phrase wear
off was nicely translated into memudar which is not translated literally but pay attention to the
context. So do on 55th sentence, Communicative Translation was considered to use. The reason is
brought on changed by the translator become disebabkan oleh, but not the whole sentence is
Communicative, there is also Literal Translation. The word that indicate is grueling which was
translated to SL become meletihkan, actually the meaning is not an error it is the true meaning,
but if we considering the context it is still incorrect enough, it should be melelahkan which is
more appropriate. The procedure of this sentence is Synonymy and the word as a prove is
grueling which translated to meletihkan it indicates translator use near TL equivalent word to
a SL. The translator applied Faithful Translation on 56th sentence, part of that sentence rid
himself of all reminders of this uncomfortable encounter changed or translated become
menyingkirkan semua yang mengingatkannya akan pertemuan yang membuat tidak nyaman
ini every single word was translated well but sounds strange in case of grammar. Secondly is
Literal Translation the signal phrase is announced Fudges arrival which turn into
mengumumkan kedatangan Fudge, the word mengumumkan was literally translated from SL
it would be better if it change to memberitahukan. Synonymy is the procedure upon this
sentence, word vain that become sia-sia indicates the translator search over to get the near TL
equivalent word to a SL.
Now going to the analysis of 57th sentence which is obviously used Communicative
Translation: had proved impossible to remove was turn into tak mungkin dipindahkan, that

transform indicates the translator did not interpreted the words in a SL literally, she still watching
the contextual meaning. 58th sentence, the translator take the Semantic Translation method, in
consideration the word prise was translated into mencopot not literally based on the context.
Couplet Procedure was belongings to this sentence those are : Shift or Transposition and
Synonymy. The exact evidences are the word carpenters is a plural that turn into a single word
beberapa tukang kayu. And then, the word prise that should be menghadiahkan in Indonesia
but translate to another meaning mencopot it signs as a synonymy. 59th sentence was included
to Communicative Translation method, the analysis is : simply resolved to hope converted to
hanya berharap it is not literally translated, translator keep straight to the context. Translator
take Communicative Translation as used in 60th sentence, Occasionally he could have sworn
was translated precisely to the context in TL become Kadang kadang dia yakin sekali. The
procedure applied is Transference and the signal word is canvas that only adjust the alphabet to
kanvas in Target Language.
On 61st sentence there are words which has implicit meaning playing tricks and
converted to TL become mempermainkannya that is why the sentence concluded as Semantic
Translation. Translator attempted provide an aesthetic value from the source language. Procedure
which decided to apply is Modulation, with the same words Playing tricks that able to change
the point of view to reader, but translator eager to search a nearest context meaning of those
words. Again on 62nd sentence use the Literal Translation the word announced is translated to
mengumumkan which is not straight to the context, it should memberitahukan that is more
natural to read. Next is the analysis of 63rd sentence which the translation is highly clear,
translator did it well in translating Who had burst out of the fireplace to Muncul begitu saja
dari perapian. She was considering the contextual meaning. Well, on 64th sentence it is a
Faithful Translation was used to transferring some words to TL. The prove is I had to come to
you which a bit carelessly translated to saya harus dating kepada anda, actually it is not
wrong but the problem is on the grammar that sounds a little strange. Contrast with 65th sentence
which was categorized as Literal Translation. Because there are some words that literally
translated and potentially make the reader cant get the contextual meaning, the word as evidence
is He had gazed hopelessly at the Prime Minister in TL turn into Dia menatap Perdana
Menteri tanpa harapan. The word hopelessly perhaps is not natural enough if translated to
tanpa harapan, it still sound awkward to the reader.

Move to 66th sentence, here the sentence was correctly transferred to TL. But there is also
lack in TL sound like this dua gelas penuh cairan kekuningan dari udara kosong from the SL
conjured two large glasses full of amber liquid out of thin air. Dari udara kosong that make
this sentence become imperfect, it sounds awkward to consumer or reader. I think method in 67th
sentence is divided into two Communicative and Free Translation. First analysis is from the
Communicative, the phrase to explain : wrote it instead on a piece of parchment was translated
straight to the context become alih-alih menyebutnya dia menuliskannya pada secarik
perkamen it is not literally translated. Secondly is Free Translation, the word disorongkan
from the SL thrust is not exist in Indonesian dictionary, so in my opinion the translator
reproduce the matter without the manner.
In this sentence, Transference procedure was used by the translator. As a prove, the word
parchment converted to TL become perkamen, translator adjust the alphabet in SL. At 68th
sentence there is a part why it called as Communicative Translation, the phrase : He-Who-MustNot-Be-Named! transferred in TL Dia yang Namanya Tak Boleh Disebut!. Because the
translator convey the precise contextual meaning. Next analysis is come from 69th sentence
which considered as Semantic Translation, it is because Harassed-looking in SL has a meaning
in TL as terlihat kacau. Although harassed has a meaning as menggoda in Indonesia, it show
us that the translator has great desire to get the aesthetic value according to SL. Next is the
analysis from 70th sentence, again the method of translation used here was Communicative
Translation. The Prime Minister had hoped beyond hope would be a strange if it literally
translated, but the translator did it almost precise toward the context she translated become
Perdana Menteri sungguh berharap that is one of the reason why it called a Communicative
Translation. Then the applied procedure was Shift Or Transposition with the explanation: both
words dragons and sphinxes are plural but then in TL its becoming singular only naga dan

After I have analyzed that translated novel, I can conclude that the translator
predominantly used Communicative Translation Method. But, not many procedure I found from
this novel. Some procedure which often appears are Transference, Synonymy, Shift or

Transposition, Modulation, and recognized. In my opinion, overall this translated novel is nice,
its quite understandable. The translator did well in transferring almost the whole content of it.
Although there are still some minus specifically some words that I never know and also a bit of
grammatical error. But, it is normally happen to someone who are translating language which is
not the mother language of them.
Translating language is not easy as we imagine, we need to mastering first the source
language that we want to translate. However, it is not an obstacle for us to learn translation.
There are so much benefits if we learn more about the translation. We able to know uniqueness
of languages that we are going to translate, we can communicate to people who belongs to that
language, we also can learn the others culture probably through translating novels. Trace back to
the fundamental reason of a translation, if there is no language, there is nothing to translate. So,
actually both language and translation are interconnected. We need language to speak with
others, and we need translation when we speak with others that have different language with us.
Further commentaries about the novel, this is a good translated novel to read. Because,
the translator quite mastering several words that pretty difficult to translate. And she attempts to
adjust her skill of translation toward the reader that going to read her novel. That is why the most
methods used is Communicative. What I can learn from this analysis, I have to improve my
English because it is very important if I want translating at least a sentence or even a novel like
this. So, my translation could be communicative to the addressee or the reader.

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