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Reference Sheet: Storyboard That

This reference sheet will lead you through the process of creating a storyboard on Storyboard
That and submitting it to TaskStream. You are encouraged to use Storyboard That to create a
storyboard or outline for your UDL Book.
Step 1. Visit to get started and then click on the
Create a Storyboard button.

Step 2. Pick a scene (background) by clicking on the Scenes tab and then choosing the appropriate
setting, such as School, Work, etc. When you nd one that you like, drag it into the
panel you are working with.

Step 3. Add a character by clicking on the Characters tab and select a character set (Basics,
Modern, Jobs, etc.). When you nd the character you want, drag it to the panel. You have
the option of changing colors on your character by clicking on the options.

Step 4. Add text by clicking on the Textables tab and then select a type of Textables you would
like. When you nd the one you want, drag it to your panel. You can resize it by dragging
the corners of the boxes. Add text by clicking in the text box in the options area. You can
select from the list of fonts.

Step 5.1. At a certain point, you are going to save your storyboard. Click on the Save button,
and you will be asked if you have an account ( I have an Account ) or if you are a new user
( I'm a New User ). Since you are a new user, click on I'm a New User .

Step 5.2. Fill out the boxes with a username, your email address, and a password (that you will
remember). Make sure you check the box next to I have read and understand. When
you are ready, click on the Register For Storyboard That button.

Step 5.3. Now give your storyboard a title and a short description by lling in the appropriate
boxes. When you are ready, click on the Save button.

Step 5.4. You will be taken to the storyboard's Dashboard page. Return back to editing your
storyboard by clicking on the Edit button.

Step 6.1. If you need more than 3 panels (3 columns by 1 row), click on the Add Cells button.

Step 6.2. Because this is a free account, your only options are 3x1 or 3x2. To add more cells, click
on the 3 x 2 box and then on the Change Layout button.

Step 7.1. When you are ready to submit your storyboard, return to the Dashboard by clicking
the Save & Exit button. On the Dashboard, nd and click the < > Embed button.

Step 7.2. Find the big long link under the Large Image heading. Highlight it by selecting it with
your mouse cursor and then copy it by pressing [Ctrl]-[C] (or [Cmd]-[C] on a Mac) or by
clicking on the link with the right mouse button and selecting Copy.

Step 8. Log in to TaskStream and enter our class. Find the UDL Book Storyboard link and click
on it.

Step 9. Click on the only option available, Text & Image .

Step 10. Before doing anything else, click on the Add Image button ( ) in the editing bar.

Step 11.1. In the editing box that pops up, paste ( [Ctrl]-[V], [Cmd]-[V], or right-click and
Paste from the menu) the address for your storyboard into the URL box. Press [Tab] to
move to the next input box, and you should see your storyboard in the Preview area. When
you are satised, click on the OK button.

Step 11.2. When you see the editing screen again, you should see your storyboard in it. When
you are ready, click Save and Return button.
Step 12. Remember that you are not fully done until you have completely submitted your work. A
reminder will pop up to let you know that you have not yet submitted your work: go ahead
and click on the OK button. When you are ready to submit, then click on the Submit Work

Step 13. Another reminder will pop up. If you are absolutely certain that you are ready, go
ahead and click on the Yes - Submit My Work button.
Step 14. A conrmation will pop up to let you know that your work has been submitted. That's
it! You have successfully completed your Storyboard That storyboard.

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